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Vampire's Babe

Page 10

by Karensa Minett

  “How you know about this hidden zone?.”I asked Chris.

  “Well mom and dad used to take me there when I was a kid,I met Mr Bodwin there,its next to our summer house,been long but its still there.It was his gift,the Stories of Baltia,its still sitting on my study desk.”he informed avoiding my eye.

  “He was very close to you wasn’t he?.”unnecessary but I had to ask.

  “Yes.”he smiled,he was in pain and so was Roy.

  “You haven’t been to this place before?.”Jill asked him.

  “No,we have our own ways of transport,I mean,you know special doors and channels,this is the very first time I am traveling like this,I mean in a car...”Roy added playfully “with locals your majesty.”They both laughed and it was not easy to ignore the word majesty, “who are you?.”Rocky asked curiously,he was quicker than Sipper,her mouth was still open in disbelief,how could one be so quick,quicker than she was.I wanted to laugh,Jill was with me,she smiled and I did the same,they were just identical.

  “Well he comes from the last monarch,he has royal blood flowing in his veins.”added Roy dramatically,it was difficult to ignore his funny side,Jill always wanted someone who could make her laugh,he was perfect for her.

  “So you are a prince.”I smiled.

  “Yeah.”he laughed.

  “But your damsel is not in distress.”added Kim when everything turned gloomy again,we knew who was in distress,Ruth.

  “Call me if you need a ride again.”Chris laughed,it was easy for him to influence people,I was coming to know his plus points quite late,that didn’t bother him but it surely did me.I was shocked when I stood in front of a majestic castle.He was greeted as a prince should be greeted.Roy was used to it but we were not,flowers were in our way and we walked on top of them.

  “You did not inform us?.”complained a women slowly,Roy did cut her politely, “he is the owner,can drop in whenever he wants,behave as a caretaker.”She bowed as low as possible and Jill was a bit angry but he managed to pull her, “You still hate her?.”asked Chris,he was unhappy.

  “Hell yes.”was his answer.

  “What happened here?.”

  They did not answer her question but continued walking,we were in the main hall,it was so bright and airy,huge windows covered the entire top corners. “Lovely.”squealed Sipper and Rocky too was bewitched by the same.Troy felt neutral but Kim, she was jumping crazily like a kid in a new place,he had a tough time keeping an eye on her.Reluctantly he followed her when she and Sipper went in another direction.

  “Wow,you are filthy rich,this is your summer home?.”cried Jill not believing her eyes.

  “Belongs to my dad,not me.”

  “Don’t be so modest.”boxed Roy playfully.

  I could see a grandfather phone in the center of the hall,it rang continuously,Roy was cold,something in his eye bothered Chris.

  “That phone is dead.”added he loudly bringing him back to his senses.

  “But we did hear it ring.”protested Jill.

  “No,no matter what happens never pick that Mysterious call.”

  Book Inside Book

  I could see Ruth crying,Ronaldo dragged her by her arm,he was walking swiftly,there were many others who were following him,each one of them had mixed color of eyes,some had red the others were blue and few managed light green.I seen Ronaldo’s eyes,he had the purple shade,it was unavoidable,Ruth had the same.Where was he taking her?,why was she crying that bad?.Ruth...

  They were inside a room,there was nothing to see in it,covered in dry grass and mud,it was like they had walked inside someones grave,I could smell what she could smell,it was a red rose,just in the center of the floor,her eyes settled uneasily on it and Ronaldo whispered softly in her ears,I could hear him clearly, “Time to keep your part of promise Ruth,I want Miyana back,I want my wife.”His eyes were cold and his lips were red as blood,he had a different air around him,something wild and untamed danced within his cold gaze,he was mad and that madness was reflecting heavily in his eyes.Ruth tried to ignore the piercing gaze but he held her in place,not allowing her to look away,they watered more and within few minutes she was unconscious.

