Think Like a Pancreas
Page 29
levels of, 227
moderate, 222
nighttime, 195 (fig.)
pills causing, 45
problems with, 238
severe, 8–9
snacks and, 211
symptoms of, 8, 193, 222
treating, 223 (table)
warnings of, 61
adjusting to, 194–195
blood sugar and, 193–195, 217
mild, 220–221
moderate, 221
preventing, 121, 227–232
rebounds from, 193–194
severe, 221, 225–227
treating, 222–223, 225–227
LS&S Group, 275
Lungs, 103
Mannitol, 54, 92
Manufacturers, 70, 252
insulin pump, 124
meter, 82
pump, 269
MAO inhibitors, 202
Maturity-Onset Diabetes of Youth (MODY), 30, 36, 37
McGann, Michelle, 26
MDI. See Multiple daily injection therapy
blood sugar and, 152
snacks and, 94, 95, 98
spiking after, 83, 182
splitting, 238
timing, 153, 230
Media, helpful, 259–260
Medic Alert Foundation, 227, 274
Medicaid, 257
Medicare, 256–257, 258
Medications, 71, 79, 96, 184, 208
adjusting to, 196, 202
blood sugar and, 45–51, 58, 196, 202
choosing, 235–236
insulin-enhancing, 30, 70
liver/sugar production and, 45–46
oral, 34, 35, 45, 47, 131, 204, 257, 258
Medicool, Inc., 274
Medtronic, 258, 269, 272
Medtronic CGM, sensor overlay by meal chart from, 159 (fig.)
Meglitinides, 30, 45, 236
Menopause, blood sugar and, 208, 217
Menstruation, 90, 120, 121, 139, 148, 156
adjusting for, 205
blood glucose and, 205 (fig.)
blood sugar and, 83, 204–205, 217
predictable, 14, 18
Mental health, 19, 24–25, 79
blood sugar and, 25
Metabolism, 4
abnormal fuel, 240
absence of insulin and, 240 (fig.)
carbohydrate, 241
energy, 23
fat, 175, 241
glucose, 239, 240
normal fuel, 239, 239 (fig.)
sugar, 173
Metformin, 45, 46, 71, 242
Michaels, Bret, 26
MiniMed 506, photo of, 10
Modal day reports, 87–88 example of, 87 (fig.)
MODY. See Maturity Onset Diabetes of Youth
Moods, 14, 17, 26, 220
Moore, Mary Tyler, 26
Multiple daily injection therapy (MDI), 124
basal insulin and, 117–118, 118–119
NPH and, 115–116, 118–119
Naps, avoiding, 207
Nateglinide, 45, 236
National Center on Physical Activity and Disability, 255
National Diabetes Education Program, 256
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, 256
National Federation of the Blind Materials Resource Center, 255
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 256
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 256
National Institute of Health, 256
National Kidney Foundation, 255
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, 256
Nausea, 49, 50, 248
blood sugar and, 201–202, 217
Needles, 4, 35, 67, 226, 227, 258
proper length of, 44, 65
sources of, 267–268
Needlesticks, 69, 121
Needs, insulin and, 12, 129, 219, 228
Neonatal diabetes, 30, 37
Nephrologists, diabetes and, 80
Nerve cells, 38, 220
Nerves, 19, 23, 24, 56, 61, 80
Nervous system, 200, 220
Netzer, Corinne T., 264
Neurologists, diabetes and, 80
Neuropathy, 23, 111, 204
Neuropathy Association, 256
New Glucose Revolution: The Authoritative Guide to the Glycemic Index, The (Brand-Miller), 266
Nicotine patches, 202
Nova Biomedical, 73, 271, 273
Novo Nordisk, 258, 267, 268
Novolin 70/30: 40
Novolog, 63, 110, 111, 136, 228, 236
Novorapid, 63, 110, 228, 236
NPH. See Intermediate-acting insulin
Nutrients, 22, 91, 92
OmniPod, photo of, 69
One Touch meters, 6, 7
Ophthalmologists, diabetes and, 80
Organizations, helpful, 254–256
Owen Mumford, 268, 275
Paddock Laboratories, 274
Pain, minimizing, 19, 23, 25
Palco Labs, 271
breakdown of, 32, 34, 35, 58, 187
healthy, 33, 228
Pancreas helper, described, 47
Pancreatitis, 36
Paramedics, 226, 227
Patch pumps, 68
photo of, 69
Patient Assistance Program, 258
Patton Medical, 270
PBM Products, 274
Pens. See Insulin pens
Performance, 55
blood glucose and, 16
improved, 14, 15–16, 176
mental, 27, 220
physical, 27, 176, 220
Periodontal disease, 80
Physicians, 78–79
Ping, 269
Podiatrists, diabetes and, 80
Polonsky, William, 265
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), 32–33
Portion sizes, carbohydrate counts for, 93–94
Postpartum, insulin and, 215–216
Postural hypotension, 23
Pramlintide, 11, 49–51, 71, 202, 229, 237
adjusting to, 209
blood sugar and, 208–209, 217
Prednisone, 33, 196
Pregnancy, 19, 82, 120, 162, 253
adjusting for, 216
blood sugar and, 201, 213–216, 217
diabetes and, 36
insulin and, 214–216, 214 (fig.)
