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The Sound of Shooting Stars

Page 12

by Heather Allen

  I turn to my room and shower. Today will be hard and I need to brace myself for whatever is to come.

  I climb down the stairs as Marla is walking through the entryway toward the door. She stops mid stride. The clicking of her shoes against the hardwood floor makes a lasting echo. I silently kick myself for coming down at this moment. If I would have waited just a few minutes later this might have been prolonged until this evening. She glances up meeting my frightened stare. Her hands move up to rest on her hips. Reluctantly, I continue my descent. Here it comes. I’m saddened by the fact that last night could have been my last night here. Sam’s pained face pops into my head as my foot hits the last step. I won’t get to see Sam anymore if I have to leave. My breathing quickens at that thought.

  Her voice comes out firm, “Don’t think I haven’t forgotten about the other day Jamie Grey.”

  I wince at her usage of my first and last name and find a spot just below the stairwell to learn my fate. I blink rapidly and face the floor bracing for the words that are sure to come.

  “Is there something that you want to talk about?”

  I frown, lifting my eyes to look across the room at her.

  She continues in a sympathetic tone, “I mean I know things have been tough. I can’t imagine what it’s like to have to start over as many times as you have. I want you to know that we don’t give up. Not on people or things we strive for. You are welcome here for as long as you want to stay, even after you turn eighteen.”

  My eyes widen in surprise.

  She hurries to add, “I mean if you need more time to figure things out, then of course you can stay.” Her voice trails off.

  My words come out in barely a whisper, “Um thank you. I appreciate it.”

  She adds, “As far as Beckett goes, she doesn’t give up either. So if she gives you problems please let me know. I understand that she’s having a difficult time but…”

  I cut her off because I don’t want to know any more about their dynamics and how Beckett is going through tough stuff. I know what Beckett is going through and she’s brought it upon herself.

  “Beckett is fine. Actually Beckett and I are fine.”

  “Well I’m glad to hear that.”

  She hesitates before moving forward,“ Have a great day at school.”

  She walks to the door and grabs her keys and purse from the table beside it. I trudge forward to the kitchen to find Sasha making waffles again. Maybe today won’t be as bad as I thought.

  When Sam picks me up she’s a mess which I expected. She called Jake last night and asked him to meet her in the parking lot this morning. I think this is a bad idea but she insists that she must know now before she can even think about school.

  We pull in to find Jake leaning against his car on the other side of the lot. I tell her in protest, “Sam, I think this is a terrible idea. What will you do about your classes if he admits something to you?”

  She sets her mouth in a firm line and replies, “I’ll handle it. You should go to class.”

  I shake my head and get out of the car with her but she’s already across the lot before I can stop her. Jake greets her with a kiss on the cheek and then all hell breaks loose. She starts waving her arms around wildly. After a minute of him listening and her talking he looks up to meet my gaze. Sam turns on her toes. She calls out angrily, “Jamie, go to class. I told you, I’ll be fine.”

  I walk slowly to the entrance and turn just as he grabs her around the waist pulling her closer. She rests her head into his shoulder and his hand moves to rub her back as if soothing her. I walk angrily to my first class making it just as the bell is ringing.

  Dani turns in her seat as I sit down. She winks and turns quickly to face forward. What the hell is up with her?

  I don’t see Sam again until right before English. By that point she is a blubbering mess. I’m not sure how she got through her first three classes. She pulls me across the hall into an alcove and tells me through soft tears, “Jamie, we broke up.” Her tears fall faster at just those few words. I gather her into my chest as she cries. She mutters into my shirt, “He wouldn’t tell me who it is but there is someone else.” Her sobs increase.

