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The Armchair Detective and the Psychological Secret: Series One

Page 1

by Ian Shimwell


  Play Five




  and the



  Ian Shimwell

  The Armchair Detective and the Psychological Secret Copyright Ian Shimwell © 2012


  The Armchair Detective

  The Armchair Detective and the Manor-House Mystery

  The Armchair Detective and the Celebrity Stalker

  The Armchair Detective On Holiday

  The Armchair Detective’s Last Ever Case


  Cast List

  Act One

  Act Two

  Act Three















  OLD TOM: Come in, young man, the door is open.

  (TRENCH goes through the usual routine of coming inside OLD TOM’s flat and sitting opposite his beloved armchair.)

  TRENCH: Err, how are things at the moment?

  OLD TOM: Trench, is that really the reason you have come here – to ask me that?

  TRENCH: No, it’s just that the thing I have come to discuss with you – I’m not sure you could call it a case; a mystery; an investigation. I’m not sure it’s the sort of thing we usually do together at all.

  OLD TOM: Why don’t you simply tell me – and then let me decide whether it is worthy of my attention?

  TRENCH: All right, Old Tom, I will. That’s funny, you’ve made two cups of tea – how did you know I was going to visit?

  OLD TOM: I didn’t. I sometimes make an extra cup of tea, just in case a certain reporter decides to descend on me.

  TRENCH: And what happens to the tea if I don’t decide to visit?

  OLD TOM: I drink it. Now drink yours before it gets warm.

  TRENCH: Right.

  (We hear TRENCH take a few tentative sips.)

  OLD TOM: How is it?

  TRENCH: Cold – just how you like it.

  OLD TOM: Good, now do you care to tell me what’s on your mind?

  TRENCH: Sally-Anne’s best friend, Vicky has just got married.

  OLD TOM: I would offer her my congratulations, but…

  TRENCH: I know – that would involve rising from that beloved armchair of yours.

  OLD TOM: And what’s the problem with this marriage? Did her husband vanish on the honeymoon or something?

  TRENCH: No, it’s not that, Old Tom, it’s – oh dear, you’re not going to like this…

  OLD TOM: Spit it out, Trench… I insist.

  TRENCH: Well… Sally-Anne says this Vicky has changed…

  OLD TOM: In what way, Trench?

  TRENCH: She’s just not herself anymore. Sall’s Vicky was outgoing, bubbly, bright and cheerful but, according to my colleague, is now reserved, quiet, introverted and, I suppose, downright miserable. Her get up and go has got up and gone. Her husband runs a hardware store. He’s called Gordon, by the way.

  OLD TOM: Fascinating, absolutely fascinating…

  TRENCH: There you go, I told you you wouldn’t be interested. It’s not really a mystery at all. I’m sorry to have bothered you with it. I’ll be on my way, then.

  OLD TOM: Wait. I find that sarcasm strains the sole. I meant it when I described the case as fascinating.

  TRENCH: Case..?

  OLD TOM: It could be the usual newly-wed blues but Vicky’s condition sounds more extreme than that. What has caused her to sell her self-esteem down the proverbial river?

  TRENCH: Yes, what turns a promising young woman into a ‘Stepford Wife’?

  OLD TOM: Apart from marriage? Yes, I think we shall investigate this… err situation. Instead of chasing stalkers and missing persons, why can’t we really help someone for a change?

  TRENCH: You’ve surprised me, Old Tom. I was ready to have my knuckles wrapped! I’ll have a chat with Sally-Anne, then…

  OLD TOM: You do that, young man, you do that. In fact, I think it’s high time you had a nice meal in one of those new-fangled, fancy, restaurants in town. Just the four of you…

  (Music to think about ends the scene.)

  (We can hear the shuffling of paper and the odd punch of keys on a keyboard as TRENCH and SALLY-ANNE chat in their office.)

  SALLY-ANNE: I see another shop on the high-street has fallen victim to the current shoplifting crime wave.

  TRENCH: I know, terrible isn’t it? Why can’t you get honest thieves anymore?

  SALLY-ANNE: (Who ignores TRENCH:) Hmm, new research claims that the average shoplifting felon is becoming increasingly younger. Kids aged ten, blah blah blah. This is rather disturbing, perhaps I’ll look into it.

