Book Read Free

Under the surface

Page 6

by Jaye Cox

  I was only gone for half an hour, I only had to get one thing. “Here,” I say to Joe.

  “What is this?”

  “It’s a present.”

  “You don’t have to buy me stuff, especially if you feel sorry for me.”

  “Just open it, you’re starting to sound like my brother. How about we call it an early birthday gift?” He opens the box and has the biggest smile on his face, it’s like the kid has never gotten a gift before.

  “You bought me a phone?”

  “It’s nothing to flash, but it does all that social media crap you kids do these days.”

  “Everyone does Facebook, where have you been living Ruby, under a rock?” Jash taunts.

  “I don’t feel the need for anyone to know my business and I never said I wasn’t on Facebook, but the guy at the shop said kids like something called Instagram.”

  “I’m glad we became friends, I need to teach you so much, my Nan has Instagram, and she is in her seventies.” Jash says.

  “Whatever - don’t you have work to do or something?” I say to Jash. “Do you like it?” I quiz Joe.

  “I love it, thanks!” He says, giving me a hug. I’m not a touchy feely type person, but I hug him back. I know how much my life changed when I met Ty and had someone in my corner. If I can be that person for Joe and make his life just a little bit better, even if it’s only while he’s at work. Two hours goes by and Joe is fiddling with his phone, I let him connect to the shop Wi-Fi to set up all his apps.

  “You ready?” Dex asks.

  “Ready for what?”

  “I want to show you and Joe something,” he says, handing Joe a helmet.

  “I get to go on your bike?” Joe asks excitedly.

  “Yep, meet me out back.” Dex says and Joe takes off through the back door.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You will see, follow behind me,” he says.

  Out back, Joe has his helmet on already. I follow behind them and we go to what looks like an old warehouse.

  “Being lured into a warehouse and murdered isn’t my idea of fun.” I joke.

  “Way to ruin my surprise,” he says. We walk into the warehouse and it looks like a gym where some kind of fighters would train. I see a familiar face walking towards us. It’s Morris, the boyfriend of the bitch that had a go at me last night.

  “Your pitbull isn’t here, is she?” I ask Dex.

  “No, she is at work. And she isn’t my pitbull, she is his,” he says nodding toward Morris.

  “Who is mine?” Morris asks.

  “No one.” I say.

  “Morris, this is Joe, the kid I was telling you about.” Dex says, introducing them.

  “Did you know Dex here used to be a little nerd boy?” Morris says to Joe.

  “Him?” Joe points at Dex, questioningly.

  “Yep, he used to get picked on, didn’t you Poindexter?” Morris says to Dex. That makes me laugh and Dex whacks Morris on the back of the head.

  “Watch it, remember who taught you everything you know.” Morris says.

  “This place is sick.” Joe beams.

  “So, Dex tells me you need some tips on protecting yourself. And with the looks of that lip, I would say he could be right.”

  “Let’s go kid, we will show you some moves.” Dex says.

  “I will sit over there.” I say, as the three of them walk off. I sit and watch as they teach Joe some basic moves, he seems really excited. I start to think; whatever haunts Dex and makes him the asshole he usually is, there is also something that makes him vulnerable, especially around Joe. I watch the way his body moves and I find myself not just watching, but ogling at him. I’m not an idiot, I know I’m sexually attracted to him, hey what’s not to like? He notices I’m watching him and walks over to where I am sitting, he doesn’t say anything, but he pulls off his shirt and throws it at me. “Thanks.” I say.

  “What for?”

  “For this, helping out Joe.”

  “No worries, I see a bit of myself in him. I was lucky I had... just lucky I suppose,” he says. I notice the tattoo of a name over his heart. It’s noticeable, but almost invisible hidden by other tattoos. It must be his ex, the one who has royally screwed him up. When he turns to walk away I see the back piece he has and it’s amazing, it’s an angel, but it is amazing.

  “Hey Dex...” I call out. He turns to look at me.

  “How about we forget everything and start over, a truce?”