  This causes me to look around. Who in the hell would do this to Sam? My eyes land on Beckett across the hallway. Her long blonde hair hangs straight down her back. The short plaid skirt sways as students pass by. She is getting books from her locker looking around hesitantly. I wonder if she would do that shit again after what happened the last time. I’m beginning to believe that Beckett told the truth back when this happened the first time. I don’t think it’s her but I need to make sure. The only way I can find out though is to talk to her which will halt our silence. We haven’t spoken to each other in weeks. After the incident with Michelle I refused to speak to her again. I look down to Sam still slobbering into my shirt. Sam is worth it.

  Once I get Sam settled outside of her class after a short lunch, I search the library for Beckett. I know she has been spending her lunches in here but today she’s missing. After a good ten minutes of looking I decide to try the back yard, eloquently named. It’s really just the back field behind the school that is now brown because of the heat leftover from summer. As soon as I walk through the doors, I spot her walking across the field toward the building. My eyes look to the ground to gather my thoughts and to brace myself for the worst as I make my way toward her.

  Surprise registers on her face when I stop a few feet in front of her. My voice comes out accusatory which is unintentional when I ask, “Are you sleeping with Jake again?”

  She steps toward me with fury in her voice, “Of course I’m not. I learned my lesson about him a long time ago. It’s too bad Sam didn’t realize what a dick he was back then. Maybe this is someone doing her a favor.”

  I relax as the truth in her words comes out. I know now that she was telling the truth when she told Sam about it the first time the douche cheated on her. I nod at her in acknowledgement and let the breath out that I was holding. I share her sentiments about the guy. Then she asks carefully, “What did she tell you?”

  I look around and notice the tables by the building have emptied. When I look back I notice the blue in her eyes glistening while she waits and I admit, “She told me what really happened.”

  Her feet shift and she asks, “What ‘really happened’?”

  A deep breath moves my chest as I tell her, “She believes you now Beckett.”

  She hisses at me as her face turns red, “She believes me now after a year? Now that you’ve verified that it’s not me who is sleeping with him. Oh that’s just perfect Jamie, just fucking perfect.”

  “Tell Sam to leave me alone. She should have taken my word a long time ago. It’s obviously too late now.”

  She rushes past me. The sweet lemony smell of her fills my nostrils as I turn and call out, “Beckett wait…”

  But she continues rushing to the doors.

  As much as I hate the idea, Beckett is getting to me and my resolve is slowly faltering. The person I’ve come to know as Beckett Chase doesn’t really exist. Maybe she is actually more Jekyll than Hyde.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Beckett Chase

  Andromeda - The Chained Maiden

  Andromeda was chained to a rock and would have been left to the monster if Perseus had not come along and saved her.


  I cannot believe that Jamie would ask me about Jake. I tried to help Sam out a long time ago but it did no good so I’ve learned my lesson. I’m still reeling at Trina’s admission. I’m not sure what to do about that. Hopefully my plan with Brett will work out and I won’t have to deal with her or Dani. Who am I kidding? Dani isn’t going anywhere.

  When I pull into the driveway after school, my phone rings. I glance at the screen to see Brett’s number flashing as it sings again. I smile realizing that he came around a lot faster than I thought he would.

  I hit the button and utter sweetly, “Hello Brett. Did you ha
ve a change of heart?”

  His chuckle surprises me. “You knew I’d call, didn’t you?”

  “I did.” I stare off at the water across the yard. It moves swiftly glistening in the sun’s light.

  “Well I have some bargaining I’d like to do myself.” This is the part I was afraid of. I promised myself the deal’s off if sex comes into the equation. I’m already playing with fire as it is.

  My tone turns official, “I figured you’d have some thoughts. Let’s hear it.”

  “Okay, I want the full blown boyfriend/girlfriend thing which means PDA.”

  I take a deep breath when I realize what this entails. I have to allow him to touch me. This I can handle I tell myself. It’ll be hard but not impossible. I relent carefully, “I can do that.”

  I verify where the line is drawn, “No sex, I made myself clear on that.”

  He snarls, “You did.” and adds, “one more thing, Gabe is having a party tonight, I want you to go with me. Think of it as our ‘coming out’ party.” He chuckles at his poor excuse of a joke.

