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Blood Burdens (The Shadow World)

Page 16

by Brandy Nacole

  Alanis replies, “The island is not far from here. Felix, go ready the boats, if you will.” Felix gives at curt nod, then ducks out the double doors that lead to the beach. “I will warn you now; I only have twenty that will be able to fight. Most of my residents are younger and not prepared for something of this magnitude.”

  “I understand.” Witten says.

  “Cadi, why don’t you go show our guests to their rooms.” Cadi nods at Alanis request and then gestures for us to follow.

  “The guest house has ten rooms. If you’re not comfortable with sharing a room, we also have our huts down by the beach.” Cadi gestures down to the beach where four bamboo huts sit close to the sea.

  After a few moments’ discussion with Witten, Dagna says, “Since there are only ten rooms, Witten and Lucas will share one and Laveda, Meira, and I will share another.” Dagna continues to pair everyone off with those they think they will feel the most comfortable. “Racquel you will be staying with Addie and Danika.”

  As much as I love Addie and appreciate Danika, I really want to stay alone. “I’ll take a hut on the beach.”

  Dagna doesn’t seem to like that. “We would prefer if everyone stayed together.”

  “I respect that but the huts are not far from the guest house. I don’t believe the distance will be much of a hindrance.”

  Witten clears his throat. I’m expecting him to argue Dagna’s point, but he doesn’t. “Very well, Racquel can stay in a hut. Addie and Danika can still room together.”

  Nolan buzzes up next to Witten’s head. I had forgotten the little fairy was even with us. “I would like a hut as well.” I know Nolan won’t take up much room but when he phases, I’m sure he will want privacy. Witten nods in agreement and turns to go in the guest house. Everyone else enters the house. Addie glances back at me with concern but continues to follow the others.

  I walk toward the huts, shrugging my backpack back up my shoulder. My bag is full and starting to feel heavier the longer I tote it around. Nolan beats me to the huts and picks the one farthest down the beach. I pick the next closer one to the guest house.

  The hut is small but cozy. The outside is made of bamboo but the inside walls are plastered, and painted in the same white as the houses. A full bed takes up most of the space, with a white net canopy hanging around it. A large dresser with sea shells lining its top stands against the far wall. There’s a wash basin sitting in the corner, which brings my attention to the fact there is no bathroom. I groan inwardly, realizing I’ll have to use the guest house bathroom.

  I put my bag on the bed and walk over to the basin. I wash my hands and face really wanting to take a shower but it will have to wait until later. Right now, we have to make plans for tomorrow.

  A tap that I barely hear comes at my door. I figure its Addie coming to check on me. “Come in,” I say.

  To my surprise, Meira walks through the door. She looks as haggard as the rest of us. Her short pixie cut is messy, though still stylish. “Witten wanted me to tell you we are meeting in Alanis’s house in fifteen minutes.”

  I can’t help but see my mother when I look at Meira now. My heart rate picks up the longer she stands there. I still haven’t had my chance to speak with her in private. “Meira? I want to ask you something.” I try to keep my voice level but even I can hear the accusing tone.

  Meira turns to me, taking a deep breath. “Yes?”

  I pause not knowing what to ask first. I wanted to lash out about her disowning me but I’ll start with the question that’s bothering me the most. “How could you abandon my mother?”

  Meira cuts her eyes at me. “Do you honestly think it was a choice?”

  I thought to myself, yeah, as a matter of fact, life is full of choices. But the only one that mattered were the ones you were right to take. “You could have rebelled against your parents. She did.”

  Meira lashes out at me, “Yeah and look where that got her.”

  I ball my hands into fists, trying to hide the fact that they’re shaking. “At least she was brave enough to stand up for those she loved. What did you do? You cowered and turned your back on her.”

  Meira raises her hand to slap me. I’m faster. I grab her arm right before her hand makes contact with my face. Menacingly I say, “Don’t.”

  Meira snatches her arm from my grasp but doesn’t back down. “She knew what she was doing was wrong but she didn’t care. She was the one who left me.”