  He made her lie on the dirty ground and there was nothing I could do,Ruth was in her wedding dress,the same one which we had picked for her and Jill avoided.This was definitely not a dream,I was watching my sister being tortured,she looked so serene once her eyes closed,he was speaking some strange language which I could not understand,her body started floating in air,something tried to come out of the ground,the rose was shaking badly,where it stood there were cracks circling in,he was more loud and hard,a deafening howl echoed in the space,he smiled widely,he was liking what was about to happen,the others however shivered,few backed away from him,he continued with more force,his voice was tearing every ear drum while his chants worked.

  Finally the rose turned black,it looked like someone was dropping acid on it,it just turned into ashes and vanished.The entire floor was cracked and out came another body,floating in air like Ruth,her eyes opened and so did my sisters.She was beautiful but Ruth had her own charm,I could see someone,someone who was as anxious as I was,she was not liking what was happening,one guy did hold her back,there was no way she could fight his strong hold.There were tears in her eyes,her eyes were familiar,like I had seen them somewhere,I tried concentrating on what was happening,both of them looked at the ceiling while his heart continued at an erratic rate,his tongue did not stop,he was not stopping at anything,I guess it might have been a long wait,long indeed.

  The women who had been inside the ground was on her feet, unlike Ruth, she was still in the air wide awake,her eyes still watering,her lips trembled and Ronaldo for the first time looked a bit concerned about her,I could see the same pain in his eyes,he ignored her and his lips continued,the other female held Ruth by her neck bringing her to the ground,her hiss sent cold currents in every soul around there, “finally Miyana we meet again,gift me my body and power that you took away.”She comfortably slipped her fangs in my sisters neck,she bleeded but not a single sound escaped from her throat,she continued sucking her blood and Ronaldo watched silently like the others,Ruth was slipping again,her eyes turned and she was about to fall when Ronaldo pushed the other female in the wall.He held Ruth instantly but she was showing no sign of life.

  The other female bounced back on her legs and she laughed acidly, “Hmm...I was just hungry,you know that don’t you,brother.Your wife Miyana did starve me,didn’t she?.”

  “I’m happy you are back to life Crystal.Please maintain a healthy distant from my wife,am I clear?.”he threatened, cold and dark,his eyes watched Ruth sympathetically,there was nothing he could do,the madness within those eyes were gone.She was in his arms and he took her away with him.

  Crystal,as the others called her laughed and enjoyed her fellow people’s company.Ronaldo gently nursed Ruth,the fresh wound was not healing,he tried to stop it but the blood continued flowing,his eyes did the trick,the light from them did heal it,but still there were drops of blood dripping form her neck.Ruth was in pain,her forehead was burning,Ronaldo was not happy either,he stared at her while she slept,the madness within him did return but it was short lived,the tears from her eyes did cut his heart,he didn’t miss a single saline drop.Strange and odd,I could hear what he was thinking, “I’m sorry there was no other way around.I know you will one day forgive me,you will love me,you will,this time I won’t make a single mistake.I will not allow anybody to come between us,not even her,she will die this time and your innocent heart will be free again,free to love and hate,free to be you,just you,my lovely Miyana.”

  He sat next to her,his lips were just inches away from Ruth but he did not kiss her,he waited and I just couldn’t see how long he had to wait ‘cause Chris shook me up, “Up,up lazy-bone.”

  How long did I sleep?.He was combing his hair and getting into his shorts,oh I was still naked under the blanket,did the day pass,I wasn’t able to remember anything,the last that I could scan within my memory was the
phone call,which Chris warned not to answer.He smiled placing a gentle kiss on my forehead, “I’ll be waiting for you,come down for dinner.Freshen up first.”There was no way I was not going to,he could be so annoying at times like I was a baby needing instructions on what to do or what not to do,in many ways he did remind me of Ruth,strange and true I was missing her badly.

  The cold shower was not helping me,it just brushed my body,it failed to stop me from thinking,shower and Ruth were my best refuge when I got stuck in thinking,even Chris was having no luck,now I remembered when we entered his room,he brought me up here to show something special but I remembered one of our memories with Ruth where in she had surprised me by giving my first wand,I started crying and Chris hated it,he did exactly what he was good at,I was sleeping but he also couldn’t stop me from thinking,Ruth was invading my brains completely,it was not that I didn’t care for her or wanted her back,it was just the things which I could see which were making me uncomfortable,I didn’t have the slightest idea that she could be so messed up,I hated her for not having trust in any one of us,whatever she might be thinking,that she is protecting us by letting the truth dead in grave,she was wrong and till date she is,I wanted to confront her and ask all the questions,questions whose answers were just lying in dust with her.