  “What fun would that be? I won’t ever forget the night we met,” he says, winking at me. This is the happiest I have felt in a long time, and who would have thought Dex isn’t just good for Joe, but good for me, too.

  “Ruby, come check this out.” Joe yells from across the room.

  I go over and watch him, but he meets me half way. I wouldn’t have the slightest idea on what they’re teaching him, he throws out a few names of the moves as he does them.

  “Morris said I can come and train here with him, isn’t that awesome?”

  “It’s very awesome, you up for pizza?”

  “Yeah, I love pizza” he says all excited.

  “Good, go ask them if they want to have pizza at my place.”

  He runs off back over to Dex and Morris.

  “Hey Ruby, what brings you here?” Says a really huge, beautiful man.

  “Uh.” I say, not quite remembering who he is.

  “It’s Romeo, we met at Ty’s place.”

  “Yep, I remember now. I’m here with Dex, he is teaching a friend how to look after himself.”

  Joe comes running back over. “Dex and Morris want pizza, but they said it’s your shout.”

  “I want pizza, too.” Romeo says.

  “Looks like we are having a pizza party then.”

  I get a pen out of my bag and scribble down my address and mobile number and give it to Romeo and ask him to pass it on to Morris and Dex. Joe asks if we can swing by his place so he can get a change of clothes on the way. I send out a text to Ty and ask him to come over for Pizza and to invite Rayne and Bells. He texts back he will be there, but Bells and Rayne might not make it.

  “Thank you for today, no one has ever cared enough to give a shit about me.” Joes says.

  “You’re welcome, and I care Joe, so just know if you ever need anything, big or small, I care, okay?”

  “You’re the best,” he says.

  “Make sure to tell Jash that later.” I say.

  “Turn this up,” he says about the song in the radio. It’s some Hilltop Hoods song about sweaters.

  “We need to do something about your taste in music.” I tease him.

  “Its good music.”

  “Its white boy rap music.”

  “Ha, better than your Indie crap we listen to a work.” He jokes.

  Joe decided it would be best if we didn’t stop at his place, in case someone was there. I think he made a good call, or maybe he is starting to learn I have trouble keeping my mouth shut. “So, you live with Jash, but you’re just friends?”

  “Yep, plus I’m far from his type, and him mine.”

  “Do people really have a type when it comes to love?” He asks.

  “I will let you know, when I fall in love.” I say, and he seems happy enough with that.

  “Do you think you could show me some more of your drawings later?”

  “Maybe some of them,” I say, opening the front door. Jash must be home early as his car was out front.

  “Honey, I’m home.” I say opening the front door.

  Standing right there in the middle of the lounge room, is an almost naked girl. She does a horrid shriek. Jash comes running out in just his boxer shorts. “What, what’s wrong?” he says. I see him exhale in relief when he notices it’s me, he looks behind me and I remember Joe is here.

  “You turn around,” I say to Joe. “That’s enough tits for you today.” I turn back to look at Jash. “Honey, how many times do I have to tell you not to bring your girlfriends home t
o your wife?” Jash smiles and the poor girl looks horrified.

  “I don’t care anymore, I know the kid isn’t mine, he is freaky tall for ten and the hair?”

  “Hi, I’m Ruby.” I say to the half-naked girl. “Jash is my roommate.”

  “I thought you said you were his wife?” She says, obviously a little confused.

  “Ah yep, good luck explaining that Jash. Wanna take her to put some clothes on, so Joe can come in?” Jash picks the girl up and throws her over his shoulder.

  “I can’t believe your wife is cool with this,” she says before Jash shuts his bedroom door.

  “And that Joe, is Jash’s type.”

  Joe turns around and comes inside. “She wasn’t very bright, was she?”

  “No, not exactly. Pick some music, but none of that white boy rap crap you like.” I put in an order for some pizzas when there is a knock at the door. “Can you get that Joe?”

  “Hey kid,” Dex says, as he wanders in. As soon as I hear his voice I get little butterflies in my stomach. Seriously Ruby, I chastise myself, you are not a teenage girl anymore - get a grip, yesterday you despised him.

