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Cherished by Two

Page 4

by Morticia Knight

  Lasar tilted his head. “What reminds you?”

  Jesus, these guys are so literal. “My thoughts about everything that I need to learn as I become part of your world. I was reminded that I also need to see Morgan, make sure he’s okay. Plus, well…” Chris shrugged. “I miss him.”

  Lasar nodded. “Of course you must see your cousin, Chris. But we also must maintain the same ruse as before. I’m sorry.”

  Eww. “No, I get it.” He cleared his throat. “And that also reminds me…” Chris’ face heated and Lasar arched his eyebrows. “That whole sex-party thing. How are you getting me and Morgan out of that? Gonna say we have the flu or a migraine or something? You know, ‘not tonight, they have a headache’?” Chris chuckled uneasily.

  Lasar glanced past Chris’ shoulder, perhaps giving Nary the chance to act as an Ahna to Chris. “He’s pink, Nasha.”

  Nary wrapped his arms around Chris’ waist, pulling him flush to his chest. “I understand you are uncomfortable because you don’t want sex with your cousin. We don’t have sex with people who are our family on Alashar, but things have become much stranger in the short time that we’ve been here, and perhaps, the Supreme Commander simply doesn’t care if the humans share their bodies with those who they are related to. But let our Ahna decide what to do. Trust that he’ll handle it. This would be a good way to practice your submission right now.”

  Chris allowed his head to fall back on Nary’s shoulder and groaned. Letting go and not obsessing over whether everything was being taken care of the way it should be was going to be a hell of a challenge. But I can’t fuck around or feel sorry for myself right now. I have to do whatever it takes to give us all the best chance to survive whatever’s coming our way.

  “Yes, Sir, I will.” He regarded Lasar. “I trust you, Master. I won’t ask again.”

  Lasar leaned in and took a soft kiss from Chris. “That’s my very good boy.”

  * * * *

  “This is awesome, Nary, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.” Sort of sure.

  Chris examined what Nary had gathered together for Morgan. It wasn’t much, but it was something for the time being. Nary had sent out an inquiry to one of the local commanders in charge of clean-up, and in the rubble of a library, he’d retrieved a few unharmed volumes. Also included in the pile on their kitchen table was extra food—human food—that had been brought in for them both. The final touch was several pads of hotel stationery and some pens. Nary is really trying hard. I hope some of that intent can pierce through Morgan’s armor.

  Lasar had left earlier to meet with the warrior commanders who served under him, so Nary had sent instructions to an assistant guard then. Chris had been tempted to mention the gummy bears, but decided he didn’t want to go into a long explanation about what they were. He was already worn out, both mentally and physically, from all that had happened to him in such a short amount of time. Describing squishy candy to aliens didn’t seem like an appealing activity.

  Once that had all been taken care of, Nary had worked on helping guide Chris through his first spirit casting session. It had been a dismal failure.

  No, Sir, I cannot sit still. But thanks for asking.

  His smart mouth had earned him half a parcel of time—whatever the hell that meant—on his knees in the corner, with his nose pressed to the wall. He’d been told not to lose contact between himself and the surface or he’d have to start over. After about ten minutes, and verging on boredom of epic proportions, he’d stopped wiggling. Then, he’d almost pitched over as he’d been about to drift off to sleep. Nary had declared that they’d try meditating again later.

  Chris continued to shuffle through the items that Nary had gathered together for his cousin. The cover of one of the books showed a buxom, half-naked muscled woman with an enormous sword. Hmm. From what he could gather, it was a sci-fi fantasy thing. It didn’t seem like Morgan’s usual fare, but under the circumstances, probably just about anything was acceptable.

  Nary placed a hand on Chris’ shoulder. “Are you ready? If you put everything back in that box, I can carry it over for you.”

  Chris regarded the three hardcovers, multiple cans of food and other items. He supposed that to the burly alien it would be like lugging nothing.

  “Thanks.” He reached for the container. “I can do it. I’ve hauled around lots of heavy backpacks when I’ve gone hiking, and it might look more slavey if I’m the one doing the heavy lifting.”