  TRENCH: You do that, Sally-Anne.

  SALLY-ANNE: With Editor Law’s say-so I will. And what’s ‘Tiger Trenchy’ going to do today? If you try really hard, you could even remove your feet from my desk.

  TRENCH: I can’t promise anything on my feet – they’re rather comfy, but I was going to work on the apparent change in your friend, Vicky.

  SALLY-ANNE: Really? It’s hardly a Stokeham Herald story, though. Even so, I would like to know what has caused her personality transplant.

  TRENCH: Old Tom has suggested we all go out for a meal as a foursome.

  SALLY-ANNE: Old Tom, Old Tom! I can’t believe you have discussed Vicky’s personal problems with him. I told you in the strictest confidence.

  TRENCH: Calm down, Sally-Anne. Remember, Old Tom only actually speaks to me so it’s hardly likely to go any further, is it?

  SALLY-ANNE: I suppose not, but I’m still not happy about it.

  TRENCH: Oh cheer up. With Old Tom’s bloodhound-like skills on board, we might be really able to help Vicky.

  SALLY-ANNE: All right, having dinner with Vicky and Gordon might be a good idea – I’ll arrange it.

  TRENCH: Good. I know Gordon manages a hardware store, but what does your friend do for a living?

  SALLY-ANNE: She’s studying to be a lawyer at university.

  TRENCH: Still?

  SALLY-ANNE: Oh yes, that’s one thing that won’t change. Vicky is passionate about Law.

  EDITOR LAW: Is she now? And I’ve not even met her!

  (We hear TRENCH quickly take his feet off the desk.)

  TRENCH: Oops.

  SALLY-ANNE: Editor Law, I didn’t realise you’d come in.

  EDITOR LAW: I gathered that. Surprisingly, I pay you two to uncover stories of local interest to the local populace – not just gossip about one of your friends.

  TRENCH: I know, terrible isn’t it?

  EDITOR LAW: Or suggest dinner parties, Trench.

  TRENCH: Ouch. But I am going to investigate this recent shoplifting spree. One of my better ideas, even if I say so myself.

  SALLY-ANNE: Excuse me, that’s my story – and idea.

  EDITOR LAW: Now, let’s not argue children. You can both work on the story.

  TRENCH: Thank-you, Editor Law.

  SALLY-ANNE: Most kind of you, Editor Law.

  EDITOR LAW: But this time I want results, not excuses. I’ll be in my office.

  (We hear EDITOR LAW sweep out of the office.)

  TRENCH: The nerve, the cheek.

  SALLY-ANNE: Oh Trench, don
’t you dare talk to me about nerve and cheek. ‘One of my better ideas’, indeed.

  (Quirky music changes scene.)

  (We can hear the usual background noises associated with a top-class restaurant.)

  WAITER: Have you decided on the wine, yet?

  SALLY-ANNE: Well, that’s one thing I don’t have to ask Vicky about. The usual burgundy, I take it?

  VICKY: (Her voice has a slightly nervous, unsure quality about it.) I used to drink burgundy – is that all right, Gordon?

  GORDON: We usually drink white wine these days.

  VICKY: Sorry, Sally-Anne – we’d better have white, then.

  GORDON: But hey, we’re with friends so let’s spoil ourselves, shall we?

  TRENCH: One of your finest Burgundies then, waiter.

  WAITER: Understood.

  (There is a moment of awkward silence.)

  TRENCH: So, Gordon – how’s the hardware trade, these days?

  GORDON: I can’t complain, Trench. Well I could, but it wouldn’t do any good.

  (GORDON laughs at his own little joke, but then waits for the others to laugh. There is no laughter for a moment until VICKY dutifully, joins in with a somewhat forced chuckle.)

  GORDON: Thank-you, my dear – it wasn’t that funny. Profits are up in the shop, actually.

  SALLY-ANNE: So, how you’ve managed that? Done a 3 for 2 promotion on all lawnmowers?

  GORDON: Not exactly. Control, Sally – it’s all down to strict control. From the stock to carefully adjusting prices – and keeping a close eye on the goods. Control in all areas is the only way to run a business.

