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Cherished by Two

Page 5

by Morticia Knight

  Chris doubted any explanation in the universe would convince Morgan that all Alsaharians weren’t bad and that there was a lot more going on than they’d all realized. Morgan would simply have to get acquainted with them himself. Eventually.

  “I honestly am. And…” How much should he really say? Not only might Morgan freak out, it wasn’t possible for him to truly understand. It was something that had to be experienced to be believed. “I’m not going to try and convince you of that. I only want you to feel safe, know that I’m safe, and that Lasar is out there right now trying to find Mom and the girls so that he can protect them too.”

  Chris pulled out one of the volumes from the box and Morgan gasped when he saw it.

  Chris felt a surge of hope. “I told Nary what books you liked, and he sent someone to search for some that hadn’t been destroyed. He’d asked me what sort of things you enjoyed because he figured you must be getting pretty bored locked up in this room all day by yourself.” Chris pointed to the items. “Plus, he threw in some more food because I explained we eat other stuff besides stale bread and half-rotten fruit.” It was a learning curve for his mates.

  “Oh?” Morgan twisted the edge of the terrycloth covering his lap. “That was nice, I guess.”

  “Here.” Chris handed him the book with the muscled babe on the cover. “Maybe this might be good. You never know.”

  Morgan accepted the hardcover, turning it over in his hands, rubbing his fingers over the worn and slightly dirty plastic covering the jacket. “Yeah. Could be.” He let out a shaky breath. “Thanks, Chris.”

  Chris sat down again, this time on the cushion of the couch next to Morgan. “He’s not bad. Lasar’s not bad. I won’t go into all the details now, and we’re still figuring things out between the three of us, but they were lied to by their leader. They can’t call the guy on it or they could be executed or imprisoned for treason.”

  Morgan’s eyes went wide. “Executed? That doesn’t sound very safe for you, or for any of us.”

  Even though he wouldn’t tell Morgan everything, at least not yet, he wouldn’t give him false promises either. “That’s why they’re being very careful and playing along with me being nothing more than their sex toy and slave and all of that.”

  Morgan frowned as he considered Chris’ words. “Okay, I guess that makes sense.” His gaze bore into Chris, his eyes shimmering. “So, you asked them about…about our family, the killings?”

  It was a horrible topic, but he could at least attempt to help Morgan achieve some closure. “Yeah. At first, Lasar was devastated that what you said might be true. But as it turns out, Lasar is like a top warrior or something, and he and Nary were part of the group that attacked the coast where the larger populations are, like L.A. or San Diego. It was a smaller faction of aliens that would’ve… Well, that came to our area.”

  Morgan’s lip trembled slightly and he sniffed before he seemed to get himself back under control. “And you think he was telling the truth?”

  Chris ran a hand across his head. He’d have to own up to some of the mystical stuff, if for no other reason than to help reassure Morgan. “I know he was. I could feel his pain, felt Nary’s pain, too, since he’s a warrior. Even though they realize now that they weren’t the direct cause of my dad’s and your parent’s deaths, they still hold so much guilt over that, as well as the other humans they killed.”

  “But they did it because they were lied to?”

  Chris nodded. “Something strange is going on within the Alasharian ranks, and we’re trying to figure it out while maintaining a low profile.”

  “We?” Morgan arched his eyebrows again. “How could you possibly help with anything like that?”

  Chris’ face heated. It was too bizarre to say out loud. His cousin would either think he’d been brainwashed or had gone batshit crazy due to all the stress of the invasion. “This is going to sound very strange, but you see…” Chris winced.

  “Out with it, Chris.” Morgan smirked. “For over a month now, pretty much everything has been the epitome of strange.”

  “Good point. Okay, here goes.” Chris sucked in a large breath then exhaled. “I’ll give you all the little details at some point, but essentially, now that I’ve bonded with my mates, Lasar and Nary, we can sense each other’s feelings. Sometimes it’s so intense, it almost seems like we can read each other’s minds. Not only that, but I’ve been having these…” Chris considered how he wanted to explain it. “I guess you could call them dreams. They’re almost like visions or something, and this alien who’s like their spiritual guide, or leader or whatever, he said that I’m a part of what’s about to go down.”

