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Reckless Abandon

Page 13

by J N Owens

  “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming. My name is Dr. Finley Carson. I want to share with you today what I believe could be a remarkable advance in what our vaccination process could look like.” Next thing I know I’m walking out and I have people shaking my hand and congratulating me. There are smiles and nods. It went by in a flash. I don’t even remember what I said. I look over to the right standing against the wall is Noah, and he is beaming, he looks proud and he just nods and that’s it, I know I did good.



  She is amazing. I don’t think I have ever met another woman like her. When I saw her sitting by the pool, I thought she was a guest visiting. I mean she is, but she laughed, one of those full body laughs so her head went back. It was beautiful. When I got a glimpse of her face, I knew it was her. I would recognize her anywhere. I remember when she was a resident. She was beautiful then, but now, she is stunning. She has grown, she is a woman. And my god, she is the most gorgeous creature I have ever laid my eyes on. Back when she was my student I couldn’t go there. I wouldn’t do that. Also, I was in a relationship, and I am not that person. I don’t do that. Then, I stayed that night to help her finish her charts. I knew it was the last time I would see her. I had spent 3 years watching her, waiting with bated breath to hear her speak, to see her smile, and now she was leaving. I needed to spend a few more hours with her. It went by too fast. So, I did what any sane person did, I asked her to dinner.

  We went to a little hole in the wall. We drank wine, too much wine, and laughed about childhood memories. I could feel my heart wrapping around her. I wanted her, my soul was attaching to her. I had never felt like this before, and when I thought of never seeing her again, I felt like I would shatter into pieces. The last few years have been torture. Absolute torture. When we got to her apartment, when I was to say goodbye, I didn’t even think, my body just reacted. I pulled her in and devoured her. She was like heaven. She tasted like the sweetest sin. I knew she would take me straight to hell, and it was a trip I would gladly take for her. I spent that entire night worshipping her. I wanted to know every inch of her. I kissed, licked, touched, and fucked every little precious inch of her body. My God she was magnificent. I knew when I left there that no one would ever replace her. I would never be able to be with anyone else. I broke up with my girlfriend and decided I would somehow, someway find my way back to Finley. I came here this week to see her. I was asked to speak this week and had initially declined. Then, I found out she was going to be giving a presentation and I had to be here. I called the board back and let them know that I would in fact be able to attend. To say they were happy would be an understatement.

  I have followed her career since we were together in Baltimore. I have never wanted anything so much in my life. I live thousands of miles away, and patient this whole time but I also have been actively searching for a position to open up closer to her. Yes, I do realize how that sounds. I realize it may come off as a complete and utter stalker, but it is not every day you come across someone who makes you feel the way she does. I was made to love this woman. She is passionate about the things I am and doesn’t stop when people tell her no. I have such admiration for that. It has been years, and there hasn’t been a day that I haven’t thought about her or a night that I haven’t dreamed about her. I ended my relationship because I knew that no matter what I had with her, it would never measure up to what I had created in my head with Finley. We might be a total failure, but I have to find out. Now, here she is. It’s like my heart suddenly fell into step with my head. Everything suddenly makes sense. Like the earth and sun finally being in the same orbit, my life is in sync. I now have purpose. All because of a beautiful brunette with a contagious laugh and a heart for healing.

  After we met up last night to have dinner, drinks, and go dancing, it was all I needed to be completely convinced she is my everything. I know I need more than just a work relationship. I want to be her everything. She comes to my seminar and I go to hers. When she gets done with her presentation, I realize she is more brilliant than I first thought. She is innovative and out of the box. Her research is absolutely groundbreaking and will change the way all children are treated. This is absolutely amazing. She will be among the greatest. I just stand here leaned against the wall and stare. I have pride in my heart, and I don’t know why, I didn’t do this, but I feel like I’m a part of it. She comes down from podium set up so everyone can see her. However, it’s not like you would have a problem seeing her, she is about six feet tall. She shakes some hands and I hear people giving their praise, and she makes her way over to me.