  SALLY-ANNE: (Says obviously bored:) How interesting.

  TRENCH: Well, I’d be extra careful if I was you, Gordon. There’s a nasty spate of shoplifting running through the town – in fact it’s a story we are currently investigating. So watch out, or you might be the next victim.

  VICKY: Maybe you will have to limit the number of people who enter the shop, Gordon.

  GORDON: Don’t be ridiculous, Vicky. Sorry about this. (He talks more quietly to VICKY but can still be clearly heard by TRENCH and SALLY-ANNE.) What have I told you about thinking before speaking?

  VICKY: Sorry, Gordon.

  GORDON: Every inch of the shop floor is covered by CCTV and most of the staff are highly trained in such matters.

  SALLY-ANNE: Now, why doesn’t that surprise me?

  WAITER: Would you like to order now?

  VICKY: I’ll have a…

  GORDON: We’ll have the soup followed by two sirloin steaks, cooked exactly medium.

  SALLY-ANNE: But Vicky – you can’t, you’re a vegetarian.

  GORDON: She was a vegetarian.

  TRENCH: The same for us, Sally-Anne?

  SALLY-ANNE: Don’t get any ideas, Trench – but yes, I’ll go with the flow.

  WAITER: Understood.

  VICKY: I can recommend marriage, what about you Gordon?

  GORDON: Ah, but you have the advantage over me, dear wife because you are lucky enough to be married to me.

  SALLY-ANNE: I think I’m going to be sick.

  TRENCH: Don’t be silly, Sally – you’ve not eaten yet.

  SALLY-ANNE: No, but I think I’ve had more than I can stomach.

  TRENCH: Hah – ignore us. Sally-Anne’s has always had an awfully strange sense of humour.

  GORDON: And, have you two any plans to tie the knot?

  VICKY: Oh Gordon, didn’t you know they’re not an item?

  GORDON: Of course dear. I was, what is known as, teasing.

  TRENCH: To clear up the confusion: Sally-Anne and I are just good friends.

  SALLY-ANNE: And how’s the degree going on, Vicky? You must be near your finals by now.

  (There is another awkward silence.)

  VICKY: Err… fine.

  SALLY-ANNE: Hey, Vicky – remember after college when we used to hang about the chip shop, and that lad from the science block, I think – went and dropped his…

  (VICKY laughs slightly, but stops abruptly when GORDON speaks.)

  GORDON: We don’t talk about the old days, do we Vicky?

  VICKY: Oh, no. Gordon and I like to focus on the future, because…

  TRENCH: The future is bright?

  SALLY-ANNE: The future’s married…

  (Music with a disturbing edge closes the scene.)

  (We can hear the taxi-cab engine running which then stops. A cab door is opened.)

  TRENCH: Goodbye then. It was an… err pleasant evening.

  SALLY-ANNE: And Vicky, we must go out alone sometime, just like the old days.

  GORDON: We will see.

  TAXI DRIVER: Hurry up will yer, I’m only a humble cabbie – I do have other fares to collect tonight.

  VICKY: Bye, sorry.

  (The door is closed and the taxi drives off. TRENCH and SALLY-ANNE remain inside the taxi.)

  TRENCH: East side of Stokeham, now driver.

  TAXI DRIVER: Gotcha.

  SALLY-ANNE: I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! I could cheerfully kill him without any guilt whatsoever.

  TRENCH: Oh, come on, Sally-Anne. I don’t think Editor Law is that bad – not really.

  SALLY-ANNE: You know very well I was referring to Gordon – Gordon the control freak. He as good as tells her what she can drink and eat. I mean, she’s suddenly not even a veggie.

  TRENCH: People do sometimes change their minds.

  SALLY-ANNE: And she should change her husband because he has changed her.

  TRENCH: Yes, and from what you had previously told me about Vicky – seeing her in person – she has obviously undergone a remarkable transformation. But why?

  SALLY-ANNE: Well it’s him. It’s as if he’s almost shut off Vicky’s old life completely and pulls all her strings.

  TRENCH: But why has Gordon all but destroyed her? Turned vibrant Vicky into Vicky the victim?

