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Tangled: A New Adult Romance Boxed Set (12 Book Bundle of Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Royalty)

Page 25

by Lakes, Krista

  He held her a long time, not wanting to break the spell. She finally wiggled beneath him and he pulled back, looking down at her.

  “You’re squishing me, Liam.” She was grinning at him. “I’d like to stay like this, but I need to breath.”

  “Sorry.” He moved just enough for her to free an arm, keeping her close to him.

  “You’re not going to let me go, are you?” She shifted once more, pulling the sheet over her shoulder.

  “Uh-uh...” he murmured against her neck, sleep creeping up on him. “Not tonight.”

  If she made a reply, he didn’t hear it. He only knew somewhere on some level he was at peace. And then he was asleep.

  The room was bright when Liam woke. He rolled over, reaching for Angela, finding empty space, just the lingering scent of her perfume on the pillow.

  “Shit...” This was too good to be true...

  He punched his pillow, sinking dejectedly back into the mattress. There was no point in getting up, no point really...

  “Hey. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Liam rolled over. Angela was standing in the bedroom doorway, wearing one of his t-shirts. She had a cup of what he hoped was coffee, although he wasn’t sure exactly where she would have found that in his kitchen. There was a coffee maker...

  “No, didn’t...” He couldn’t find the words to tell her he thought she’d left. And he certainly couldn’t explain the joy rushing through him at realizing she was still there.

  She gingerly climbed into bed, watching the brimming cup of coffee as she settled against the headboard.

  “You okay? You look a little dazed.” She was smiling down at him over the edge of her coffee cup.

  He reached out, sliding his hand over her bare leg. The t-shirt ended above her knees, riding up just enough to expose an expanse of smooth ivory skin.

  “I’m not sure. I...” He closed his eyes. In a fit of full disclosure he decided to tell her what he had thought.

  “I thought you’d left.” He kept his eyes closed, afraid of the look on Angela’s face...scorn, pity...something he didn’t want to see. She was quiet far too long.

  There was movement beside him and he opened one eye. Angela had set her coffee cup on the floor and was sliding down in the bed, turning to face him. She met his eyes and there was no pity or scorn, just her honest gaze.

  “Liam, I told you, I’m not going anywhere.” She touched his cheek with her fingertips.

  “I know it’s not your nature, but you can trust me. Okay?”

  He pulled her to him, kissing her gently, one hand sliding beneath the t-shirt, holding her hip. She rolled on top of him, kicking the covers away from his body.

  Liam wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, their kiss deepening. The weight of her breasts against his chest, covered by the soft fabric of the shirt was amazing.

  Angela grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling it up over her body.

  “No, leave it. I want to see you in my shirt...”

  She grinned down at him. “And then what are you going to do with the shirt?”

  He shook his head. “Not telling.”

  She laughed, leaning down to kiss him. “You’re a strange one, Liam.”

  She sat back, resting her body on his hips. His cock was pressed against her inner thigh, and he flexed his hips upward, sliding himself along that smooth skin. Angela moved slightly, raising her body, shifting her weight. She reached between them, touching him gently. Then she hesitated.

  “I’ve never been here before...” She looked down at him, that blush he loved creeping up her cheeks, her hair falling across her face.

  “You’ve been here for the past couple nights...” He grinned, teasing her.

  The blush deepened. “No...I mean. Here...” She reached down, hands on his chest. “On top, I mean.”

  “Well I’m glad to be your first, Angela.”

  Her smile deepened, dimples evident. “Me, too.”

  Her fingers wrapped around him and he watched her face as he slid into her, as she accepted him, his hands resting lightly on her hips. She closed her eyes, lips parted, making a sound that started out as a sigh but ended as a moan.

  She put her full weight on him, spreading her legs just a bit wider, accepting all of him into her body. There was another hesitation and then she rocked her hips forward, just slightly, moving him slowly inside her, rubbing herself against his body.

  “” She looked down at him, her eyes wide. “That good.”