  Is that what she’s been thinking all these years? Did she honestly think my mother would turn her back on her family if she had a choice? The choice they gave her forced her to turn from them. “You can’t honestly believe that. You know she would never have left you behind. If you had asked her, she would have taken you with her.”

  “Lycia did ask me to go with her.” Meira says in a soft whisper. When she raises her head, tears are shining in her eyes. “You don’t understand, Racquel. I was only seventeen, I was still under my parents’ care. And what would have happened to me after she died?”

  “The Coven took in Addie; they would have taken you in too.” I have no doubt that Eldrida would have opened up the Covenant to her. “Even if they didn’t, you could have made it on your own. Me and Addie did.”

  “You don’t get it. It is forbidden to mix races. She knew better,” Meira says desperately.

  “Why? Why is it so wrong for the races to mix?” I’m getting pretty sick of this law. I don’t understand how the Ruling Council can think they can have control over love. Love is blind to things like appearances and blood. The only thing love recognizes is the love that matches its own soul.

  “We would be defying the gods.” Meira says this statement simply, like it’s such an obvious answer.

  “Says who, the gods? I don’t remember reading that law.” The gods didn’t have any laws when it came to the Shadows. It wasn’t until the gods died out that laws were put into place. Humans started fearing us and killing us off. So the Ruling Council was formed and kept us safe until the humans thought we were extinct. Then they put the laws into place to keep us separate, and safe. I agree with most of the laws but not this one.

  “The gods didn’t make that law, the Ruling Council did.” Meira says.

  I throw my hands up with aggravation. “I know. Why?”

  Meira just stands there with no answer. That’s because there isn’t one. No one knows why the first Ruling Council set that rule, they just went with it. Well that was soon going to change. After we defeated Cerelia, the council was going to be confronted by me and anyone who stood with me.

  I leave my question hanging in the air. I can tell Meira is considering what I said, but I don’t know what she’s thinking. She gives nothing away.

  I finally ask her the next question, one that hurts me personally. “Why did you never come meet me? You knew I existed and that I was your niece, but yet you stayed away.”

  Meira’s eyes meet mine, but she doesn’t say anything, so I continue, “You met with Addie. You told her that you were her aunt. You spent summers with her.” I take a step forward as a tear slips down my cheek. “Why didn’t you find me?” I knew this was bothering me but never did I realize how much it hurt until the words started spilling. That’s when the real pain hit.

  “I couldn’t.”


  Meira turns from me, “Because you look just like her.” She softly whispers. I’m frozen in place. I never thought I looked like my mother. Many who knew my mother had commented on the resemblance but I never saw it. Yeah, we had the same hair and some facial features that were similar, but she was small and petite, I wasn’t. Plus, my eyes threw of the resemblance, at least that’s what I thought.

  Meira’s excuse doesn’t settle with me. Addie was my mother’s daughter too. She has similar features to our mother, yet Meira could stand to be around her. “That’s no reason to abandon me. I could have used your guidance, your support while trying to deal with the loss of my mother, my father, my grandparen
ts. I lost all the family I thought I had. Then to find out you’ve always been around, and knew what was happening? Well it’s just… shitty.” It’s funny how my family keeps watching me suffer from afar. Even my grandfather admitted he was watching me through Cerelia while I was being ridiculed and beat by other Shadows.

  I become a statue when Meira turns and pulls me into a hug. “I’m so sorry, Racquel. I was being selfish and not thinking. I never did when it came to Lycia. When Addie came to the Covenant, I welcomed her with open arms. I’m sorry I never did the same for you, especially after your grandmother died.”

  Meira’s sudden show of compassion startles me.

  Meira pulls back, wiping the tears from her face. “I truly am sorry, Racquel. I should have never allowed my hurt and anger to drive my actions the way they have.”