  “Hey Ruby, where are the pizzas? I’m starving!” Ty calls out. Trust my brother to be hungry for his weird ass pizza he eats. Chili-lime pulled pork.

  I walk back out to the lounge room and Joe is trying to arm wrestle Sam, the pitbull, at least she is being nice to him. “Pizza is ordered.” I say as Jash and his female friend come back out, dressed this time, and he walks her to the door.

  “Bye, Jash’s wife,” she calls out to me. I don’t know why, but I look over at Dex whilst waving goodbye and notice head snaps from what he was doing, straight to the girl at the door. When he realizes she is waving at me, his head spins round to me and then to Jash, like he is trying to piece together a puzzle but he cannot find the missing bit. After she leaves, Jash comes over and puts his hands around my shoulders.

  “Hey wifey, how about a kiss?” He teases.

  “Agh, get your stinky sex lips away from me before I staple them to your ass!”

  “That could almost be worth it just to see you try.”

  “Shut it, and maybe go bleach yourself to get all that stupid off your body, before it affects your brain as well.” I laugh.

  “Ha-ha go entertain your friends, while I shower.” He says.

  I go over to Joe and ask if he wants to come and pick the pizzas up with me, but he wants to stay and try beat Sam at an arm wrestle. I can’t miss the daggers Sam is visibly throwing at me - but I also see Ty watching me and want to be on my best behaviour around him and Joe. “Okay, I will be back in ten, Jash will be out in a second.” I say, grabbing my bag and heading out to my car.

  “Ty, you’ve have blocked me in.” I say walking back in the house, he throws me his keys. “I can drive your car?” I say in disbelief - he never lets anyone touch his car.

  “You so much as put a scratch on her, and I will disown you.” I sprint out the door before he can change his mind. As I get in his car, I notice Dex getting into the passenger side. I realise I was so excited about driving Ty’s car, I didn’t even notice him follow me outside. We drive to the pizza place in silence and it feels just a bit weird. At the Pizza place, Dex gets out and follows me, I ordered ten Pizzas to make sure I had enough. After we get back in the car with the pizzas, the silence is way too weird and he is still staring at me.

  “Okay, what is going on?” I ask.

  “Nothing, I just felt like going for a drive.”

  “Well, its weirding me out - at least say something or make a noise.”

  “Okay, so what’s the deal between you and Jash?”

  “There is no deal. Like I keep telling everyone, we are just friends.”

  “It doesn’t look that way.”

  “Well I don’t fucking care how it looks.” We spend the rest of the drive back in silence again.

  Walking into the lounge room; all the furniture is pushed back against the wall. Morris and Ty are rolling around on the floor, with Romeo, Sam, Jash and Joe all yelling out.

  “Pizza’s here!” Dex calls out.

  “Pizza, I’m out.” Ty says.

  I open the pizza boxes on the table and kitchen counter. Jash, Ty and Joe take some pizzas out in front of the TV, and start setting up the Xbox. Sam, Morris and Romeo sit on the couch to watch. I’m so grateful to everyone for making Joe feel special and helping him forget, even for just a little bit. I go help Dex with getting the beers. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” I say, stopping taking the tops off the beer.

  “Implying something is going on with you and Jash.”

  “Well, you should be.”

  “I didn’t like watching him put his hands on you,” he says, reaching out to run his hand down my arm. “I really want to be friends with you, but I don’t know if it’s possible.” He says. I’m confused and I don’t know what he wants me to say.

  “What are you two doing in there, brewing the beer yourself?” Jash calls out. I grab a couple of the beers and walk out, Dex follows behind me. I watch as Dex walks past me and sits with Sam and Morris. I go sit by Ty and Joe. “Move over boys, and let me show you how it’s done.” I say.

  “What do you know about playing Xbox?” Ty says.

  “I’m a natural, tell him Jash.”

  “She cheats, I tell ya.” Jash says.

  “I do not cheat!”