  I was hoping he wouldn’t mention the party. I wasn’t planning on going. My voice falters remembering the last time I went to one of Gabe’s parties.

  “Brett, I have other plans tonight.”

  “Then no deal Beckett.” His voice trails off angrily.

  “Okay, fine, I’ll go to the party with you. No beach though.”

  “Fair enough.”

  I hang up and look out the side window to see Jamie getting out of Sam’s car. He glances over to me as Sam pulls away. When she’s down the drive he walks over and pulls open my driver’s side door. I move my gaze forward not bothering to move my hands or body to get out of the car.

  His voice comes out softly, “Beckett, I’m sorry about today. I did believe it all along but I had to make sure.”

  My breathing becomes shallow. Today is the most Jamie has spoken to me in weeks. I turn to look up at him. The sun behind him creates a halo of light behind his head making him look like a green eyed angel. His face gives nothing away as to how he feels. I push out of the car as he backs away. My feet move a few steps toward the house before I turn on my heel and state, “Fine, I accept your apology.”

  His lip quirks at the corner causing me to take a deep breath and I hurry into the house to my room. My body can only take so much from Jamie. He does something to me and I’m not sure I want to know what it is.

  The reality of the deal I just made with the devil himself, settles over me, and I wonder if I’ve made a mistake. Maybe the top isn’t the most important place anymore, but then the past few weeks of stares and no one speaking to me run though my head and I vow to keep my plan. Getting to the top isn’t always easy, but staying there is and I want nothing more than to be back there.

  I change into my bathing suit and climb back down the stairs, heading toward the pool. When I lower myself into the lukewarm water, Marla steps out onto the porch. She pulls a chair out near the edge making sure that she is still in the shade of the house. I roll my eyes at the seeming mother daughter bonding moment she is obviously intending.

  “Hey Beckett, how was school?”

  “Hi Marla, school is fine. What’s up?” I cut to the chase.

  “Can’t I take some time out to see how you’re doing?”

  “Yes mom, but usually you have an ulterior motive for these bonding moments.”

  “Not this time honey. Your dad and I work so much and you are never around so I thought I’d come out here and catch up. How are you feeling about Jamie being here? Are you more comfortable with things now?”

  I’ve certainly been around as a result of my recent decline in social status. It’s her that has been missing. I dip back into the water rolling my eyes before putting my arms up on the edge of the pool.

  I lie, “Things are good with us mom. I think having Samantha back in his life has been a good thing for him.”

  She frowns and asks, “Samantha Jamison?”

  I nod in curiosity as an idea forms.

  “I thought you knew. I guess he lived with her family years ago. I think it was one of his foster placements.”

  Her brows raise as she turns quiet for a moment taking in my words.

  My voice comes out careful, “You should tell Michelle about it. Maybe that has had an effect on his adjusting.”

  She stares at me for a moment. I’m not sure if she is really seeing me though.

  Finally she shifts abruptly getting up from the chair and pushes it back under the table. When she looks back down at me her smile lifts when she says, “You called me mom twice in that conversation. I think that’s a record.”

  I smirk as she turns to go back into the house. I’ll give it to her, she at least tries. Dani has always had difficulty dealing with her mom. Gah! Dani…I’ll see her tonight I’m sure. Maybe the party will play into my plan. My heart beats double, in anticipation of how things will change if everything plays out as I hope. Hopefully Monday will see me back where I belong and Jamie out of my life. I lower my face under the water taking a deep breath. I’ll finally be able to breathe again.


  A few hours later, I find myself behind the steering wheel of my car completely second guessing my decision to meet Brett at the party. He called an hour ago wanting to pick me up but I refused. I told him I’d call the whole thing off if he insisted. Luckily, he backed off, which is a first for him.

