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Brooke, Leah - Crescendo [The Leah Brooke Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 40

by Leah Brooke

  Her hand slipped on the doorknob several times before she could open it, and she’d just come to the conclusion that it was locked before the handle turned and she nearly fell inside.


  Pushing the door wide to let more light in, she saw Nick tied to a chair in the middle of the room. Although battered and bruised, he’d never looked more beautiful to her. A sob broke free, and then another as she raced to him, falling to her knees on the cold, cement floor in front of him.

  “Nick, oh, God. We have to get out of here.”

  “Julianna, thank God. Are you hurt? Where are they? Can you get my hands free?”

  Mentally slapping herself, Julianna swallowed another sob, jumped to her feet, and hurried behind him. Now wasn’t the time to deal with the horror of killing someone. “I have a knife.”

  Clumsy and shaking, she finally managed to cut the ropes at his wrists, alarmed at the amount of blood coating his hands. “Are you hurt? What did they do to you?”

  As she started to kneel at his feet again to cut the ropes at his ankles, he took the knife from her and did it himself.

  Grabbing her shoulders, he stood and buried his face in her hair. “Thank God. Let’s get out of here. Where are they?”

  A strange calm fell over her, as confusing as it was welcome. “Munson went to call Steve. I killed Sam.”

  Nick held her away from him, staring down at her, his eyes widening in horror. “You’re covered in blood. Oh, God! How bad are you hurt?”

  Julianna shook her head. “It’s not mine. It’s Sam’s. He didn’t move. We wrestled for the knife, and he didn’t move.”

  Gathering her close, Nick hugged her. “I think you’re in shock, little one. Let’s get the hell out of here before Munson gets back. Give me the flashlight.”

  He took the flashlight from her, grabbed her hand, and ran from the room, all but dragging her behind him.

  They escaped through a door in the back and ran across a gravel parking lot, the sharp stones digging into her feet. When they got to a dock, Nick stopped and looked around, his smile lethal.

  “Perfect. Let’s go. Stay down.” He put his hand over the end of the flashlight and stayed low as he started forward, pulling her along with him.

  He led her through shadows and behind garbage bins to where a late model car sat nearby. He kept her with him as he made his way to the driver’s side, using the flashlight to break the window, and reached in to unlock the door.

  “Be careful of the glass.” He brushed several shards off the seat and hustled her inside, sliding in behind her.

  “What are you doing?”

  Nick did something with the steering wheel column and within seconds had the car started. Putting it in gear, he shot her a look, his eyes narrowed in concern. “We’ve got to get out of here before Munson comes back. I know you’re shaken, honey. Just hang on and let me handle the rest. Stay low. Damned if you aren’t something.”

  Shivering against the wind coming in through the open window, Julianna curled into the passenger seat as Nick drove around to the front and onto the main road. “You stole this car.” Frowning at the stupidity of her remark under such circumstances, she met his worried gaze.

  He kept looking in the rearview and side mirrors as they sped through the night, but reached for her hand and kept glancing in her direction. “I did. I’ll buy the owner a new one. We’ve got to find a phone.”

  Remembering the phone she’d taken from Sam, she held up her hand, a little startled to find the phone still there. “I have one.”

  Nick’s head whipped around, his gaze landing on the phone. A slow smile lit his face. “Honey, when you escape a kidnapper, you do it in style.”

  About a mile or so later, he turned into a well-lit parking lot. “We’ll attract less attention here and can see Munson coming.”

  He put the car in park, but left the engine running and reached for her, frowning. “You’re freezing. Come here, little one.” He adjusted the heat to high and gathered her against him. “It won’t do much with the window gone, but we’ll aim it at you and hope for the best.”

  Still frowning, he tilted her head back and winced. “What the hell happened to your face? That fucking bastard. Come here, baby. I promise, this’ll all be over soon.” He took the phone from her and started dialing.

  Julianna slumped against him, her tears flowing freely now as Nick rubbed her back, her love for him slowly warming her from within.

