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Page 3

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “It’s a mess.” She bent down and picked up a truck. “I’m sorry. I finally got the little guy down and ran out of time to clean up.”

  “Don’t you guys have maids?” I regretted the words once they were out. I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.

  She smiled. “We have a house cleaner, but only once a week. Otherwise it’s up to me to pick up after everyone.”

  “I clean too.” Levi walked over and kissed her on the cheek.

  She smiled. “Occasionally.”

  “Hey, you’ve been complaining we never have company. I brought you company.”

  “With no notice. I would have hired a sitter and had dinner catered.”

  “Allie isn’t much of a cook,” Owen laughed.

  Allie nudged Levi. “I’m getting better. Right?”

  He smiled. “You are fantastic, babe. No question about it.”

  “Do you want to be in trouble?” She narrowed her eyes.

  “What?” He held up his hands as if in defense. “I was being honest. You’re a great cook.”

  “I heard some sarcasm there.” She flushed.

  “Keep up with this over sensitive stuff, and I’m going to worry you are pregnant again.”

  She swatted at him. “If we didn’t have company you’d be regretting those words.”

  “And my guess is I’ll be regretting them after they leave.” He pulled her into his arms. “Have I told you lately that I love you?”

  “Sweet talk isn’t going to work.”

  “It won’t?” He rested his forehead against hers. “Even if it’s really sweet?”

  Allie shook her head. “And on that note, let’s move into the living room. I’m sure our guests would like to get on with the evening.”

  Allie and Levi walked through a large archway. I pulled Owen back. “Are they always like this?” I whispered.

  He laughed. “Most of the time. Entertaining couple, aren’t they?”

  “You could say that.” I followed them into the living room.

  I took a seat on a beige couch, glad when Owen sat down next to me. Allie and Levi sat down across from us on a loveseat.

  “Levi didn’t get a chance to tell me to what I owed the pleasure of your company, Owen. My guess is this is more than a purely social visit?” She crossed her legs.

  “We need to take a look at some maps. We have to find a place.”

  “A place? Very descriptive.” She huffed.

  “Do you know anything about the Allures?” I asked.

  “I’ve read about them. They are an ancient mythical creature if I’m correct.”

  “Ancient yes, but not mythical.” Owen put a hand on my leg.

  “Wait, you’ve seen them?” Allie sat up.

  “Daisy’s got one in her.” Levi didn’t move an inch when he spoke.

  “Uh, what does he mean?” She watched me warily.

  “Oh, I ate one for breakfast.” I needed to lighten the mood.

  Allie laughed. “Funny.”

  “Glad you figured out it was a joke.”

  She laughed again. “I’m not that gullible, but what is Levi talking about?”

  “Short story is she was given a magic paste that apparently had Allure essence in it. She’ll fully become one if we don’t stop it.” Levi stood up. “I’ll pull out the maps. Owen, want to join me?”

  He wasn’t really asking, and Owen stood right up. He glanced down at me. “We’ll be right back.

  “Please find something,” I pleaded.

  “I’ll do my best.”

  I watched as they walked out of the room.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Allie snapped me out of my daze. “I know I should be asking how you are, but I already know you can’t be doing great. A drink is the only thing I can think to offer.”

  “You are nothing like I expected.”

  “What did you expect?” She walked over and sat down next to me.

  “A pampered princess type girl.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you.” Her eyes twinkled.

  “About that drink you offered?”

  “My guess is you need something strong.”

  “As strong as you’ve got.”

  “Come with me.” She led the way into the next room and stopped in front of a large mahogany bar. “Pick your poison.” She gestured to a row of top shelf liquors.

  “Vodka.” I didn’t drink much liquor, but I preferred Vodka.


  “That works.” I didn’t plan to drink much, so I wanted to be easy.

  She poured two glasses and handed me one.

  “To the boys finding what you need on the maps.” She lightly tapped her glass against mine.

  “Cheers.” I sipped the strong liquor and welcomed the burn as it went down my throat.

  Allie took a sip. “A few years ago I wouldn’t have had this.”

  “You’ve changed your drink preferences?” I asked. The whole situation was strange. Having drinks with a queen was never in my plans.

  “Yes. I’m not sure how much of that comes from being queen versus being a mom.”

  I laughed. “My guess is both contribute.”

  “So you and Owen, huh?” She sipped her vodka again.

  “Yup, me and Owen.”

  “Other than the whole Allure thing, are you doing well?”

  “I’m crazy about him.”

  “And the sex?”

  I coughed on my drink.

  She held out a hand. “Sorry, had to ask.” She laughed. “I’m nosier than I used to be.”

  Why not be honest? “It’s great.”

  “He seems happy. Stressed but happy.”

  “I’d say that sums me up, but my emotions aren’t that simple anymore.”

  “Are you like an Allure? I read something about them being able to manipulate feelings.”

  “I can somewhat. I’m trying to avoid it.”

  “The worst part about being a human in this paranormal world is that I’m susceptible to everything while Levi isn’t. At least my kids will be immune.”

