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Tangled: A New Adult Romance Boxed Set (12 Book Bundle of Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Royalty)

Page 26

by Lakes, Krista

  “You bringing your own sparring partner these days? She’s a couple weight classes below you, Liam.”

  “No, not today...or at least, not here. Frank, I’d like you to meet Angela. Angela, this is Frank, who gives me hell all day.”

  Frank stuck out a big hand. Angela shook it warily. “So you’re the girl making him late for training. I should be upset...and I am.” He looked down at her, winking.

  “But, you’s okay. Just don’t make a habit of it. Either of you. He’s my prize guy at the moment; can’t having him slacking off.”

  Frank poked Liam in the chest. “You. I need to talk to you a minute. Come here.” He threw one big arm around Liam’s shoulder, pulling him away from Angela. He took Liam behind the second heavy bag and Frank’s tone dropped to a low beat.

  “Look, kid. I know things are rough for you, but you’re behind on gym fees. They’re giving me a week for you to catch up. I can’t front you the money this month, or I’d take care of it for you, till things got better.”

  Liam looked into Frank’s eyes. “Yeah. No problem. I’ll take care of it.” Frank slapped Liam on the back and went back to haranguing the guy hitting the heavy bag.

  Liam walked back toward Angela, forcing a smile on his face. Frank had covered him in the past, but Frank’s wife had been sick, things were tight...Liam knew the story.

  A tall red-head was talking earnestly to Angela as she nodded up at him. He waved at Liam as he walked away.

  “That was Joe, if he didn’t introduce himself. Nice guy. Did he want to talk about books? He reads more than any person I know, always trying to talk about whatever he’s read last.”

  “No, nothing about books. He...wanted to talk about you.”

  “Really?” Liam cocked an eyebrow at Angela.

  “Yes. He wanted to make sure I knew what a good guy you he wanted to make sure I wasn’t...taking advantage of you, maybe? Not sure. He seemed really intent of getting across that you were a ‘good guy’. I think he said that three times.”

  “Huh...I usually take him down when we spar. But he’s a good guy too.” Liam cast a glance around the gym.

  “You want to meet some of the other guys? There’s a few here I work out with pretty regularly...the guy in the ring now, in the blue trunks, is T.J. I spar with him almost daily. The other guy is new...I think he’s called Butch.”

  Someone jostled Liam and he turned as a big dark-haired guy lumbered to a halt. “And this big guy is Matt.” Liam punched Matt in the arm.

  “We go back to the beginning...when I first came here. Mattie’s getting too big though; he’s out of my weight class now. I’m left with all the other guys.”

  Matt was smiling at Angela, ignoring Liam. “So, what brings a sweet thing like you to this place? Oh, wait. You came with him?” Matt jerked his thumb in Liam’s direction. Liam laughed, watching Angela look from one to the other.

  “Tell you what, when you get tired of the boys, come look me up.” He winked at Angela, a big grin on his face. He slapped Liam on the back and headed through the locker room door.

  “Mattie’s a good guy. I like sparring with him. He routinely pounds the crap out of me. Frank says it builds character.”

  Someone from across the gym yelled Liam’s name and he waved. “One more guy I’d like you to meet.”

  Liam pulled Angela past the ring where the two men were now locked in a clinch, muscles bulging, lungs reaching for air, sweat dripping on to the mat.

  “Hey, Sam. How you doing? I’d like you to meet Angela. Angela, Sam.”

  “I’d offer to shake hands, but I’m a little sweaty.” Sam was dripping sweat from head to toe, his gray sweats stained dark under the arms and across his broad chest.

  “Liam, you coming in today? Or jacking off? Oh...sorry. Language. We don’t get many pretty girls in here...wait, we don’t get any girls in here. Why is that? Don’t girls want to punch things sometimes?”

  Liam wrapped his arm around Angela’s waist, jostling her against this hip. “Don’t give her any ideas. I’ve got my hands full as it is.”

  “Then I’ll leave you to your handful.” He smiled at Angela. “A pleasure meeting you. Take good care of Liam here...but don’t let him get away with anything. He’s a bull shitter from the first word. Oh, sorry, language again.”

