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Ménage Material [La Belle sans la Bete Ménages] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 24

by Akeroyd, Serena

  Devvy chuckled. “My dues? Christ, I want a hotter word than that!” She turned to Bastien with a cheeky smile. “Alex wanted to stain our sheets, but you got home too early. You spoiled the surprise.”

  Sebastien shook his head. “It’s a good job I got here in time. He’ll cost me a fortune in laundry bills.” He stepped over to her, bent down, and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Run, little girl. Run.”

  She blinked up at him. “Run?”

  He grinned, the smile wicked. “Alex likes a good chase.”

  Her eyes widened as they snapped between him and their lover. Alex moved out of the way as Bastien stepped forward, grabbed her hand, tugged her onto her feet, and slapped her bottom.

  “Run,” he whispered.

  She studied him a moment, a frown in her eyes, but as her gaze flickered over to Alex, that frown turned into a hot burn that scorched the two of them. After a slow nod, she turned on her heels and did as bade.


  Devvy knew it was only a game, but she dashed up the stairs and ran from the pair of them as though the hounds of hell were snapping at her ankles. Within seconds, she heard sounds of laughter and pounding footsteps as they chased after her.

  Alex rarely laughed. So when he did, the sound just buzzed along her nerve endings, as though she’d smoked a spliff. Giving her a strange kind of toxin-free high.

  Bastien was just as bad for taking life so seriously. The sounds of his chuckles were music to Devvy’s ears and knowing that she added this dimension to their lives just filled her with a sense of empowerment.

  They’d waited for her.

  All these long years.

  And unknowingly, she’d been waiting for them.

  Shuddering at the thought, she made it into the bedroom and, sedately now, walked to the bed and perched on the edge. After crossing her legs, she sat there, waiting for the ten seconds it took for them to catch up to her.

  They burst through the door, took a look at her neat pose, and charged forward.

  In a tangle of arms and legs and chuckles, they collapsed on the bed. Devvy, squished between the two of them, was immediately wrapped up in their love for her. She was cocooned by strong male arms, pinned down by thick thighs and nudged by hard cocks.

  Laughter soon died out as mouths had more important tasks to do. Kisses and pecks, licks and sups. Amid the chaotic tangle of limbs, Devvy had never felt more at peace.

  Alex suddenly disappeared. He pulled away for no more than fifteen seconds, and it took him that long to shuck out of his clothes and return to her, naked.

  It was Bastien’s turn to disappear and he too returned as bare as the day he was born. They kept their distance as soon as they were nude, staring down at her, wonder in their eyes as she wriggled between them. Needing them, craving them. Ready in every way possible for this next step.

  She held out her arms, silently pleading for that mad tangle, but Alex shook his head, a wicked smile on his mouth.

  “I think we should take advantage of that skirt, Bastien.”

  Devvy’s husband’s grin was wide as he nodded and knelt beside the bed, between her legs. He slid his hands up the silken length of her calves, back and forth, nudging the skirt’s hem a little higher with every sweeping move.

  By the time he was touching her inner thighs, just above the knee, Devvy had melted a little inside. She quivered, waiting for a more intimate touch, but Bastien denied her it. He kept on sliding his hands along the length of her legs, making gooseflesh rise up and stand to attention.

  She shuddered when, after being content to watch Bastien at play, Alex decided to join in. His fingers immediately went to the panty-covered pussy Bastien had been ignoring. A moan escaped her, her back arched up as he touched her through the fabric. Letting his finger edge down between her pussy lips, penetrating her slightly before returning upward to nudge her clit.

  A tremor worked through her as he rimmed the tiny nub. Other hands appeared at her pussy, only these were tugging at the clinging damp fabric. Bastien pulled them down, over her legs and over her feet. The instant she was free from them, he spread her legs further apart and dragged her down, so her pussy was right on the edge of the bed.

  A perfect alignment for his mouth.

  She cried out as his lips dropped down to press a kiss to her wet cunt, as his tongue played and his teeth nibbled. Her arms flew overhead, throwing her backward with the momentum, and she pinned them down to the mattress using them to keep her grounded, but it wasn’t enough. Especially when Alex’s mouth joined in.

