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The Anime Trope System

Page 13

by Alvin Atwater

  "Seth, could you get them clothes?" Clyde said. Seth nodded then sprinted off, returning minutes later with sweat pants and shirts for both Toru and Kitome.

  "You really saved our asses back there, man," Clyde said softly. "Never felt so powerless. That was no ordinary paralysis."

  "We…won’t be able to fight the demon lord like this," Kitome said. "I…was so scared. And Toru." She suddenly smirked. "Lost his virginity."

  He tried to glare, but the young man was just too tired to do anything beyond putting on clothes.

  Just then, a shimmer of light blinked into a chest, a foot in front of Clyde. Like before, it was the size of a small safe, or maybe an ancient storage chest. He couldn’t fight the gamer inside and opened it to distract himself from laughing at Toru. He bit his lip, holding down the snicker. Tears threatened to stream from his eyes. He found the item that he wanted and left the rest for the others to pick through.

  [You have found the book: Path of the Mystic. Item value: mysterious. Your unique spiritual based special element allows compatibility with this book. Opening it will allow you to learn Mystic skills, abilities, and magic. You cannot read this book at night. Warning, it will vanish after one use.]

  Clyde warped the book to his inventory. Toru took the time to explain everything to the wide-eyed Seth.

  "It’s getting late," Clyde said ten minutes later. "Let’s call it a night. Seth, we’ll keep in touch."

  "Let’s all exchange numbers," Harumi said. "This situation is far too important to turn a blind to."

  [You have received new phone numbers!]

  [Your relationship with Seth has changed from neutral to friendly-respect.]

  That night, Clyde felt angry with himself for being so powerless. He hoped the shower would calm him down, but it didn’t. That slime could’ve had them all for dinner… Could’ve raped them into the grave.

  He promised himself that this was the end of his weakness. He’d do whatever it took for power. If he couldn’t face enemies like these, then the Viper would mop the floor with him.

  Shit. He had to go to Chika’s house the next morning…

  Episode 8 (Part 1): Saturday Knife! Wait, What?

  Episode 8

  Saturday. Week 1. Year 1.

  The weekend was supposed to be a blessing, not even in disguise. Clyde did not want to get up. The flickering quest prompt disagreed with him. He dismissed the annoying text box from his mind’s eye. A day spent with a yandere. Fuck it, Clyde thought. He’d try to ignore it as much as possible. And unless she found out about his afternoon rump with Alice, he’d be fine. He wouldn’t have to restrain her.

  He chuckled. As if he’d be as idiotic as the usual main characters. Those with male strength, yet somehow forgot to use it. Dodge the knife, idiots. Knock her known. Restrain her. Self-defense. Clyde couldn’t understand for the life of him why the yanderes always won. Sure, some of them had immense strength when…. entering some kind of transformation. Yandere mode. He sat up. Just when he convinced himself that he had nothing to fear. Way to go, idiot boy, Clyde thought. The last thing he needed was to give himself something to think about. He wasn’t going to her house to die…right? He flinched at the uncertainty.

  Later that morning, a knock caught his attention while he crafted. It couldn’t be her, coming to pick him up. They agreed for the afternoon—neither was much of a morning person.

  To his relief, Alice was at the door, not the crazy silver-haired girl.

  "Smells like glue in here," she said, walking past him as if she owned the apartment.

  "Just some crafting," he said as he closed the door. "So, what brings you this way? Not that I mind."

  "Just bored," she answered. Clyde noticed the bag she carried. Inside was a box. "And I brought pie. But, it’s a lot better to eat after sex."

  Clyde felt himself pulse as his craving for the demoness dramatically increased. Before he knew it, Alice was next to him. The two froze, a hair’s breath away from ripping each other’s clothes off.

  "You’ve got somewhere to be," she said softly, "and I’ve got to pick up my cousin from the airport in a bit. I stopped by to…see you." Her eyes glistened. "Demons don’t befriend each other, especially those of us with rank. We’re a cold, calculating race." She sighed. "They’d laugh at me for showing such weakness in front of a human."

  "Pfft, haters," Clyde said then smirked. "That’s why they’re unable make friends."