  “Aagi you in there?.” it was Sipper of course but why was she sounding so worried, “Just a minute.”I responded.

  “Whats eating you?.”

  “Did you see Ruth while you were sleeping?.”


  “Who was that other female?.”


  “You know her.”

  “No,Ronaldo called her name don’t you recall?.”

  “Oh..I just..You think he is going to kill her?.”she asked her round wide eyes melting down instantly, “Hope he does because I am hurt,its her,she kept on lying to us,I hate her for doing that,I just hate her.”I did scream,it was not long,Jill and Kim were in the room too.Jill stood at a distance while Kim just hugged me tightly,she was exactly like me in temper,I was mad and broken,my family...Ruth....

  “Its alright,you have us,we are sisters remember,we will fight and find her,she will answer all our questions and we will not let her go this time,okay,you agree with me,do you?.”she demanded.I nodded,tears still welled in my eyes,I was in her chest could hear her small ticking as well,we were crying,Jill cried mutely,pressing her palm over her mouth,I and Kim together,while Sipper sobbed softly next to the cushion.

  Rocky was terrified,his head just bounced in through the door and disappeared within a fraction of second.Next I remember when all four boys marched in the same room.Troy pulled Kim,Chris took me in the far left corner and Roy just pulled Jill out of the room,Rocky was the last one to take action,well his eyes were ready to melt like his girl but he stood strong,his lips moved and I could see exactly what was being told,we four were having the same words served, “Come on Aagi,how can you be so weak,we are in this together,why don’t you see it,we will find her,nothing is going wrong,we will have her back,then why are you behaving like this?,stop being such a sympathetic soul,buckle up,there are worst things out there,we don’t give up so easily,never.”

  I wiped my tears softly,he was right,I had no other option besides winning,I wanted her back even if she was a messed soul,she loved me,she loved me so much,she sold herself to protect us,Miyana or Ruth whoever she was I wanted her back,the cold touch of her lips were welcomed anytime,I would not allow any foul soul to ruin it for her and us.I loved her,it did pain,it did bad but she should be in front of us so she can see we were hurting,it was her gift.

  “Stop cursing her,its good to be angry but allowing the same anger run in your veins just weakens the logical brain.Be strong,life never smiles at those who have ill temper,be strong.”I could hear Troy,his voice was loud and clear,my eyes were dry instantly,there was no looking back.


  “How long is it going to take?.”I asked,Chris was just like me,he actually was the most impatient one in the lot. “I am going to kill him.”he fumed but before he could continue his strings of curses,the same driver appeared.He smiled softly, “sorry got caught up in my wife’s ch..”.

  I nudged Chris,the deadly look in his eyes did give him goosebumps,the poor fellow gulped his fear,looking straight.The seating arrangement this time was different,Troy and Kim were behind us and Rocky was with Sipper directly in front row.My heart felt a little uncomfortable,the ignored cold look in Troy’s eye was not healthy,it was just for a fraction of second but my heart was pounding madly,what did I do to him?,why was he so annoyed with me?.

  Chris kissed me every minute,something was not healthy,I could feel something ill,like a stagnant stare that was burning deep hole in my backrest.Kim was sleeping,I couldn’t help notice her red nose,she did manage a stuffy nose if she cried long,oh,so that was why he was staring at me,his girl was sick of crying and he held me responsible for the same,how bad it was,he loved her so much not that Chris didn’t do the same but he was Troy,my very first crush,I remember showing Ruth his photograph enthusiastically,she didn’t miss my changed behavior,after that I was very careful around her,I loved her and him....

