The Next Species: The Future of Evolution in the Aftermath of Man
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spread of, 90–91, 94–98, 101, 209
and superbugs, 102–6
DMZ Forum, 164
Dobson, Andrew, 35
Dolan, Josh, 205, 206
Dolly (cloned sheep), 257
Doomsday Clock, 267
Droser, Mary L., 174
drought, 148
Dryas flower, 246
Dust Bowl, 148, 150
dust storms, 144, 147
atmospheric pressure on, 219
formation of, 25
habitable zone of, 270
origins of life on, 26–29, 226
transformation of, 246
ebola, 89–91
ecosystems, interactions of, 133–34
ecosystem services, 129, 132–33, 134, 135, 136
ecotourism, 208–9, 212
Ediacaran period, 16, 30
Edwards Plateau, Texas, 46–47
Eemian interglacial period, 246
Ehrlich, Anne H., 67
Ehrlich, Paul R., The Population Bomb, 67
Eiffel, Gustave, 109
rewilding, 207, 209, 210
tuskless, 35–36
elephant seals, 113, 122–24, 192–93, 196
Eli Lilly, 135–36
Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, 172
elks, 211
El Niño, 116
Enriquez, Juan, 251, 255
Ensatina salamander, 254
Eocene climatic optimum, 172
Erwin, Douglas H., 6, 20, 111, 156, 157, 159, 271
Estes, Jim, 152, 184–86, 187, 268
European Jews:
genetic diseases of, 255
IQs of, 255
isolation of, 254–55
Evans, Edward, 41
adaptation in, 3, 34–36, 122, 163, 239
and agriculture, 77–80, 93
complexity in, 33
Darwin’s theory of, 27, 32–33
and extinction, 6, 15–16
and immune response, 94
of large animals, 199
of man, 56–57, 238–39
movement developed in, 33
mutation in, 238, 240
persistence of, 239
selection in, 264
and specialization, 4
study of fossils in, 15
teeth as evidence of, 31–32, 52, 238
of tools, 236–37
vision developed in, 33
wonder of, 5
extinction, 264–65
as creative force, 6, 11, 15–16, 21
hunting species to, 125
multiple causes of, 271
as normal process, 8, 151, 266
and rewilding, 205–13
top-down approach in, 184, 187
falcon, peregrine, 209–10
Fanning, Capt. Edmund, 182–83
ferns, 159
Fertile Crescent, 75
fertilizers, 72–74, 83, 84–85, 112
hook-and-line, 176
industrial, 176–78, 186
flash floods, 20
flu/influenza, 105
Fobos-Grunt (Phobos-Ground), 228–29
Fogel, Robert, 252
forests, 136–41
cloud forest, 3
conifers, 159
deforestation, 139–40
rain forest, 158
fossils, 14, 160
preservation of, 266
in rock layers, 15
and teeth, 31–32, 201, 203, 214
FOXP2 speech gene, 62
fracking, 49
Fraser, Nicholas C., 161
Fray Jorge National Park, Chile, 158
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility, Japan, 166
Fundación Naturaleza y Hombre (Nature and Man Foundation), 212
Future of Humanity Institute, 258
G., Mr. Yu., 89–90
Gadgil, Madhav, 134
Galápagos Islands, 21, 27, 37–38, 157, 179, 253
Gambi, Maria Cristina, 173
gastropods, 14
Gause, Georgii, 262–63, 268
genetic engineering, 263–64
genetic manipulation, 256–57
genomic sequencing, 256
geologic time scale, xi
geology, 15, 39–41
Gilbert, Joseph Henry, 72, 74
Gilly, William, 108–13, 114, 115, 117–21, 124, 125, 193, 196
Ginkgo biloba, 159
Glen Canyon Dam, 146
Glossopteris (seed fern), 41
Gondwana, 13
gonorrhea, 104
Googleplex, 255–56
Gordon, H. L., 56
gorgonopsid, 160
Gotham Greens, 86
Gould, John, 39
Gould, Stephen Jay, 237, 265