  She listened to him speak with half an ear, the sound of his voice soothing her.

  Laying her sore cheek against his shoulder, she closed her eyes and wondered how the hell she would ever be able to live without him.

  * * * *

  Sitting in front of the coffee table in the Miami hotel suite, Steve rubbed his gritty eyes and tapped out keys on his laptop. His eyes hurt so badly it made it hard to focus, but with every hour that passed, he knew the chance of finding Nick and Julianna alive decreased.

  Adam handed him a cup of coffee and sat on the sofa next to him, looking over his shoulder. “I think you need to get some sleep. I’ll work on this awhile.”

  Steve turned to snap at him, his temper frayed, but he snapped his mouth shut when the cell phone rang. He grabbed it up and checked the display, setting the coffee aside.

  “I don’t know this number.” He punched a button to answer, his patience long since gone. Looking up into the eyes of Mike sitting across from him, he put the phone to his ear. “Vanguard.”

  “Steve, don’t show any expression, and don’t let anyone in the room know you’re talking to me until I finish telling you everything.”

  Steve jumped to his feet, too elated to sit still. “What can you tell me?”

  “We escaped, thanks to Julianna. We’ve got a mole, Steve. Adam’s working with Munson. Julianna’s been beaten, but we’re both okay. We stole a car and are sitting in a parking lot.”

  Mentally noting the address, Steve fought the rage inside him. Relief that they’d escaped weakened his knees, but he knew both of them depended on him now.

  “I started thinking along those lines. I’ll see you around.” He knew Nick would understand that he was on his way. He casually made his way to his gun lying on the bar.

  “I’ve got a few things to take care of first.”

  “I’m sure you do. We’ll be waiting. Bring a blanket. Julianna’s freezing.”

  When the phone disconnected in his ear, Steve laid it on the bar and picked up his gun.

  Mike stood and started toward him. “Steve, is there a problem?”

  Steve turned and aimed the gun at Adam, the rage inside him building. “Nick and Julianna escaped, and it seems we have a mole.”

  Aware of the other men coming to their feet and pulling out their own guns, he focused on Adam. “Take your gun out and lay it on the table.”

  Mike came up behind Adam and grabbed the gun from him, looking up at Steve in disbelief. “Are you sure?”

  Steve nodded once, seeing the truth in Adam’s eyes. “This piece of shit nearly got Nick and Julianna killed.”

  Adam sighed and lowered his head. “I take it they escaped?”

  Steve grinned cruelly. “They did. Mike, you and Craig take care of this bastard. Doc, I need you with me. I’ve got to go pick up Nick and my woman.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Despite her nervousness, Julianna smiled when she stepped into her killer black heels and sunk into the well-padded insole. Turning, she eyed both Nick and Steve, who stood watching her.

  “These shoes have as much padding as my slippers. How did you manage that?”

  Nick smiled, but his eyes remained full of concern. “Are you sure they’re all right? Doc said your feet had healed, but if they hurt, you can go down in your slippers as far as I’m concerned.”

  Steve came forward and wrapped an arm around her, tugging at the chains over her shoulders, and smiling at her moan. “Or we can just stay up here.”

  He slid his
hand over her hair, which fell in waves down her back. They left it alone while she was at work, but otherwise took it down as soon as they saw her. In defeat, she’d started leaving it down.

  Julianna’s knees buckled when the rings tugged at her nipples, and she grabbed at Steve’s chest for support. “Good idea, but my feet are fine. They healed weeks ago. Still, if you want to stay here…” She kissed his cheek, her shoes putting her at eye level with him.

  The sleeveless dress she wore had been designed much like the one she’d worn before, with a jeweled clasp between her breasts just like the clothing she wore on the island. This time, however, the chains had been made of crystals that matched those on her dress, making them appear to be thin straps.

