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Page 7

by R C Knight

  “You have no right…” Michael’s wings released from his back, their holy light blinding Zane. “Think before you speak, human. Another outburst like that and I will end you.”

  Zane shook his head, undisturbed by Michael’s display of power. “I’m done. Give Aria the information we need, you and I no longer need to speak to finish this mission.” He turned and paused to look over his shoulder. “You might want to reconsider what Raphael considered as right and wrong.” His eyes flashed black for a second before returning to their normal color.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Michael’s voice was low and uncontrolled.

  “Find out for yourself,” Zane muttered as he walked away.

  “There’s darkness spreading through you.” Michael called out after him. “You need to control it.” Zane paused as Raphael’s voice echoed through his mind, control it. He looked over his shoulder at Michael, his eyes searching his face. A shiver ran up his spine as Michael’s eyes locked onto his, Zane could feel their power connecting. He quickly looked away and walked back to his group. As he returned, he was immediately bombarded with questions. He held his hands up, gesturing for them to stop talking. Zane looked around the beach, noting that the angels had left.

  “Well,” Keira prompted, her blue eyes searching his face. “What did he want?”

  “He was sizing me up,” Zane responded; his lips drawn tight with determination. “And I learned something. I need to train. I’m not strong enough yet.” Liam started laughing as he stared at Zane.

  “Not strong enough?” he chuckled. “Who could possibly beat you? You’re like a fucking god!” Zane stared at Liam as he shook his head.

  “As soon as he figures out what I am, he’s gonna come for me. I’m not strong enough to defeat him.”

  “You want to kill an Archangel?” Bishop’s voice was low as he stepped forward, his hazel eyes drilling into Zane. “Are you fucking crazy?”

  Zane narrowed his eyes, the whites of which were dull and gray. “We know angels can bleed. If they can bleed, they can die,” his voice was dark and menacing. “And when he comes for me, he won’t be the one walking away.”


  The occasional screech of an owl filled the night air as Laila and Aria sat on a downed tree. Laila created an orb of holy light and gently placed it on the ground in front of them, letting it illuminate the small clearing they had found. A smile lit up her face as she looked around them, her eyes wide with wonder. The trees were over a hundred feet tall, towering over them, their yellow-green needles filling the canopy above. Aria couldn’t help but smile as she watched Laila’s face light up.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Aria asked quietly, her green eyes embracing the pure joy on her friend’s face.

  “Yes, it is.” She responded with a smile as she turned to Aria. “Absolutely beautiful. I’m not surprised you like it here so much. It suits you.”

  “Yea,” Aria replied softly. “The nature here is extraordinary. Anyway.” She twisted her hands in her lap as her eyes met Laila’s. “What do you need?”

  “Just a fresh sample of blood,” her voice was soft and comforting.

  “That’s it?” she asked with surprise as she held out her arm. “Take all the blood you need.”

  Laila chuckled as she pulled out her supplies from her satchel. “I honestly think you’re cured already. This test will let us know if you’re still a Fallen.” Laila wrapped an elastic band around Aria’s arm.

  “How can I be cured if I can only use my lightning? And it’s weak… even with my full might behind it.” Aria spoke with hesitation as Laila stuck the needle into the crook of her arm.

  “I believe it’s like spinal damage and you’ve lost your ability to walk. Everything is healed now, but you are weak and need to relearn how to walk.” She gently removed the needle, placing the vial of blood and her supplies back into her satchel. “Aria.” Her light green eyes sparkled as she gently grabbed her hands. “Your power is back, but you’re starting at square one again. You have to rebuild your power and relearn how to wield it again.”

  “But it took me almost a hundred years to get where I was.” Aria’s voice was filled with disbelief. “I don’t have that kind of time to retrain myself!” Her voice rose with frustration as she pulled her hands away from Laila. “And it was Raphael who helped awaken many of my abilities. I don’t know if I can do it again without him,” she spoke quickly, her words running together.