  “Well, what did you think?”

  “That was amazing. You are amazing. I mean I knew you were good. I knew you were smart and that your research was groundbreaking, but I had no idea you had been working on that. You are going to go in the books for that my dear. You will be sought after.” I see her blush rise from her chest to her cheeks. And gods is that sexy. I want to take her right there. It’s hard to not grab her and wrap my arms around her. I’m just not sure if she is interested in me like I am in her. Except for that gleam in her eye and the way she licks her lips when she is looking at me.

  “You want to go get some dinner?”

  “Absolutely, I am exhausted now that I have finished what I came here for, but starving.” She smiles at me. I take her hand and we walk out of the conference room. It fits perfect in mine. I’m like the grinch, my heart grows three sizes.

  We go to the hotel restaurant because we are both so tired. We have a nice dinner and have some drinks. While we are finishing off dessert, she sits back and looks at me.

  “So, you look like you are enjoying your time in Miami. Do you make it down here often?”

  “No. I don’t get down here near as often as I’d like. I actually don’t get anywhere near as much as I’d like. I just work way too much.”

  “Oh, I know that feeling. I love the beach though, so my sisters and I take a trip as often as we can. Usually, every couple months,” she says that with a big smile like she is remembering the times she has spent there.

  “So, you and your sisters are close then?”

  “Yes, very. They are my best friends. What about you, do you have any siblings?”

  “Yes. I have a younger brother and sister. They both still live in Virginia.”

  “Is that where you’re from, Virginia?” She is genuinely interested. You can always tell when someone is asking out of politeness and when someone really wants to know.

  “Yes, Alexandria. It is just outside Washington.”

  “I’ve been there before. That’s a nice area. Would you ever want to move back home?”

  “No, I mean I love it there, but I actually have been looking for positions further south.” She chokes a little on the piece of cake she puts in her mouth. She drinks some of her water and looks at me with wide eyes.

  “South? How far south?”

  Is she worried?

  “Um I was actually thinking way south. Maybe the New Orleans area.” Her eyes go super wide at that. And she freezes. OK maybe that was too much too fast.

  “Seriously? How long have you been thinking that? And why? Have you always wanted to go to New Orleans?”

  “For a while actually. I haven’t ever been there. But I hear it’s quite lovely. And there is someone there I would really like to be closer to.” She looks a little taken back, and a little confused.

  “Oh, that’s, um…. wow. I mean you being in New Orleans would definitely be amazing and really helpful for the times we work together on special cases. So, this person? It must be pretty serious if you are willing to move so far.” She looks almost sad, maybe disappointed. I hope I’m not going to screw this up. But I have to keep going, I have to tell her.

  “It’s you Fin, I want to be close to you.” Her eyes shoot to mine. “ Alright, here goes nothing. So, basically ever since we spent that one night together, I haven’t stopped thinking about you. Not for on
e day. I have wanted to be near you ever since. I was worried about bringing it up over the phone. I didn’t want a phone call to be awkward, and I wanted to wait until I had something concrete. Also, you never said anything, but seeing you now, it has brought up all those feelings from that night and I had to tell you. What would the chances be for us, if I was to come down there? If I got closer to you? I know it’s fast, and I know we haven’t seen each other in years. And even then, we didn’t really know each other on a personal level, it was literally that one night. We barely know each other now, but what do you think the chances are for a guy like you and a girl me?” I give her a little chuckle at the cheesy movie quote. And she looks at me with a tear in her eye as she tilts her head to the side.

  “I’d say one in a million.” See, and that’s why she is perfect. She got my cheesy movie quote and followed it up with her own. Its fate. “No, but seriously, I think it’s because the odds of this happening are like one in a million. This is crazy. What you just said, I have felt the same. All of it. I have been so scared to say anything about that night. But I have thought about it constantly. I have dreamed of you. And that night has left a void in me no one can fill but you. It is crazy, I know because you are right, we don’t really know each other. But I am willing to give it a go. To hear you say that to me is just, I don’t know, it seems like a dream right now.”