  Alice giggled then hugged the young man.

  "Keep being like that, a warmth to my ice," Alice said then stood up. "But I won’t be doing your silly human mating rituals."

  She placed the pie into the fridge. "Maybe tonight if my cousin doesn’t bug me too much. Annoying succubus."

  "Your cousin’s a succubus?" Clyde said.

  "Yep. Don’t worry about her though—this is a large city. There’s no way you’ll get onto her radar."

  "You know it’s going to happen," Clyde said. "Now that it’s jinxed."

  The two shared a small laugh. "Your cousin isn’t joining your dad’s army, is she?"

  "No," Alice said. "She’s here just to visit me. My cousin doesn’t participate in any kind of demon affairs unless they interest her."

  She unwrapped a chocolate bar and took a bite.

  "Mmm," she said. "Wanna bite?"

  Clyde gave her a blank stare. He briefly took in her semi-short summer dress. The twin tails still complimented the rest of her long blonde hair. She was short, maybe five feet one or two inches tall—he wasn’t sure.

  Alice stuffed the chocolate into his mouth. "You’ve got guts, human, denying a girl’s sweets."

  After Alice left, Clyde set off for Chika’s place, using his mental navigation system. He considered the old pretending to be lost trick, but decided lying wasn’t worth it. Chika was still his friend. Today he’d only find out just what kind of friend.

  Sometime…. Somewhere….

  A young man dressed in white stared at his guide with grey eyes. Eyes that seemed to peer right through her. The tension in the room skyrocketed, battling a stiff air. Unseen auras engaged each other.

  The guide crossed her arms, pouted, then placed a card onto a mat of squares and symbols.

  "I don’t know why you’re avoiding a real game. A boring practice match doesn’t summon the—"

  "Will you ever finish your turn, Selkie?" the young man said then smiled.

  The guide cursed under her breath.

  "Summon, Gloria," she said. "Action card, peace maker. Now give me some life—ya annoying fuck."

  The young man frowned as his hit points decreased by half.

  "Now die. I’ll attack with Gloria."

  "Yeah, no. Action card, instant. Shattered offense. All attackers are destroyed, and you take damage equal to the attack of your strongest attacker. And that’s game."

  "Son-of-a-bitch!" Selkie snarled then flipped the card table. She plopped back into her seat, her small body barely making a dent into the cotton-topped chair. "How are we supposed to find this Viper guy anyway? It would take fucking forever to search every city in the world."

  "Don’t worry about that," the young man said. "Just leave that tidbit to me. Maybe I’ll get lucky enough to shut down this stupid game then take over this world. I’ll have every girl here—"

  Selkie punched him in the gut.

  "Don’t be such a drama queen," she said. "Without me, you can’t stay in this world. Don’t forget that, so-called king-of-all-games. You took that from some stupid anime didn’t you, Charles."

  "I said don’t call me that," the young man barked, soliciting a bark of laughter from his green-haired guide. "It’s Dark."

  "Alright, Dark," she said sarcastically. "Dark, Dark, Dork of the virgins."

  Dark glared at her.

  "Don’t pretend like you weren’t screaming my name last night."

  He started toward the hotel exit. Selkie laughed then followed.

  "Don’t pretend you’re not a minute man."


  Clyde stared at Chika’s door for nearly a minute before knocking. Now or never, he thought. A day with a yandere. What could possibly go wrong?

  Episode 8 (Part 2)

  [Quest completed. Reward: 400 EXP].

  [Warning: you are about to enter a dungeon. Dungeon type: place of power. Difficulty: Super extreme. You have already pre-selected yes, so no takebacks.]

  Clyde’s eyes widened. The white house was huge, almost a mansion, but a dungeon? A place of power?

  "Ah fuck," he said softly, recalling everything he knew about a video game dungeon. He assumed a place of power meant something on a smaller scale, personal—but just as dangerous. He probably didn’t have to worry about monsters spawning, but the yandere. Just what the fuck was he doing here? "System, cancel quest."

  [You cannot cancel main story quests.]

  "Are you fucking kidding me?" he hissed. "She’s…" he paused when he heard her voice.