  Morgan stared at him, his jaw slack. Finally, he blinked, then shook his head as if trying to bring himself back to the present. “I’m not sure how to respond to something like that. Strange is a massive understatement.” Morgan chewed his thumbnail, apparently considering what Chris had just revealed. Finally, he dropped his hands in his lap and sighed. “I’m not sure what to believe anymore, and I’m at the point where I’m practically numb to everything. It’s been too much all at once. But I’ve been thinking things over since the last time we met, replaying our history together and I realized something very important. I know you. I know that you’re a good, honest person, that you care about others, that you always try to do the right thing.” Morgan fixed him with his gaze, one of the gathered tears dropping onto his cheek. “You’re my family, and I’m not turning my back on you. If you say they’re good beings, I’ll accept it.”

  Chris hooked an arm around Morgan’s neck and tugged him close. He gave him a hug then let him go. “I feel the same about you too, dork. We’re in this together, and just because I have Nary and Lasar as mates, that doesn’t mean that you’re not as equally important to me or any less significant a part of my life.”

  Morgan stared at his hands as he went back to playing with the towel. “So… I guess I can’t help but wonder… Remember when we were talking about that whole sex thing back at the cages?”

  Chris grinned. Lasar and Nary would definitely make a remark if they saw how red Morgan had turned. He decided to cut Morgan a break. “It’s been amazing. All of it.”

  Morgan jerked up his head. “You mean no more virginity of any sort?”

  “Yup. They’ve been careful and loving and maybe you can’t understand it right now, but they’re so damn hot.”

  Morgan chuckled shakily. “Yeah, not really understanding that part. But you said you guys like, mated or bonded or something?”

  He should’ve known better. If he’d also thought about his history with Morgan, he’d recall the endless questions he’d always been peppered with by his curious cousin. The fact that he kept to himself also meant that Chris had practically been his only social outlet and source of information when they’d been growing up.

  “Okay, tell you what. I’ll start at the beginning when I first experienced the soul match hum.”

  Morgan’s eyes bugged out, and while Chris figured he’d be overwhelmed, Morgan would never quit pestering him until he had the full story. “Then I’ll tell you about the other part of our match. But first, remember when I was going to go to that gay bar in Palm Springs to lose my virginity?”

  Morgan nodded, his expression eager.

  “Well, I’d planned on attending when the bar was having this particular theme night that was on the kinky side. You see, there’s something I’ve been wanting to explore for a long time…”

  Chapter Three

  Lasar reclined in his hovercraft, scrolling through the latest messages on his communicator. He’d already been to three holding centers within what amounted to a human two-hundred-mile radius of the mountains where Chris had told him he’d been hiding with his family. There hadn’t been a sign of them, not even a hint of a small mid-aged female with two young daughters. If the final center yielded no results, he’d have to expand his search the next day. If I can get away with it.

  So far, he�
�d been reporting his activity to the Nall directly. Lasar had been able to easily convince the Supreme Commander that he was on a valuable mission verifying that all the pleasing male sex slaves had been retrieved from the captured humans then relocated to the slave cages. Even though Lasar had lied to cover Nary’s rash actions of taking both Chris and Morgan without permission, he honestly did believe that the Orshana Rah who oversaw the sex slaves, was involved in something shady at the cages where Nary had discovered them.

  At last, he found the message he’d been seeking. His spirit had pulled at him, had kept bringing Nary to mind. Lasar knew that Nary was trying to tell him something, but didn’t sense that it was an emergency. His mate was of a high intelligence, so he had to assume that Nary wouldn’t chance leaving anything incriminating on the communicator.

  Miss and love you very much. I anxiously await another play session with our new slave. I have him safely confined. May the stars bless you on your assignment.