Wonderful Life, 31–32
Grant, Peter, 239–40, 253–54
Gray, Tom, 56
controlled, 46
uncontrolled, 47, 48
Great Ape Trust, Des Moines, 61–62
Great Basin Desert, 206
greenhouse effect, 25–26
greenhouse gases, 49, 87, 161, 173
Greenland, and climate change, 248
green revolution, 74, 77–80
Greger, Michael, 95, 105
Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, 11–14, 32
Guatemala, deforestation in, 139–40
Gulf of California, 107–13, 114–16, 118–21, 124–25, 189
gypsum, 83
Haber-Bosch process, 84
Haeckel, Ernst, 57
Haldane, J. B. S., 26
halocarbons, 228
hammerstones, 58
Hancock, George Allan, 214
Hanlon, Roger, 195
Harpending, Henry, 237, 238–39, 252–53, 254–55, 257
Hartmann, Thom, 105
Hatfield, Brian, 186
Hearst, Jonena, 11–14, 16, 22, 23
Heck cattle, 212
Heimbauer, Lisa, 62
Helicoprion shark, 18
Hlusko, Leslea, 51, 53, 242
HMS Beagle, 37–39
Hofmann, Gretchen, 171–72
Holland, Kim, 190
Holloway, Marguerite, 64
Homo erectus, 50, 57, 58, 62
Homo floresiensis, 252
Homo habilis, 50, 55–56, 57
Homo neanderthalensis, 56
Homo sapiens:
becoming a new species, 8, 234, 254
diseases of, 75, 76, 89–106, 209, 238, 239
ecological force of, 199
at edge of extinction, 243–44
evolution of, 56–57, 58–60, 236–40, 252–53
extinction as possibility for, 8, 151–52
intelligence of, 254–55
language of, 60, 62–63, 252
migration of, 239
and other species, 50, 58–59
population growth of, 5, 22, 59, 63–67, 71, 75, 76, 88, 145, 176, 262–63, 266–67
as purpose of life, 251
single species of, 253
Hoover (Boulder) Dam, 142, 146
domestic, 213–14
Konik, 212
Przewalski’s, 206–7
Retuerta, 212
wild, 206, 207
Huey, George H. H., 125
Human Genome Project, 256
Humboldt Current, 108, 113
humpback chub, 146
hunter-gatherers, 75, 94, 125
Hurd, Frank, 115, 178, 181, 245
Hurricane Mitch, 140–41
Ice Age, 48, 203, 214, 245, 249–50
iguanas, 188
India, population growth in, 65, 134
Indo-European language family, 240–41
Indricotherium, 202
Industrial Revolution, 22, 39–40, 64
insects, mass extinctions of, 19
interglacial period, current, 245
HapMap Project, 237
International Shark Attack File, 190
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 133, 189, 191, 207
International Union of Geological Sciences, 11
International Whaling Commission, 187
interplanetary travel, 218, 233–35
Io, moon of Jupiter, 234
iridium, 16
Ischia island, Gulf of Naples, 173
island biogeography, 42–43
island populations, 95
Isle of Rum, 188
Jackson, Rob, 46–47, 48–49, 151, 250, 257
jaguars, 136–39
jellyfish, 178–81
Johanson, Donald, 56
Jolie, Angelina, 256
Jones, Sir William, 240
juniper trees, 47–48
Jupiter, moons of, 234
Ke Chung Kim, 164
Keeling Curve, 64
kelp, 185–86
Kennedy, John F., 222
Kennedy, Robert F. Jr., 130
Kepler planet-finding spacecraft, 235
Klimley, Peter, 189
Knoll, Andrew, 21, 29, 30
Korea, demilitarized zone, 164–65
Kornegay, Julia, 135
Krakatoa, 155–57, 159
krill, 167, 169
Kyoto Protocol, 249
La Brea Tar Pits, 214–17
lactose tolerance, 240–43, 254
Lake Guri, Venezuela, 187–88
Lake Manly, Death Valley, 204
Lake Toba, Sumatra, 243–44
communication, 252
cuneiform, 75
and primates, 60–62
speech, 62–63
