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The Anime Trope System

Page 14

by Alvin Atwater

  "I think I’m love with you," she laughed. "Again. I need at least twenty more rounds."

  Clyde gave her a skeptical look then shook his head.

  "Look, go get some water or you’ll end up dehydrated."

  "I…dammit Clyde, I crave you," she said. "You can’t leave a girl unsatisfied."

  Abruptly, a man from the TV screamed a final, loud and gurgling breath. Then the movie was over.

  Clyde wanted to get the hell out of there now but pushed that away. What could this girl to do to him? Maybe he imagined the signs. No…that jealously aura wasn’t imagined. The system glitches—he didn’t need Captain Obvious to appear to point out the situation.

  Chika sighed.

  "Fine. But wow, you’re great. I’ll give you some homemade cookies as a reward. Maybe you’ll build up some strength and come at me again."

  Clyde laughed. He stared after her as she walked away. And she knew he looked—the motion of her hips told the story.

  [You have received + 2 to endurance]

  Clyde chuckled. He noticed a prompt to the side, tagged with "delayed." He selected it.

  [Quest for Seth’s investigation completed. Reward: 1400 EXP. $250.]

  [You have learned the passive skill Trap Detection 1. You will be warned by the system automatically on things your mind would consider a trap. Your will stat dictates this!]

  Chika returned moments later with a plate of cookies. She sat them on the table.

  "I’m going to shower first. Well, we can shower together if you want." She winked. "Round three then four."

  Clyde laughed.

  "A very tempting offer, but not today."

  She gave him a pouty look before trotting off to the shower, cheerful prep in her steps. The young woman radiated a care-free vibe that gave Clyde hope. That is until his Trap Detection skill tossed a flashing red prompt into his mind’s eye.

  [Warning: substance in cookies. Vaginal fluid. Warning substance in cookies. Salvia.]

  Clyde stared at the cookies, eyes widened, then laughed. This cliché was really happening. He shook is head. If there were any doubts that she was a Yandere, they were now gone.

  "Yeah, I’m out," Clyde said as he quickly dressed. "Can’t deal with crazy."

  He was about to bolt when a prompt caught his attention.

  [Warning: the minute you step past a certain threshold without permission, the Anthem will be notified, as this is her place of power. Consider this before taking the risk.]

  "Man, I don’t give a fuck," Clyde said then took off running. When he opened the front door, a delivery woman was standing there with the cheesecake orders.

  "Order for a Chika?"

  "Yes, and thank you," Chika said from behind. Clyde silently gulped. She grabbed the order, signed the receipt and closed the door. "You’re sweet, getting our order. But you’re the guest."

  Clyde shrugged, feeling hollow inside. The front door was right there, but Chika dragged him back inside.

  At least his Trap Detection didn’t go off with the cheesecake. It came with its own plates, silverware and all—so he didn’t have to worry about following Chika for simplistic matters.

  Clyde needed to find a way out, an excuse, anything, or things would sail even further south. He glared at the cookies. She actually did that to him. He wasn’t surprised, he expected worse. Something stabby from the Yandere, but this. He wouldn’t let his guard down again.

  Episode 8 (Part 4)

  Love nectar cookies… Clyde tried not to look at them. Chika acted as if everything was fine, chatting, and making jokes. Then her smile dropped.

  "Are you okay?" she said.

  "Yeah, just the exhaustion from studying finally hitting me," he lied.

  "Ah, I can make some green tea to—"

  "It’s fine," Clyde said, holding up a hand. He glanced at the cookies again, shaking his head, his temper stirring inside. On Earth, men ditched crazy. In Satovia, that didn’t seem to be an option.

  He gazed into Chika’s eyes and found lucidity there. He reached for a calmness deep within himself, fizzling away the temper then spoke.

  "Look Chika, I’m going to be frank, I’m very disappointed in you," he said. She opened her mouth to speak, but Clyde held up a hand. "I have the gift and special abilities that branch out from it. One of them enables me to see traps and contamination, even inside food." He gave her an inescapable glare.

