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Ménage Material [La Belle sans la Bete Ménages] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 25

by Akeroyd, Serena

  Instantly recognizing what he was going through, she rushed over and said, “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  Before he could answer, her hands were there. Rubbing his temples, gently smoothing over the taut flesh and running down over the lumps and bumps of his skull. Her thumbs dug deep either side of his neck, round and round they worked, massaging away the hammer-blows that were still attacking him.

  She moved in front of him, standing between his legs for better access and he took advantage. Leaning forward, he rested his head on her belly and whispered, “J’espere que tu me pardonnes, Devvy.”

  “Hey!” she grumbled. “No French. Not this early, not when I’m fresh out of bed. You’re likely to convince me to get back into it, especially at this godforsaken hour. Anyway, what do you need me to forgive you for?”

  He grunted. “Your French is improving.”

  “Not really. You spoke really slowly. But that doesn’t bode well, does it? You muttering stuff when you think I won’t understand.” Her tone was chiding, but tinged with amusement. Her fingers continued their work as she asked, “What’s going on? If it’s caused this, it really isn’t worth it!”

  “I’m being blackmailed, Devvy.”

  She froze. Against his head, her stomach muscles clamped down, removing the warm, giving pillow of her belly. “Why? What have you done?”

  “When the first threat came through, it was a threat to tell you about Alexei.”

  “Oh, well. There’s no need to worry about that anymore.” Her tone had cheered up a notch. “Considering he was fucking me in the ass last night, I don’t think I could know him much more!”

  “It isn’t as simple as that, Devvy. It’s highly likely the blackmailer went to the papers.”

  “Went? You mean, it’s fait accompli? We can’t pay the ransom demand?”

  He groaned. “I meant to tell you last night. Discuss it with you and then Alexei. I never expected to see the pair of you together, in your salon. The thought of the blackmailer’s demands just flew from my mind. You’ve no idea how hard it is trying to get Alexei to go out! Just seeing him here, with you, together…. My mind just drained itself of other thoughts.”

  “You mean you could have paid the payoff last night?”

  His nod had his head butting against her belly.

  She sighed, but her fingers didn’t cease to rub tenderly at his head. “Well, we’ll just have to deal with the aftermath, won’t we?”

  “You say that now. But what will you say when the news hits the US? It’s bound to! What will your parents say? The papers will likely touch upon my relationship with Alexei!”

  “Then, you’ll just be confirming the gossip that’s already floating about.”

  He tilted his head back to frown at her. “What do you mean?”

  She jerked a shoulder. “I meant to tell you before, but in the scheme of things, it was so unimportant. Mother called me a few weeks ago. She said someone had commented on you and Alexei. She didn’t actually say what the gossip was inferring, but reading between the lines, it had to be that the two of you were an item. I just told her you two had a business relationship. She accepted it. I guess this will only confirm it.”

  Bastien’s arms reared up and he embraced her tightly, pulling her legs against his chest and wrapping her tightly in his embrace.

  “I’m so sorry, Devvy.”

  “Don’t be,” she told him, sounding surprisingly cheerful considering the direness of the situation.

  “If your parents suspect I’m gay, they’ll expect you to divorce me.”

  She snorted. “Like that’s going to happen. Don’t be worrying about that. And if it causes a fallout between my family and me, then there’s no love lost there anyway. Christ, it’s the excuse I need to break things off.

  “Do you realize how often my mother calls me?” she asked, cheerfulness now replaced by a sour note that made him frown.

  “Once a month?” he guessed.

  “At least once a week. And usually to gripe at me. To bitch. To ask how much I weigh or if I’ve lost weight. If she sees my picture, she tells me I need to go on a diet or asks why I wore the dress I did. She tells me I need to be careful with you, that I need to watch everything I eat, because I’m not good enough for you, so I have to make sure I’m skinny.” She sighed. “Does that sound like something to be missed?”

  “You never told me any of that,” he snapped.