  Only the three of them knew that they attached to her nipples on one end and to the plug they’d pressed deep inside her bottom on the other. Her clit still tingled from Nick’s ministrations as Steve worked it into her.

  Nick shook his head. “No. This is your night, little one. We’re showing off all your hard work. I want you to enjoy tonight.”

  He came forward and brushed her lips with his. “But no slouching. You’ll be the most beautiful woman in the room. Every woman there would give their eyeteeth to have legs like yours.”

  Julianna forced a smile. “Thank you.” She’d been close to crying all day, but knew if she started she would never stop.

  Tonight was the party for the grand opening of the hotel, and after that, Nick and Steve would be leaving, and she’d probably never see them again.

  Neither of them talked about the future, and they’d acted very suspicious lately. She’d lost track of the number of times she’d overheard whispered conversations that ended abruptly when she walked into the room.

  They’d babied her outrageously since that awful night in Florida, each of them holding a hand when she talked to the police. The nightmares had gradually lessened, but they’d both been there for her at night when she’d woken screaming Nick’s name.

  They’d moved into the penthouse of the hotel weeks ago and shared a bed, but she knew that the time would soon come to an end.

  She’d already found an apartment and would be moving into it tonight as soon as they left.

  Steve toyed with one of the crystal strands. “Hey, you look like you went away. Are we boring you, babe?”

  Julianna swallowed a sob and laughed at that. “I can’t imagine ever being bored with either one of you.” Turning away, she moved toward the window, blinking back tears before they could see them.

  “I saw on the news that Adam’s trial is next week.”

  Nick came to stand behind her, kissing her hair and rubbing her arms. “That piece of shit can rot in hell as far as I’m concerned. I don’t want to talk about him. Are you ready to face your fans?”

  Julianna’s face burned. “Don’t be ridiculous. The only reason that anyone paid any attention to me is because I got kidnapped with one of the world’s most eligible bachelors. It didn’t help that the photographers got pictures of me kissing both of you. I can’t believe you told them that both of you are my lovers. A ménage relationship splashed across the front page of newspapers certainly increased circulation.”

  Steve came to stand in front of her, a finger beneath her chin turning her face to his. “Why not tell others? It’s the truth, but that’s not what got their attention. The whole country’s fascinated by a woman who escaped a kidnapper, especially one who looks like you.”

  Still uncomfortable with all the attention, Julianna hurried to change the subject. “I’m just glad Lawrence is recovering. I thought he was dead. When his physical therapist called here, I had a chance to talk to him. He said he’s making tremendous progress.”

  Nick inclined his head. “He is and is back on the island. The therapist will stay there for the next several weeks, working with him.”

  Uncomfortable, Julianna looked away. “At least they finally caught Munson. After two weeks on the run, I was afraid they’d never catch him. That million dollar reward might have had something to do with it.”

  During that time she’d been watched constantly by Nick, Steve, Doc, and Ron, but it was nothing compared to the way Craig and Mike guarded her. They’d apologized to her for a week after they’d heard Nick’s side of the story and had been her constant shadows anytime she was away from Nick and Steve.

  Nick, of course, had smugly proclaimed to have trusted her all along.

  She’d miss the other men’s company after tonight. They’d all become like family to her, and she dreaded saying goodbye.

  Nick nuzzled her neck, sending shivers of delight racing through her, her body so in tune with his and Steve’s that the slightest touch from either of them made her heart race. “Worth every penny. Now are we going to talk about the kidnapping all night, or are we going to enjoy the party?”

  Julianna’s head dropped back against his shoulder, and a moan escaped when his hands came up to cup her breasts. She never wanted to talk about kidnappers again. Hoping to erase the worry in his eyes, she smiled. “Well, since it’s a condition of my contract…”

  Nick chuckled, patted her bottom, and released her to Steve, who gathered her into his arms, running a hand over her stinging bottom. “Indeed it is. Let’s go down and hope that Mike and Craig don’t beat anyone to a pulp tonight for getting too close to you.”