  Suddenly, she dove into arms, her face buried in his shirt, crying.

  "I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please don’t leave me, I promise I won’t ever do it again. I don’t know what came over me. Please don’t go. Please don’t hate me. Please, I’m sorry."

  Clyde was at a loss of words. He wasn’t the type to let tears change his mind, but the circumstances gave him an idea.

  [Warning! Warning! Danger! Danger! Your friend is slipping into #@$#$@ %%]

  [Warning! Warning! Danger! Danger! Your friend could use your honest words of comfort. A slip into Mind Break mode could be %$%#$]

  Clyde thought for a second, as Chika continued an endless banter of apologizes, crying, and doing whatever he said. Was this his problem? No…He needed to stop this. But…the yandere was just too much for him—how did he let himself get into this mess? No, there was no time for regret. She could be like this due to family issues.

  He took a deep breath then came to a decision. He’d aim to improve the group.

  Clyde placed a comforting hand on the young woman’s back. It stiffened at first, then she relaxed into him.

  "Look, I’m a forgiving guy, since I didn’t eat the cookies, but."

  She froze at the "but."

  "I’ve got a request," he pushed on. "Maybe a suggestion. Normally, I’d be really pissed. In honesty, I should leave and never speak to you again."

  She held onto him tighter, tears streaming.

  "I’m really sorry. Please don’t hate me."

  "Look me in the eyes," Clyde said, voice still calm. She did, tears streaming. The young man tried to ignore his soaked shirt.

  "Make this up to me," he said. "Help us free this city from the demon lord. You’re strong. Really strong. I won’t force you, I’m not a dick. I will also keep quiet about this, but it would be nice to go outside again during the night. Hell, if we succeed, I may even let you lose control. Just none of that knife bullshit and putting things in my food."

  Chika nodded almost too eagerly.

  "I…I truly am sorry… You’re right. There are times that I lose control. Particularly when I think of you. And especially when other girls are around you. But…you belong to no one, so I’ll try not to be unfair."

  "Like I said, I’m a forgiving guy," Clyde said. "Can you meet us at eight tonight?"

  "Sure," Chika said. "And…if you don’t mind me losing control."

  "After we beat the demon lord," the young man quickly added. "Other than that, I’m not running your life or anything. Just try to keep it together. Everyone has a past that—"

  "I don’t want to talk about mine, if you don’t mind, Clyde," Chika said with hardened eyes. "I don’t want to remember it." She placed her face back into his chest. "Please don’t make me remember."

  A twinge of guilt struck Clyde, surprising him.

  "Then don’t," he said. "I don’t want to know it."

  She suddenly caught him in a line of aggressive kisses. Clyde pulled away just to breathe, but he didn’t let go of the young woman. A past that could make her a yandere spoke abuse. He’d not dig into it at her request, but if she decided to face it, his listening ears were open.

  "I’ve got to go, to prepare for tonight," Clyde said. He gently moved Chika off him then stood. The inviting aura around her almost made him reconsider, but there were other things to take care of—and bathing in endless lust wouldn’t get the young man anywhere.

  Chika walked to the door then grabbed his arm.

  "Are you…. are you sure you’re not mad?" she said, eyes glistening.

  "I’m not
mad," Clyde assured her. "See you at eight. Meet us at the bus stop near my place." She looked longing. "You’ve got my respect for choosing to fight with me. And besides, I want to host a barbeque or something in the evening. No need for monsters to ruin it."

  "Fight with you…." Chika nodded. "A barbeque or hanging out after dark in general would be nice." She nodded to herself. "Lead the way and I’ll follow, I guess." In a low voice, she said, "and you’re letting me lose control. I’ll take no less than four rounds."

  Clyde sighed, waved her off, then started for the bus stop. He felt Chika’s eyes on his back. Her apologizes were sincere—but he wouldn’t believe for a moment that she could maintain control one hundred percent of the time.

