The Next Species: The Future of Evolution in the Aftermath of Man
Page 36
Sagan, Carl, 229
Salt Lake Oil Field, 214
Salton Sea, 149
Samoans, size of, 254
Santa Fe Trail, 142
Santa Rosalía, Mexico, 107–10, 117
Sarcosuchus imperator (SuperCroc), 162
SARS, 91, 92, 101
Savage-Rumbaugh, Sue, 61–62
Schiaparelli, Giovanni, 218
Schick, Kathy, 34
Schieffelin, Eugene, 45
Schlesinger, William H., 24–26, 28–29, 84, 271
Biogeochemistry, 24–25
Schulenberg, Tom, 43
Scott, Robert, 40–41, 226
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 122
seamounts, 177, 189
Sea of Cortez, 114–16, 117, 120
sea snails, 175
sea turtles, 113
Second Creation of Life, 18–22
Second Life (3-D), 259
Sereno, Paul, 162
“sexy geek syndrome,” 255–56
shark fin soup, 188–89, 191
sharks, 188–92
ampulae of Lorenzini, 189
bull, 190
declining numbers of, 119, 125, 188–89
ecotourism, 191
great white, 111–12, 191–92, 194, 195
hammerhead, 189
humans attacked by, 189, 190–91
mako, 192–93
tiger, 189, 190
Shemya Island, 185–86
Shoemaker-Levy 9 (Jupiter), 267
shrimp, 115, 119
Shumaker, Robert, 60–61
Siberian Traps, 19–20, 156
sickle-cell anemia, 94
Siegel, Bugsy, 142
Silman, Miles, 3
skin color, 239
slavery, 269
sloths, giant ground, 216
smallpox, 95
Smith, Felisa A., 202, 203–4
Smith, Jim, 165
Smith, Stan, 143, 147
Smith, William, 15
soil, 71
acid, 79–80
augmented, 84–85
black earth, 80–82
endangered, 87–88
experiments on, 72–74
and food production, 74
permafrost, 247
pollution of, 77
radioactivity in, 85
types of, 87–88
soil crusts, biological and mineral, 144–45
solar system, 25
South Pole, 40–41, 226
space simulations, 232–33
allopatric speciation, 253–54
average longevity of, 265
and climate change, 3
“dead clade walking,” 7
declining number of, 2
definition of, 38
endangered, 5, 7, 133
fragmentation, 101–2
invasive, 44–49, 131–32
new, 3, 5, 44
next, 263–67
parapatric speciation, 253
peripatric speciation, 253
shoestring distributions, 3
specialization in, 4
superspecies, 264
sympatric speciation, 253, 254, 255
weedy, 181
sphingolipid mutations, 254
sponges, 14
Springer, Alan, 187
color changes in, 117
colossal, 194, 195
giant, 178, 193–94
Humboldt (jumbo), 107, 108–9, 111–13, 115–17, 120–21, 124, 125, 179, 193, 195–96
Stager, Curt, 172, 247, 249
starlings, 45
starvation, 88
Stebbins, Robert C., 254
Steinbeck, John, 114–16, 117–20
Stensen, Niels (aka Nicolas Steno), 15
Stewart, Julia, 124
Stoker, Carol, 232
Stramma, Lothar, 110
Suda-King, Chikako, 61
Sues, Hans-Dieter, 8, 151, 158, 160, 161, 170, 264
Sumatra, eruption on, 243–44
Sumerians, 75
sun, ultraviolet light from, 29–30
superbugs, 102–6
superphosphate, 72
Suruí Indians, 97
Taebaek Mountains, 164
Talcher Coalfield, India, 40
Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Oklahoma, 48
Tarling, Geraint, 175
Tattersall, Ian, 263
teeth, 31–32, 52, 201, 203, 214, 238
Terborgh, John, 187, 188
terraforming, 227
terra preta (black earth), 80–82
thermal buffering, 227
thermonuclear power, 267–68
Thomas, Joanne, 86
Thornton, Ian, 156
Tibetan Plateau, 202, 203
ticks, 98–102, 209
time, problem of, 265
Thoku earthquake, Japan, 166
evolution of, 236–37
of Neanderthals, 58–59
tortoise, Bolson, 206, 210
Toth, Nicholas, 34
tourism, 140
tree snake, brown, 45
Triassic extinction:
causes of, 6
recovery from, 156–59
Triassic Life on Land: The Great Transition (Sues and Fraser), 161
Triassic period:
beginning of, 21, 160
crocodile-like animals in, 161–62
end of, 161–62
Permian-Triassic boundary, 18–19, 21, 174
tropical rain forest, 1–4
Truman, Harry Randall, 152
tuberculosis (TB), 104, 105
Tutsis, size of, 254
ultraviolet light, 29–30
umbrella effect, 136
United Nations Population Division, 268
Urbani, Carlo, 92
Urey, Harold, 26
Van Valkenburgh, Blaire, 201, 204–5, 215–16
Venter, J. Craig, 230
Vicky (chimpanzee), 60
Victoria, queen of England, 74
Vietnam, demilitarized zone, 164–65
Viking missions, 219, 221
Vilcabamba Range, 1–4, 43–44
virtual worlds, 261
vision, development of, 33
voles, 99
Wagner, Richard, 222
Walcott, Charles, 30, 32
Walford, Roy, 231
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 42
Ward, Peter, 176, 213, 256–57, 270
consumption in Southwestern US, 145–48
critical for life, 25
from fog, 158
potable, 129–32
from snowmelt, 145, 146, 147
wars fought over, 268
Weathers, Kathleen C., 158
Weddell seals, 122
weedy species, 181
Wegener, Alfred, The Origin of Continents and Oceans, 41
Weiner, Jonathan, 239
whales, 167–69
beluga, 171
breathing, 124, 170
evolution of, 170
humpback, 168–69
hunting of, 171, 187
killer, 171, 186–87, 189, 194
and krill, 169–70
narwhals, 171
songs of, 169, 170
sperm, 107, 113, 119–20
Wharton, Bob, 227
white smokers, 28
Whittington, Harry Blackmore, 32
Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act (1971), 206
Wildlife Conservation Society, 211
wildlife market, international, 211
Wilson, Edward, 41
wind-chill factor, 171
Wiwaxia, 32
in Canidae family, 204–5, 238
dire, 201, 214
on Isle of Rum, 188
in Yellowstone, 187, 209, 211
women, rise of, 269–70
Woods, William, 81
World Wildlife Federation
(WWF), 181
Worm, Boris, 188
Xiaoming Wang, 202
Xiao Xiao (mouse), 257
Yanomami Indians, 96
Yellowstone National Park, 187–88, 209, 211
Younger Dryas event, 200, 201, 246, 267
Zalasiewicz, Jan, 249, 265
Zhu Zhuli, 18
zoonotic diseases, 91
zooplankton, 112
Zubrin, Robert, 222–26, 227–29
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Book design by Ellen R. Sasahara Jacket design by Christopher Lin Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Tennesen, Michael.
The next species: the future of evolution in the aftermath of man / Michael Tennesen. — First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Evolution (Biology) 2. Mass extinctions. 3. Nature—Effect of human beings on. I. Title.
QH366.2.T465 2015
ISBN 978-1-4516-7751-5
ISBN 978-1-4516-7753-9 (ebook)