  I nod, not fully trusting my voice. I really don’t know what to say. I didn’t expect Meira to get all mushy on me after my outburst. The way that Meira has been so defensive, I thought she would fire right back at me. Instead, she starts spouting apologies.

  After a few moments, I clear my throat. “I can’t really say I understand or that I forgive you yet.” Taking a shaky breath, I forge on, “But I am glad that I’ve finally met someone who knew my mother.” That’s one thing I have always wanted, someone to tell me about my mother.

  “I promise you, I will tell you everything you want to know about her. I’ll be here for you, Racquel. I hope that one day we can get past the hurt and become friends.” Meira gives me another quick hug. “I’m sure Witten and the others are waiting for us.” She steps aside, sweeping her hand out toward the door. “Shall we?”

  I’m already filled with questions about my mother but we don’t have the time. We walk out of my hut and up the beach to the center house. When we arrive at Alanis’s house, everyone is assembled.

  Dagna turns to Meira. “Alanis has provided us with a map of the island. We were just going over the best way to approach the island. Do you have any suggestions to add?”

  Meira shakes her head, and then addresses me. “Do you?” I give Meira an appreciative smile as I walk over to the table. The map shows a little island about a mile from Mykonos. “What are your plans?” I ask, glancing at Witten.

  But it’s Lucas who responds. “We all agree that we need to wait until we feel Cerelia’s power on the island. Our idea is to ambush the island from all sides.”

  “How are we going to ambush her from all sides? Even with Alanis’s Coven, there are only forty of us.” Our group was outnumbered ten to one.

  “We will go in groups of ten, at these four points,” Lucas says pointing at areas on the map. “We will divide the groups so the power is as evenly dispensed as possible. Of course, the Elders have to stay together to fight Cerelia.”

  “What about the Tellurian?” Ethan asks walking up beside Danika, who’s standing beside Lucas.

  “We’re not sure about the staff. That is why I want to go to the island. Apollo hid it on the island, separating it from the crystal spearhead. I’m hoping the Tellurian is still there.” Witten is peering out at the sea with intense concentration.

  “Have you found any information on the crystal?” I ask.

  All the Elders shake their heads. Dagna says, “There are no written records about the location of the crystal. Shadows are still searching for anything they can find on its location.”

  “How are you planning on killing Cerelia?” Addie asks.

  Dagna grimaces and rises from her seat. “That is something we will discuss at a later time. For now, let’s concentrate on the staff.”


  We leave Alanis’s house and load up on the boats to head for the island. Not everyone goes with us. Witten said that only the Elders and Alanis needed to go but after a few arguments, he finally, reluctantly consented, and even then only to Natahala and I going. Ethan had been pissed as was Brynn and Thad. They didn’t want to let Natahala go without protection. Witten assured them that she would be taken care of.

  The boat ride is short. We are at Delos in what seems like minutes. Groups of tourists are strolling over the island, snapping pictures as tour guides tell them facts about Apollo and the island. There are monuments that have decayed with time. Instead of smooth stone, they are now cracked and faded. Sacred marble lions stand in rows, protecting the island.

  Meira says, “Reach out with your power. Try sensing the staff. You will feel a major power pull if you are near it. If you think you found it, let the others know.” Everyone splits up. I go toward one of the temples. According to the tour guide who’s showing it to the humans, it’s the Temple of Aphrodite. The whole island is covered with statues and temples dedicated to various gods and goddesses.

  I walk through the sacred grounds, hoping to feel some pull of power. I open my senses, really wishing I had done more to master balancing my spirit auras. Maybe then I would be stronger and more open to finding the staff and crystal.

  As I walk down the hillside, I see some island officials masking off a portion of a monument. I go on alert and rush down there to see what the fuss is about.

  Witten and Dagna are already there. The others break over the hills, heading toward the cordoned-off area. Unable to use my powers, it takes me longer to walk the distance to the monument. When I finally reach it, Witten is talking to one of the officials, who’s gesturing at a concrete seal that’s distorted from damage. The seal, which is surrounded by marble steps and pillars, is cracked, and there’s a gaping hole in the middle. He’s speaking in Greek so I don’t know what he’s saying. Witten nods his head at whatever the official is saying with a closed expression. When the officer is done talking, Witten shakes the official’s hand and they part.

