Social Democratic Federation (UK) 310
social legislation 147
Britain 362–3, 374–6
Italy 383–4
see also welfare
and capitalist modernity xxxiv–xxxvi
and planned economies 511
as political project 506
and state welfare 352
see also labour movements; socialist movement
socialist movement xxii–xxiii, 148
internationalist 258
political parties 335, 487–8, 510–11
and suffrage 331
Socialist Party of America (SPA) 343–4
software companies 526
Sokolov, Nahum, Zionist leader 251
Somalia, Italy and 439
Sombart, Werner xxxv, 174–5, 231–2, 233, 526
The Jews and Economic Life (1911) 298
Why is there no Socialism in the United States 342
Song Dynasty 91–2
Sorge, Friedrich 342
South Africa 34, 423, 518
as state 36, 37
South America, immigration 300
South Korea 136, 526
South Sea Company 528
South Sudan 21
economic 487
features of 12
recognition of 17–18
Soviet Union 158, 504
borders 25–6
collapse of 17, 28
and consumption 523–4
industrialization 136
see also Russia
Spa Fields Riots (1816) 325
Spain 26, 131, 277, 434–5
agricultural exports 131
and Catalonia 17, 28, 277
and democratic reforms 278
and industrialization 131–2
loss of colonies (1898) 277, 441
minority languages 252
and Philippines 431
political parties 521
political unrest 27
protectionism 496
state intervention 148
Spanish Empire 30, 278
Spence, Jonathan 168
Spencer, Herbert 233, 466, 475
on minimalist state 143–5
The Man versus the State 144
Spengler, Oswald, The Decline of the West 508
Spiridonova, Maria 281
Šrámek, Jan 400
Staël, Germaine de 185
Stalin, Josef 136
Stamboliski, Alexander 399
Standard Oil 230, 236, 237, 242
Stanford, Leland 301–2
state (government) xix, 134–57
and capitalism xx–xxii, xxxi–xxxii, xxxviii, 82, 504–5
definitions 11
and economic development xix–xx, 11, 37, 134, 154
and economic protection 486–7
fiscal systems 161
interventionism 148–55; liberal view of xxx–xxxi, xxxviii, 145–7
and labour disputes 367
and laissez-faire 138, 139, 142–3
minimalist 143–5
and regulation xix, xl–xli, 365, 367
relationship with ‘people’ 155
requisites for 135–6
role in trade xvi–xviii, 140, 444
and social legislation 147
see also taxation
state institutions 135
external 18–19
see also nation-building
and borders 11–15
creation of 12, 17
and financial system 137
formation by European settlers 28–34, 127, 422–3, 437
and minorities 26
numbers (1900) xxxix, 9, 10
sovereign 17–18
see also nationalism; sovereignty
Stead, W. T., The Americanization of the World 220–21
steam power xviii
steel production
Le Creusot 58–9, 378–9
Sheffield xvii, 60–61, 172
Stendhal, La Chartreuse de Parme 226
Stiglitz, Joseph 519–20
Stolypin, Pyotr 167, 210, 214, 216, 279
assassination 282
Strange, Susan 5, 527
strikes 510
Belgium 310–11, 406
France 488
Russia 283
Struve, Peter 217
Stumm, Carl Ferdinand 357, 380
Sturdza, Dimitrie, Romanian Liberal 124
Suez Canal 6–7, 273, 274, 419
Suez Canal company xx, 419
suffrage 310–36, 316–17
and electoral participation 333
exclusions 314–15
and index of democratization 318–20
property qualifications 321–2
universal 312–13
universal manhood 313, 314, 323–4
women’s 314, 315, 325–6, 334
see also democracy; political parties
Caribbean 128, 422
consumption of 65
European beet 422
Sumner, William Graham 233, 443
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other xxxvii
Sun Yat-sen 104, 105, 250–51
Three Principles of the People 250
Superman (film) 513
supermarket trolley 339
superstition 61
Sviatopolk-Mirsky, Prince 282
Sweden 26, 68, 173
agriculture 174
Church Law (1686) 174
economic growth 132, 173–4
move to political left 356
private trading companies 444
and urbanization 39
welfare: maternity reforms 354; universal pension 355–6
Switzerland 26, 27, 40
Federal Factory Act (1877) 368
languages 252
working hours 367–8
Syria, civil war 518
Taft, William Howard, US President 345
Taine, Hippolyte 50–51, 324
Taiping Rebellion (1850–64) 97, 167
Taiwan 35, 526
China’s loss of 97, 100, 425
economic growth 136
Japan and 116, 422–3, 429
Talleyrand, Charles-Maurice, Prince 424
Tanzania (Tanganyika) 431, 464
Taoism 99
tariffs 487, 492
call for 484, 491–2
to raise revenue 501
Tasca-Lanza, Giuseppe 363
Tasmania 432
Tawney, R. H. 388
The Acquisitive Society 337
taxation 17, 158–68
ancient origins 158
and coercion 163–4
and compliance 160–63