  [Chika has joined your party! Know this, a chaotic companion on your side could dramatically alter the battle in your favor. Remember your vows, anything promised to them will serve as motivation as they eagerly await the award.]

  Clyde hoped that his decision didn’t screw him over in the long run. Still, if the Viper were to attack, maybe Chika’s overpowered gift could stomp the fucker into dust.

  Before calling it a day, he stopped by the dojo to increase his combat skill level, Clare’s to scope out weapons and lowkey flirt, and then practiced his crafting in his head. He had feeling that soon, he’d be able to fuse items.

  Another stupid trading card awaited at his doorstep when he got home. Why did he constantly forget to sell them?

  [You have found an Attacker card. Item class: bizarre. The Wizard Otus. Power: ??? Defense: ???.]

  [The cards effect’s and abilities cannot be revealed to you until the contract is formed.]

  A little before eight, Clyde added Chika to the group, then sent out the mass text. He didn’t mind soaking away the day’s troubles with some monster ass kicking. What would they encounter this time? Hopefully not another slime girl. Monster girls seemed…overpowered.

  Episode 8 (Part 5)

  He shook his head, pushing away hilariously disturbing thoughts. He checked his inventory, frowning when he spotted a certain item.

  "Fuck! I forgot to read the mystic book." He looked at the time. "Is it technically night? Or just evening?"

  [Yes. It is 7:55 PM. You cannot read Path of the Mystic at this time.]

  Clyde shook his head again. "That’s so stupid." His new magic skill turned his frown upside down.

  [Spirit wave. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. Description. Shoot a wave of concentrated spiritual energy. Chance to cause spiritual blight at 3%. Chance to do double damage on dark creatures: 15%.]

  He set off into the cool night. The crisp wind refreshed him, almost better than the shower he took earlier. The others were waiting at the usual spot, Chika included. Toru immediately pulled Clyde off to the side.


  "What?" Clyde said.

  "How did you convince…her to join?"

  "I asked her to be reasonable," Clyde said. "Everyone wants to be able to go outside at night again."

  Toru shot Clyde a blank glare.

  "Harumi and I couldn’t get that girl to budge for months."

  "Look, it’s a long story, Slimeo," Clyde said. "She’s here and it’s time to kick some ass."

  Toru sighed then nodded.

  "Fair enough. You see, this is why you’re the leader."

  "Pssh, you just don’t deal with the complicated bull," Clyde said. "In fact."

  He announced aloud, "as the leader, I now declare Toru battle trainer and strategist."

  Toru glared at Clyde as everyone nodded, approving. Clyde smiled.

  "It only makes sense, dude," Seth said, hands clutching a baseball bat. "He drilled me like hell yesterday on battle formations." He shook his head. "To think we have…. things crawling around our city at night. Are the cops not going to do anything about this? Maybe bring in the military."

  "Only those with the gift can fight them," Harumi said.

  "It’s kind of unfair for all of that to get lopped onto us," Kitome said.

  "Speaking of unfair, how far are you with convincing your brother?" Toru said, giving the blue-haired anime girl a fixed look.

  "He’s at least listening," Kitome said. She gave a brief longing expression then sighed. "I’d love to fight with him. See who’s better."

  "You really love your brother, don’t you?" Chika said.

  "Of course," Kitome said, cheerfulness in her voice.

  Clyde tried not to face palm as his anime trope senses tingled. He’d not look into that grim path.

  "Perhaps a little too much," he said under his breath, then aloud, "alright, let’s do a simple patrol, get Seth and Chika used to the rhythm. And mow down a little of the demon lord’s forces. We’re a team. Watch each other’s backs. Remember that."

  That got a nod of approval from everyone.

  [Toru, Seth, and Kitome have joined your party, companions to fight with you even to the end.]

  [You have unlocked the passive skill, Party Loyalty. Your companions will be able to sense if you’re in danger whether in or out of battle. Anyone nearby will be given a boost in stats to provide assistance.]