  The rest of us gather around Witten and Dagna, ready to hear what happened. “The seal was broken two days ago. The official said he didn’t know what the cause of destruction was but he suspects it was lightening. A strong storm passed through here Wednesday night.”

  “Yes, I remember that storm. We wondered if it was more than a coincidence. Could Cerelia have created the storm?” Alanis asks.

  “There’s no telling what powers Cerelia may wield, but I am sure that is where the Tellurian was. I could feel some of its lingering power.” Witten says. “We might as well head back.” We follow Witten back to the boats. I can tell everyone is as worried and disappointed as I am. Each face is weary, and heavy with gloom.

  The boat ride back to the island is short just like the ride out, and we’re soon back on Mykonos, and gathered in Alanis’s house.

  Witten dives right into the problem. “We didn’t find the staff. It was already taken. We have to approach this situation cautiously. Cerelia may have the staff, but without the crystal, it’s of no use. If she has both our battle just became an impossible feat.”

  A girl standing against the back wall speaks out. “What about the crystal?”

  “We still no nothing about its whereabouts. It is possible that neither does Cerelia. The only thing we know for sure is that the staff is missing and Cerelia is coming.” Witten’s worry and stress is starting show through his tired face. I’m starting to become apprehensive about Witten making it through all this.

  Dagna stands beside Witten to address everyone. “We want you all to understand the seriousness of this situation. The power of the Perigee Moon will strengthen us but if Cerelia has the staff and the crystal, her power has no bounds. If you have any second thoughts about facing her with us, please feel free to speak up. It will not be held against you, nor will you appear as cowards.”

  “Are you sure we must fight against Cerelia?” Eric asks.

  “We must. If we back down without a fight then Cerelia has already won. The world cannot afford that,” Laveda says as she goes to stand next to Dagna. Meira joins them, uniting all the Elders. Seeing them all stand united, somehow always brings a new wave of inspiration. The room erupts with everyone declaring they are staying.

  Witten appear
s pleased with the enthused group before him. “Very well, now let’s discuss our battle plans.”

  The battle plans come together within a few hours. Nolan is to create confusion on Cerelia’s group while our line pushes to get to Cerelia. The problem is that Nolan’s power will only work for a few minutes. Everyone is going to have to advance quickly. Evan, Eric, and Trent will be spaced out, each going with a different group. Thankfully, their familiars are strong animals. Trent’s familiar is a black panther. Eric’s is a grizzly bear and Evan’s is a wolf.

  Natahala then provides us very welcome news when she informs us she has another forty two of her Vampires coming tomorrow. She then announces that she too will be joining in on the fight. Brynn and Thad try to insist that she stay behind but Natahala has other plans. She wants to be the one to take on Aldrick. In fact she needs to do so, in order to complete her transformation to Sire, and take control of the Vampires. Frustrated that Natahala won’t recognize the grave danger to herself in going to battle, Brynn storms out of the house.

  After Brynn’s outburst, we decide to take a break. Alanis and a few others make sandwiches for everyone. The sun starts to set, its warm rays dimming against the water’s surface and filling the sky with a ray of colors. The serene setting brings a moment of peace on this dooms-day-bound room.

  Meira and Addie come to sit with me. “How are you doing?” Addie asks.

  “I’m alright considering the fate of the world is sitting on us. How about you?”

  “About the same.” Addie says as Danika sits down on the floor next to her.

  “Well just like Eldrida use to say, the pots been boiling long enough, it’s time to stir.” Danika smiles weakly at Meira. “Have you told her yet?”

  My brows shoot up with alarm. “Told who what?” I ask.

  “Well,” Meira starts with some hype, “Danika, Addie, and I were talking and we think you should keep trying to find your balance.”


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