customs duties 167–8
debates on 164–5
for empire defence 458
equity of 159
on expenditure 162, 164
to fund welfare 342, 524
income 352; British 162–3
indirect 165, 167
land tax 166
levels of 165, 168
methods of collection 161
and middle classes 159
peasants and 158–9
range of 160, 161, 166
and relations of state and individual 159–60
in weak states 166–7
window taxes 160, 165
Taylor, Harriet 315
tea, consumption of 65, 69
technological innovation xviii, 38–9
agriculture 123, 241
borrowed 191
in Europe 91
household 66–7
Temer, Michel 518
Tenniel, John xxvi, xxvi
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 466
Tenochtitlán (Mexico City) 46
terrorism 510
Texas, annexation of 415
Texas Nationalist Movement 29
textiles 6
Japan 116
silk 92, 107, 389
see also cotton
Thackeray, William, ‘The Caged Hawk’ 413–14
Thailand 267, 426, 504
Thatcher, Margaret 514, 517, 526
Thessaloniki 269, 270
Thiers, Adolphe 164–5
Thiesse, Anne-Marie 248–9
Third World
and colonialism 418–19
and under-development 181
Thomson, James, ‘Rule Britannia’ 170, 481
Thorne, Will 371
Thornwell, James Henry 408
Thurmond, Strom 301
Tibet 130
British invasion (1903) 427
Tientsin, Treaty of (1858) 96
time-keeping, international conventions 7
The Times 361, 467
Timur (Tamerlane) 17
Tipu Sultan 431
Tirpitz, Admiral Alfred von 436
tobacco 6
Tocqueville, Alexis de xxxiii, 61, 322–3
on America 221, 226, 228
on French occupation of Algeria 414
on welfare 349
Togliatti, Palmiro 383
Tokyo (Edo), Japan 59, 60, 115
Tolstoy, Count Dmitry 205
Tolstoy, Leo 198
Tolstoy, Sofia Andreevna 208
Tomorrow Never Dies (film) 513
Tongzhi, emperor of China 98
Toqué-Gaud affair, French Congo 455
Total Recall (film) 513
Toussaint Louverture, in Haiti 431
Toynbee, Arnold, A Study of History 508
capitalism and 156–7
Carolingian Europe xv
and colonialism 425
and economic growth 503
and globalization 5–7
regional associations 7–8
role of state xvi–xviii
and settlement 4
see also exports; free trade
Trade Board Act (1909) 360–61
Trade Union Act (1871) 375
Trade Union Congress (UK) 371, 375
trade unions
Belgium 368
Britain xxxv–xxxvi, 371, 517
and capitalist relations 384–5
and Catholicism 395
collective bargaining 366–7, 376–7, 516
Conciliation Act (1896) 360
Conservative Party and 360
declining density 516–17
France 377–9
growth of 374–9, 487–8
Italy 382
and labour markets 137
legislation on 374–5
United States 235, 371
and working hours 374
refrigerated 6
shipping 484–5, 498–9
limited 4
maritime 4, 6–7
Tredegar, South Wales 295
Treitschke, Heinrich von 71, 298, 324, 436
Trentman, Frank 457, 493–4
Trepov, Colonel Fyodor 281
Trikoupis, Charilaos 131
Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy) (1881) 503–4
Triple Entente (Russia, France and Britain) (1907) 503–4
Tristan, Flora, on Paris 59–60
Trollope, Anthony 227
Trotha, Lothar von 432
Trotsky, Leon 285
Trump, Donald 521
Tubman, Harriet 408
Tunisia 421, 476, 503
Turati, Filippo 312
Turgenev, Ivan
Fathers and Sons 279
Smoke (Dym) 201
Turkey 25, 269
and Armenian genocide 300
Kemalist revolution (1923) 269
popular authoritarianism 518
Young Turks Revolution (1908) 267, 509
Turner, Frederick Jackson 30, 228, 241
Turner, Nat 408
Twain, Mark, and Charles Dudley, The Gilded Age 232
Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens) 443
Uber taxi service 526
Ukraine 15, 283
industrialization (Donbass region) 58, 206, 215, 292
nationalism 16–17, 257
peasants 45
Umberto I, King of Italy 312, 382
unemployment 54–5
and de-industrialization 526
and poverty 52
Ungaretti, Giuseppe, ‘Soldati’ 507
Union Générale de France, bank 483
United Kingdom see Great Britain
United Nations
designation of ‘least developed countries’ 181
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 352
United States of America 89, 219–43, 304, 518
abolition of slavery 223
agrarian reform 229
agriculture: cotton production 219, 229, 501; productivity 47, 241, 484; wheat production 123–4, 188
American dream myth 236, 342–3
anti-capitalist populism 234–5, 241–2
anti-Chinese racism 301–3
anti-imperialism 441, 443–4
anti-statism in 144
army 225
blacks 300–301, 334; liberated slaves 77, 223–4
boundaries 15, 29–30; frontier 224, 241
California 241
capitalism: anxiety about 231–2; corporation cartels and monopolies 235–7; establishment of 230–40; paternalistic 379, 380