  “It’s embarrassing! Of course, I didn’t! Do you take me for an idiot? But what could I do? She’s my mom. A thirty-minute call, once a week, is endurable. If this breaks the ties, then it breaks the ties. I certainly won’t miss her. If anything, it will be a relief. I won’t be the one to do it. She’ll have to be the one to cut me off. When she does, the fault lies with her.”

  Bastien shook his head. “I can’t believe you’re being so blasé about this.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t really have a choice, do I?”

  Her wryness made him close his eyes as guilt throbbed through him once more. “This is my fault for thinking with my cock.”

  “No, it isn’t. Blackmailers never stop. Isn’t that what they say? You could have paid this bastard last night and he could have still released whatever he’s got on us to the press. Alternatively, he could have come back for more.

  “That’s no way to live our lives. Always looking over our shoulders, waiting for the next ransom demand. The only thing is…how do we tell Alexei?”

  Before he could answer, a croaky voice retorted for him, “Consider him told.”

  A yawn echoed around the bathroom as Alexei stepped in and headed toward the washbasin. Devvy and Bastien watched as, completely unconcerned, Alexei ran the water and gulped up a few mouthfuls. Turning toward them, he jerked a shoulder. “What? I’m okay with it. Hell, it won’t affect me either way. You’re the one with the corporation, Bastien.”

  “What about your mother? You saw how she reacted to me yesterday. Never mind how she’ll react to Bastien!”

  Alexei grunted. “Do you think I’ll miss those pity visits? We share the same sentiments where our family is concerned, Devvy darling.

  “I won’t cut the ties, but she can. I’ll gladly be free from her.” He shuddered. “It’s about time anyway. The woman disturbs me.”

  “That woman is your mother,” Bastien told him wryly.

  Devvy shook her head. “Yesterday, I’d have agreed with you, Bastien. But she’s really weird. I mean, psycho weird. Hitchcock weird, you know?”

  Alexei chuckled. “It’s nice to see I have someone on my side now. Bastien,” he retorted, “we’re not all lucky to have loving parents who leave us the hell alone and are happy to come together during the holidays.”

  Devvy grinned. “You’re not wrong, Alexei. You are fortunate, Bastien. Suzette and Henri are so nice in comparison to my mother and father. Hell, we should invite them here more often.” She grimaced. “Well, that is if they’re still talking to us after the press opens the door to our lives.” She sucked in a breath. “We’ll deal with it. We have to. No other choice, is there?”

  Her strength astounded him. Bastien let his head drop down to her stomach again and mumbled, “I deserve neither of you. I don’t even deserve my parents!”

  When Alexei’s hand ran through his hair, he trembled a little. “Don’t think about what you deserve, Bastien. You’re a good man. You love us and you love your parents, even if you’re absentminded where they’re concerned. You’re an easy man to love.”

  Soft lips pressed against his hair. “He’s right, darling. You really are.”

  Bastien swallowed, ashamed by his sudden urge to cry. He cleared his throat and whispered, “Thank you. Both of you.”

  “Alexei, why don’t you go to the breakfast room and get the papers. They should be on the table by now. Let’s see what damage control needs to be done, because it could affect La Belle sans la Bête, Bastien.”

  He shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. I’m looking to sell a

  Devvy sucked in a breath. “And you didn’t think to mention that?”

  He grimaced. “I need to learn to share more.”

  Alexei rolled his eyes but laughed. “You’ve got that right.”

  Devvy glared at him, and said, “Bring the papers up, Alex. I’ll sort out our secretive SOB’s migraine.”

  “Now, now, Devvy. You can’t compliment Suzette on the one hand, and then call her a bitch on the other.”

  Devvy just grunted. “Get the papers, Alexei.”

  He strode off, cheekily patting Devvy’s bare butt as he walked off. He grabbed Bastien’s robe and covered himself in its folds before leaving the bathroom. The sounds of his whistling could be heard as he entered the bedroom and started to move down the hall.

  “I’ll never understand that man,” Bastien complained.

  “I don’t have a hope in hell of understanding him if you don’t after all those years together!” She shook her head. “Anyway, you! Don’t change the subject. Go and lie on the bed. All your shoulders are knotted. I need you to lie flat to work them out.”

