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ANGEL_Lords of Carnage MC

Page 20

by Daphne Loveling

  Even though this celebration has Jude working hard, today feels a little bit like a party for him, as well. He just completed his GED a week ago, and he’s in the process of enrolling in community college for the spring term. I was absolutely shocked when he said that was something he wanted to do. He doesn’t know what he wants to study quite yet, but he said he wants to give it a shot for a term and see where it goes. He’s still working at Twisted Pipes, too, now that it’s back open. Hawk and the other men have been teaching him stuff about cars and motorcycles, and he seems to have really taken a liking to auto mechanics. He’s been making noise about buying himself a motorcycle, too.

  I guess I should have seen that coming.

  At the thought of motorcycles, I can’t help but glance over at the far parking lot, where Angel is teaching Noah to do tight turns with his own new bike. Ghost was able to find a nearly exact replacement for the one that was lost in the explosion. The only difference is that this one is a couple years newer, and has a black gas tank instead of a white one. At least, that’s the only difference I can see. Noah, of course, is thrilled with it. I watch in amusement as he pulls the bike to a stop in front of Angel, then and listens to him intently as Angel explains something. Angel gestures with his hands, making a motion that looks like it has something to do with how to angle the handlebars. Noah nods, and then he’s off again, rounding corners around a makeshift obstacle course they’ve set up.

  Then, as I stand there looking at them, Angel turns. His eyes meet mine, and my stomach starts to flutter.

  Just like always. Just like I’m pretty sure it will forever.

  A few minutes later, Jude comes back, bag of ice in hand. He carries it over to the snow cone machine and takes over for Lila, who makes one final blue-colored one for herself before relinquishing it. She says something to Jude just as she’s walking away. The riot of red curls in a messy bun on top of her head bobs as she tosses her head and laughs. I can’t help but smile at that girl’s sassiness. Brooke’s pet project has charmed Jude in a way I can’t quite figure out. She teases him all the time, but instead of it irritating him, he just gives back to her as good as he gets. They’ve grown into sort of a casual, bantering relationship that makes me think there might eventually be something more between them. Lila’s only fourteen, of course, and a total tomboy to boot. At this stage of her life she seems more interested in video games and martial arts than anything. Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if someday…

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  While I’ve been musing about Lila and Jude, Angel has come up beside me. He wraps a strong arm around my waist. “What do you say we blow this pop stand in about an hour?”

  “Are you going to the clubhouse later?” I ask him, stifling a moan as he brushes his lips against my neck. The stubble of his beard against my skin makes me shiver, as always. “I heard some of the Lords say they’re planning a less G-rated party after this thing is over.”

  “Nah,” he murmurs, nipping at the sensitive part of my throat. “I got my own private party in mind.”

  I grin up at him as he winks at me. It’s true that in the past few weeks, we haven’t had a lot of time to ourselves. Jude’s living in our basement spare room until he moves out at the end of the month. He’s been home a lot lately as he fills out his community college forms and stuff. He’s never seemed bothered at all by the fact that Angel and I are together — far from it, in fact. But Angel says he knows from experience that it can be kind of weird to get too up close and personal with your sister’s relationship, so we try not to be too obvious with the PDA when he’s around.

  “I need to stop at the Skull for a little bit,” I say breathily, trying to keep my cool as he drives me to the edge of distraction. “I can leave now, and I’ll meet you at home later.”

  “It’s a deal,” he mutters. Turning me toward him, he reaches up and brushes a thumb lightly against my nipple through my shirt. “But don’t make me wait long.”

  “I promise,” I gasp. “Now stop that, before you send the good people of Tanner Springs into a tizzy.”

  “They don’t expect any less,” he growls, but he releases me anyway. “Now go,” he commands, slapping my ass and chuckling as I yelp and leap away.

  I head over to my car, pulling out an elastic tie to put my hair back into a ponytail. It’s grown out quite a bit in the last year, but it’s still not quite at the length it was when Melanie cut it short. Frowning, I deliberately push the memory of that day away. I still sometimes have nightmares about Kane and what happened in that meat locker, and how close I came to death. But I’ve gotten much better at not letting the memories drag me down. Angel’s been a huge help in that. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without him. Sometimes, when my thoughts get too black, I remind myself that everything in my life — even the bad parts — eventually led me to him, and brought us together.

  And when I put it to myself that way, it’s hard to imagine changing a single thing.

  I make the drive to the Smiling Skull just to check on things and make sure we’ve got enough bartenders and bouncers for the normal Saturday night scene. Managing a biker bar that attracts so many different clubs around the area is a tricky business, and I’ve learned a lot from Rosie’s advice and example. At her suggestion, I’ve kept most of her staff on, and I’ve done my best to make sure they’re happy and don’t have reason to look for work anywhere else. For most of the patrons, my hope is that they barely even notice the bar has changed hands. Since I still have a lot of people asking if Rosie is around, I’m pretty sure that’s the case.

