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The Sound of Shooting Stars

Page 13

by Heather Allen

  “Well, well, Beckett, how are things? Obviously better now that someone has forgiven you.”

  I pull away quickly and spin clenching my fists at my sides. I’ve never seen the side of Dani that has surfaced over the past month. Obviously she’s always been like this and I’ve never noticed. Just seeing her snarky face makes me want to lash out at her. She’s had a huge part in my misery and now that I know about Jake, I hate her.

  As sweetly as I can, I respond, “Yeah, Brett found it in his heart to take me back, I’m very lucky.”

  I want to choke on my words but I’ve learned that that’s all they are, just words.

  She laughs, “He’s obviously not thinking with his head, or at least not with the one on his shoulders.”

  It’s so hard holding my body back from launching at her and clawing her eyes out but I refrain. The only way I’ll get everything back is with Dani’s approval. One thing I’ve learned in the past few weeks is that Dani has more influence than I ever knew. No one seems to sneeze without her permission. If things play out the way I want them too, she will soon fall from that pedestal.

  I smile, “You could say that I guess.” My hand moves to his cheek in a caress which causes him to pull me flush into his chest. Parts of Brett I would choose not to feel make themselves known to me.

  Dani turns as she calls back, “Well don’t think other people will be so easily swayed.”

  Trina glares at me as she trails after her. When they approach the kitchen, Jamie is walking out into the wide space. Brett wraps his hands around me from behind just as Jamie looks over. Relief spreads across his face as if he were looking for me but it quickly turns to an angry scowl. Trina notices him and wraps her arm around his shoulders with a smile. She begins whispering into his ear. As much as I want to, I can’t tear my eyes away. He averts his gaze and nods to her delight. She grabs his hand and pulls him behind her. My heart starts hammering in my chest as if I just lost something. Then I realize that Brett is kissing on my neck. I step away and call back, “I need some air.” Boy do I need air. How in the hell can I go through with this? Jamie Grey is something I didn’t make a plan for and he could be the downfall of the entire thing.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Jamie Grey

  Perseus – The Greek Hero

  Perseus decapitated Medusa using his shield to see her reflection, as he could not look at her directly without turning into stone. The myth goes, when Medusa died, the winged horse Pegasus and the warrior Chrysaor, fully armed, sprang fully grown from her body.


  After my brief exchange with Beckett I was actually relieved that she accepted my apology for asking her about Jake. It was asinine of me to even consider that she would do that to Sam again. Now that I know the two of them have history I’m really seeing a different side of Beckett.

  I sidled up to my room wondering if I should try and talk to her but I decide we’ve exchanged enough words today. I shouldn’t push my luck with her moodiness. My feet move to my bed and fatigue spreads at the sight of it. I collapse and stare up at the ceiling thinking about Beckett’s ceiling. The day we stared at her stars I noticed Ursa Major and the Big Bear which are constellations commonly found in the night sky but I also saw Cassiopeia. I wonder if there’s a reason that she chose to put that one up there. The chances that she’ll be able to see that in the real sky are slim to none. My eyes start to feel heavy as the shy look on her face before she ran into the house this afternoon, flashes across my eyelids.

  When I wake up, the afternoon sun has set and my room is darkened with only the glow from the numbers on my clock, lighting up the room. I roll over off the bed and aim for the bathroom but my phone vibrates in my back pocket. When I pull it out a number I don’t recognize flashes across the screen. I briefly debate on whether I should answer it. Finally, I push the button on the third ring and hold it up to my ear.

  A smooth accented voice questions, “Jamie?”

  Crap, Trina.


  She stumbles over her words, “Uh, hi Jamie. I wanted, wanted to find out if you’re going to Gabe’s party tonight.”

  I told Dani I would talk to Trina today but decided after that conversation that avoidance was best. Obviously she hunted me down.

  “I wasn’t planning on it.”

  “Well, it’ll probably be the last one for a while. You should go and meet me there.”