  Nary patted his shoulder. “Carrying a box isn’t quite what the guard will think I’m doing with you, but perhaps you’re right.” Nary gathered the soft piece of fabric he’d used to blindfold Chris earlier. “I’ll cover the items. Let the guards think I have toys and instruments for whipping and binding that Lasar has instructed me to use on you both.”

  Chris licked his lips, a tingle of arousal beginning at the base of his spine and threatening to turn into the soul match hum. His face heated.

  The corner of Nary’s mouth twitched. “Yes, pet. I sense it too. Does this mean you desire a spanking, as well as other punishments from me and our Ahna?”

  He shifted the box in his arms. “Maybe.” His skin heated even more. Then he frowned as a thought jumped into his head. “Not that I’m suggesting anything, since I’d feel really bad about it so wouldn’t do it anyway, but are we able to have sex without Lasar here? You know, that whole getting sick thing without our mate?”

  “Everything about our match is uncertain, pet. As Lasar said, this is all new, a phenomenon unknown to Alasharians. Until we find out if this has happened to others, we have to assume that we’re the first.”

  “Right. Still trying to wrap my brain around it.”

  Nary gasped.

  Oh, right. The whole literal thing. “Don’t worry, I’m not actually trying to wrap my brain around anything. It’s a human expression.”

  “I love you, Chris, but you come from a very strange group of beings.”

  “Back atcha, Sir.”

  Nary shook his head, his lips pursed. “You require much training as a Nasha. I’ll need to consult with Lasar on the best way to handle you. But for now, when we travel the short distance to your cousin’s room, you must keep your gaze lowered. Understand?”

  Nary didn’t seem angry, but a pull in his gut made him instantly sorry and anxious to please his Ahna. “Yes, Sir, I do.”

  He looked down as Nary had instructed, the box of stuff the only thing he was able to see. He hoped he could make it to Morgan’s without tumbling over it and landing on his head. Nary pulled the box from his grasp.

  “Yes, I saw that picture in your head. They seem to only appear if there’s a strong emotion attached to your thoughts.” Nary kissed his temple. “It will be fine as long as you’re docile and being led by me.”

  Chris wasn’t too thrilled about having to return to playing his role of naked slave on a leash, but if it helped to keep them under the radar, it was worth it.

  After they’d closed the door to their suite behind them, Chris dutifully allowed Nary to lead him by the leash made of a black strip of what seemed like a leather product. He raised his eyes briefly so he could ogle Nary as his muscled body shifted underneath the light, clinging fabric of the robe he wore. The tingling returned and he was mortified as his dick began to harden. Okay, fine. So I’m digging the whole leash thing now that we’re matched. However, he wasn’t too keen on showing up at his cousin’s door visibly aroused.

  Nary glanced over his shoulder and Chris quickly returned his gaze to the floor.

  “Being disobedient so soon? You must really yearn for that spanking.”


  They rounded the corner to where Morgan’s suite was located and Chris tried to will his hard-on to disappear. Since he was no longer staring at Nary’s magnificent form, he figured he could safely meet with his cousin sans boner. Chris jerked up his head at the sound of one of Morgan’s guards calling out. He didn’t specifically know what had been said, but it had been accomp
anied by a rude gesture, so he had a pretty good idea.

  Fucker. He scowled to himself as he went back to foot-gazing.

  Nary and the guards shared a less heated exchange from their previous visit, and as had happened before, they left. Nary pretended to fumble with the lock until they were out of sight. Or perhaps not pretending.

  “Need help?” Chris extended his hand for the key card.

  Nary glanced sideways at Chris, then gave a slight nod. He crossed his arms as he observed Chris deftly unlock the door. “That is a ridiculous method of security.”

  Chris didn’t want to embarrass his mate, so he downplayed what he thought was a pretty simple procedure. “It can be tricky if you’re not used to it. Plus, some of these doors will turn red before you’ve even had a chance to push down the latch.” Chris wondered if it was because of Nary’s large fingers. He let out a growl of frustration. Bringing to mind anything sizeable on Nary wasn’t assisting in getting his erection to disappear.