Las Vegas, Nevada, 141–50
Latin America, populations in, 66
Laurentia, 13
Lawes, John Bennet, 72, 73, 74
“Lazarus taxa,” 173–74
Leakey, Louis and Mary, 51, 55, 56, 57
Leakey, Richard, 32
Le Boeuf, Burney, 123
Leopold, Aldo, 149
Liebig, Justus von, 72, 73
animal, beginning of, 30–31
bacterial form of, 29
continuing our ways of, 262–63
cycles of, 30
evolution of, 29
origins on Earth, 26–29, 226, 251
phyla (plans) of, 32
simulated, 259–60
life expectancy, 253
lions, 210, 214
Livingstone, David, 97
llamas, 207, 210
locavore, 134–35
López, Lawrence, 43
Los Angeles:
population boom of, 63–64
water diversions for, 147–48
Lost City, 28
Lowe, Chris, 191
Lowell, Percival, 218–19
Lucas, Cathy, 180
Lucy, 56
lupine, prairie, 153–54
Lyell, Charles, Principles of Geology, 39
Lyme disease, 91, 98–102
Lynch, Jonathan, 79
Lystrosaurus, 21, 62–63, 160
Maasai people, 241–43
machines, turnover of power to, 261
malaria, 94, 95, 97, 239
man. See Homo sapiens
mangroves, 141
Mann, Charles C., 244, 268, 269
manta rays, 119, 125
Mapimí Biosphere Reserve, 206
Mariner orbital mission, 219
Markaida, Unai, 116
atmospheric pressure on, 219
canals on, 218, 219
establishing factories on, 227–28
humans living on, 225, 227
and interplanetary trade, 224
life on, 220–22, 226–27, 234
mining materials on, 224
prize for landing on, 229
producing greenhouse gases on, 227–28
as Red Planet, 219
similarities to Earth, 220, 222
surface crust of, 226
terraforming on, 227
travel to, 218, 222–26, 228, 233–34
water ice on, 220, 221
Marshall, Charles R., 141–42, 199, 211
Mars Odyssey, 220
Mars One, 230–32
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, 221, 225
Masaya, Lucrecia, 139–40
Masoy, Joseph, 34
mass extinctions:
causes of, 6, 213, 271
lessons learned from, 8, 15–16
new species from, 263–67
predators in, 184
recoveries from, 6, 152, 162–63, 213
sixth, possibility of, 5, 7, 213, 250
Maya forest, 138
Mayr, Ernst, 38
McClain, Craig R., 177–78, 193
McCouch, Susan, 79–80
McKay, Christopher, 221
McKittrick Canyon, Texas, 12–14, 18
McMurdo Station, Antarctic, 171–72
meat, 86–87, 103
meat trap, 205
demise of, 199–202
development of, 202–3
rewilding of, 205–13
methane, 19, 49, 87, 201, 247
mice, white-footed, 209
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 28
Milky Way, 25
Miller, Gifford H., 250
Miller, Stanley, 26
mind mapping, 258–60
Mir program, 229
mirrors, reflecting sunlight via, 228
moa, giant, 200
monkeys, howler, 188
Monterey Canyon, 178–79, 193
Morafka, David, 206
Morris, James, 165
mountain lions, 163, 206
Mount Rushmore, 18
Mount St. Helens, 152–55, 156–57, 159, 181
Mount Wilson Observatory, 219
Myers, Norman, 135–36
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, 193
natural resources, decimation of, 5, 268
Nature Conservancy, 139, 141, 182–83
Neanderthal fossils, 56, 58–60, 62, 76, 239, 252, 266
Neander Valley, Germany, 56
nematode worms, 30
neural mapping, 258–60
Neves, Eduardo Góes, 80–81
New York:
population growth of, 64
water supply, 129–31, 249
New Zealand, loss of large animals in, 200
Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania, 33–36