  Liam let her do as she pleased, move however she wanted. He watched her face, the obvious pleasure she was getting out of being in control of this experience. His kept his hands on her hips, feeling them shift and move as she rose and shifted, settling back onto him, sliding him deep inside.

  The shirt she’d chosen was an older shirt, thin and loose, and Liam watched as her nipples became erect, poking against the fabric. It had only been half in jest that he’d asked her to keep the shirt on, but now he was glad he did. He slid his hands over the shirt, up over her full breasts, rubbing his palms over the hard nipples. Angela moaned lightly, putting her hands over Liam’s, pressing them against her body.

  “Liam...” Her voice was low.

  “What? What do you want?”

  She leaned forward onto his chest, her face above his. “I want this to go on forever...never end. Can you make that happen?”

  She buried her face in his neck, nuzzling him as she brought her body down on his, again and again, faster and faster. He could feel her breath against his skin, her lips pressed against his neck.

  He gripped her hips, flexing his hips into her, pushing her down onto his body, thrusting upward in time with her movements. There was a breathless moment where she ground her hips forward before she began shuddering against him, as her orgasm broke. Liam held her, letting her take her pleasure.

  Slowly she took her head away from his neck, looking down on him. Her eyes were soft in the bright light, looking down into his.

  “I like this...very much.” She ran her finger down his nose. “But what about you?” She pulled a frown.

  “You’re not...finished.”

  He shook his head. “Not by a long shot.”

  In one fluid move he rolled over, taking Angela with him. He shifted his weight, settling between her legs, the feeling at once familiar and exciting. His body was moving on its own, and as much as he wanted to prolong this, he was past the point of holding back.

  He thrust hard several times, his face buried in Angela’s neck. He felt her hands on his back, sliding down over his hips, her fingers pressed against him.

  “Liam...let me watch.”

  He raised his head, looking down at her, her face flushed with arousal, with satiation. He closed his eyes again, his head back, as his hips drove forward into her.

  “Watch? Like before?” His breathing was loud, words coming out in gasps.

  “No, your face. I want to watch your face when you come.” Her fingers were tracing the lines of his cheeks, his nose, running across his lips.


  He nodded, not trusting his voice. He braced his arms beside her face, holding her gaze.

  When his orgasm broke she was watching him, her eyes flicking over his face, seemingly taking in every detail, every shift in his expression. He struggled to keep his eyes open, to watch her watching him, but in the end everything was too intense; his pleasure, her gaze. He felt naked and vulnerable and buried his face in her shoulder, his cries muffled against her body.

  She held him for a long time, letting him slowly shift his weight from her, curl beside her, finally pull her body against his. Her fingers were stroking his damp hair, playing over the nape of his neck.

  He finally rolled on to his back, one arm over his head. She shifted, propping her head on her hand, looking down at him. Her fingers were tracing patterns on his chest and it took him a moment to realize he didn’t care if those patterns i
ncluded the line of his scar. He frowned, momentarily taken back by that realization.

  “What are you thinking?”

  He turned his head, smiling at her. “You sure do ask a lot of questions. Is this how all girls are, or just you?”

  She laughed, tweaking a nipple in the process. “I like to know things about people...especially people I like. Or guys I’ve slept with...and please tell me it’s not ‘what’s for breakfast’ because that look wasn’t about eggs and hash browns.”

  He shook his head. “No, not breakfast. I’m not good with words, or telling someone how I feel...or why I’m feeling it. Emotions and all’s not something I’m very good at dealing with.”

  He held her hand. “You should know that by now, Angela. It’s hard...I’m trying, but sometimes you’re asking too much from me, or you’re asking it too soon.”

  “Okay.” Seemingly undaunted, she went on. “What do you do for work? I mean, for money?”

  “I do whatever I can. Nothing illegal, ever. But I have a construction company that has me clean buildings at night, after the crews have gone home. Sometimes I do deliveries for them, if they have a truck for me to drive. Or I get odd jobs through the newspaper or online.”