  She had to look. Had to.

  She arched upward and stared down as two heads, one dark and one tow, made a feast of her cunt. She watched, in awe, as their lips met and clashed over her sex. Their kiss, at the most intimate juncture of her body, almost had her coming there and then.

  She watched them. Bastien’s mouth covered in her juices, Alex’s just starting to get damp, as they devoured each other. A whimper worked free of her throat, followed by a mewl that caught their attention. She pushed their heads together before they could stop what they were doing.

  Panting gasps rattled her chest, and she couldn’t breathe. The sight of them…she’d seen them before. Countless times. A kiss, a snog…she’d grown accustomed to it. But not like this. Never like this.

  They were celebrating their union. Celebrating it as they celebrated the new addition to their triad, and it set her bones on fire.

  When they turned back to their original task, her stomach muscles were screaming from the enforced position. But it had been worth it. Oh, God, had it been worth it.

  She sank back into the bed only to rear up seconds later as one of them nibbled her clit and the other thrust as deep as he could with his tongue.

  Sounds of wetness, of moisture, filled the room. She was so wet, filled with juices, so ready for them, readier than she’d ever been.

  Her legs had been lying limply against the side of the mattress, but now, she lifted them onto the bed and spread them as wide as she could. Her reward was a tongue prodding at her asshole.

  Another shudder throttled through her at the sensation of that most sinful part of her body being tickled by a tongue. As one caressed there, the other prodded her clit. Slipping it between his lips and sucking down. Hard.

  Her shriek let the entire house know what was going on, and Devvy just didn’t care.

  For this moment in time, she belonged to these men. The world didn’t exist. Only the three of them did.

  A finger slid between her pussy lips, rubbing back and forth in a way that let her know he was collecting her juices. She awaited the prod of the digit at her ass with bated breath, and the instant a fingertip made its presence known, she shuddered in delight. Bearing down, she let him in and quivered as he began to fuck her with his hand.

  Tight, taut muscles clung to the digit and Alex’s voice was a groan as he grunted. “Can’t wait to get my cock in there.”

  Bastien chuckled. “It’s worth the wait, cher.”

  She didn’t even have it in her to be embarrassed by such talk. She just needed. Craved.

  When Bastien returned to supping at her clit, he licked the underside of the nub, flickering the tensile muscle along the tiny curve. The act was like detonating a bomb behind Devvy’s eyes.

  She was an inch away from climax, and she didn’t want to come.

  She wanted to come when her men did.

  She didn’t want a tiny explosion. She wanted an atomic bomb blast to hit her behind the eyes.

  Nothing else would do for this first time together.

  She began to struggle, her legs flailing and moving, and her arms, limp as spaghetti, attempted to move her away from their seductive caresses.

  Their hands clamped down, but she glared at them. “Now!” she stated firmly, then less firm and more desperate, she whispered, “Now.”

  Bastien looked amused and touched. The emotions so tinged with his love for her that she melted a little more.

bsp; Christ, what these two did to her should be illegal.

  “Petite, you’re not ready.”

  “Oh, I’m ready, Bastien.” She sucked in a breath, because, boy was she ready! “Do it. God, please. No more teasing.”

  Their eyes flickered toward one another, and she could sense more amusement on their behalf. She didn’t take offense, because Sebastien enjoyed torturing her with foreplay. He could spend an hour on that alone, driving her wild, driving her insane with the need for him to just thrust inside her. To fill her.

  In contrast, a few minutes of teasing were nothing in comparison to that. But ever since Devvy had watched porn and freaked herself out, ever since she’d seen the two of them together, deep inside, she’d been readying herself.

  Life had been one whole heap of foreplay.

  She didn’t need to be caressed.

  She needed to be fucked by these two men.

  And the sooner it happened, the better.

  “Fuck me, baby, please,” she pleaded, her eyes huge in her delicate rose-tinged face as she held out her hands for Alex.