  “I’m sure once you get the feel for it all, everything will fall into place.” Laila’s voice was soft yet full of confidence. “Keep training and regrow your connections with your magick. Just don’t push yourself too hard, or you could sever your connection completely.” She stared into Aria’s bright, green eyes. “It would break my heart to see you removed from the warrior class.”

  “I don’t think I can do this,” her voice broke as she stood up and started pacing. Raphael used protection magick to keep me from severing my connection during training. I always push myself past my limits. That’s how I became so strong so fast! I can’t do that again. Not without Raphael.”

  “Aria, you’re going to –”

  “And Gabriel!” she interrupted, her voice high-pitched and shaky. “He’ll make me a spinster!” Her voice dropped to a whisper, “or worse, he’ll have me banished to Purgatory.”

  Laila giggled as she stood up from the downed tree and gently placed her hands on Aria’s shoulders. “Aria… look at me,” her voice was soft yet demanding. She stopped and looked at her, her bright green eyes full of worry. “You’ll figure it out. You always do.” Laila smiled as she pulled her into a hug. “Everything happens for a reason. This is just a bump in the road that will help you become even stronger than before.”

  “Why couldn’t I have had you on my team?” Aria sighed wearily as she pulled away from Laila. “You always know how to calm me down.” Laila smiled as she examined her.

  “If I was here to calm you down all the time, I doubt you would have accomplished as much as you have.” She chuckled as she sat back down, patting the spot next to her. “Now, you need to tell me about Chicago. I want to hear everything!” Aria smiled as she sat down next to Laila, excitement filled her eyes as she began to recount their journey.

  Chapter Ten


  Abel walked across the polished deck, the wood gleaming in the sunlight. Nikolai accompanied him as they made their way to the sleeping quarters. “I can’t believe he isn’t awake yet.” Abel muttered as he continued down the long hallway, stopping in front of Cain’s door.

  “He had quite the transformation,” Nikolai commented nervously. “I’m sure his body needs time to recover.”

  “It’s been five days,” Abel pushed the door open and entered the room, Nikolai followed closely. “And he’s still unconscious.” He gestured towards the bed, where Cain was sound asleep, his face drawn and gray. Nikolai walked over to the bed and gently sat down next to him. He examined Cain’s body, noting his shallow breathing and slow pulse.

  “He needs a doctor, Abel.” Nikolai’s brown eyes were filled with worry as he looked over at Abel.

  “I know,” Abel sighed wearily as he eyed his brother. “We should be making land soon, then Cyrus and I will go find Zane and Anne and bring them back with us.” Nikolai nodded solemnly as he pulled the blanket over Cain, tucking the sides in around his body.

  “Hopefully it won’t be too late,” his voice was low and full of despair. The loud clanging of the signal bell resonated through the ship.

  “Looks like we’re here.” Abel sighed with relief as he turned to leave the room. “Keep an eye on him. I should be back in an hour or so.”

  “Of course,” Nikolai responded as he moved to the armchair next to Cain’s bed and made himself comfortable. “I’ll wait right here.” He grabbed a book from the nightstand and quickly opened it, flipping through the pages. Abel smiled as he left the room and made his way to the deck.

“Land ho!” Echoed across the deck as Abel reached the top of the stairs. He looked to the bow of the ship, smiling as they drew closer to the land mass. He walked over to the helm, nodding at Greta as he arrived.

  “We should make land soon.” She smiled at him, her hands holding the wheel tightly, her knuckles white from the strain.

  “Relax, Greta,” Abel’s voice was soft as he laid his hand over hers. “We’ll get there soon enough.” Greta sighed with relief as she loosened her grip on the wheel. “Once we make land, I will be taking one of the boats to the mainland. Cyrus will be coming with me. I’m leaving you and Anthony in charge. If you need anything talk to Nikolai, he’ll be in Cain’s quarters.” Abel paused as he glanced around the deck, eyeing the working crew. “And let everyone hang out on the island while they wait. I’m sure they’ll enjoy solid ground again.” Abel chuckled as he glanced at the growing land mass in front of them.