Prescriptions, 109, 257
Products, 267–275
Progesterone, 215
Prolactin, 215
adjusting, 188
blood sugar and, 51, 188–189, 217
Publications, helpful, 259–260
Pump accessories, sources of, 270
Pump basal rates, fine-tuning, 137–149
Pump therapy, 11, 109, 120, 124, 135
basal insulin and, 109 (fig.)
basic principles of, 123
benefits of, 121–122
drawbacks of, 122–123
inconveniences of, 122
Pump Wear Inc., 270
Pumping Insulin: Everything You Need for Success on a Smart Insulin Pump* (Walsh and Roberts), 266
Pumps, 10, 67, 77, 85–86, 106, 119–124, 139, 146, 147, 186, 204, 206
action profile of, 119 (fig.)
alerts from, 232, 247
basal insulin and, 135–137
described, 68–70, 123
IOB and, 167 (table)
malfunction of, 122, 245–249
manufacturers of, 124
patch, 68, 69 (photo) photo of, 10, 68
safety with, 120
selecting, 69–70
using, 119, 123, 124, 134, 181, 197, 236
Rating of Perceived Exertion, 174, 175 (fig.)
accurate, 81–83
erratic, 85–86
Real-Life Guide to Diabetes: Practical Answers to Your Diabetes Problems (Warshaw), 266
88, 89, 194
Registered dieticians (RDs), 79
Repaglinide, 45, 236
Rescue Me IDs, 274
Retinopathy, 20, 21, 233
Roberts, Ruth, 266
Roche, 269, 271, 272
Roche: Accu-Check 360, 273
Roche/Disetronic, 269
Safety, 14, 18, 27, 79, 120, 227
Sanofi-Aventis, 267, 268
Scheiner, Debbie, 8, 9
photo of, 3
Scheiner, Gary, 265, 266
photo of, 3
Seizures, 59, 219, 232
Self-adjustment, 9, 96
Self-care, 10, 101, 258
Self-monitoring, 81–83, 84, 101, 205
Sensitivity factors, 161, 162, 164, 176, 199, 213
verifying, 165–166
Sensor overlay reports, 88
example of, 88 (fig.), 89 (fig.)
Serenity Prayer, 100, 101
Sick days, reducing, 14, 17
Skills, 63, 123
carbohydrate counting, 94
diabetes management, 80–96
self-management, 101
healthier, 14, 18
thickness, 44
Sleep, 140
blood sugar and, 207–208, 217
glucose control and, 15
high glucose and, 18
irregular, 133, 207–208, 217
restful, 14, 15
Smart, Jean, 26
Snacks, 122
blood sugar and, 152, 211
carbohydrate-containing, 230
exercise and, 177
meals and, 94, 95, 98
salty, 190
slow-digesting, 199
spacing, 153
timing, 230, 242
Soil Development USA, 269
Solo, photo of, 69
Somogyi Phenomenon, 132, 133, 134, 146
adjusting to, 194–195
blood sugar and, 193–195
Sorbitol, 54, 92
blood sugar, 71, 110, 180, 233, 234, 249
controlling, 235–238
delayed, 181
postmeal, 17, 62, 83, 182, 232, 234 (fig.), 235, 238
premeal, 62
problems with, 233
timing of, 234
Sports drinks, 202
Standard day reports, described, 87–88
Standard deviation (SD), 86, 89
Starches, 10, 52, 53, 92, 179
Steroids, 33, 36, 139, 162
adjusting to, 196
blood sugar and, 196, 217
Stress, 96, 120, 192
adjusting for, 186
blood sugar and, 56–57, 83, 185–186, 217
insulin and, 241
reducing, 22, 242
response, 55, 56, 185 (fig.)