  * * * *

  The night would have been nothing short of magical if not for the knowledge that it would be her last night with Nick and Steve.

  Not wanting to ruin their time together, she hadn’t brought it up, hadn’t mentioned the apartment, but now wished she had.

  Neither had left her side for more than a few minutes since they’d arrived, and she soaked up their attention like a sponge, knowing it would have to last her a lifetime.

  Standing between them, she sipped her champagne and glanced toward the terrace doors just in time to see Claire look nervously around before darting through them.

  Claire had pretty much avoided her ever since the kidnapping and always seemed nervous around her, giving Julianna a bad feeling, but the other woman had never done anything she could put her finger on.

  Curious, she decided to follow her. Since Nick seemed to be deep in conversation with the man beside him, Julianna touched Steve’s arm. “I’ll be right back.”

  She handed her glass to him and started to walk away, coming to a halt when he stopped her with a hand on her arm. “Where are you going?”

  “I just want to see something. I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  Afraid it would spook Claire, she shook her head, impatient to get to Claire. “Damn it, Steve. I’m not a child.” Furious at herself for snapping at him, she smiled. “Please, I just need a minute.”

  He kissed her fingers before releasing her. “Stay out of trouble.”

  Waving her still-tingling fingers, she smiled and hurried toward the terrace doors. It seemed to take forever to work her way through the crowd, and by the time she did, she’d lost sight of Claire.

  She hurried to the edge of the terrace, and distracted by the feel of the plug shifting in her bottom and the rings tugging at her nipples, she almost missed Claire as the other woman made her way around the side of the hotel.

  Cursing the fact that she wore the high heels Nick and Steve seemed to always buy for her, she lifted her dress to keep from tripping on it and hurried after the other woman.

  “Ken, I’m so sorry. I tried everything, I swear, but they’re watching me too closely. Please don’t be mad at me.”

  Julianna grabbed the corner of the building, coming to an abrupt halt and almost tripping when she heard Claire’s tearful plea.

  What the hell?

  “I thought you said you’d take care of everything. I should have known when you couldn’t even fuck up the paint right.”

  Julianna’s mouth dropped open. She’d never wanted to believe it had been Ken to sabotage her project, but he’
d just admitted it. Furious, she started forward, alarmed when a strong arm came around her waist from behind while a hand slapped over her mouth.

  “Quiet, baby. I want to hear the rest of this.”

  Slumping in relief against Steve, she nodded and listened to Ken curse at Claire about her incompetence in helping him get rid of Julianna so he could get the contract for the hotel and the hotel manager’s sobbing pleas for Ken to forgive her, telling him over and over how much she loved him.

  Steve dropped the hand over her mouth and motioned for her to remain quiet, his face a mask of fury.

  Claire sobbed, her makeup smeared, no longer looking cool and professional. “I tried, but they watched everything. I think they started to get suspicious of me because I was one of the few people who could get past security.”

  Julianna blinked and turned to look questioningly at Steve, who nodded grimly.

  “I think I’ve heard enough.” Steve stepped out in front of her and stepped toward Ken, who whirled around, clearly alarmed. “Phillips, you’re through.” He turned his head. “Get these two off of my property and make a call to the chief of police.”

  To Julianna’s surprise, Mike and Craig came out from somewhere behind them and advanced on Ken and Claire, taking each of them by the arm.

  Ignoring the screams and claims of innocence from Claire and Ken’s stream of curses, Julianna turned to Steve, snuggling into him as his arms came around her. “You followed me.”

  Running a hand over her bottom, he kissed her cheek. “I sent Nitro after you as soon as you left, and I’d just started after you to tell you that your family’s here when I saw you running. Mike was already following you. He still feels bad about mistrusting you, and he’s pissed off at being duped by Adam. He’s already made it clear to Doug that he’ll shoot him if anything happens to you.”

  He frowned down at her. “You’re shivering. Come on, let’s get back to the party before Nick tears the place down looking for you.”


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