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) 302, 428
Civil Rights Act (1866) 334
and Cold War 523–4
colonies 277, 441–4
Constitution 29, 253–4, 333–4
consumption 337, 338–41, 527
corruption 232–3
democracy 223; suffrage 247, 314, 325–6, 333–5
Dingley Tariffs 491
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) 334
economic organization 225–6
economy: debt 481–2, 524; growth xvii, 193, 221; international firms 242; manufacturing growth xix, 173, 219, 502; ‘Panic of 1837’ 483; per capita GDP 80, 80, 81; small enterprises 228–9, 240; state-level market interference 238–9
education 254
exceptionalism 221
exports 187, 500
federal government: capital 153, 232, 235–6; role of 153, 225, 232–3, 237
federal income tax 501
and First World War 504
food and diet 55–8; ready-prepared foods 57–8, 338; sugar consumption 65
foreign investment 482
‘Gilded Age’ 232
Glass-Steagall Act (1933) 528
Great Merger Wave of 1898–1902 236
Haymarket ‘Massacre’ (1886) 310, 344
hegemony: and decline 242–3, 524–5; as the future 220–21
Homestead Act (1862) 241
immigration 47, 219, 221, 241, 266, 304, 309; Japanese 303; Jewish 56, 291, 304
Indian Citizenship Act (1924) 334
industrialization xxiii, 47, 169, 224, 230
Interstate Commerce Act (1887) 237
Japan and 111, 112
labour movement 302, 343–4; disputes 237–9; Industrial Workers of the World 302, 343
McKinley Tariff Act (1890) 491
military intervention in Mexico 238
modernity in 219
Monroe Doctrine 426
myth of ‘small government’ 224–5
Native Americans 77, 303–4, 334, 432
New Deal 345, 514
origins of 224
People’s Party 344
political parties 334–5
politics: conservatism 223; leaders’ religious profile 408
population 219, 221, 242–3
private security 225
Progressive Party 344–5, 345
Progressive Era (c. 1890–1920) 238–9, 346
protectionism 491–2, 500–501; tariffs 242, 501
railways 153, 219, 230, 232–3, 236–7, 482
and Reconstruction Amendm
ents (post-Civil War) 334
and religion 253–4, 407–8; fundamentalism xxxvii, 233, 238, 516; in presidential inaugural addresses 407; religiosity 407–8
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) 236, 237
and social Darwinism 233
socialist parties 343–6, 345
society: alcohol prohibition 238; class in 342–3; demographic changes 29; ethnic rivalries 300, 304; lack of aristocracy 225–6; life expectancy 69, 73–4, 77; non-white racism 300–301
the South 219, 221–3, 229–30, 500
tax levels 165, 168
urbanization 219, 223
Voting Rights Act (1965) 326
wealth and money 226–7; income and wages 239–40, 340, 341; and inequality 83, 233, 265–6
welfare: public health interventions 70; and state welfare 346
see also American Civil War
Universal Postal Union (1874) 7
Ur, Mesopotamia 46
urban poor
conditions 49–56, 58, 62, 69
London 49–51, 52–4
Naples 53
St Petersburg 55
Britain 170
compared with rural life 42–4
and France 39, 43, 51, 61
and health 68–9
and industry xvii–xviii, xxi–xxii, 45–6
and percentage of population 46, 69
United States 219, 223
usury, religious views of 386–7
Uzbekistan 17
Vaccination Acts (from 1840 to 1907) 70
Vanderbilt, Cornelius 234
Vandervelde, Émile 433
Vaugeois, Henri 257
Veblen, Thorstein
The Engineers and the Price System 511–12
The Theory of the Leisure Class 338
Vecchia, Giovanni Dalla 193
vending machines 339
Venezuela 308, 519
Venice xvi–xvii, 26
Vercingétorix 14, 255
Verein für Sozialpolitik (Social Policy Association) 147
Veuillot, Eugène, Çà et là 393
Veuillot, Louis xxix
Victoria League 467
Victoria, Queen 329, 464
Chinese letter to 94–5
as ‘Empress of India’ 468
Vienna, Congress of (1815) 27
Vienna Stock Exchange, crash (1873) 483
Vietnam, France and 448, 468, 473
Vikings 3
Villari, Pasquale 53, 148, 249–50, 311
Villermé, Dr Louis René 51, 368
Vivian, Herbert 476
vodka, taxation on 167
Voltaire 306, 486
and China 106
Histoire de Charles XII 89
Histoire de l’Empire de Russie 89–90
Vorontsov, Vasili, The Fate of Capitalism in Russia 217
Vyshnegradsky, Ivan 167, 205, 206, 212
labour market reforms 370
and protectionism 494–5
Wade, Sir Thomas 106
wages see income
Wagner, Adolf 147, 293–4, 373
Wal-Mart 526
Waldeck-Rousseau, Pierre, French prime minister 351, 377, 488
Walkley, Mary Anne xxv–xxvi, xxvi
Wall Street Crash (1929) 487, 514
Wall Street Journal 136
The Anxious Triumph Page 110