Strokes, 22
Sucralose, 54
Sucrose, 52, 179
Sugar, 53, 92
absorption of, 238
bacteria and, 18
changes in, 18
exercise and, 55
flow of, 204
fruit, 52, 54, 179
liver and, 240
milk, 179
rapid-digesting, 110
substitutes, 54
table, 179
Sugar-free products, 54
Sulfonylureas, 30, 45, 236
discounted, 275
mail-order, 252, 275
Support, giving/getting, 251–253
Surgery, 82
adjusting to, 197
blood sugar and, 196–198, 217
Symlin, 11, 50, 71, 202, 229, 237, 242, 253
adjusting to, 209
blood sugar and, 208–209, 217
pens for, 49 (photo)
Symptoms, 88
devolution of, 221–222
Syringes, 35, 67, 206, 226, 227, 228, 236, 246
choosing, 64, 65, 65 (photo)
sources of, 267–268
T1U. See Type-1 University
Taking Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD), 256
Talbert, Bill, 26
Targets, 101, 162, 173, 182
acceptable, 161
after-meal blood sugar, 235 (table)
setting, 229–230
TCOYD (TV), 260
TCOYD. See Taking Control of Your Diabetes
Technology, diabetes
management, 8, 63, 79, 80, 81
blood sugar and, 200
body, 194
regulation, 22
10 Keys to Helping Your Child Grow Up with Diabetes*, The (Wysiocki), 264
Test strips, 4, 5, 6, 73, 81–82, 103, 257, 258
Testosterone, 196
Therapeutic shoes, 257
Thiazoladinediones (TZDs), 46, 71
Think Like Your Entire Digestive System, 63
Thyroid glands, 196
Together Rx Access Card, 258
Tolazamide, 45
Tolbutamide, 45
Tools, diabetes management, 63–80, 81
Trail Net, 256
Travel, 120
adjusting for, 206
basal insulin and, 206
blood sugar and, 206–207, 217
Trend graphs, glucose, 90, 90 (fig.)
Triglycerides, 52, 189
Tubing, 119, 245, 246, 247
Type 1 diabetes, 11, 29, 32, 36, 37, 45
adjusting to, 188
basal insulin and, 130
described, 30–31
development of, 35
insulin program for, 112
pregnancy and, 253
supplementary treatments for, 71
Type-1 University (T1U), 149, 253
Type 2 diabetes, 29, 32, 37, 46, 236
challenges of, 34
glucose and, 45
injections and, 35
insulin and, 35, 112
insulin-resistant, 128
managing, 187
pancreas and, 45
as progressive illness, 34
treatment for, 35
TZDs. See Thiazoladinediones
UKPDS. See United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study
Ultimate Guide to Accurate Carb Counting: Featuring the Tools and Techniques Used by Experts* (Scheiner), 92, 266
Unique Pump Accessories, 270
United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), 20, 61
Unomedical, 270
Urination, 31, 249
Urine, 234
blood sugar and, 145
Urine diuresis, 15
Victoza, 49, 202, 229, 242
pen for, 48 (photo)
Vieira, Ginger, 267
Vision, problems with, 20–21, 221
Vomiting, 201, 248
Walsh, John, 266
Warshaw, Hope S., 264, 265, 266
Websites, helpful, 70, 260–262
Weight, 51, 122
basal insulin and, 131
diabetes type and, 245
insulin and, 136
I:C ratio and, 155 (table)
Weight gain, 45, 220
blood sugar and, 217
insulin and, 199
insulin resistance and, 33
menopause and, 208
Weight loss, 46, 253
adjusting to, 199
blood sugar and, 199, 217
facilitating, 45, 242
insulin and, 242
low-carb diets and, 242
White blood cells, blood sugar and, 192
Women, Infants and Children (WIC), 258
Wysocki, Tim, 264
Xylitol, 54, 92
Your Diabetes Science Experiment (Vieira), 267
Ypsomed AG, 268
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