  “Sounds good boss.” Greta smiled brightly as she gently steered the ship towards the ever-approaching beach.


  Zane growled as he squared his stance again, his dark eyes locked onto Kai as he raised his sword high. Kai chuckled as he bounced on the balls of his feet, his sword out front and ready. “You sure you’re ready for another round?” he asked as Zane prepared for the attack.

  “I can go all day, angel.” Zane grunted as he lunged forward, preparing to strike. Kai blocked the attack with his sword as he created a wind tunnel around them. Zane pushed forward with all his might, his hair whipping across his face. Kai chuckled as he increased the speed of the wind, forcing Zane to fall to his knees.

  “I don’t see why you insist I use my elemental magick.” He frowned down at Zane as he stopped the wind. “It really is unfair.”

  “If I’m to be stronger, I need to train against everything.” Zane grunted as he pushed himself up from the ground. “This is the only way.” He took a few paces away from Kai and squared his stance. “Again.”

  “As you wish,” Kai muttered as he raised his sword, preparing for the attack. Zane ran forward, rolling to the side at the last second. He swept out his leg, knocking Kai to the ground. “Fuck!” Kai muttered as he blasted air at Zane, causing him to slide across the sand. Zane chuckled darkly as he pushed himself up off the ground.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t see that coming.”

  “What can I say? I felt bad for you.” Kai stood up and shrugged his shoulders as he stared over at Zane.

  “I’m a Nephilim, so…” Zane sighed wearily as he looked over at Kai. “Why can’t I learn to use magick like you?”

  “You already use holy magick,” Kai responded matter-of-factly. “You channel it inward into the runes Raphael tattooed on you. It would take decades for you to learn to use it any other way.” He sighed as he sheathed his sword. “Plus, using new magick in a real fight is dangerous. You could end up severing your connection to it. Then you’ll lose your increased speed and strength.”

  “What about elemental magick?”

  “Elemental magick takes even longer to master, Zane. Besides, you haven’t shown any signs of having an element.” Kai shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he eyed Zane. “You have been doing great up until now. Why are you holding back?”

  Zane sighed as he walked over to Kai, sheathing his sword on the way. “I don’t want to lose control again. I promised Keira I’d be more careful,” he muttered as he ran a hand through his black hair.

  “You need to learn to control your corruption and use it to your benefit.” Kai sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Sometimes losing control is the only way you can master it.”

  “Try explaining that to Keira,” he chuckled darkly as he walked past Kai, heading back to the village.

  “I will.” Kai chuckled as he looked out at the ocean, his eyes narrowed, focusing on the small boat riding along the waves. “Zane, look at that,” he called out as he pointed at the small boat, watching as it headed towards their beach. Zane turned and looked, a smile quickly crossing his face.

  “It must be Cain and Abel.” He walked over next to Kai and waited patiently as the boat landed on the white sand beach. He ran forward and greeted them as the two figures stepped out of the boat. “Abel! It’s good to see you again. I take it everything went well in Austin?”

  “As well as it could go, I suppose,” he muttered as he gestured towards the other figure. “This is Cyrus, by the way.” Zane nodded towards him in acknowledgment.

  “Where’s Cain?” he asked, his voice full of worry.

  “He’s not doing well. I need Anne to come back with us.” Abel spoke quickly as they walked up the beach. Zane stopped the group as they approached the small path that led to the village.

  “Kai, go get Anne and Ryder,” he commanded. Kai nodded quickly as he sprinted down the path towards the village. “What happened?” Zane asked Abel, his eyes searching his for answers.

  “He lost control.” Abel sighed wearily as he ran a hand through his thick, brown hair. “Urian showed up during the battle, everything was going downhill, and Cain did what he always does… But this time he doesn’t seem to be recovering.”

  “Shit,” Zane replied. “Is there anything else you need?”

  “Nah.” Abel smiled as he looked up towards the village. “Just Anne.” He turned towards Zane, his face turning serious. “I assume you’ll be screening everyone at the island before they can come here?”