  The first encounter of the night faced the party against grey humanoid squid-like creatures with large black eyes the size of grapefruits and brown spots that dotted across their faces like freckles. The squid-like heads seemed elongated. Rippling muscles engulfed their chests like body builders. They hosted six tentacle arms, each equipped with jagged daggers.

  One of them smiled at Kitome, revealing a mouth of razor-sharp teeth.


  Level: 18

  Type: Monster

  Work under: demon lord spawn.

  Special: Ink slash. [Chance to stun at 3%].

  Weakness: Your hostile detection isn’t high enough for this.

  Resistances: See above.

  Secret: Your hostile detection, luck, and will isn’t high enough for this.

  [Your party has entered combat!]

  "Toru, you double up with Kitome," Clyde said. "I don’t like that look. Battle formation three. Go!"

  Clyde couldn’t believe those words came out of his mouth, but just rolled with it. He bolted toward his squid target, sword out, and engaged the creature. He started off with a Precise Slash. The krakkedon blocked it with two daggered arms then slashed across the young man’s chest. Clyde’s armor barrier blocked physical damage, but the pain made him grit his teeth. He swung at it once more, his level three combat forms driving him forward. The monster blocked every strike, then slashed through Clyde’s barrier with an ink slash. A shallow cut with blood oozing set the young man to his defenses. He allowed himself to briefly check his health.

  [Your health has dropped to 79%]

  "Enough of this," he barked. "I will not be held up on one enemy. Especially one cheating with six arms."

  Clyde dashed toward it, kicking on a Deep Slash, but missed. The krakkedon laughed.

  "Pitiful human."

  The monster backhanded him to the ground hard enough to solicit a brief moment of dizziness.

  [Your health has dropped to 72%]

  It bolted for Clyde in an attempt to finish it. The young man smiled, aimed a hand at it, then allowed the energy ball to flow.

  [Your MP has dropped to 88%]

  The monster squealed as the ball bashed him to the ground. Clyde didn’t hesitate to get up and stab the krakkedon in its neck. When the light left its eyes, he turned to see Chika staring at him. He shrugged then observed the street. His judgment call to double up on the monster that smiled at Kitome was spot on. Harumi electricity fried her foes—Clyde noted it as a possible weakness. Not that it mattered now, since most of his magic was of the spiritual element.

  "What was that?" Chika said. Clyde did not let her silent sheathing of her knife go unnoticed.

  "Just another form of my gift," he said then addressed everyone as a whole. "Let’s get going."

  Harumi healed them all before they set off.

  [Battle c
ompleted. Victory! Reward: 2300 EXP and $100.]

  They rounded the corner as a group, searching for monsters and police. What Clyde noticed about this predicament is that the cop cars seemed to avoid areas that contained higher level monsters. Dick move, Clyde thought. Way to leave your citizens to the frenzy. He needed power but didn’t fool himself into thinking it was possible to take on the demon lord alone. Parties were there for a reason.

  Clyde noticed a shadow standing on the rooftop, looking right at them, but by the time he opened his mouth to warn the others, it was on top of them. On top of Toru.

  "Agh! Get it off, get it off!"

  He was struggling with a woman? She appeared to be a busty frog-like humanoid creature with short green hair, green skin, and some kind of slime covering her body. Clyde analyzed her.

  Mucus Toad girl- Imba

  Level: 26

  Type: Monster

  Work under: N/A

  Special: Special Kiss. [Chance to cause lust and stun.]

  Weakness: Your hostile detection isn’t high enough for this.

  Resistances: See above.

  Secret: Your hostile detection, luck, and will isn’t high enough for this.

  "Another goddamn mutant, dude," Seth said. "Well, she wants to bang Toru. I say we just go and come back after they finish."

  The monster girl gave Clyde and the others a thumbs up then ripped off Toru’s sweat pants.

  "All in favor?" Clyde said, raising his hand, grinning evily.

  "You motherfuckers! You better help me. She’s strong as shit."

  Harumi gave Clyde a no-nonsense look.


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