  “I should huh?”

  I can hear her smile in the words that follow, “Yes, maybe we can finish what we started the last time.”

  Okay, this chick is way too forward. If I were attracted to her I might jump at her words but I feel nothing. I’m about to tell her no but my phone beeps with another call. I pull it away and look at the screen. Sam.

  “Trina, maybe, I don’t know but I have to take this other call.”

  She huffs, “Fine.”

  The line clicks before I can click over to Sam. My phone rings again before my finger moves to answer.

  “Sam, are you okay?”

  “Hey Jamie, yeah, fine but I don’t think I can be alone tonight. Do you want to go to Gabe’s party with me?”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea? Will Jake be there?”

  “Probably but I can’t stay here with Elizabeth hovering like this.”

  My breathing falters for a moment at her words. Elizabeth was never the coddling type of mother. It pains me to know that she’s changed and I missed out on what I could have once had.

  “Jamie? Are you there?”

  “Um yeah, the party is fine as long as you’re sure.”

  “Why not? I’ll be with you, we’re invincible together, remember?”

  A smile creeps over my mouth remembering when we were ten. We climbed up a tree and decided that nothing could harm us. I think we had just watched Superman or some super hero movie. We pretended to be super heroes just like the movie. Sam took it literally and fell out of the tree breaking her arm in two places. We quickly found out that we weren’t invincible but that was our saying anytime things got hard or I had a break down over my sorry existence. Her parting words when I had to go back into the system were, ‘Jamie, don’t forget you’re invincible.’

  “Jamie, hello, anyone there? You keep going silent on me. Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine, Sam. A lot on my mind. How about you come and get me at seven?”

  “See you later.”

  The phone clicks and silence fills my ears. I throw my phone onto the bed and make my way to the shower. Hopefully I can scrub away this uneasy feeling that has suddenly washed over me.

  Sam doesn’t stop talking the entire way to Gabe’s. I think she’s afraid to let her mind wander and think about Jake. I’m glad for the chatter. It keeps my mind busy as well. But when we pull into the stone drive she falls silent. I look over and grab her hand. She meets my eyes with a worried expression.

  “Are you sure you want to go Sam? We can go catch a movie or get something to eat.”

  She shakes her head as she switches the car off, “Nope, I refuse to let him push me out of my life. This is where I would normally be.”

  “Yes, but Sam, you just broke up. It’s completely understandable if you want to do something else instead. Maybe take some time to heal.”

  “Jamie Grey, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you are the one trying to avoid the party.”

  A sigh leaks through my lips, “No Sam, I’m just looking out for you.”

  She reaches for the door and pushes as she calls back, “Well I’m fine so let’s go.”

  The uneasy feeling I felt earlier hasn’t left. It may just be because of what happened the last time I was here with Beckett and Brett. Luckily she will be far away from here tonight, probably the best place for her.

  Sam grabs my hand and leads me up the steps snaking her way through the house to the kitchen. She admits, “I need a drink, like now.”

  When we enter the kitchen she climbs up onto the coun
ter as I get a beer for each of us from the fridge. Gabe walks over with a surprised look. He quips while I open the beers, “Sam, I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

  She glares and grabs the beer I offer.

  “And why is that Gabe? Did you think I’d be home crying my eyes out because Jake cheated on me, yet again? No way, he’s not worth even one more thought.”

  Gabe holds his hands up in defense, “Sorry Sam. I was just making sure you are okay.”

  “I’m fine, thank you very much.” She lifts the beer to her lips and drinks half the bottle.

  I whisper, “Sam, hey slow down there. Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “I’m fine, didn’t we just establish that?” She downs the rest of the bottle and hands it over to me demanding, “More.”