Ngorongoro Crater, 34–36
nitrogen, 72, 83, 84–85, 129, 178
Njau, Jackson, 53–54, 55
North America, extermination of large animals in, 200–202
nuclear tests, 77, 85
nuclear weapons, 267–68
oceans, 167–83
acidification of, 169–70, 171, 172–75
and climate change, 113, 248–49
dead zones in, 109–10, 112
deep dives in, 122–24
deep-scattering layer, 112
deep-sea vents, 178
geyser systems in, 27–28, 30
low-oxygen and anoxic zones in, 112, 120–21, 124, 125, 161
mining in, 178
pollution of, 167
pressures on, 181
sounds in, 170
octopus, giant Pacific, 195
oil reserves, 248
Okin, Greg, 148
Olduvai Gorge, Africa, 50–52, 54–55, 57–58, 241
Ollemoita, Miriam, 241–43
Oostvaardersplassen, Netherlands, 212
Opabinia, 32
Oparin, Alexander, 26
orange roughy (slimehead), 177
Ordovician extinction, 6
Orellana, Francisco de, 96
Ostfeld, Richard S., 91–93, 98–103
otters, sea, 184–87
overfishing, 111, 115, 125, 167, 175–78
overpopulation, 5
oxygen, 29–30
in oceans, 110–13
ozone shield, 30
Pack, Adam, 168
Palau, Republic of, 179
Paleo-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM), 172–73
paleontology, 15
Palmer, Douglas, 264
Palmyra Atoll, 172, 182–83
Pangaea, 13, 37, 41–42, 44, 156, 158–59
Panzee (chimpanzee), 62
Paranthropus boisei, 50
Park, Mungo, 97
Pasqualini, Angelica, 85–86
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), 77
pelycosaurs, 18
Permian extinction:
evidence of, 16, 18, 271
flash floods caused by, 20
golden spikes of, 11
new life emerged from, 21–22, 33, 157, 181
oxygen deprivation in, 113
and Pangaea, 13
recovery from, 22, 152, 156, 160–61
sanctuaries in, 158
stagnant oceans in, 111
supervolcano as cause of, 6, 19–20, 73
Permian period, 13–14, 17–18
continents in, 37, 156
ocean acidification in, 173–74
Permian-Triassic boundary, 18–19, 21, 174
pesticides, 133
pharmaceuticals, 135–36
Phillips, John, 18–19
Phillips, Nathan, 49
Phoenix (Mars lander), 220
phonolite, 58
phosphorus, 72, 73, 83–84, 178
photosynthesis, 29, 30
phytoplankton, 175, 177
phytosaur, 161
Piedmont region, 82–83
Pikaia, 32, 36
Pizarro, Francisco, 95
plankton, 112, 175
domestic, 213
invasive species, 46–48
medicines derived from, 135–36
Pleistocene era, 216
Pleistocene megafauna, rewilding, 209, 210
PM10 atmospheric dust, 147
polar ice, melting, 171, 193
pollinators, 133
pollution, 76–77
Potts, Rick, 59–60
Poulton, Paul, 77–79
Powell’s Cave, Texas, 46–47
absence of, 188, 193
adaptations to avoid, 190
apex, 187
reintroducing, 206, 207
roles of, 185–87, 188
Proconsul africanus, 56
Proffitt, Tomos, 58
pteropods, 175
quinine, 97
Randel, John Jr., 64
rats, pack (wood), 203–4
reefs, 14, 173, 174
Regis High School, New York, 85–86
rewilding, 205–13
and ecotourism, 208–9
and megafauna, 209–10
rhino, Tibetan woolly, 202–3
Richter, Dan, 82–85, 87
Ricketts, Ed, 114, 117–19, 120
Ripple, William J., 201
Rivera, Tony, 137
Roberts, Callum, 175, 182, 193
robots, 267
Rodríguez, Lily O., 4–5
Romo, Mónica, 43–44
Rosi-Marshall, Emma J., 103, 146
Ross Island, Antarctica, 171–72
Rothamsted Research, England, 71–74, 76, 77–80, 84–85
Rothberg, Jonathan, 230
Russell, Michael, 28
Safe Drinking Water Act (1974), 130