  “I understand, pet. It will be difficult for a while for us to keep our need for each other’s bodies in check. The soul match pull makes us desire to strengthen the bond as much as possible in the beginning.”

  Chris wiped some sweat from his brow. “I wouldn’t mind as long as we never had to leave the room.”

  Nary chuckled. “I agree. If only…”

  His mate’s pause made him glance up. Chris immediately averted his eyes, but the pain in Nary’s expression had been clear.

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t mean to disobey.”

  Nary caressed his cheek. “I know you want to be a good Nasha.” Nary sighed. “It was the memory of when Lasar and I first bonded. We were given several days of privacy, no interruptions, no reason to leave our quarters. Then, when we’d regained some of our strength, we had our ceremony. I ache for the three of us to experience the same.”

  Chris chewed on his lip. It sounded awesome. “Lasar said someday, right?” He made sure to keep his head lowered, to make sure Nary understood that he was being obedient.

  Nary grasped his chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Look at me, pet. We will hold on to that wish, and it will happen. Forgive my melancholy.”

  “I get it, Sir, and I’ll hold on to it too. But can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course, you must always ask so that we have complete understanding between us.”

  “Sure, that sounds good.” Nary’s words had added a new worry to Chris’ already abundant list of fears. “What would’ve happened if you guys were called into battle during the soul match bonding time? I mean, because Lasar is hiding our match, and he still has to go out there and be the big commander, could that put him at risk?”

  Nary furrowed his brow, the action making his masculine features even more pronounced. “I won’t lie, even to protect you. Such a thing never helps. If we were in full-scale war or in the midst of the invasion still, it could be very dangerous for him. When soul matches occur during battles, warriors are removed. The weakening of our physical bodies not only puts them at risk, but could endanger their fellow fighters.” Nary let go of Chris’ chin then caressed his cheek again. “I believe, though, that Lasar knew he could keep the pretense going, otherwise, he wouldn’t have taken the chance of going on duty today.”

  Chris exhaled, the tension he’d been holding somewhat lessened by Nary’s words. “Okay, thanks. That helps me to understand better.”

  “You’re welcome, lovely Nasha.”

  “Okay, let me open this thing again.” Chris swiped the card once more, the click of the lock releasing as he pressed down on the latch. He stepped to the side in order to allow his Ahna to go first. Chris’ acquiescence appeared to please Nary. He beamed at Chris. “Well done, pet.”

  A small crash sounded from inside the room followed by scurrying footsteps, then a slamming door. Nary and Chris regarded each other. Chris thought he might be getting a good sense of the dynamic between them and wanted to show Nary that he was trying to be a good Nasha.

  “Ahna, may I have permission to go inside first? I think my cousin is scared.”

  Nary’s smile grew larger and he stroked the top of Chris’ head. “Yes, pet.”

  Chris lowered his gaze again, assuming that since they were done conversing, and Nary had let go of his chin, that it was the proper thing to do.

  “Very good job.”

  Phew. Called it right. Chris grinned. “Thank you, Sir.”

  Chris hurried inside, leaving Nary to deal with the box of stuff while he searched for Morgan. He knocked on the bedroom door.

  “Hey, Morgan. It’s me. You can come out now.”

  Chris was about to knock again when Morgan responded, his words muffled by the separation between them. However, the anger behind them was clear.

  “Is that alien gone?”

  Chris inhaled a calming breath. Logically, he realized that Morgan had every right to feel the way he did. Hell, a few days before, Chris had been right there with him. But his bond with Nary made Morgan’s question irritate him. His first instinct had been to protect Nary from Morgan. Weird.

  “It’s okay, Morgan. He won’t hurt you, I promise. Just like I said the other day.”

  Chris doubted that Morgan believed him about Lasar and Nary’s goodness any more than he had the last time they’d visited, but he hoped if Morgan met them, that he’d eventually understand it was true.

  “I’m not coming out unless it’s only you.”

  “Morgan, please?”

  “No. If you can’t talk to me without your boyfriend lurking in the room, then forget it.”