  His chuckle was hoarse as he said, “I can deny you nothing, Devvy. Bastien, see to our mignonne.”

  Bastien did as bade. He climbed onto the bed, settling atop the covers at the head and sinking down onto the cushions. He curled a finger, beckoning her to come to him and Alex helped her roll over and get onto her knees. How she managed that short crawl, Devvy didn’t know. She was a mass of molten mush. So on edge, so ready, she kind of wished she’d let them bring her off just to get a little stuffing back in her joints.

  She shuddered as she settled on her husband’s lap. Just the sheer act of lifting a leg over so as to straddle him had her quivering. Her pussy lips parted with the gesture and that tiny movement had her clit throbbing.

  She moaned when a hard cock immediately waited for entrance to her body. It nudged her clit, slid up and down, around and around the wet slit. When Bastien nudged in the tip, she grunted. No matter how wet she was, he was always so fucking wide.

  Sucking in a breath, she bore down, pushing her stomach muscles into submission as her entire body went to work on accepting her husband inside. He wasn’t huge, but she was small. Even after two years of his thick girth.

  He lodged the tip in, something that always filled her with relief and had sweat popping out of pores from both of them. It took a few seconds more to simply slide down and lodge him deep.

  She shuddered when he was seated inside. Her muscles clamping down, twitching and releasing in an intimate greeting. Now he was there, bound to her, and she collapsed against him, a willing victim to whatever the hell they were about to do to her.

  His chuckle sounded loud against her ear, as he murmured something in French to Alex, who immediately laughed. She knew it wasn’t at her, so she didn’t mind. And even if she’d had the energy to chide them for switching to French, she wouldn’t have. Bastien always reverted to his mother tongue during sex.

  It was his weapon of mass orgasmic destruction.

  The instant his grunts and groans, his whispered curses, turned French, she was a goner.

  Every single time.

  The sounds of their husky mutterings worked their magic on her, as they always did. Everything inside sat up in expectation.

  The bed jolted slightly as Alex made his move onto the mattress, and she shuddered as his hand cupped her ass, sliding his callused palm over the silky flesh. His fingers ran down the crevice parting the two cheeks, and she whimpered as his fingers nudged at the pucker resting there.

  The sound of liquid flowing was her only warning as cold lube splashed against her ass. Her grumbles were ignored and they were short anyway, as Alex began preparing her for him.

  His fingers played with the pucker, spreading it, teasing it before retreating. He’d thrust finger-deep, and then pull all the way out, before thrusting in deep again. A mewl burst free as on one thrust, he pressed down. The move had Bastien hissing too and the pair of them shuddered against each other as Alex went to work.

  Tucked against her husband’s chest, her legs cupping his waist, she’d never felt safer and more ready to fly off the deep end.

  With him here to ground her, and Alex at her back to help her soar, Devvy experienced a deeper sense of belonging than she’d ever known with these two.

  Her mind wasn’t up to deep, philosophical thinking. But her body knew the difference.

  Today, these two men would be hers.

  That’s all she knew, and her very DNA clamored with it.

  Wet with lube, Alex’s fingers suddenly slid over the curve of her ass and she felt the bed shift as he pressed forward at a new angle. She knew now was the time and every part of her sang with the knowledge.

  His cock head brushed the pucker he’d lovingly prepared. One hand kneaded her ass, while his cock began to nudge muscles aside to demand entry to her most forbidden part.

  A thought fluttered through her mind as she waited, on the edge for Alex to take her…Why was it forbidden? And then, there were no more thoughts.

  Slowly, but surely, Alex impaled her on his shaft.

  It took a while. Every inch was hard-won, because Bastien’s girth already filled her to bursting.

  There were moments that were uncomfortable. Moments that had tears pricking her eyes and rolling down to dampen Sebastien’s shoulders. But they were slow. They took their time and fingers belonging to Sebastien, she imagined, skated between them to caress her clit, as though reminding her of the pleasure to come.