  He shook his head. “That’s why they keep me in here...I can’t offend anyone.” He gave her a salute and was gone.

  “Well, you certainly have interesting friends.” Angela was looking around, wide-eyed.

  “Hmmm, I wouldn’t necessarily call them friends. More like co-workers I get to beat up on a regular basis. Not anyone I see outside the gym though.”

  There was a loud crash. Angela jumped; Liam turned toward the ring.

  “That would be a knock down. Sounds worse than it is...although, in this case it looks pretty bad.” Liam was watching the man on the canvas trying to raise himself, blood dripping from a cut above his eyebrow. Frank was yelling, the other guy was dancing around the ring, fists in the air. The sound of the heavy bag started up again, along with the patter of someone jumping rope nearby.

  He looked down at her. “You had enough? You look a little shell-shocked.”

  “Yeah...I mean, we can go.”

  Liam laughed, pulling Angela by the hand, leading her to the street door. There were a few shouts as he opened the door and with a final wave, they were on the sidewalk.

  “Wow...that was...not what I expected.”

  “What did you expect?”

  “I have no idea. But it’s...pretty intense. And you do this every day?”

  “Every day since I was sixteen or so, that I could afford to, anyway. I don’t know what else I’d be doing if not fighting.”

  The sound of Liam’s cell phone interrupted them. He glanced at the number. “Hold on a minute, babe.”

  He spoke briefly before shutting the phone. “Listen, that was the contractor I work for. He’s got something he wants me to do today. I don’t want to bail out on our day but...”

  “Oh, no, Liam, please...go ahead. I understand. Really.” She stood on tiptoe, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “I’ll call for a car and if you want, I can give you...”

  Liam was shaking his head, grinning. “No, thanks. No ride. I can’t show up to work in a limo. They’d wonder if they were paying me too much.”

  He kissed her, oblivious to the people pushing past them on the sidewalk. The gym door opened behind him and someone called his name, suggested they get a room. He broke away from Angela, pulling her against him. The guy smiled and waved, sauntering down the sidewalk.

  “You have”

  “They’re a little rough around the edges.”

  “I like them.”

  He tipped her face up to his. “You do? I wasn’t sure this would appeal to you.”

  “Well, I certainly don’t want to get in the ring, but it’s interesting seeing you in your natural habitat.”

  Liam laughed. “Never thought about it like that.” He looked back at the squat white brick building.

  “I guess I do feel more at home here than anywhere.”

  “You also seem far more relaxed...”

  “Yeah. I guess. It’s where I like being more than anywhere else...” He looked down at her. “Except when I’m with you.”

  Angela smiled at him. “I was hoping you’d say that.”


  No one was home, again, as Angela let herself into the apartment. Sophie’s probably at the market. Dad...golfing? Mom?

  She dumped her purse on the bed, before getting out of her jeans and shirt and sliding on a clean shirt and old torn, comfy jeans. She flopped down on her back, staring up at the ceiling, instantly deep in thought.

  Liam was still a puzzle to her, but seeing him at the gym, feeling how relaxed he was, made her see him in a new light.

  Except for his conversation with Frank. She got off the bed, pacing
restlessly in front of the window. She’d overheard enough to know it was about money. And not being able to continue training. She thought that would break Liam’s heart...but maybe it would keep him from getting injured. Angela thought about what he’d said, all the horrible ways he could be hurt. Or killed. It made her cringe, thinking of Liam injured or worse. She didn’t think she could bear that.

  “Angela?” There was a knock on her door, her father appearing in the doorway.

  “Dad. You’re home.” She threw her arms around his neck in a hug. He smelled of fresh air and cologne.

  “Were you playing golf?”

  “Yes, Adam’s father and I and some business associates.”

  “Oh...” Angela dropped her eyes. The last thing she wanted to talk about was Adam.

  “You didn’t come home last night again, did you?”

  Angela sat down on the edge of her bed. “No, I was with Liam.”