  I get back to Tanner Springs around dinner time. Angel texts me while I’m on the way home, telling me he’s got Chinese takeout. My stomach growls in approval at his choice. But the food will have to wait, because when I get back to the house, Angel makes it clear he’s got something else on his mind. We never make it to the bedroom. In seconds, Angel’s got me naked and wanting in the living room, standing in front of him as he gazes at me in approval.

  “Jesus, that body,” he groans, stroking his hard length. “I’m never gonna get sick of seein’ you there, naked and ready for me.”

  “You sure talk a lot,” I purr at him, knowing I’m pushing his buttons. “For a man who wants to fuck.”

  “You’re playin’ with fire, woman,” he growls. The wicked smirk I’m flashing at him dissolves into a moan as he crosses the room and lifts me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. Instantly, I’m wet and aroused, a low throb beginning between my thighs that only he can satisfy. Angel takes a few steps until he’s bracing me against the wall. He lowers me a couple of inches, just enough that the shaft of his cock is teasing my waiting pussy. I whimper and move my hips, waiting for him to sink himself inside me, but he just holds me there.

  “Angel,” I gasp. “Take me.”

  His mouth cuts me off as he takes my lips in a deep kiss. Our tongues dance, our own private language and our own private rhythm. Angel angles his hips up, his cock torturing me. I moan, loudly, and wrap my arms tight around his neck, silently pleading with him. With one movement, he’s inside me, filling me deeply — so deep he reaches me in places I’ve never been touched before by anyone else. He pulls back and thrusts into me, hard, and I cling tighter, whispering his name and begging him for more. He slams into me again; something falls off the wall.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous when you’re ready to come, you know that?” he rasps against my ear. “I’ve been waiting all day for this, baby.”

  “Angel,” I pant, moaning more loudly with each thrust. The friction is delicious. My brain, incoherent to the point of madness, wonders how he always knows exactly what to do. Already, I’m climbing, higher and higher… I’m not going to last long. I feel Angel growing harder, larger inside me. This is it.

  “Fuck,” he hisses. “I’m there. I’m there. Give it to me, baby. Come for me.”

  And I do, shattering around him as I cry out. A second later, Angel roars my name and empties hims
elf deep inside me. I’ve never felt so complete, so full of bliss. How is it possible to be this happy? I ask myself dizzily as I cling to him, waiting for the shudders to subside. How did I ever get so lucky?

  Afterwards, we warm up the Chinese food and eat it out on the back deck. When we’re finished eating, I lean back against him on the sofa, wrapped in his arms. We sit and enjoy the warm night, knowing it will be one of the last ones of the season. I take in a deep breath and let it out, savoring the moment.

  “You good, babe?”

  “So good,” I breathe. “I honestly don’t know how my life could get any better right now.”

  “Yeah?” he asks. “I take that as a challenge.”

  And then, before I know what’s even happening, Angel has slid one arm out from around me and into his pocket. He pulls out something small that I can’t quite see in the dark and raises it up. But I don’t need to see it to know what it is.

  “It’s a sapphire,” he rumbles as he holds out the ring so it flashes in the moonlight. “It was the same color as your eyes. That’s why I picked it.”

  “Angel,” I choke, tears springing to my eyes. I pull away and turn to him. “Are you serious?”

  “You think I’d joke about this?” he chuckles. “You’ve always been family, babe. I just want to make it official. You’re already my old lady.” His eyes meet mine. “But I’m hopin’ you’ll also be my wife.”

  “You know I will,” I whisper. “Oh my God. I love you so much, Angel.”

  “My life would be nothing without you, babe.”

  His words send shivers down my spine. “Angel, I…”

  “Sshhh…” he hushes me. “I mean it. I don’t think you know, Jewel. I have the club, yeah. And the club’s my life. My duty, to lead and protect my brothers. But without you there…” He shrugs one muscled shoulder. “Nothin’ would make sense. It just took almost losin’ you to see it clearly. This last year has been the best year of my life, babe. And I’m not stupid enough to let you get away. I’m puttin’ a ring on it.”

  We talk until it’s late about how long to wait until the wedding. Angel tells me he’d be happy enough with just going to a justice of the peace, if they still have those. I laugh and tell him the Lords would never let the president get away with that. “The old ladies would lose their shit, too,” I grin. “This will be the party of the year, Angel. I think you have to let them have it.”

  “And what about you?” he asks me, kissing the top of my head. “What do you want?”

  “I have every single thing I’ve ever wanted, Angel,” I murmur against him. “I don’t think I’m ever going to ask for anything again in my life. However we get married is fine with me. I don’t care what I wear, or who performs the ceremony, or whether there are fifty people there or five-thousand. All I want is you, and this, and as much time as possible on the earth, thanking my lucky stars for all of it.”

