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Brooke, Leah - Crescendo [The Leah Brooke Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 20

by Leah Brooke

  But, would there be room for him?

  * * * *

  Julianna had never been so aroused in her life, had never even known it was possible to experience hunger like this. Every nerve ending in her body screamed for Nick’s attention.

  Her eyes widened at the sight of Steve reclining naked in the bed next to her.

  Steve had a body thick with muscle, every inch the rock-hard warrior. His almost hairless chest invited her touch, making her hands and lips itch with the need to explore. The thick cock rising from the patch of dark blond hair pointed toward his stomach, the plum-sized head dark and leaking moisture.

  Turning her head, she couldn’t look away from Nick as he started removing his cufflinks and tie, his eyes on hers as he leisurely undressed. Looking back at Steve and admiring his muscular form, she sucked in a breath to see him running a hand slowly up and down his thick cock, the tortured look on his face adding to her own incredible need.

  Unable to resist watching Nick, she turned back to him, her eyes going wide as he removed his shirt and tossed it aside to land on the back of a nearby chair. Following the line of dark hair down the center of his chest, she tried to sit up, momentarily forgetting that her hands had been tied to the headboard.

  From beside her, Steve chuckled and reached out to tweak a nipple. “Doesn’t look like you’re going anywhere just yet.”

  Breathing deeply, she rubbed her thighs together, unable to tear her eyes away from the sight of Nick removing his trousers and tossing them aside to land on his shirt. His long, thick cock, slightly darker in color than Steve’s, appeared every bit as large, the dark head glistening with moisture.

  When he took a step toward the bed, her gaze automatically went to his. Trembling under the look in his eyes, she whimpered and rolled toward Steve, rubbing her cheek against his bicep, determined to enjoy this fantasy to the fullest.

  For as long as it lasted.

  Although Steve didn’t touch her, his eyes moved over her like a heated caress.

  “Steve, please touch me again.”

  He shook his head, not saying a word, something fierce in his eyes which also held a sadness she didn’t understand. Didn’t he want her?

  She looked down to see his cock standing tall and thick and shuddered when his hand began stroking it again. No, he wanted her. Why wouldn’t he touch her?

  Shifting her eyes to where Nick stood at the very end of the bed, she bit her lip to hold back a moan.

  More handsome than a Greek god, Nick stood naked at the foot of the bed, eyeing her coolly from head to toe as though inspecting his property.

  “Do you want my mouth on that sweet pussy?”

  Julianna had to take several deep breaths before she could answer, rubbing her thighs together as her clit tingled in response. “Yes. God, yes.”

  With his hands on his hips, he looked every inch the dominant male, sending her pulse racing even faster. “Then spread yourself for me. Knees on your chest and spread wide.”

  Julianna’s breath caught at his demand, and she slid a glance at Steve to find him watching them both as he traced circles around her nipple, not touching her where she needed it the most. “I can’t do that. Please, just take me.”

  Nick’s smile melted her insides. “Yes, you can. You want to. You know what kind of pleasure’s in store for you if you obey me, don’t you? Knees back to your chest. Wide. Now, Julianna.”

  With the promise of release from this erotic torment, she swallowed heavily and nodded.

  Taking a deep breath, she lifted her knees, spreading her legs obscenely wide, whimpering as even the air moving on them became too much to bear.

  The bed shifted as Steve stood, his eyes never leaving hers as he moved to join Nick at the foot of the bed.

  Unable to watch them any longer, she closed her eyes, her pussy burning under their gazes.

  Nick’s low voice washed over her like a caress. “No, Julianna. Open those expressive blue eyes and look at us. If you close them again, I’ll dress you and take you down to the party and keep you aroused like this all night.”

  Julianna knew she’d never survive being left this way. Experiencing more pleasure at their hands than she ever had before, she’d do anything to experience everything they had to offer to its fullest. “Please don’t. I’ll keep them open.”

  The two men exchanged a quick look, one she didn’t understand. Steve’s eyes glittered with heat, but his features appeared carved from stone. Nick smiled at his friend, a quick twitch of his lips, before turning his eyes back to her slit. Her clit throbbed incessantly under their stares, and she could literally feel the moisture flow from her pussy.