  “Seriously? I didn’t want to cross any lines back then. But that night, I couldn’t walk away from you. I couldn’t let you leave without having you. I wanted to remember every part of you. I haven’t gone a day without thinking about you.”

  She finally laughs.

  “I have literally dreamed of you every single night, but I need you to know something, I just got out of a bad relationship. We weren’t together long, but he was terrible. So, I need to just be careful. Take things slow.” I will literally do anything for this girl. The look on her face right now is everything. My heart is racing, causing chills to overtake me.

  “We will do whatever you need. How about we just see how the rest of the week goes? I won’t try to rush off and marry you just yet. Let’s have some fun, then we can talk when we get home and see what happens. We don’t have to plan anything or make any kind of promises.” Her smile just grows, and I want so bad to kiss her.

  “That sounds perfect.” She smiles at me, it’s absolutely gorgeous. I pay the check and I walk her back to her room with her hand in mine. I think I could probably hold her hand for the rest of my life. If that’s all I get for the rest of eternity, then having here hand in mine is enough. We get to her door and before she can say anything, I turn her into me. I reach up with my other hand catching the side of her face, and I press my mouth to hers, gently sliding my hand around her waist as I let go of her hand. Her arms come around my neck and slide into my hair. She grabs two handfuls pulling me tight to her. I slam her into the door as I take more of her mouth with mine, spreading her lips with my tongue, exploring her mouth. She tastes like I imagine heaven would taste like, and the feel of my body pushed against hers is the best part of heaven. Her hips rock into me as she moans softly into my mouth. I have to pull away or I’ll fuck her right here in the hallway. I have waited close to 6 years for her, and I can’t wait much longer. My heart is seeking her out, it’s not just my body, it’s my soul and my spirit. My entire being wants this woman. I run my hands down her sides, settling on her hips as I slowly pull back. Her eyes are hooded as she takes short deep breaths.

  “I’m going to leave now, or else this is going to go a lot further. I want you so bad Finley, but I want to respect you and take things slow. As slow as we are capable of doing. But I can’t promise you anything because I have waited a long time for you. And I want you, I want all of you.” She reaches forward, grabbing me by the back of my head, pulling me in pressing her lips to mine again. It’s a hard, passionate, but quick kiss. Then she pulls back.

  “Thank you. For tonight. And for stopping. I’ll see you tomorrow. Oh and Noah, I want you too.” She winks then opens her door and walks in.

  Holy fuck balls. I’m so screwed. This woman is going to own me, all of me.

  Neither of us have anything to do on Thursday so we spend the day on the beach. We are all laying in a cabana on the beach having some drinks and goofing around. Her friend Stacey is absolutely hysterical. Everything out of her mouth is inappropriate but hysterical. She reminds me a lot of my sister, Alana. It’s a pretty good day so far. I lean over and brush some hair away from Finley’s face, I notice Stacey roll her eyes and then push her sunglasses down to the tip of her nose.

  “Would you two just fuck already. Sheesh, the tension is actually starting to strangle me.”

  Finley looks embarrassed, but I just laugh. The sexual tension between us is getting pretty bad. Stacey’s eyes shift to in front of her, she has her sights on someone. Me and Finley both turn and look, and some random guy is standing right in front of her. Well, not right in front, but a few steps back, but he is staring at her. I don’t blame him because Stacey is pretty stunning in her red bikini and white blond hair. She has golden skin, mostly from this week, but she is a really pretty girl.

  That’s when she opens her mouth, “Oh holy Mary, when did The Rock show up to the party? Did y’all get me a present? You know it’s not my birthday till next month, but I’ll take it just the same.” She waggles her eyebrows as me and Finley laugh. She gets up and makes her way over to him, swaying her hips back and forth. I lay my head against Finley’s shoulder and chuckle.

  Finley looks over at me and smiles,

  “She is a mess. I have a feeling we won’t see her again ‘till we leave for home.”