  I grab another and hand it over. My eyes shift as someone else enters the room. To my shock it’s Beckett and she’s pulling Brett closely behind. Her eyes meet mine with a look of embarrassment as he leans in to get drinks from the fridge. Her expression quickly turns to sadness but she’s pulled from my eyes as he hands her a beer. What the hell is she doing here? I was sure she wouldn’t be here. I watch as his hand gathers her into his arms and he kisses her cheek. My fist clenches almost causing me to lose the bottle in my own hand. I set it firmly on the counter causing the liquid inside to bubble up the neck. Sam looks at me startled and follows my gaze.

  She leans into my ear, “Jamie, it’s not a good idea.”

  Finally I break the trance and look into her concerned face.

  “What’s not a good idea?”

  “You know exactly what. I see that yearning every time you look at her.”

  I shift my stance and turn away from her. I’m pissed that she talked me into coming here and furious at Beckett for making me feel this way.

  She places her hand on my shoulder and urges me to turn back around.

  “Come on Jamie, I’m sorry. It doesn’t seem like she knows what she wants. One minute she’s looking at you with the same expression…”

  I cut her off, “No she doesn’t.”

  She chuckles, “Oh God, you are such a guy. Of course she does. I’ve watched her now for over a month pining after you when you’re not looking. Especially in English, she turns around when you aren’t looking and stares at you.”

  I look over to where Beckett was but she’s gone. The last time she decided it was safe to go somewhere with that guy she ended up getting attacked. I look over at Sam and she smiles uneasily, “Alright, go find her. I’ll be right here with my good friend, Corona.” She holds the bottle up before downing another gulp.

  I squeeze her hand and warn, “Slow down.” Then I head for the living room. My footing falters as relief at the sight of Beckett across the room greets me. She turns to stare at me with a blank look but Brett’s arms cross around her middle and he leans into her neck. I look away unable to watch as she allows this. I’m disgusted at myself that I thought for a moment that Beckett was different than the bitch I laid eyes upon that first time I saw her with that fake smile.

  A hand wraps around my shoulders as I turn to face Trina’s cheery expression. She leans in and whispers, “Hey Jamie, glad you made it after all. Do you want to go out back with me?”

  I nod as she smiles widely. I don’t bother looking at Beckett again. Whatever happens, I won’t be her hero this time. She can find someone else to save her. I have enough battles to fight without hers too.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Beckett Chase

  Ara – The Altar

  Ara represents the altar on which Zeus and other gods vowed to defeat the Titans and overthrow Cronus, who ruled the universe.


  The moment the sea air hit my lungs I was ready to keel over and retch across the balcony. Not because of anything I ate but for Jamie. He has affected me way more than I had intended. I had such an urge to run after him and beg him to forget what he saw, ignore that I let Brett hold me and kiss me. Instead, I took the easy way out because, I never considered Jamie in my plan. I didn’t think the feelings I’ve been pushing away would surface but this did it and the fact that he went off with Trina kills me. I deserve this though. I deserve to be alone for what I have done to Sam and now him.

  Brett’s hand runs over my shoulder in a circle. I flinch and pull away leaning over the railing again.

  His voice comes out lazily, “Hey Beckett, are you alright?”

  I nod unable to find my own voice. Then I hear heels clopping across the wooden planks underneath and a scratchy voice, “Hey Brett, can I have a talk with Beckett?”

  I turn and lean into the railing. Dani’s amused expression meets mine. Brett looks over to me and asks, “Are you alright with this?”

  “Yep.” My lungs fill as my heart speeds up. This is it, the moment of truth. Only one chance.

  Brett walks back into the house and glances back one last time. I assure him with a wide smile and look over to Dani, as if we’ve spoken every day for the past month and ask, “Hi, what’s up?”

  She looks around as if frustrated to see if anyone is close. We are relatively alone. A couple is on the other side of the porch with their tongues stuck down each other’s throats. I doubt they have any intention of listening in.

  She turns back to me, stepping up close. I can smell her flowery perfume and the beer she must have just drunk.