  When his shaft was deep in her ass, Alex’s low keening cry echoed around the room. The strange pitch trembled along her nerve endings, putting her on edge in a way she couldn’t understand.

  A flurry of French rebounded between the pair of them. Sounds of grunts and groans, husky laughs and need-filled chuckles told her, without words, the depth of pleasure she was giving her men.

  She didn’t need the English. She just needed their mother tongue to work its insidious magic on her body.

  With Alex finally in deep, rubbing against Bastien in the most intimate of ways, as he slowly pulled out, dragging against tender tissues and adding an incredible amount of pressure deep inside, her mind gave way.

  She blew.

  There was no fancy light show behind her eyes. No fireworks or fire. No supernova blast.

  There was a one-two punch to her nerve endings. A punch so fierce they snapped, and in her very core an implosion had everything sparking.

  The only color behind her eyes was blackness. A ceaseless obsidian that sparkled silver at the edges.

  The instant Devvy outwardly went lax, inwardly, everything tightened down. Bastien’s eyes widened as her pussy clamped around his dick, tighter than before and Alex grunted as her ass did the same.

  He moved, thrusting twice, maybe three times, their shafts rubbing against each other through that deliciously thin membrane separating them.

  They’d known this kind of pleasure before, but the difference, because it was Devvy, was unsurpassable.

  Her laxness was almost worrying until out of nowhere, she reared upward, the momentum almost throwing Alex off, and a low sound, almost a deep roar, escaped her. Her hips started to rock as she fucked herself on the pair of them. Both men watched, in awe, as she did the work, taking herself to the upper limit. Dragging their shafts back and forth in the delicious vice of her cunt and ass, before throwing all of them over a precipice not a one of them had ever visited before.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The first time Bastien woke up, the clock read eleven thirty. Seeing he was too late to fulfill the blackmailer’s requests, he sank back onto the pillow, guilt spearing him like a sword through the gut.

  The only thing that made it all bearable was the sight of Alexei and Devvy’s entangled limbs.

  His lovers were in his bed, in his bedroom, and in his house.

  Sebastien wasn’t sure if a more satisfying sight even existed. All he knew was that he’d do any
thing to protect the pair slumbering away like the innocents he knew they weren’t.

  The second time he awoke, the moonlight pierced the windows of the bedroom and spotlighted the three of them in the bed.

  With Devvy’s face pressed against his chest, her soft breaths made his nipples hard. At her back, Alexei lay flat but as closely pressed to Devvy as physically possible.

  In the large King-size bed, the three of them took up a slither of the available space thanks to their close proximity.

  He returned to sleep, content with the knowledge that for the moment, peace reigned.

  And after a full twelve hours’ rest on their part, just before the alarm went off at six, Sebastien awoke for the third and final time.

  The sun had just started to rise, shooting rosy glares through the glass and washing them all in a warm, pink bath of color.

  A part of him dreaded actually getting up. The other part called him a fool for not having told the two of them what was going on and what could, potentially, be on today’s headlines.

  The instant he made it down to the breakfast table, the papers would be waiting for him. And Bastien had a bad feeling in his gut.

  Things had been going so well, so smoothly. Devvy had easily accepted Alexei into her heart. All of their dreams had seemed so close to fruition. Bastien knew something had to spoil it.

  It was a negative train of thought. Not a track of the mind he was used to taking. In this instance, his relationship was too important for the shit to hit the fan.

  He wished, last night, he’d told them. Given them the choice and hastily fulfilled all the blackmailer’s demands.

  Instead, he’d thought with his cock.

  The idea of finally taking Devvy to bed with Alexei there had been too much temptation. How could he have ruined the mood, when they were finally ready to take their relationship to another level?

  He couldn’t have.

  But now, he was paying the price.

  And what a price.

  His head was aching by the time he made it out of the shower. So bad was the dull thud, he staggered over to the toilet seat and sat down heavily. He tried to rub the back of his neck, tried to ease the tension gathering like storm clouds, but it didn’t work. Five minutes later, Devvy found him there. Sat on the toilet, shoulders hunched over, his face twisted with agony.


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