  Nick knelt at the edge of the bed and ran a finger over her inner thigh from her knee to her center. “It looks like our darling little Julianna needs some attention. Her clit is red and swollen.”

  Steve used a firm hand on her other thigh to push it higher while tracing a finger over her wet folds. “Poor baby. It looks painful.”

  Julianna gasped as a wet finger moved downward to touch her bottom hole.

  “Please don’t touch me there.” Why she’d objected, she didn’t know. She wanted to be naughty, wanted them to touch and take everything, wanted to feel her ass filled again.

  But the need to defy them rose. Knowing they could do whatever they wanted to her in this position, begging for a mercy they wouldn’t allow increased her vulnerability and her desire.


  Julianna flinched at Steve’s tone, surprised by the underlying anger in it.

  He leaned over her, cupping her jaw and turning her face to his. “Everything is ours to explore, remember?”

  Julianna shivered when she found herself looking into the eyes of a completely different person than the one who’d been touching her only seconds ago.

  Nick caressed her thigh, making her shiver again. “Julianna won’t make that mistake again, will you, sweetheart? I’m glad your ass is virgin, but it means that Steve and I will have to stretch you before we can take you there. We’ll have to train those muscles to relax for us. Now be a good girl and lie still while I make a meal of this sweet pussy. When I’m through, you’re going to take Steve’s cock into that hot little mouth and suck him really good, while I fuck you slow and deep.”

  Every word that passed his lips made her hotter. Just the thought of him putting his mouth on her again made her clit and pussy tingle with anticipation.

  Steve’s eyes flared as he released her jaw and moved his way up to her breasts again, his touch a little firmer and more demanding than it had been just a few minutes earlier. With a small smile, he slid his hand to an aching nipple.

  “Oh, yeah, baby. You like it wild, don’t you?”

  Julianna gulped, stiffening and bracing herself for the first swipe of Nick’s tongue.

  It didn’t help.

  The lightest touch made her stomach muscles jump, the jerk that yanked her away from him instinctive and automatic. Before she could beg for another chance, a sharp, punishing nip on her inner thigh made her yelp. Her legs shook uncontrollably, and it took every ounce of concentration to keep them open. Thankful Nick had a strong grip on them, she fought hard not to push against his hold, fearing he would stop.

  After several tense seconds, Nick lowered his head again, this time driving his tongue into her pussy. She could feel her insides clench on him, her pussy trying to hold him inside. Praying that it didn’t count as moving, she struggled not to let another muscle move even the slightest amount.

  It was erotic torture, and she loved it.

  The sounds coming from her throat sounded like a wounded wild animal. She’d never known she could be capable of such a loss of control. Every single inch of her body felt pulled tight as a bowstring, the pleasure indescribable.

  Nick took his time, not appearing to be in any hurry to finish as most men were. Running his tongue slowly over her folds, he seemed to savor her. His warm breath blowing over her clit and Steve’s ho
t mouth on a nipple had her body bowing, every muscle tense and quivering. She didn’t even have the time to draw a breath before he took her clit between his firm lips and caressed his tongue over it, long, smooth swipes that threw her over the edge so fast it made her dizzy.

  Bucking wildly, she screamed, her legs kicking at Nick as she fought the most sublime pleasure she’d ever before experienced. Digging her heels into his back, she struggled against him, the sensation on her clit impossible to bear.

  Crying openly now, she fought for air as she started to come down, her body shaking helplessly as he slowed his strokes and gradually loosened his hold on her. Amazed at the tears that flowed down her cheeks and into her hair, she struggled to get enough air into her lungs, holding on to the tie securing her wrists in an effort to ground herself.

  It took her several long minutes before she realized that Nick and Steve sat watching her, both running their hands over her raised arms and stomach as if to calm her.

  Nick smiled indulgently. “I didn’t even get to have my feast. You went over way too quickly, sweetheart. I’ll have to teach you to prolong your pleasure so that I can have more time to savor you. We’ll have to work on that. Starting now. Steve, would you untie her for me, please?”