  “How do you do that and train? How do you find the time?” There was a faint frown on her face.

  “I don’t...or I don’t work as much. Frank has me training for a really big match coming up. There will be professional scouts there and if I do well, I could get picked for a bigger match, something professional. There’s a lot of money involved in those matches.”

  “Is that what you want? To get paid to fight?”

  “Yeah. It’s why I do this. If I can get into the pros, I can make money. It would be hard work, but to make money doing something I love...who wouldn’t want that?”

  He turned his head, looking at her. “Isn’t there something you’d want to do, to get paid to do, that you loved? What do you love to do, Angela? What gets you all excited?”

  She shook her head. “Truthfully, I really don’t know. I don’t have your passion for anything, really.” She lay back on the pillow and it was Liam’s turn to prop his head on his hand, watching her.

  “My mother has charities. Or...I think my mother has charities. I’m not really certain sometimes what she does. My dad has his business and I know he loves that beyond all distraction. Sometimes I think he loves that more than me.”

  Angela sighed. “I know he loves me...I don’t mean to imply he doesn’t. But it’s in this distracted kind of way. I’m pretty sure he equates spending money with how much you love someone.”

  She was quiet for a minute, lost in thought. “But you know, for all the things that he buys me, he doesn’t really buy my mother that much stuff. I mean, he buys her a new car when she wants one, or takes her on trips. But it’s when she wants it, not because it’s his idea.”

  Angela turned to Liam. “I think my mother’s having an affair and my father doesn’t care.”

  Liam blinked. “Why? you know this, or are you just guessing?”

  “I just have a feeling. You’d call it instinct, I guess. Actually, the whole thing made sense the morning you’d bought me breakfast...after our first night here.” She smiled briefly before her voice because serious.

  “She was gone when I got home. It was still early though, for our house. Far earlier than I’d usually be awake. Sophie seemed to know something...and Sophie knows everything. My dad was still on his business trip and...well, she was gone. I have a feeling she hadn’t known I was out until Sophie told her.”

  Angela sat up, hugging her knees. “You know, I’m not really surprised by this. You’d think I would be. But my mother is...different.” She shrugged.

  “I don’t understand her and I know she doesn’t understand me at all. But...she’s my mom and I do love her. It’s just...hard sometimes.”

  Liam pulled Angela down next to him. “Well, you know, whatever I can do. I’m not much for talking, but I’ll listen.” He kissed her forehead.

  “ did say something about breakfast and...well, I am hungry.”

  Angela laughed. “You’re predictable, Liam. I like that. Where is breakfast going to be today? Same as last time or something new? Do you have to go to the gym today? Do you train on weekends?”

  “Slow down! One thing at a time. I was thinking...shower first. Then breakfast; different diner. Then, if you want, I can take you to the gym. I’m not scheduled to train today...Frank gives me a day off occasionally. You can see where I spend my days, meet some of the other guys and Frank, if he’s there.”

  Angela pursed her lips. “I like that plan.” She leaned over, kissing Liam before sliding out of bed.

  “Do I get to take your shirt off before we take the shower? Or do I have to wear it there too?” She took several steps toward the bathroom.

  Liam scrambled off the bed, catching her around the waist before she got away, making her squeal with laughter.

  “Off. Now.” His voice was gruff, his smile charming.

  “No clothes in the shower.” He reached for the hem, pulling it over her head, her hair cascading over her face. He reached out, brushing the hair back. He held her a moment, their bodies pressed together before kissing her. She was still laughing and he could feel her lips beneath his, curved into a smile.

  The shower lasted a long time. When they were dressed, Liam took her several blocks over to a slightly larger diner, slightly more cheerful and certainly cleaner.

  “We can take the subway over to the gym. The stop is just down the block.” Liam was working his way through another large breakfast platter. Angela was watching him as he industriously made his way through a stack of pancakes dripping with syrup. He caught her looking at him.