  Chris blocked my thinking,I was being kissed as a savage,he was so rough and mad,it was hard to push him away from my body,what did sink in this guy,why was he acting so mad.I wasn’t able to move or speak,he was holding me tightly,my lips burned over his but he was not satisfied,my breathing became hard,he was driving me insane,didn’t we have the entire room to ourselves,now why,why in front of Troy and everybody.My palm did ache to slap him but he had me down,the kiss was like a slow poison willing to make my heart stop,I was limp in his grip,allowing him all the freedom that he wanted over me,that is when he stopped and pulled me beside his body,my breath was still jagged and head rested without further delay on his shoulder,nobody commented,they didn’t even ignore the passionate kiss,I could still feel Troy’s annoyed face behind me,for some reason he was red,he was not liking Chris,I tried to keep my head up and ask him what was his problem but another short kiss from Chris sent my entire thinking system numb.I just waited like all of them to get out of the car.


  “What do you mean this book is not here?.”demanded Jill angrily, “Its here,all you have to do is find it.”snapped the librarian.

  “You don’t maintain the records.”Roy too lost his temper.

  “Easy Roy,she is right we need to find the book on our own.I’m sorry they are new to this library.”apologized Chris,he walked without further delay to the main door,the black door which stood right in between the empty space,it was very funny,there were no books around anywhere,only that girl sat in this big space playing on her phone.Her annoyed look had changed,she just smiled at Jill,something told me that she was not that bad,her eyes were soft and lovely.

  The moment we entered inside the door, there were books all around us flying high and low,Chris did not stop near any of the rows he just walked swiftly,we followed,Troy was last,the books did hit our heads but Chris and Troy didn’t get bumped,odd they didn’t even dodge,like they were welcomed here.

  “What are you doing?.”

  “Helping.”answered Chris opening the majestic book that was in the center of the only table.

  “Is this the book?.”she demanded furiously.


  “Then why are you wasting our time.”

  “Its Book inside book.”

  Berch Witches

  Chris just said the name of the book,Twisted Corner,the entire thing worked on its own,it was shifting its pages when finally it came to a stop,there was a head in between, one of its hair flew in the air and Chris did cut it,it turned into a page that was shining brilliantly and later transformed into a book,I could clearly see the golden glitters that were there around its frame,it landed softly in Chris’s hand.He flipped the same towards Jill,she caught it without blinking her eyes.The job was done,we were out of the library still managing our heads,Troy and Chr
is did exchange a mixed look,I was hating it,something behind my head was warning clearly,very hard to say,it looked like Ruth was speaking in a low hushed tone. “Don’t trust the two,don’t do it.”I did spin in urgency falling straight in Troy’s arm,he caught me just in time,I would have loved it if this happened a little earlier,but my mind was back to the voice,where did it come from?,it looked very real,hard to take it as a voice in my head.

  “What’s wrong?.”he asked when I just pushed him away and raced back,the others were already out of the black door, “Hold it.”he cried in anger pulling me back by my arm. “How dare you.”he ignored me like he was doing a favor, “Let go.”I did scream but he just didn’t bother to do so.“I said..”he did cut me this time, “What,ah,what..Don’t try to act funny with me,I am not your boyfriend,one word out of that throat and watch how I rip it.”

  “What’s wrong with you?.”I was definitely loosing it now.

  “What’s don’t know?.”he snapped.

  I stared at him in disbelief not able to grasp the fact that he was like any other male having a ill side,he was perfect,wasn’t he?.

  “Didn’t you have the entire bedroom to yourself,is it necessary to flaunt your sexy skills in front of everybody?.”

  “What’s in you,why does it bother that much to you?.”

  “If I see you in any way encouraging Chris for beautiful nights,I swear it,I will kill you.”his charming face turned dark and cold,was he truly Troy,who was this?.

  “What you got to do with it,he is my boyfriend,he can do...”

  “You will not allow him to do anything,you will obey,you only belong to me and if I see you...”he was acting just like a mixbreed,his eyes however turned purple,I was scared to death,I was literally shivering in his cold grip, “You love Kim,don’t you?.”I sobbed,he was hurting me,my arms were already turning black around his fingers.


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