  Julianna’s eyes flew to Steve’s as he leaned over her. Her gaze drifted downward to Steve’s cock, jutting magnificently toward his stomach, hard and hot where it brushed over her side. Long and thick, it leaked moisture from the tip and made her mouth water to taste him.

  Glancing down, she saw Nick stroking his own thick length. Her pussy clenched, still quivering from her orgasm and aching to have him fill her.

  Steve’s eyes appeared lit from within as he untied her and flipped her to her knees with an ease that stunned her. “I can’t wait to feel that soft mouth on my cock.”

  Nick moved in behind her, his hands coming around to cover her breasts, lifting her until her back pressed against his chest. He nuzzled her neck from behind, the palms of his hands providing a delicious friction on her nipples. “Look at Steve. Look at how much he wants you. He’s dying to feel your mouth on him.”

  Julianna dug her fingers into Nick’s hard thighs, moving her bottom against his cock. Fascinated by Steve’s naked form, all that hard-packed muscle just waiting for her, she watched Steve settle against the headboard and begin stroking his cock. Mesmerized by the pearly drop on the purplish head, she licked her lips, her mouth watering.

  Steve’s smile looked pained. “That’s it. Lick those lips, baby. Get them nice and wet for me.”

  Nick’s fingers tightened on her nipples, sending a renewed burst of lust racing through her. “You will not come until Steve does. If you do, there will be consequences.”

  Julianna shuddered again, harder than before, and pushed back against him, craving his warmth and closeness as memories of David’s cruelty caused a moment of panic. “C-consequences? W-what are you going to do?”

  Nick slid a hand to her slit, and with his face still buried against her neck, he pulled back the hood and ran a teasing finger around her clit. “This is about pleasure, Julianna. Don’t compare me with anyone else. Are we clear?”

  The jolt to her battered system weakened her so much she knew she would have fallen if not for his hold. Julianna lay bent over his arm, shaking when his cock jumped against her bottom. Reaching out to hold on to Steve’s thighs, she gulped. “Yes.”

  Nick pulled her upright until the heat from his chest covered her from her shoulders to her buttocks. “Good girl. Now let’s show Steve your swollen clit. In the future, you’ll be required to hold yourself open this way, but for now, I’ll do it for you.”

  No longer touching her clit, he pressed his palm against her abdomen, his fingers holding her folds parted.

  Steve leaned forward, his eyes steady on hers, and touched the tip of his finger to her throbbing and ultrasensitive clit, barely moving it back and forth, smiling when she jerked. “Oh, yeah. Your clit is so red and swollen. Poor baby.”

  Julianna’s moan felt like it had been ripped from her, her body trembling so badly she had to reach out to grab his shoulders for support. Each tiny pass of his finger over her clit made her jolt, and the devious bastard spaced them at different increments so she could never tell when one was coming. Sometimes he flicked it several times in a row, only to wait for what seemed like forever for the next.

  Smiling that devious smile she’d come to expect, but with a glitter in his eyes she’d never seen, he murmured softly. “Nick, look at her. Her thighs are soaked.”

  Steve took her to the brink, watching her eyes as he manipulated her clit. The pleasure kept building and building, her clit tingling hotly as another orgasm approached fast, the warning tingles from it making her tremble all over. Just when she thought she’d go over, Steve stopped, swallowing her moan by leaning forward to kiss her, his mouth hot and hungry on hers.

  Nick cupped her breasts in his big hands again, rubbing his cock against her bottom. “Yes, I know. I’m going to lube her ass with nothing but her own juices and stretch her a little more while I’m taking her.” At her panicked, but excited moan, he pinched her nipples. “You like hearing us discuss what we’re going to do to you, don’t you, Julianna. It makes the anticipation that much stronger. Sometimes you’ll know, and sometimes you won’t.”

  Rubbing his cock against her ass, he rolled her nipples between his fingers just as Steve stroked her clit again, the riot of sensations going through her making her shake uncontrollably. “Know this, little one. You’re being prepared to take both of us at once. One in your pussy and one in your ass. You’ll be taken like that often. I like ass, darling, and yours is always going to be accessible to me. You’ll be plugged, teased, and fucked there quite often.”