  “Well, then I guess I am one lucky man, I get you all to myself for the next 3 or 4 days then. It doesn’t get much better than this.” That’s when we hear Stacey laughing, and the man now dubbed The Rock laughing with her. She is rubbing her hands all over his chest and arms and he is flexing. I can’t even watch this. She is putting on a show of being a regular dumb blond and I can’t decide if it’s the best or worse thing I’ve ever seen, mostly because I know she isn’t. They walk away arm and arm. He is still flexing, and she is still rubbing all over him.

  I turn back to Finley, “So you want to grab some lunch? There is a little coffee shop right around the corner, we can grab a sandwich and a coffee.”

  “That sounds amazing, let’s go.” We put our shoes on, grab our bags and head over.

  “I’m really excited to hear the end of your seminar tomorrow. And then we have the weekend to let loose.”

  “Yes ma’am, I can’t wait. I have a few things I planned last night. I think you may like them.” She gets a huge smile on her face.

  “Oh really? Like what? No. Don’t tell me. Surprise me. I love surprises.” She is getting excited like a little kid. Its fucking adorable.

  “Alright, we will head out tomorrow night after about 7. So be ready and rested.”

  “I will be. If you let me get to bed early tonight, I will be.” I grab her around the waist and swing her around as I hug her.l

  “I promise to be good and not keep you up late.” Something about being this close to her, smelling her. She smells like coconut from laying in the sun. But the lavender scent in her hair washes over me. Add that to the sight of her in her a bikini and everything goes straight to my cock. I can’t help but to draw her close and brush my lips lightly across hers. She stills in my arms as I pull back slightly to look into her eyes. She leans back in while wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me to her. She kisses me deeply and with more passion than I thought possible. I forgot it felt like this. I thought I remembered what she felt like, but I didn’t. The kiss last night was amazing, but it wasn’t like this. We had so many clothes between us, I could still feel her, but here, now we are so close to being naked. Feeling her skin against my skin. Being stone cold sober, I can feel her, I can sense what she is feeling. It takes me back instantly to that night. Now, her legs have wrapped arou
nd my waist, and I’m holding her up with my hands on her ass. Her absolutely perfect ass. I walk us up to the side of the building and put her back against it. I run my hands down her thighs and back up them and around the front of her, back up her sides just barely brushing the sides of her breasts. She gasps as I continue to explore her mouth, moving my tongue around hers, sucking her lip between mine. I run my hands around behind her, reaching one completely around pulling her tight into me, using the other hand to pull her head to the side so I have access to her neck. I lick and suck down the side and onto her shoulder. Before I even know it, we have gotten so heated, I’m sweating, and I feel like I may explode. I’m so hard, I rub my throbbing cock against her warm center. She is moaning into my ear as she runs her tongue along the outer edge and down to the lobe, sucking into her mouth. She reaches down and runs her hand along the outside of my shorts against my length. I release a low moan. She gasps lightly when she feels me. I pull back instantly. I look into her eyes, “I’m sorry Fin, I didn’t want this to happen out here. I just couldn’t not touch you. You smell so good and feel so good. It’s impossible not to touch you. I want you so fucking bad.”

  “No don’t apologize. Don’t you ever apologize for this. Your… I just can’t put words to this.”

  “I’m going to put you down now. As much as I don’t want to. I’m going to because people are looking.”

  “Yep, definitely put me down.” She grins and pulls her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “You have to stop that. You keep drawing attention to your mouth, that makes me want to fuck it.” Her eyes go wide.

  “If you keep talking to me like that, you are going to have to fuck it.” she smiles and winks at me.

  I let her down, running her body slowly down mine. I want more than anything to just take her clothes off and have her, all of her, all the time. But I will wait, I will do whatever I have to so she will be mine forever. She is flushed now that she has rubbed her way down the length of my body. It started at her breast and worked its way up to her hairline. It’s so adorably gorgeous when she does that. And it makes me want her that much more. My feelings are getting really strong. I never thought it would be this fast and strong. I thought love took time, months, years even. But days, this is insane.


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