  “Of course,” Zane responded as he looked over at Cyrus. “Are you sure this one can be trusted?” Cyrus shifted his feet uncomfortably as he glanced over at Abel.

  “Yes,” Abel replied with confidence. “He was the one who gave us the intel on the White Horseman’s tower back in Chicago. If it wasn’t for him, we might not have been able to destroy it.”

  “I see.” He examined Cyrus, his dark eyes scrutinizing every detail. “Very well. I still want him checked before he can go any farther.”

  “Of course,” Abel responded. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Cyrus sighed with relief as he looked around the beach, avoiding Zane’s watchful eyes. Kai came running down the path to the beach, Ryder followed close behind him, carrying Anne in his arms.

  “We came as fast as we could,” Kai commented breathlessly, his dark blue eyes darting around the small group. Ryder gently set Anne down, she leaned against him as he handed over her walking cane. She smiled over at Abel as she balanced herself with her cane. Cyrus’s eyes grew wide as they landed on her amputated leg.

  “Shall we get going?” she asked politely as she looked around the group. “You can fill me in on the way.”

  “Of course,” Abel responded as he nudged Cyrus in the side. Cyrus lowered his eyes, his face falling in embarrassment. “Follow me.” Relief filled Abel’s face as he led Anne down to the boat, Cyrus and Ryder followed closely behind.

  “Kai, will you let the others know where we’ve gone?” Zane looked past Kai into the village. “I don’t want anyone to get worried. We’ll be back as soon as possible.”

  “Sure,” Kai responded quickly. “Just don’t get into any trouble while you’re gone.” He chuckled as he turned around and made his way back to the village.


  Aria sat quietly on her couch, staring into the dancing flames of the fire. She sighed as she held out her hands, her lips tight and brows furrowed in concentration. Electricity flickered across the fingertips of her left hand, crackling with delight. She clenched her hand, stopping the flow of magick. Her eyes focused on her right hand, willing all her energy into it. A growl of frustration left her lips as she formed a fist and punched the side of the couch. She stared into the fire, entranced by the red and yellow flames.

  Aria held tightly onto her training daggers as she leapt towards Raphael. With a shout of excitement, she sent a bolt of lightning flying towards him. Raphael threw up a shield of holy light, easily blocking the meager attack. She ran past his shield and right into him, knocking him down on
to the hard ground. Raphael coughed as he rolled onto his side and stood up. She was laughing as she got off the ground, her green eyes dancing with delight. Raphael sighed as he ran a hand through his blonde hair.

  “You need to work on your control, Aria.”

  “If it wasn’t for your shield, my lightning would have hit you!” she muttered angrily; her face filled with frustration.

  “It was a weak, uncoordinated attack.” Raphael looked over at her, his blue eyes searching her face. “You’re losing your focus. I think we need to take a break. I’ve been training you too hard.”

  “No!” Aria shouted; she raised her left hand as a bolt of lightning struck the ground near Raphael. He stood there solemnly; his arms crossed over his chest as his eyes bored into her. “I need to train. It’s all I have.”

  “You can’t keep this up,” his voice was cold and stern. “At the rate you’re going you’ll end up severing your connection! Even with my protection spells. Do you want to get kicked out of the warrior class?” His blue eyes burned into her. “Well, do you?”

  “Of course not,” she responded haughtily; her fists clenched at her side.

  “Then stop acting like a child.” He walked up to Aria and looked down at her small figure. “With practice, you’ll learn how to control your elemental magick. But this isn’t the way.” He sighed as he stared into her bright, green eyes. “We’ll pick up training again in a month.”

  “What am I supposed to do for a month?” she asked, her voice filled with frustration.

  “Relax. Find a hobby. Anything but this.” Raphael shrugged as he watched her. “There is more to life than training, Aria. Until you learn that, you risk severing your connections to magick.”

  “But… This is all I have now.” She glanced around the training ring, her green eyes scanning the torn-up ground.

  “You’ll find something. I’m sure Ryder would love to help you. After all, it’s been months since you two saw each other.”


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