  Bastien nodded his acquiescence and stood up the instant she moved out of his path. He heard her open some bathroom cabinets as he made his way over to the bed and crawled onto the soft, warm sheets.

  He’d have liked to belly flop, but the ensuing wobble of the mattress would have been the final straw to his still-throbbing head.

  Sometimes, confessing one’s sins didn’t help a man atone. Or in this case, a man’s body.

  Feeling forty years older than he actually was, he spread himself out on the sheets and waited for Devvy to work her magic.

  She returned in seconds, carefully climbed onto the bed and settled herself atop his ass.

  The sensation of her warm pussy lips rubbing his butt had his cock reacting predictably even in his current state of pain. Grunting at his body’s foolhardiness, he tried to ignore his erection as she poured oil down his back.

  The torture continued, however. Every time she moved her arms, massaging away his ache, she created another of a different ilk. He wasn’t too far gone to feel those soft, silken lips had started to grow moist. Every time her hips rocked, the gentle sway enabling her to rub his shoulders or neck, she’d grow a little wetter.

  By the time Alexei returned, his feet padding down the hall, her breathing was soft and flustered.

  Little hiccups of sound burst free every time her hips twitched and his cock, already suffering, started to dig a hole in the expensive mattress.

  It was either that, or break.

  Alexei’s soft chuckle sounded from the doorway.

  “Well, well, well. Bastien always told me how your massages worked miracles, Devvy. Now, I realize why!”

  A soft whooshing sound told Bastien Alexei had removed the robe and that it now lay on the floor. He groaned at the thought of his lover being naked, of the hard-on he’d probably be stroking as he watched the two of them cavort on the bed and all under the guise of a massage.

  “Let him roll over, Devvy. I think Bastien needs a different cure for his migraine.”

  A breathy sigh was her response as she stood on shaky legs on the mattress. When Bastien rolled over, his ruddy-purple dick told a tale of its own, a tale that had Alexei laughing.

  “Bastien has another ache, Devvy. Maybe you should massage that away, too.”

  Bastien grunted as she settled astride him once more, only this time, a little further down.

  He’d expected her soft, greased hands to jack him off. But when her mouth supped at the leaking tip of his shaft, he wasn’t going to complain.

  She licked at the pre-cum gathered there, then popped the glans into her mouth and sucked down. Hard.

  His hips reared up off the bed at the sudden pressure. The move had his cock sliding deeper into her mouth, ensuring all of his length was encompassed in that hot, pressurized cavern.

  Now, tears really did gather at the corner of his eyes. The need to come was inches away. His climax of the previous night seemed to have occurred a lifetime ago. His balls throbbed, pulling tight into his body with the need for release. When a callused pair of hands fondled them, before grabbing them and twisting roughly, an embarrassing whimper escaped from him.

  “Now, now,” Alexei cautioned. “Not so fast, Bastien.” To Devvy, he said, “Don’t let him come too soon, mignonne.”

  She pulled away from his shaft with a breathy moan.

  “If he needs to cum as badly as I do, then you’re being cruel, Alex,” she told him, her voice high.

  “Soothe the ache, petite. You’re more than welcome to some pleasure. Bastien needs a little punishment, non? After all his secrets, he can wait a while longer. It might teach him to be more honest with his lovers!”

  Devvy chuckled breathily at Alexei’s pithy remark. She climbed higher up Bastien’s lap and settled herself so her pussy was an inch away from his cock.

  He grunted at the sensation of heat gathered just a few centimeters away and groaned as her hand captured him.

  He prayed for the silken cunt that had pleasured him so often during his marriage. Instead, she tortured him. Sliding his cock through the clinging lips of her sex, using his cockhead instead of her fingers to rub her clit. Her panting breaths increased his torture as she used his dick to get herself off.

  The sounds reverberated around the room. They were pleasure-filled and so beautiful because of it.

  It amazed him that such a dire start to the day had led to this, but he wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

  He let Devvy “punish” him for his secrecy. Hell, it was the least he deserved. Not that his cock agreed.