  Her father pulled her desk chair over, slumping into it slowly. “Angela. I heard what happened at Mark’s Adam. The Prestons’ are considering filing charges, you know.”

  Angela felt the blood drain from her face. “But Dad...Adam came after Liam, with a broken bottle. Liam was only defending himself...” She remembered Liam hitting Adam in the nose as he lay on the floor and winced.

  “I know. From what I hear, Adam was drunk. But still, Angela, do you think that’s someone you want to be associated with?”

  “You don’t understand...there’s a lot about Liam that’s...he’s a good person. He’d never hurt me, if that’s what you’re worried about. There’s a lot of...drama, I his past, but he’s a good person. Really.”

  Her father cast a skeptical glance at her. “Well, I’m not sure. But as I said the other day, you’re an adult. I just worry about you. You know that. It’s what parents do.” He gave her a half-hearted smile.

  “I know.” They were quiet. Angela could hear Sophie moving about down the hall. She climbed off the bed, closing the door to her room.

  “Dad, I need to ask you a favor. Please listen to what I have to say before you say no, okay?”

  “This sounds serious. But all right. What is it?”

  “I’d like you to offer Liam a job somewhere, maybe in one of your restaurants.”

  Her father sat back in his chair. “Angela, why? I’m not going to start supporting your boyfriend, just because he’s too lazy to work or because he likes to hit people.”

  Angela shook her head. “No, that’s not it at all. Liam works really hard and he’s certainly not lazy. He’s training to be a professional fighter. This has been his dream for a long time. But...he didn’t go to school...didn’t graduate high he’s stuck doing menial jobs for a living. He’s been supporting himself for a long’s just...he’s behind on his gym fees or something and if he can’t pay those, he can’t train.”

  “Angela, slow down. I understand you like this boy, but do you seriously believe he’s going to make anything of himself doing whatever it is he’s doing?”

  “I do. But it’s not just me...he believes it. With his heart and soul, waking and sleeping.”

  She sat on the edge of the bed, leaning forward. “Dad, do you remember all the stories you told me about shoveling horse manure when you were a kid? How you said you’d one day own a horse, rather than just clean up behind them?”

  Her father looked her in the eye. “It’s not quite the same, Angela...”

  “Why not? You wanted something more than selling dinette sets and horse manure. Liam wants something better than a third-floor walk-up and odd jobs on weekends. He wants a life that he can lead doing something that makes him happy. He thinks this is it.”

  She stopped, sitting back. “I want that for him too. This would help...but...

  “But what? There’s something else, isn’t there?”

  “I’d hope it would show him that there’s something else out there, a different way of earning a living that wouldn’t involve the potential of being hurt.” She looked own at her hands.

  Her voice was barely a whisper as she spoke. “It’s a selfish reason, for me. So maybe he’ll stop fighting.”

  “Does Liam know that’s how you feel?”

  She shook her head. “No. I could never tell him that. I’m trying to be supportive, but I’m having a really hard time doing that when I see him hurt, the bruises or the black eye.”

  Her father was quiet for a long time, finally sitting forward, hands between his knees.

  “Do you know if he would even accept a job from me?”

  “I’m honestly not sure. But I wanted to know how you felt about it before I talked to him.”

  Her father shot her a pensive look. “I’ll have to talk to him, Angela. I can’t just give him a job without at least meeting him, more than just in passing. Can you have him come for dinner?”

  Angela was shaking her head. “Not dinner. But maybe just for a drink, like tonight? Or the weekend. Do you and Mom have plans this weekend?”

  Angela saw a shadow pass over her father’s face. “Your mother is...not here this weekend. She had a dog show upstate, I believe. She’ll be back sometime on Monday.”

  “Oh. Well...I guess I forgot about that.” Angela chewed on her thumbnail. “When did she leave?”

  “This morning. Early.”

  “Oh...” The silence was broken by Angela’s cell phone. Her father rose to leave.

  “Wait...this might be Liam.” She flipped open the phone, glancing at the number. She held up her hand and her father stopped, his hand on the doorknob.