  [Warning: #$#%$^$$##%#$%#$#@$#%$%]

  Clyde cleared his mind. He had only one choice. Think of Chika as the friend he knew and not the crazy. Ignore the obvious signs, pretend they didn’t exist, but not to an unreasonable point where he’d end up dead.

  The door seemed to glow as it opened, revealing a bright white light that disappeared quickly then the silvered haired girl was there, smiling. Normal on the outside, but something felt off inside.

  "Hey," Clyde said. "Looking good." She looked different in her casual clothes to the young man. Less like an honor student and more girly. A flowery designer shirt and matching pink skirt—normal.

  "Hi," she said. "Come in. Everyone’s gone for until tomorrow."

  She pulled Clyde in. A tingle of…something flickered through his body as if he entered another dimension. He shadowed her lead, taking off his tennis shoes at the front door, then following her.

  The first thing he noticed as they passed through the kitchen was a large knife plunged deep into the heart of a watermelon.

  "Care for any?" Chika said.

  "I’m good," he said, dulling his ‘what the fuck’ senses as much as possible.

  Chika shrugged.

  "Guess I’ll put it up. Better get the knife out or my dad will have a fit."

  "Let me," Clyde said as he moved ahead. He almost flash-stepped toward it. He placed the knife into the dishwasher. Chika put the watermelon on the bottom shelf of her fridge.

  "You’re a guest—come on, let’s go watch movies. I’ve ordered an amazing cheesecake to be delivered in a couple of hours."

  A couple of hours. Clyde felt his heart drop. And what was with this running sweets gag. He’d have to triple his jogging sessions just to burn off the calories.

  Chika led him to the living room. On the way, Clyde couldn’t help but think just how much of a dick the system was.

  The silver-haired anime girl’s living room made his own look like a closet. When Clyde sat on the center sofa, he felt absorbed into a world of absolute comfort. One that threatened to never let him go. Chika saw opportunity, snatched the remote off the table nearby and then dropped next to Clyde. Very close to him. She pressed a button on the thin remote. The massive, super-thin TV presented them with a Netflix-like platform of shows and movies. All anime to Clyde. He felt a little used to Satavia though.

  "Let’s watch this one. It’s pretty funny."

  She selected a title that seemed relatively normal—at least judging by the title art. A peaceful pink-haired girl and some boy her age standing behind her.

  Chika didn’t give him even a second to read the description. She snuggled against the young man. He internally pleaded with his body not to embarrass him with an erection. He was wearing jeans, but a bulge could only go unnoticed for a short time.

  Soon, he and Chika were laughing and cracking jokes as the movie went on. But halfway through, a reoccurring theme caught Clyde’s attention. The main lead turned into a knife-wielding psychopath out of nowhere. While she didn’t actually stab anyone, because the movie tried way to hard to keep its comedic timing, this didn’t go unnoted by Clyde.

  Chika stood up.

  "Bathroom," she said, "I’ll be right back."

  Clyde allowed himself a sigh when the pretty girl left. If only he was worried for nothing. If only. He pulled out his phone and created a group chat, adding in everyone but Chika. She didn’t officially agree to fight with them, so he felt justified. He named the new group, Team Stone.

  Clyde: *sly face emoji* Toru, are you feeling okay?

  Toru: oh, fuck off

  Harumi: hahaha. Hi guys!

  Kitome: kill yourself. Oh and hi Harumi.

  Seth: …

  Seth: So Toru, how did it feel, you know? Was it good?

  Toru: *eye roll emoji* *middle finger emoji*

  Clyde: LOL. Anyway, I’m at Chika’s.

  Toru: …. Good luck.

  Clyde: why do you say that? Do you know something about her?

  Toru: Got to go, bye.

  Seth: He’s just jealous, Clyde. Unlike you, he’s the slime fucker. Hahaha.

  Harumi: Don’t be mean guys. *frowning emoji*

  Clyde put away his phone as he somehow sensed Chika’s return.

  "I see you’re laughing over there," she said. "Memes? Don’t hold out on me."

  The jealousy aura stirred, invisibly, but no doubt, stirred.