  SALLY-ANNE: As I’ve said, he’s a control freak, Trench. A dominating force studying law has become a… dormant doormat.

  TRENCH: But, at least, she still is a Law Student.

  SALLY-ANNE: Is she, I wonder..?

  (The taxi stops.)

  TAIX DRIVER: Time for you two love birds to return to your nest?

  TRENCH: A-hem.

  SALLY-ANNE: Don’t even go there – and besides I’m not in the mood.

  (Quirky and then thoughtful music ends the scene.)

  OLD TOM: So, Trench, you and Sally-Anne dined with Vicky and Gordon, and then dropped them off from the taxi. What happened after that?

  TRENCH: After some confusion, I escorted Sally-Anne to her door and then the taxi driver was good enough to take me home. Once I was in my house, I went straight upstairs to brush my teeth; then I put my pyjamas on and…

  OLD TOM: I don’t want a running commentary to that extent, young man. I’m not that interested. I want to know what you have done the day after the meal – that’s today, by the way.

  TRENCH: Well, I…

  OLD TOM: Edited highlights only, please. One day I might surprise you and get up from this armchair and clout you one!

  TRENCH: All right, keep your grey hair on.

  OLD TOM: No, let me see if I can accurately deduct your activities.

  TRENCH: Old Tom, I give up.

  OLD TOM: Right, this morning, seeing as you’re investigating the Stokeham shoplifting spree, you probably visited the high-street shopping area. I imagine you would have spent most of the morning trying to gather information. That was, most likely, followed by a light luncheon with Sally-Anne. After that, you both managed to pluck up enough courage to visit Gordon’s hardware store on the pretence of covering the shoplifting story.

  TRENCH: Old Tom, I’m speechless. How could you possibly..?

  OLD TOM: First, contrary to popular belief, I can actually read. I am aware of the shop-thefts from none other than the Stokeham Herald.

  TRENCH: Fair enough, but what about lunch?

  OLD TOM: It’s a bit late for that now, don’t you think?
br />   TRENCH: Not now! I mean how did you know I had a mid-day snack with Sally?

  OLD TOM: Supposition. You journalists never let an opportunity of some food slip by, especially when it’s on expenses. The lovely Sally-Anne is your partner, professionally speaking of course, so it’s easy to presume you lunched with her.

  TRENCH: ‘You presume a lot, Mr Bond.’ Sorry, must stop watching those films.

  OLD TOM: And as for visiting the hardware store, even I wouldn’t have been able to resist that one. Such a handy excuse…

  TRENCH: All that talk about food and lunch has made me feel rather peckish…

  OLD TOM: There is some cake in the tin next to you. Help yourself.

  TRENCH: I will, thanks.

  (We hear TRENCH open the tin and happily munch on the cakes.)

  TRENCH: These are quite scrumptious, actually. Even though they’re slightly stale.

  OLD TOM: They are nice. Pass me one when you’re finished.

  TRENCH: Oh, sorry – I’ve eat both of them. I didn’t realise…

  OLD TOM: Journalists. Take that cake out of its wrapper – on your other side and put it in the tin.

  (We hear TRENCH follow OLD TOM’s command.)

  TRENCH: Here you are, then.

  OLD TOM: Oh no, that cake is far too fresh. I’ll have to wait a good few months before I can eat it. No matter – did you unearth any useful information from Gordon at his DIY establishment?

  TRENCH: Not really. All he did was describe in excruciating, boring detail his highly elaborate anti-theft devices to put-off would be pilferers.

  OLD TOM: Was he… err wearing anything unusual?

  TRENCH: The usual, bog-standard long brown overall like the rest of this staff – but wait, he did have it open. Yes, he was wearing a bright red belt. I thought it was odd at the time. It just didn’t go with the rest of his mundane clothes.

  OLD TOM: That could be interesting, Trench.

  TRENCH: So, what should I do – call the fashion police?

  OLD TOM: Well, we now know the cause of dear Vicky’s abrupt change of personality.

  TRENCH: We do?

  OLD TOM: Gordon – and his treatment of her. So now you must focus your investigation on him. Walk into his past, get inside his head. Discover why he uses his wife as a dishcloth.


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