  A few deep breaths and I’m pulling out onto Cherry Street heading east toward the ocean. Gabe’s house is ten minutes away and south along the beach. The entire way I breathe deeply and replay the events as I see them in my head. You can never plan things out perfectly but I’ve prided myself on the person I’ve become over the past year. I haven’t let anyone get to me like Jake did as hard as it’s been. My heart falters at the thought that he never really cared. The only person I’ve slept with and I was drugged. My anger at Dani swells. All day I’ve tried not to think about it but what really happened isn’t how I’ve replayed it out in my head over and over. I was less to blame than I had originally thought. And the Brett thing on the beach, I should have seen it coming. I’ve been kicking myself for almost a month, over not recognizing the signs that he felt the way he did before. It won’t happen again. Now I’m the one in control.

  When my car approaches the tall beach house, my stomach starts tumbling. It spins further as I spot Brett leaning on the banister of the front porch waiting for me. He’s dressed in jeans hugging his tall frame and a light blue t-shirt. I step out of my car and straighten my white capris and yellow tank top. He eyes me curiously as I ease up the steps. This is going to be so much harder than I had anticipated. When I make it onto the landing he moves toward me snaking his hand around my waist to kiss my cheek. He whispers into my ear as I wince at his touch.

  “You look hot tonight, Beckett.” At his words my middle does a complete flip. I take a step out of his grasp and tell him angrily under my breath, “You can’t say shit like that Brett. Just act normal for once.”

  A frown crosses his face as I move away, but a smirk lifts at my words.

  “Come on Beckett, you know you want me.”

  I say incredulously, “The deal is off.” And I turn to leave.

  He grabs my arm and pleads, “Okay, I’ll be good, I promise.”

  This whole thing pains me but as I turn back toward him I notice half a dozen pairs of eyes with their focus intently on us. I grab his hand roughly and huff toward the door. Fuck Beckett, get it together.

  When we enter the front room, a handful of people come up to us greeting Brett and making small talk with me as If they just talked to me yesterday. I’m shocked that I’ve been treated like a leper for a month. A few ask me if I’m dating Brett now and I nod very slightly. What the hell? This is all it took? I knew this would happen but maybe a tiny bit of doubt had sprouted as to whether it would really work. Suddenly I need something to drink. I look over at Brett a few feet away as he’s talking to Ga
be and Brandon eyeing me while I’m sure boosting the lie. Yeah, this definitely can’t last long. I close the distance and tell him quietly, “I think I need a drink.”

  Immediately, he leaves his friends behind, pulling me through the house to the kitchen. He grabs a couple of beers from the fridge. I glance around as I wait for him to find a bottle opener and spot Jamie across the room just as he was the last time I was here in this exact spot. The only difference is that Jake is missing and Sam looks miserable. A small part of me wants to go over and hang out with them instead and confess to Sam that I never meant to hurt her. But the cold glass bottle against the skin of my arm brings me back.

  Brett asks, “Do you want to go out back?”

  I frown up at him and shake my head. Is he crazy? I know I made myself clear. I ignore him momentarily and glance around for the real reason I agreed to come to this place again. To my dismay the girls aren’t here yet. When I look back over at Jamie he is staring at me. His eyes flatten to a glare as I feel an arm around my waist and lips against my cheek. Involuntarily my face contorts in a wince but I don’t push him away. Jamie’s glare turns into a question before he looks away with an expression of disgust that I’m sure mirrors my own. Great Beckett.

  A few minutes later I turn toward sounds of commotion through the doorway at the front of the house and suggest to Brett that we go to the living room. He follows like a puppy dog. I need to keep in mind that he’s a very scary big dog in actuality.

  We walk through the entryway to find Dani and Trina making a grand entrance. They must still be teasing Gabe judging by the frustrated look on his face. I quickly turn and place my hands on Brett’s chest as I plant a kiss across his lips. His hands rush around my back pulling me closer to deepen the kiss. Every molecule in my body screams at me to pull back and run as far away as I can get but I let him explore my mouth with his. A minute later a throaty voice comes up behind me.


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