  “Liam. Hey...”

  “Angela. Yeah...listen. The job for today fell through. I just wanted to let you know, I’m headed back to the gym. Might as well get some training in, so the day’s not a total loss.”


  “Oh, shit. Sorry. That sounds wrong.” He laughed. “I meant the rest of my day. The first part of my day was completely amazing.”

  Angela blushed, turning away so her father couldn’t see.

  “Liam, if you have time, do you think you could you come by? I have something I’d like to talk about.”

  “Your house? I don’t know...your parents...”

  She could hear the hesitation in his voice. “It’s okay. My mom is gone and my dad...will probably be busy.”

  “Okay. I guess. What time?”

  Angela finished the call, clicking the phone shut, a smile on her lips.

  “I’m not going to be here?” Her father’s voice was reproachful.

  She looked up at her father in surprise. “Oh, well. He’s a little gun shy. If I told him my father wanted to talk to him, I don’t think he’d have agreed to stop by.”

  Angela stood, crossing the few steps toward her father. “Dad, it’s okay. Liam’s a good guy. Trust me. He’s been through a lot...more than anyone I’ve ever met, but I don’t think I should be the one to tell you. Liam’s...he’s private. And his life is his to tell, not mine.”

  She wrapped her arms around her father, felt him hug her close.

  “Angela, I trust your judgment...”


  “I haven’t actually said I’d offer him a job. You’re assuming because you think you have me wrapped around your little finger that I’m going to do as you say.”

  She looked up at him, saw the teasing look in his eyes. “You’re going to think about it though, right? Please?”

  She gave him her best smile, the one that he said made her dimples appear. She heard him sigh, saw the slight roll of his eyes beneath raised brows and she knew she had him.

  She hugged him hard. “Thanks, Dad. It really means a lot to me.”

  “You’re welcome. But will it mean the same to Liam?”


  Angela fidgeted and paced in her room for the rest of the afternoon, managed to sit through dinner and then resumed pacing through the house. Her father finally banished her from the study, closing the door behind her.
  The doorbell rang at eight o’clock. The doorman had been told to expect Liam and to let him up to the apartment. Sophie was heading down the hall for the door, but Angela ran ahead, almost knocking the woman over.

  “Angela! Slow down.” Sophie stopped, hands on her hips.

  “Sorry, Sophie.” Angela opened the door, breathless as she greeted Liam.

  “Hey...” She grabbed his hand, pulling him into the foyer.

  “You remember Sophie? Did you meet her? Anyway, Sophie, this is Liam. Liam, Sophie.”

  “Hi, Sophie.” Liam barely had the words out before Angela was pulling him down the hall to the study.

  “Hey, Angela...don’t I rate a kiss?” He stopped abruptly, pulling against her hand and spinning her around into his arms.

  “Oh...yeah.” She let him pull her against him, his lips finding hers. He held her for a moment, the restlessness replaced by the joy of being in his arms.

  There was a not-so-discrete cough behind Angela. Liam pulled away, stepping back from Angela. She held his hand, feeling the tension in his grip, as if he wanted to bolt back down the hall. Her father was in the hallway, his reading glasses perched on the end of his nose.

  “Hello, Mr. Reynolds.” Angela had never heard Liam’s voice sound so formal. It was odd to hear the stilted quality and it made her uneasy.

  “Hello, Liam. Would you like to come in, have a drink? We”

  Angela pulled Liam forward, trying to ignore the questioning look on his face.

  “Sure, Dad. We’d love to.” She tugged Liam’s hand and he reluctantly followed her into the study.

  “Anything you’d like? Soda,”

  “A beer would be great.” Liam was standing in the doorway, scowling at Angela, myriad questions flitting across his features.

  Angela pulled Liam toward the loveseat while her father poured himself a drink. “Here, sit. I’ll go get a beer from the kitchen.”

  She flew down the hall, grabbing a beer from the refrigerator, colliding again with Sophie.

  “Miss Angela...”

  “Sorry...” Angela’s apology was tossed over her shoulder as she hurried back down the hall.


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