  “Yeah, I know. Not the best thing I could eat, but I have a real craving for pancakes with syrup. Frank would yell, or make me run more laps...probably both. Just don’t tell him.” He flashed her a grin and she shook her head.

  “Your secret is safe with me.”

  They made small talk while Liam finished his breakfast. He finally pushed his plate away.

  “That was really good.”

  The waitress came by, asking if they’d like more coffee, laying the check on the table. Angela reached for it, but Liam put his hand over hers.

  “I’ve got this.” He frowned at her.


  “I said I’ve got this.” He pulled the check from beneath her fingers. “It’s okay, really.”

  “I feel bad, though.”

  His frown deepened. “Angela, no. Just let me pay, okay.”

  She sat back, arms crossed over her chest.

  “And don’t pout either. As cute as that looks on you, it doesn’t work with me.” He took out his wallet, dropping crumpled bills on top of the check.


  “I need to, okay? Just leave it.”

  He slid out of the booth, holding out his hand to Angela. “Come on. Let’s go visit the gym.”

  Angela looked at his outstretched hand a moment before taking it.

  “Okay. Fine. Male pride. It’s just an excuse to be stubborn.” But she smiled at him, letting him lead her out of the diner.

  Liam held her hand as they walked to the subway stop. It made him happy to be out with Angela, walking down the sidewalk in the bright morning sunshine. He managed to pay for her subway fare without an argument, ushering her into the crowded car.

  They found seats and she was quiet for a short time before turning to him.

  “You never really explained how you got the black eye? I wanted to ask last night, but...well, I never got a chance.”

  Liam touched his face. “It’s nothing, really. Happens a lot, especially with a new sparring partner. There’s a knack to judging distance between you and your opponent in the ring. He hasn’t got that yet. He judged wrong, ended up catching me with his head instead of his fist.”

  Angela cringed. “Do you ge
t hurt a lot?”

  “Yeah, as anyone does really, and you’ll see it a lot more when I’m in matches. Split lip, swollen eyes, other cuts...lots of bruises.”

  Liam shrugged. “It’s part of the sport. Most injuries are pretty superficial. But some can be career-ending, or worse.”

  “Worse? Like how?” She was looking at him, eyes wide.

  “Head injuries, broken neck, spinal injuries...paralysis. Death. Although that’s rare.” He took her hand again, running his fingers over hers.

  “Aren’t you scared?”

  “Of being hurt? I’m not looking forward to getting hurt, but it happens. Not much I can do other than train hard and defend myself. I can’t make them not hit me.” They were coming into the station.

  “This is our stop.”

  Angela was silent on the short walk to the gym. “You okay? No twenty questions now?”

  She looked at him, eyes serious. “I guess it didn’t occur to me how dangerous this was, until this...” She reached up, gently touching his eye.

  He smiled down at her, kissing her briefly. “It’s okay. Nothing’s going to happen to me. Don’t worry.”

  He held the heavy door to the gym for her, his hand on her back. He felt her tense beneath his hand as she hesitated.

  The familiar sounds and smells of the gym washed over him, something he took for granted. But for Angela, he thought this must be a completely alien environment. He felt a tinge of discomfort bringing her here, but he wanted her to know where he came from, what he was about. And just how important this was to him.

  “This way.” He took her hand, leading down the side of the long room. He could hear Frank bellowing in the corner, standing by the heavy bag for one of the guys. The air was heavy with the smell of wet hand wraps, the hardwood floor, canvas and the smell of sweat...of competition. Liam took a deep breath.

  “Hit the bag! Knock out...everything’s a knock out! Come on, let’s go! Hit that thing. Okay! As fast as you can...” Frank was holding his stopwatch, eyes flashing between the boxer and the watch.

  “Okay! Thirty as you can! Knees up, knees up!” Frank caught sight of Liam, his face creasing into a smile. Then he saw Angela and the smile froze, Frank’s eyes widening. Liam stifled a laugh as Frank came over.


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