  Holding on to Steve’s shoulders, Julianna stared down at him, hardly believing the way the nerve endings in her ass came alive at Nick’s words.

  Her buttocks clenched against the tingling at her puckered opening, hardly able to imagine their cocks inside her there.

  Steve leaned forward and waited until Nick released her breast to take a nipple into his mouth, scraping his teeth over it. “I think our Julianna’s going to love being fucked in the ass. She’s a wild little thing, isn’t she?”

  Julianna’s head fell back when Steve ran his hands up the inside of her thighs, her neck no longer able to support it. “W-why do you—oh, God—why do you both keep calling me little? I’m not at all. Ah, oh, God.”

  She nearly came when Nick tightened his fingers on her nipples again.

  “Because you are little. You’re more delicate than I think you realize. I think it’s something you need to be reminded of. You’re very much a woman, Julianna, and a vulnerable one at that. You just keep hiding it behind that wall you’ve got built up, that wall that I’m going to take great satisfaction in knocking down until there’s nothing left between us.”

  Nick bent her over, placing her on all fours, and spread her legs wide. “You’re going to surrender to me, little one, in every way a woman can surrender to a man.”

  He ran a finger threateningly over her tight bottom hole. “Every way. Take Steve’s cock into your mouth, Julianna. Suck him in deep, and remember, you’re not allowed to come until I give you permission to do so. Waiting will make the pleasure even greater, and after all, that’s what this is about, isn’t it? Don’t disappoint me.”

  Julianna grabbed on to Steve’s thighs again, digging her fingers into the muscular flesh, and started to lower her head, craving the taste of him as much as she craved Nick’s cock in her pussy. She didn’t want to disappoint either of them. She could do this.

  Nick ran a hand down her back and over her bottom, using his thighs to spread her even wider. “You’ve got the most magnificent ass I’ve ever seen. I can’t even sleep at night, thinking about all the things I’m going to do to it.”

  Opening her mouth wide to take the head of Steve’s cock, she shuddered with excitement, her moan becoming
a gasp as Nick slowly slid a thick finger into her pussy.

  “And a tight, soaked pussy that holds on to my finger as if trying to keep me in. You’re going to clamp down on my cock the same way while I fuck you slow and deep, and you’re going to have to fight not to come. Don’t lose that fight, Julianna, or you’ll suffer. We’ll arouse you all over again and take you to the party that way. We’ll keep you aroused all night until you think you’ll go mad.”

  Sucking Steve’s cock a little deeper, she struggled to focus on him and not what Nick said and did to her. Although she loved the taste of Steve, loved the feel of his hard cock in her mouth and the way his fingers tightened in her hair when she sucked him, she couldn’t stay as focused on him as she wanted.

  Especially when he started playing with her nipples.

  Nick stroked her pussy, his expert touch immediately finding that secret place inside her and pressing at it with a precision that stole her breath. His other hand moved over her bottom and back, pausing to knead, caress, or explore at his leisure as thoroughly as he explored her pussy.

  She couldn’t believe the whimpers and kittenish mews coming from her. Every effort to stop them failed under their combined attention, and within a few minutes, she gave up, not being able to concentrate on remaining silent anyway.

  She had enough trouble staying still.

  Steve’s hands threaded through her hair repeatedly as though savoring the feel of it, the low groans coming from him spurring her on. He used the ends of her own hair to stroke her nipples before cupping her breasts again and tugging on them.

  Using her tongue to stroke every bump and ridge of his cock, Julianna took him as deeply as she could, not stopping until the head bumped against the back of her throat. She moved up and down on him, sucking him harder and thrilling when his hands moved to her hair again and tightened, moving her over his cock.

  Steve’s groan deepened, becoming more of a growl, charging the erotic tension even more. “That’s it, honey. Suck me good.”

  Nick explored her intimately, his touch firm and knowledgeable as he searched for and found the places that made her shudder when he caressed them. Withdrawing his finger, he leaned over, running his lips over her back. “You’re so wonderfully responsive.” His tongue, velvety smooth, made her shiver as he licked a path down her spine.


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