  As Lasar had already suspected, everything was fine back at their temporary home. His Nasha had done well, though, by subtly informing him that they were both all right and that he shouldn’t worry.

  “Commander Lasar, are we ready to fly to the next location?”

  Lasar regarded his pilot. They’d taken respite at the current holding center to have a meal. Alasharians required a lot of food to maintain their physiques and to stay strong. Because of that, they’d had to retrieve the animals that provided their meat from the ships almost immediately.

  “Yes. I’d like to try the center in the low mountains near the large patch of salted water.”

  Lasar swiped his finger across his communicator until he had the exact coordinates of where he planned to search next, then held up his screen so that the ship’s control panel could capture the information.

  “Yes, sir. It will barely take a parcel of time for us to get there.”

  Lasar nodded then settled into the curved seat of the two-seater flying machine. He was only able to use the smaller craft for sanctioned missions. His current task qualified as being acceptable for the use of the vehicle, but didn’t require one of the larger battleships that had been used in the sweeps. The few instances when Lasar had been forced to take a modified ground vehicle that the humans used for transportation, he’d been mortified by how long they took to get anywhere.

  After less than a tenth of a human hour, they arrived at the high desert location he wanted to search. Like much of the landscape he’d encountered near where Chris and his family were from, it was barren, dusty, hot and windy. In the populated areas, brighter greens and other color could be found, but he was certain it had been transplanted and wasn’t natural to the land.

  The scattered mountainous spots boasted majestic trees with branches covered in thin, spiky leaves, but Lasar found them to be beautiful. He didn’t care too much for the fat ones that grew lower on the desert floor, however. They weren’t trees, but some sort of pale green plant with a soft center and sharp needles covering it. He couldn’t imagine who would intentionally want such a plant to decorate their home, but he’d noticed that many of the desert houses had them proudly displayed in their yards.

  “Stay with the craft. I shouldn’t be long.”

  Lasar hopped easily to the ground from the vehicle that still hovered about ten human feet from the rocky terrain. His wedged sandals made of thick pieces of basha leather not only cushioned the soles of his feet, but provided stability on uneven or slippery surfaces. His shorter robe was different than what Alasharians typically wore when at home or out socializing. Lasar was also attired in a shield of dar, a strong, less costly metal than the highly-prized nor. It was the one he wore when not in battle warrior mode.

  The armor encased his entire torso on the outside of the thin, yet insulating, muted blue material of his garment. A belt with a matching dar cup protected his groin, and was the first item of clothing an Alasharian warrior would don before embarking on any mission, no matter how routine.

  His long sable braids and black tufts of hair that showcased the beads and stones of his many accomplishments in battle, along with four engraved armbands that indicated his high station, completed his ensemble. His dark brown skin didn’t need much protection from the Earth’s bright sun, but his eyes, like most Alasharians’, still hadn’t adjusted to the harsh light that was so strange to them on the planet they now called home. He needed to wear a soft alloyed metal mask on the upper part of his face in order to see clearly.

  Lasar jogged down to where the Orshana Rah, who had been assigned to that location, stood next to the entrance of an enormous tent. It undoubtedly held the human prisoners who had been captured in the general vicinity. Lasar’s heart pounded, the anticipation over whether or not he’d succeed in his quest urging him on. The humans he sought were his mate’s family, Chris’ mother. After all the agony Chris had endured, Lasar wanted to give this to him, wanted to return to his soul match his remaining family.

  “Orshana Rah, all is well at your station?” Lasar kept his tone even and direct. His main priority was Chris’ family, but he needed to be sure to report his findings to the Nall and to verify that the Orshana Rahs at any of the centers weren’t taking slaves for themselves the way both he and Nary suspected.

  Lasar noted the slightest bit of a sway from the Orshana Rah before he seemed to catch himself. What has him agitated? It was a classic behavior of Alasharians when upset.