  “Kick his ass.” Joe says, passing me his controller. It really doesn’t take much skill to drive a pretend car. I kick Ty’s ass and he says it was a fluke and we have to do best of three. I have made my way through, kicking all there asses. Romeo leaves at some point and so do Sam and Morris. Morris tells Joe he will pick him up after work to go hang out at the gym. I give my turn to Joe and follow out after them.

  “Morris, wait up.” I say, Sam is still mentally throwing daggers at me again, but she hasn’t spoken to me, or me to her, and it seems it’s for the best. “Thanks for today, with Joe.”

  “No worries, he reminds me of Dex as a kid, and I know how much it helped him.”

  “I know it means a lot to him.” I say.

  “I can see it means a lot to you, and Dex too.”

  “To Dex?” I question.

  “He can see himself in Joe as well, and sweet only gets you so far in this life.”

  Dex, sweet? Now that is hard to imagine, but I love that Joe is a sweet kid. “Does he need anything, or to pay because I would prefer to keep it between us and I will pay.” I say, I don’t want Joe to have to worry about finding the money to pay for it himself.

  “Don’t worry about it, I will give him some stuff to start and some of my promo gear, we will just call it, self-promotion.”

  “That’s awesome, thanks.”

  “No worries, come down and watch him sometime. I know Dex trains every other night.”

  “I might come check out Joe sometime.” I say, walking back inside. And don’t think I missed Sam’s smart remark under her breath, “Sure, that’s who you’ll be checking out.” I clench my teeth together and keep walking, she isn’t worth it.

  “Where is Joe?” I ask Ty as he walks into the room.

  “He went for a shower, I put a towel in the spare room for him.”

  “Thanks, I will go find him boxers.” I say.

  “He won’t want to wear a chick’s clothes.” Ty says.

  “They are not chick clothes, they are all the ones Jash was wearing that were too small, so I pinched them.”

  “I was wondering where all my clothes started disappearing to.”

  “I have a few shirts, too.” I say. Men don’t realise how comfortable their clothes are. I go to my room and get Joe out a change of clothes and go put them in the spare room for him. Coming back out, I decide to get changed myself. I don’t hear my door open but I hear footsteps behind me, I act on pure instinct and turn to defend myself. Dex must have been expecting it, because he blocks my punch and moves his body close to mine. I wal
k backwards so we don’t touch. He matches my step back with a step forward.

  “First with the wife comments and now with his clothes, are you trying to make me jealous?”

  “Why would I try to make you jealous, you don’t even want to be friends with me. And why does what I do with Jash bother you?”

  “Because, you’re the first woman I have been around in a long time that doesn’t repulse me.” he says. My legs hit the back of my bed, and when he leans into me a little, I fall on the bed. “I have been watching you and I know you hate being touched, yet my touch seems to make you want more.” He whispers into my neck.

  “So you’re observant, good for you.” I whisper back.

  “I want you Ruby, but I can’t offer you more than this.”

  “I want you too, and don’t want more than this.”

  “Be sure, because I don’t do feelings, and girls don’t seem to understand.”

  “I’m not a normal girl and I don’t do feelings, they don’t do anyone any good.”

  “Good,” he says, unzipping my pants and kissing his way down my stomach. “Now we can be friends.”

  “Mhmm, friends sounds good.”

  “Knock, knock.” Ty says, walking into my room. “You have to be fucking shitting me,” he says, turning around and walking straight out the door.

  “Ty! Wait?” I yell out.

  “Sorry, I will be back.” I say to Dex, before running after my brother. I run past Jash and Joe, watching us in amusement.

  “Ty!” I say catching him at his car.

  “What? I asked one thing when you moved here, one!”

  “I know Ty, but it’s not that simple.”

  “You know what - do what you want, okay? But I won’t be there to pick up the pieces this time. It’s always the same a vicious cycle, and ends with you crying on my shoulder.”

  “That’s a low blow, and you know it.” I rasp.

  “Is it really though? This is the first time since my mum I have found friends and a place I want to be. A family Ruby, and you can be part of that with me if you just tried.”

  “A family huh, so what am I?”

  “It’s not like that, and you know it. I have been there for you for what, ten years? You’re my sister, and I love you.”


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