  “Will all of them be Pteron?” I couldn’t imagine having kids that weren’t human. Then again I couldn’t imagine not being human myself but that was already starting to happen.

  “Yes. That gene is dominant.”

  “What’s that like? Having kids that have wings?”

  “You’re changing the subject.” She swirled around the liquor in her glass.

  “I am.” There was no reason to pretend otherwise.


  “I am legitimately curious.”

  “It’s different, but I knew what I was getting into. My guess is it’s going to be more of a challenge as they get older.” She glanced over her shoulder, and I assumed she was checking to make sure Levi wasn’t listening. “I’m worried they’ll look down on me, or I’ll feel left out because I can’t fly.”

  “That would be hard.” I didn’t beat around the bush. She hadn’t with me, so I would give her the same courtesy.

  “Like I said, I don’t know what changed my liquor preference more.” She took another sip.

  “I’m sorry for this unexpected visit.”

  “It’s fine. Owen is like family. I’m surprised Levi even called in advance to let me know.”

  “I made him.” It was the least we could do.

  She smiled. “Why am I not surprised?”

  “Men don’t think about things like that.”

  “No, they don’t. And to be honest some women don’t either.”

  “Yes, I’ll agree there.” I’d definitely met my fair share of those.

  “How are you feeling?” She leaned back against the bar. “

  “Emotionally I’m a mess, but physically I’m feeling normal enough.”

  “I know you’ve got to be terrified, but we’re going to figure this out.”

  “If it’s possible.”

  “You know it is. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here.” She gave me a know
ing look.

  “Ladies?” Levi called from the doorway. “Starting without us?” He took Allie’s glass and sipped it. “You’re drinking vodka now?”

  She shrugged. “There are worse things.”

  “Find anything?” Allie and Levi’s banter was cute and all, but I didn’t have time to waste.

  “Yes and no.” Owen walked over with a roll of paper under his arms.

  “Are those the maps?”

  “Yes. I want to show you something.” He walked toward the kitchen and laid out the map on the table. “This is the map of all known cities and locations in the world.”

  “Where’s Energo?” I stood next to him.

  “That’s the thing.” He tapped the map. “It’s not on here.”

  “Or this one.” Levi rolled out another map next to it.

  “So how does any of this help us?” I could feel my frustration rising along with panic.

  “Owen doesn’t think Kalisa was lying about Energo.” Levi leaned a land on the table.

  “Why would she have lied? What could she have possibly gained by that?” I agreed with his assessment, but that didn’t mean it helped us at all.

  “If she’s telling the truth, then there are only two possibilities.” Levi tapped the maps.

  “And they are?” I was growing increasingly inpatient.

  “Either Energo is another name for a place.”


  Levi rolled the maps back up. “Or it doesn’t exist in our world as we know it.”

  “Uh… if it doesn’t exist in our world, where does it exist?” Allie scrunched up her forehead.

  “Allie, do you still have those books you borrowed from my grandma? The ones about all the ancient creatures?”

  Allie put a hand under her chin. “No. Georgina made me return them in less than forty-eight hours.”

  “Georgina?” I asked.

  “My grandma, don’t ask.” Levi shook his head.

  “Wait, do you think the places described in those books are real then?” Allie leaned forward.

  “The Allures are still around…”

  “Does this mean we’re paying a visit to Georgina?” Owen’s eyes brightened.

  “Yes.” Levi nodded. “But she’s out at the country home. It’s going to be a drive.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” Owen grabbed my hand. “I’m not going to pretend Georgina is the easiest person to get along with, but if anyone is going to be able to help, it’s her.”

  “Then why didn’t we go to her first?” I asked what I thought was an obvious question.

  Levi laughed. “Because no one just goes to Georgina, except for family, and even we’re careful. The matriarch of our familiar is intense.”

  “But most of that is an act.” Allie took my empty glass from me. “She’s more bark than bite unless you get on her bad side. If you do that, well, then you’re in serious trouble.”

  “But you think she’ll help us?” I clasped my hands together.

  “She’s always had a soft spot for Owen.” Levi grinned. “Now if this was Jared it would be another story.”

  “Who’s Jared?” I asked.

  “No one you need to know.” Owen linked his arm with mine.

  “He’s their other best friend.” Allie put a hand on her hip. “But you really don’t need to worry about him yet. I’m sure you’ll meet him eventually.”

  “Maybe someday.” Owen pulled me toward the door.

  I decided not to press him. I had bigger things to worry about. Like meeting Levi’s grandmother. She couldn’t be that scary, could she?



  I was glad that Daisy didn’t know all the stories about Georgina. She was going to have to meet her anyway, so there was no reason to needlessly stress her out. Usually I was all about preparing someone for an experience, but there was too much going on. I wanted to keep things as calm as possible.

  “You can take a nap if you want.” I turned from the front seat to watch her in the back. She’d insisted on sitting in the back again. Levi had offered to chauffer us, but Daisy was adamant he didn’t. She seemed upset that we’d somehow be putting him out.

  “I’m fine.” She looked out the window.