  “What’s the deal Beckett? What are you trying to prove? I know you aren’t sleeping with him. I’ve established that fact. You had to be drugged to give it up to Jake. If people really knew how much of a prude you really are...” This hurts me but I realize Dani sent Trina to tell me about Jake today. I did think Jake liked me. I knew when he went back to Sam that it was a lie but still it kills me to know that I wasn’t in control when it did happen.

  I move half a step down the railing and feign ignorance, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not trying to prove anything. You might want to check and see where you are getting your facts.” My anger is swelling now facing her after what Trina told me. It is nearly impossible for me to hold myself back from hitting her.

  Her face contorts into a scowl, “I know as well as you do that you do not date. Why is Brett going around telling everyone that you are his girlfriend now?”

  I square my shoulders, “Because I am.” Admitting that puts a terrible taste in my mouth but I refuse to let her see it.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “No one said you have to believe me Dani. I could care less.”

  She laughs, “I think you care a whole lot more than you are letting everyone see. Did you forget that I know you Beckett? We were together every day for two years. I can read you like a book.”

  It’s my turn to laugh, “Likewise Dani.”

  She turns away pissed for a moment. But a new snide grin spreads as she taunts, “Well I thought you should know that Jamie is cozy with Trina on the beach right now. I guess he didn’t really want you after all or maybe he discarded you after he was done.” She laughs and muses, “No, he knew he could get it from Trina and that he won’t get anything from you.”

  If I thought the disgust earlier left me feeling ill, I was mistaken. Now I want nothing more than to make this terrible feeling in my middle go away.

  I take a step back toward her and admit, “You know, not that it really matters, but nothing ever happened between Jamie and I. When I told Trina to go for it, I meant it. I’m glad she finally took my advice.”

  She frowns and turns on her heel, marching back to the house. Brett walks out the door at that exact moment and she claims loud enough for me to hear, “That’s some girlfriend you got there Brett. Any chance you’d like to switch sides? Bet I can give you more than you’re getting from her.”

  She doesn’t give him a chance to answer. She winks at him and walks away. I quickly climb down the stairs and dry heave into the bushes. Brett comes up behind me sure to keep his distance, “Um Beckett, are you alright? Do you
ah, can I get you anything?”

  I shake my head. In between my heavy breathing I tell him, “Maybe you should go back in. I’m not feeling well. I think I need to go home.”

  He stands behind me a moment longer before relenting, “Okay, I’ll ah, call you tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” The heaving starts again. His footfalls up the steps slowly disappear.

  When I straighten back up a shadow is coming down the steps softly. I lean back down on my knees scared that Brett is back. Instead a high-pitched voice that I haven’t heard in a long time asks, “Beckett, are you okay?”

  I spin around to face Samantha. She looks truly concerned. This is the first look other than a frown or scowl that I’ve gotten from her in over a year.

  “Yeah, I think I ate something bad.”

  She hesitates for a moment as if struggling to say something. Finally she asks, “Are the rumors true? Are you dating Brett now?”

  Inwardly I cower at her question but tell her, “Yes, I am.”

  “Oh.” She pivots to walk back up the steps but freezes. She looks back at me sadly. Her tone comes out strong when she tells me, “That’s too bad. I think Jamie feels the same way about you.”

  Before I can respond she’s back up the stairs and walking into the house. Her words put my stomach into a full spin and I lean over again. Oh God, what did I do? I think I’ve really messed up this time.

  Once my stomach has calmed a bit I climb up the steps to find a bathroom. I need to go home but I need water to wash this awful taste from my mouth. I slip in and climb the closest set of stairs to the second floor. I grab the handle of the first door I approach in the darkened hall and turn. It gives easily. But I find that it’s not a bathroom. I’m greeted with two faces I know very well and they are not clothed. Jake looks up as a sliver of light bathes the room. The black hair slayed underneath him tells me all I need to know. My stomach lurches even more as I close the door and hurry further down the hall. When I find the bathroom, I quickly empty the contents of my stomach.


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