  Chris sighed as Nary came up behind him. He squeezed Chris’ shoulders and whispered in his ear, “That’s all right. I’ll wait outside. I can always practice my stillness.”

  Chris angled his head to gaze up at Nary. “I’m sorry. He doesn’t mean it.”

  “Yes I do!”

  Nary pressed his lips together and at first Chris was worried he was mad, but then he winked. Nary whispered to him, again. “I’ll knock when it’s time to leave. The books are on the low table in front of the couch. That was what made that noise, it was on its side.”

  “Oh, got it. Thanks.”

  Chris kept his head tilted back as he went up on his toes, silently begging for a kiss. After he’d gotten his wish, Nary left the suite. Chris took in another deep breath and prepared to face his cousin. He’s undoubtedly still pissed at me.

  “Morgan? He left. It’s just you and me. Could you please come out now?”

  The door opened a fraction, and Morgan peered out, an expression of worry etched across his features. His gaze traveled to Chris and he frowned.

  “You’re wandering around naked? What happened to the little outfit you had on the other day?”

  Morgan was shy and quiet around everyone in the world except for Chris. Their years of being raised together meant that Morgan didn’t have any issues speaking his mind with him. But Chris had also noticed that since the invasion, a sharper edge had emerged to Morgan’s demeanor that hadn’t been there before.

  “Lasar and Nary decided that I shouldn’t draw attention to myself by wearing clothes.”

  Morgan arched his eyebrows. “Seriously? What exactly is their definition of attention-drawing then?”

  Chris snorted. “Right. What I mean is that since the Alasharians think of us as sex toys, there’s no reason for us to be wearing anything. Last time, it was more that Lasar and Nary got super-possessive and didn’t want other males gawking at me.”

  Morgan sighed. “So, you’re still close to those aliens, I take it. What about your dad and my parents, huh? Did they have an explanation for their deaths?”

  Chris tucked his curtain of shoulder-length hair behind his ears. “Yeah. They did. But, would you come all the way out of the bedroom so I can catch you up on a few things?”

  He’d already decided he shouldn’t give Morgan too many details regarding the soul match and the deeper implications of what had happen
ed with the Healer—it would probably freak out his cousin too much.

  Morgan nodded, but he’d fixed his gaze on the floor. “Okay. Hold on, I need to grab something.”

  Chris padded to the front room where Nary had left the box of items they’d brought for Morgan. He shuffled through the contents. Beans, tuna, pickles, spaghetti sauce. Chris decided that he needed to have a discussion with his mates as to what constituted the proper ingredients to make a meal for the average human. But at the same time, he secretly hoped that Nary’s efforts might help ease some of the hatred Morgan had toward all aliens.

  His cousin entered the main area wearing a bath towel around his waist, another one draped over his arm.

  Chris snorted. “Blanket only for sleep, right?” The alien who oversaw the slave cages where Chris and Morgan had been held had made sure they were aware that no covering up was allowed, ever.

  “None of those assholes can tell us what to do in here when we’re alone, so let’s pretend it’s a toga party.”

  Chris caught the white towel that Morgan tossed at him. “We’d need sheets for that.”

  “No way.” Morgan shook his head. “For little guys like us, these bath towels are like sheets.”

  They laughed together, the moment brief, but long enough to spark the memory of what it had always been like between them. How only recently, they’d been beginning their lives, were new adults ready to take on life’s challenges, yet always there for each other at the same time.

  Then this.

  Morgan lowered his head and Chris was afraid his cousin was going to dissolve into tears the way he had during their last visit.

  “Hey, did you see what Nary brought over for you?” Chris rose then wrapped the towel around his waist, the bulky material doing its best to come undone again. As it was, the fabric draped almost down to his ankles.

  Morgan glanced at the box, but didn’t get up to check inside of it. “Nary. He’s the same one from last time, the one you kissed?” Morgan wouldn’t meet his eyes.

  “Yeah. My other mate is named Lasar.”

  Morgan groaned, covering his face with his hands. “Oh my God. Your mate. This isn’t happening.” He finally lifted his gaze. “And you’re actually attracted to them, believe they’re not going to hurt you?”


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