  "Nah, it’s nothing important," he said. "Just picking on Toru."

  "Ah, that’s always fun until he does his stupid stares," she said. "Annoys the hell out of me."

  "Right?" Clyde said. They laughed. "Last night was especially rough for him."

  "Really? What happened?"

  "I won’t go into detail but drop hints about slime the next time you see him. You should get some interesting reactions."


  Clyde chuckled.

  "Let’s just say he has a thing for monster girls."

  Chika laughed.

  "If you say so."

  Suddenly, there was a man’s scream from the movie. The girl made a brutal kill with kitchen knife that looked suspiciously identical to the one that was in Chika’s watermelon. He shook his head. If this was her idea of a joke, he wanted no part of it. She had wide sense of humor, but none of it ever touched the dark.

  Then the scene went into a very passionate sex scene between the two leads. The boy had no idea that the girl sliced and diced any love rivals and friends behind his back while treating him like a king. He was head over heels in love with her, but she, madly for him.

  Chika snuggled even tighter against Clyde and rested her head on his shoulder.

  [Your relationship with Chika has changed from friend- closer level 1 to friend- closer level 2 and ??? sexual desire?]

  He turned to see her looking right at him, blush on her face. She had the anime girl look of wanting.

  Suddenly, Chika launched an aggressive kiss while grabbing his horn.

  "I can’t hold back anymore," she whispered. There was a perverted look in her eyes. "I won’t hold back anymore."

  Episode 8 (Part 3)

  She nearly ripped off Clyde’s shirt in haste, kissing him without control. What was Clyde’s response? As a single man alone with a beautiful woman, his healthy male brain wouldn’t let this opportunity slip up. Funny thing, he always thought he’d eventually date Chika. Good thing that never came to be, he thought as he matched what the girl poured out.

  His eyes widened when he noticed something. The tan couch had a noticeable dark, damp spot. Panties that Chika tossed aside were unbelievably soaked. Her eyes glistened with pure lust, a feeling that was nearly palpable.

  She licked his chest, kissed his neck, then before he could one-up her, the silver-haired girl mounted him. Tight, incredible—she rode him like a machine. She rode him as if she was sex-starved for a millennia. She clung to Clyde, tightening, moaning with loud and raw ecstasy. Sweat poured from the two as if they stood in a st
orm’s drizzle. The luxurious couch rumbled like thunder. Chika laid forward, breasts to Clyde’s face, riding harder and harder. Her breathing matched his, in sync. In lust and wanting.

  Clyde attempted to flip her in order to take over the ride, but for some reason, he couldn’t muster the strength. Could he get an anime girl pregnant? He thought about Mortem’s warning. They were real, living breathing beings with consciousness. This was simply another dimension.

  "Yes! Yes! Give it all to me," Chika moaned. "Oh Clyde! Oh Clyde!"

  Clyde’s ego inflated, and he surprised her by mustering the strength to lay the young woman backward. Then he drilled into her. She chanted his name louder. "Yes! Yes! Ugh!"

  He felt like Super Mario’s mushroom had fell on top of his erection—he responded with more passion, harder thrusts, and wetter kisses. Chika released seconds before he did. She convulsed and hung onto the young man tightly. He had to fight against her hold to pull out in time. It was almost as if she wanted his child. He didn’t think too much on it—the mind was different during sex.

  The two laid there breathing.

  "Again," she said softly. "And again."

  Clyde sat up and looked at her. The silver-haired girl was wet again. She shoved two fingers into herself. "I want more. And…" she finished the rest in a very small whisper. "And I want you to myself."

  Clyde examined the pretty young woman and was indeed able to get it up again. She reacted instantly at the sight of the erection, pouncing Clyde with a giggle. They engulfed each other in a passionate wrestle, much longer than the previous round.

  "Cum inside," Chika said as they were climaxing. "Cum inside! I want it now."

  Clyde almost complied, lost in the motions, but pulled out at the last second. He squirted all over her stomach. She soaked him all the way to his legs. He almost considered asking her out and then marrying her later, but senses returned to his brain. The look of lust in Chika’s eyes still remained.


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