  “Please stop saying that.”

  “Why? What do you want me to say?”

  “Anything but fine. Fine is just another way of saying bad.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Would you two stop arguing?” Levi watched me out of the corner of his eye. “This is supposed to be a peaceful job.”

  “Who said it was going to be peaceful?” Daisy snapped.

  The expression that followed her words said it all. She was horrified. “Sorry.”

  Levi laughed. “And I thought Allie was the only one who would ever talk back to me.”

  “She probably hates me.”


  “You were home for less than an hour, you barely saw her, and now you’re leaving again.”

  “She understands.” Levi backed out of the driveway. “You worry a lot about my wife.”

  “It’s more like redirected guilt.”

  “Don’t feel guilty. Owen knows I’d do anything for him, plus this is Society business.”

  “Why?” Daisy sat forward in her seat. “How is this Society business?”

  “Because the Allures aren’t supposed to be here. If they are, I need to know about it, and I have to make sure humans aren’t being turned into them left and right.”

  “I doubt that’s the case.” I shifted in my seat. I wanted to get into the back with her. “Taking down an Allure couldn’t have been easy for the witch to do, and from what I understand, not all humans could have been able to handle the essence.”

  “Oh, Daisy is special then?” Levi raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes, but for more reasons than that.”

  “Sweet.” He smiled.

  We settled into a comfortable silence as we drove on I-10 heading toward the country.

  Daisy broke the silence. “How much farther is it?” Her voice was strained, and I could tell she was trying to stay polite.

  “Not much farther.”

  “And you don’t think she’s going to mind us showing up at night like this?”

  “She’ll mind.”

  “Then why are we doing it?” Daisy threw up her hands.

  “Because she’ll forgive us when she finds out why we’re there. You guys keep saying time is of the essence. Waiting until morning seemed like a mistake.” He sped up to pass a slow moving truck.

  “You think she’ll give us time to explain?” Daisy fidgeted in her seat.

  “I’m the king. Even Georgina has to accept that.”

  I chuckled. “Good luck with that approach, man.”

  “Let me do the talking.” Levi changed lanes and took an exit, and we turned onto a country road.

  “I was planning on it.” Daisy folded her hands in her lap. “I’m more than happy to wait in the car even.”

  “You’re coming in. Like I said, she’ll forgive the unannounced visit if she knows it’s for a reason.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Daisy leaned back against the tan leather seat.

  The sky was pitch black when Levi pulled into the long drive leading up to Georgina’s plantation home. The drive was surrounded by a magnificent alley of oaks that led the way to a beautiful, old home situated on several acres of land. Despite the distance from New Orleans, I understood why they’d moved out there. Maybe I could find a place like this where Daisy and I could stay close enough that I could work for Levi, but we could still get away from it all. I’d stopped thinking about my future in terms of just me. I was now viewing it as a joint venture, and I liked it.

  I met Daisy as soon as she opened the door, and I held out my hand. I knew she liked to do things on her own, but I wanted to remind her that she wasn’t facing any of this by herself. I’d promised to never leave her side and that was a promise I fully intended to

  “Let’s get this over with.” Levi walked right up to the front door. I hung back a few steps behind him. I figured he was more than capable of handling the brunt of her annoyance himself. He was the king after all.

  He knocked on the door.

  A few moments later the door was opened by a servant. “Good evening, your highness.”

  “Is my grandmother still up?”

  “I believe she is.” The servant stepped back to allow Levi to enter.

  He put out his arm to stop Daisy and I from following.

  Levi pushed his arm out of the way. “They are with me.”

  The servant nodded and bowed awkwardly, and I led Daisy inside the large entryway.

  Daisy gazed around her in wonder. This was her second visit to a Laurent house that evening, and she had probably already connected the dots and realized they had certain things in common. Both homes had modern ornate designs that spared no expense. Her eyes went directly to the crystal chandelier hanging above us.

  Levi looked at me. “Why don’t you wait here?”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes. I need to make sure Georgina is ready to see visitors.”

  “Of course I am ready to receive visitors.” Georgina walked down the sweeping staircase. “Allison told me to expect you and some guests.” She walked down and right over to Levi. “Lovely to see you, Leviathan, but I hope there is a good reason for such a late visit. Allison assured me I’d understand once you explained.”

  “Hi grandma.” He hugged her.

  Daisy smiled. I’m sure it was interesting to watch the king greet his grandmother. I wondered if it made him seem more human and less royal.

  “Owen, how nice to see you.” She kissed me formally on the cheek. She’d always liked me, but I didn’t really understand why. I wasn’t exactly from a high ranking family.

  “Do you mean that?” Levi asked. I never would have had the nerve.

  “Possibly.” She turned to Daisy and gave her a long look. “And this must be Daisy. Allison said I would like you.”

  Daisy flushed and did this half bow thing.

  Levi chuckled, but Georgina merely held out a hand. “I’m Georgina Laurent. Pleasure to meet you.”

  “Pleasure to meet you too.” Daisy kept eye contact with her. That in itself was impressive for a first meeting.


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