  Her pussy was slippery with her juices as well as his own. Every time she tapped the glans against her clit, or almost breached the gate to her cunt, his heart came close to stopping.

  How long she teased him and herself, he didn’t know. Only when his breaths had turned into heavy gulps did he contemplate saying something. Then, Alexei moved. Their lover had been quite content to kneel on the bed, hand on his cock, desultorily stroking himself as he watched Devvy tease Bastien.

  Almost as though he sensed Bastien’s surrender, Alexei moved. Within seconds, Bastien had a cock in his mouth. The shaft’s length hit the back of his throat before he could even say, “Please!” And Bastien greedily gobbled the throbbing cock. Sucking and licking, pleasuring and torturing with little nips, hard sucks and flicks of his tongue.

  For a minute, he was distracted. Then, Devvy moved.

  He felt his cock head at her cunt, felt the glorious pressure as she struggled to accept his girth. The amount of times he’d almost come from that alone, her body’s acceptance of him, was a joke. That tight pressure had him closing his eyes and grunting as she worked herself on him, slowly impaling herself on his cock.

  Her frustrated cries and high mewls told their own tale. She had little patience, did Devvy. It was usually why he was in control of penetration. The few times she’d ridden him, she’d managed to burst into tears before she’d managed to get his cock inside her. This time wasn’t much different.

  With implosion imminent, it was with relief that her cunt finally accepted him. She slid down, taking all of him in, and crying aloud at the sensation.

  His groan vibrated along Alexei’s shaft, causing him to cry out too.

  The sounds were a delicious accompaniment to the sexual tableau occurring on the bed.

  His eyes were closed, the bright light of the morning making them ache. But blindness just enhanced all of his other senses.

  His ears rang with the sounds of their pleasure. His nose was filled with the earthy scent of Alexei’s cock, and in the background, the sweet, floral essence of Devvy’s juices teased his sense of smell.

  He could taste Alexei’s musk. That unique scent that triggered thousands of memories. Some sexual, some sweet. All loving. The pleasure of those sensory memories made his hands fist. When he released, and pressed his fingers bet
ween Devvy’s legs, intent on touching her clit and driving her to madness of a different nature, one that had nothing to do with anger or irritation, he felt the slippery slide of her skin against his. That silk was softer than the robe she wore after her shower. It was sleeker than the softest velvets and more satiny than the most tender of flower petals.

  A sudden groan from Alexei dragged him from his thoughts. Combine it with Devvy’s fingers nudging his, their slickness telling him half a tale, he opened his eyes, curious to see why Alexei’s groans had grown deeper, harder.

  He saw that Alexei had moved. No longer astride his shoulders, simply fucking his face. Now, he’d toppled over onto his hands and knees, giving him a perfect view of Alexei’s dangling balls and a slender hand moist with her own juices, making mischief with their lover’s butt.

  From nowhere, Alexei began to fuck his mouth. His hips bucked, sliding his shaft into Bastien’s throat.

  As cum spewed from the tip, Alexei’s groans turned into degenerative grunts, while Devvy milked him for all he was worth.

  The panting sounds of Alexei’s endless orgasm combined with the tangy taste of his lover’s cum, had Bastien’s own hips rocking. He fucked Devvy, not waiting for her to once again take control. He slammed his butt into the bed and thrust. She sobbed as he pulled out, then fucked her deeply, going in to the hilt.

  Three more thrusts like that and she shrieked, a fourth one combined with her clamped-down muscles, and release poured through him, too.

  As ecstasy ricocheted behind his eyes, erasing any and all traces of pain from his head, he grunted with relief. When Alexei finally moved away, taking his cock with him and emptying Bastien’s mouth, he whispered, “I think we’ve discovered another way to get rid of my migraines.”

  The comment had Devvy and Alexei sniggering. Bastien was too damned tired to do more than grin.

  As his orgasm freed him from the earlier tension, burning away the shadowy memories with fiery-hot blasts of delight, he sank deeply into the bed and allowed himself to relax.


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