  I gaze down at the sapphire ring that’s now on my finger, marveling at how much it looks like a star. I’ll wear it always. And it will always remind me of the only star in my sky.

  Angel Abbott.

  King of my heart.

  Did you like ANGEL?

  There are more books in the Lords of Carnage series! Each of them is completely stand-alone, with no cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed HEA!

  GHOST: Lords of Carnage MC Book 1


  They call me Ghost for a reason. Silent and in the shadows, I don't make my move until I am absolutely sure of everything.

  Four years ago I was sure about Jenna. My best friend's kid sister had grown up into a spitfire I couldn't resist.

  One night we stopped resisting...

  We promised we'd keep it a secret. It was a one-time mistake, but we'd put it behind us. Jenna left but I kept my word.

  Jenna tried to get out of our corrupt town, but it pulled her back in again. Now she needs help. She needs protection.

  I'll do all of that for her, if she'll just shut the hell up and let me.

  She can even keep all of her secrets, except for one...


  The Lords of Carnage MC has haunted me from the moment I was born.

  No matter how much I try to get away, they are there -- waiting to pull me back into the life that stole my father, my mother and then my brother from me.

  The ghosts of my past keep rising from the dead.

  Now the past is stirring again and all I want to do is run away.

  I'm back in the world I fled, and the secrets and lies of my whole family are about to be laid bare.

  But it's not just me anymore. I've got my little boy to look out for, too. I’m his only family.

  And his father has no idea he exists.

  I swore I would never go back to the MC. I swore I would never make the same mistakes again.

  But making mistakes with Casper Watkins is too hard to resist…

  Click here to read GHOST

  HAWK: Lords of Carnage MC Book 2


  I lost everything years ago. My brother. My family. Everything that ever meant anything to me.

  Now the Lords of Carnage are my life. Anything I need, the club provides. Anything else is unimportant.

  At least, that’s what I tell myself until I meet Samantha Jennings. She stirs something inside me I haven’t felt for years. Back when I had hope. Back when I thought life would give you what you asked for if you wanted it bad enough.

  Wanting is dangerous. I’ve learned that lesson. But when I look in those deep brown eyes, I want Samantha. I want to possess every inch of her body -- to hear her call my name when she loses herself in pleasure.

  If I was smart, I’d push her the hell away. Do anything to make her hate me.

  But I know I won’t. I’ll never stop until I have her. Even if it destroys us both.


  I first saw Hawk McCullough from behind the safety of a camera lens.

  I try to be invisible when I’m working to capture a moment in a photo. But the way Hawk’s eyes locked onto mine, like the lens wasn’t even there -- I was exposed. They burned into me. Possessing me. Claiming me as his.

  I can tell from the look in his eyes he’s damaged. Ruthless. A predator.

  I should run far away from him. But I know it’s too late. I’m already his prey.

  Click here to read HAWK

  BRICK: Lords of Carnage MC Book 3

  When the walls come down, all bets are off.


  Sassy, sexy, and hot-headed,

  She came into town like a wildfire.

  She’s got secrets, I can tell.

  But Sydney Banner’s keeping her cards close to her chest.

  She can fight it all she wants,

  But as the Enforcer for the Lords of Carnage,

  I have a way of getting what I want.

  And I want her in my bed.

  Every. Damn. Night.

  She says she doesn’t need protecting.

  I know better.

  My inner caveman is in overdrive.

  And I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe.


  Bossy, rugged, and hot as Hell.

  Brick may be a former Marine,

  But I can fight my own battles.

  He has no idea what I risked to get here, and I’m not about to tell him.

  I'm no damsel in distress. I don't need saving.

  Even though his hard, chiseled body makes me want to surrender...

  He's just not a gamble I'm willing to take.

  Click here to read BRICK

  GUNNER: Lords of Carnage MC Book 4

  She wonders if I’m dangerous.

  Loaded question...


  I live by the cut. It's a brotherhood.

  Sex, crime, and power.

  But when I see that sexy little number in over her head at the biker bar,

  I want to pummel the son of a bitch who threatens her.

bsp; Taking Alix back to my club for protection is all I can do.

  Hell, I want to do so much more.

  She wonders if I’m dangerous. Loaded question...

  But she needs my help anyway. She knows I'm her only hope to find her sister before the clock runs out.

  After that, Alix is mine.

  Whether she knows it or not.


  I'll do anything to fight for my sister.

  Crime and power took her away from me,

  And I'll battle anyone who tries to stop me from getting her back.

  Everything about his rugged exterior screams danger,

  And I've been in threatening situations before.

  But there’s something terrifying about Gunner.

  Terrifying, and irresistible.

  I want to trust him when he says he’s just trying to help me.

  I know better.

  Men like him will say anything to get what they want.

  Even though I want it just as bad…


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