  The Rah dipped his chin to Lasar, an acknowledgement of Lasar’s higher station. “Everything is very well. How can I help you today, my esteemed Rahna?”

  Lasar took in the surroundings. The warm breeze rustled through the dry grasses, small bushes and the occasional tree. A tent flap near the front of the temporary structure flailed in the wind, snapping, the loudest noise present. I don’t hear any humans. Nothing.

  “Have you no prisoners here? My lead warrior of this terrain reported to me only two suns ago that there were over one-hundred humans captured in these small mountains and near a canyon. I find it oddly quiet right now.” Lasar indicated the tent with a jerk of his head. “Are you keeping them all inside? Why wouldn’t you have some outside in the enclosed yard?” Lasar pointed to a tall, wired fence nearby.

  The Orshana Rah’s body lost the battle of remaining still as he swayed to and fro. “Three of the Nall’s advisors were here earlier to take their pick.”

  Lasar’s gut clenched. He’d sensed something wasn’t right after Nary’s unsettling experience at the cages, but he’d hoped that it would have stayed confined to that particular Rah and location. Apparently not.

  “Pick of what? The Nall specifically requested that I report to him regarding how many of the younger, small male slaves had been captured. What do you suppose I should say to him? And where are the rest of the prisoners?”

  The Orshana Rah dropped to his knees before Lasar. “Oh, please, great Rahna. They told me they were here at the behest of the Nall. They’re the advisory council. It seemed unusual, but it’s not my place to argue, only to obey.”

  Lasar used every ounce of his inner-calm not to betray his rage. Was he being duped by Yano, the Nall, his sister’s soul match? Led to believe that he was still trusted by him, but sending his advisors to seek out the male slaves ahead of Lasar? Or was it actually the advisors who were the ones misleading the Nall?

  “Are you telling me that there aren’t any slaves left here? Not just the male sex slaves, but any of the ones my warrior reported finding?”

  The Rah grabbed his unadorned braids, clutching them between his fingers as he kept his head bowed. “I only follow orders. I only obey. That’s all I know.”

  Rahs were typically Nashas. They were well-trained and expected to unquestioningly do what they were told. It was believed that if the Rah displayed obedience, it would encourage the slaves to do the same. But the Orshana Rah who’d held Chris and his cousin had seemed more interested in following his own orders.

  A thread of unease grew i
n Lasar. “Answer me and leave out nothing. You realize who I am, correct? And who my sister is?”

  “Yes, yes I do, Rahna. Please tell the Nall I obeyed. I always obey.”

  Lasar held in a growl. “Rise! I need to know everything.”

  The Rah rose shakily to his feet, his breathing elevated. “We had to sedate the remaining humans after the advisors took their pick, it was chaos and we don’t have enough guards here to control them. Most of them are older, a few small ones—their young I think—and some aggressive, larger males who aren’t suitable as sex slaves.”

  “This is unacceptable.” Lasar fought to keep from saying what he really thought, that the idea of any of the humans being kept against their will being something that he now found to be completely abhorrent. “How many sex slaves were removed? I was led to believe there were very few that had been captured anywhere in this desert region.”

  “There were only four that were taken to the cages. The rest were chosen as servants by the advisors. Those were both older males and females, as well as their young. It was when humans who seemed to have some sort of attachment to each other were separated, that the chaos broke out and we had to use the sedating guns.”

  Unease turned to nausea as the reality of the incident hit Lasar. Families who had managed to survive the initial invasion were now being separated, torn apart without knowing if they’d ever see each other again.

  “Take me inside now. I must make a full report to the Nall, so I need to know which advisors took slaves and which slaves were taken.”

  The Rah appeared confused.

  “Orshana Rah, will you not obey me?”

  “Of course, Rahna, I will obey. But I don’t understand what difference it makes which slaves were taken if they weren’t for sex? That was what one of the advisors said. He said all remaining humans were going to be transported to a large land mass in the sea and left there, anyway. Why not make good use of some of them even if they weren’t appealing as sex toys?”


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