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Unexpected Dreams: Dream Series, Book 4

Page 17

by Isabelle Peterson

  Imagining all the worst scenarios, the business one had the biggest potential for disaster; not just ruining my life, but that of Aaron and Nicole’s…and with a baby on the way…? I would have to talk to Aaron first. If he couldn’t/wouldn’t accept me, I would bow out quietly…let him buy me out for a steal, and I could move. I could go through the contacts I’d made in Chicago maybe and start over. I had met a few colleagues with expanding businesses in Northern California.

  How had I gone through thirty years of being sexually active and not knowing? The years of sleeping with random women in high school and college were just about getting my rocks off. Elizabeth took care of me, and I felt—somehow—that was enough. I walked in the same footsteps my parents had walked. My mother cared for the home, my father provided for everything, but was away from home most of the time, either at the office or away on business. I couldn’t help but wonder if his decision to be away from home was because there were too many women…present company included. Or maybe he was away so much because he was after something else. I vaguely recalled a fight my parents had one night. My mother was upset that Dad had been spending a lot of time with Jean. Suddenly I wondered if it was actually a Gene. But that was absurd. Both of my parents were devout Catholics. We went to church. We said prayers before every dinner. I remember my parents both setting the fear of God in me and my sisters, not just about sex and sex before marriage, but homosexuality and same-sex marriage being among the most unholy of unholiness, of course now, I saw that not all Catholics were this way. My parents however had their beliefs, and were vocal. I clearly remember them warning that even thinking of members of the opposite sex was just as sinful as touching. I remembered one time in middle school, Tommy DeLucca; one of my older sister’s classmates had been beaten up badly, and then died of his injuries. He had been beaten because he said he was gay. I remember my mother pointing to that kid and saying, ‘See? That’s how it is for boys like that.’ But, now that I thought about it, it was more my mother preaching. Dad always sat back. But that was the way he was. Mom, more or less, wore the pants in the family, and Dad was the provider. It was how Elizabeth and I had been with our kids; she was in charge for the most part…I was the provider.

  The whole flight home I turned over my feelings, of what happened, and what I hoped would happen. I continued to sift through childhood memories, and thoughts of my failed marriage. The twenty-some years I’d been with Elizabeth. There were clues…signals. Things I’d missed. Things I’d ignored.

  On my way home from the airport, I stopped at the store knowing I needed to buy milk and creamer, and a few other basics. I skidded to a stop in the aisle when I passed a display with the shower gel…men’s shower gel…the same men’s shower gel that was in Tanner’s shower. I grabbed a bottle and popped the top. I inhaled the fresh, cool, spicy scent, and all things Tanner flooded into mind, and I realized my mistake only when it was too late. Now I was going to have to finish my grocery shopping with a hard on. I closed the bottle, tossed it into the cart, and did my best to avoid anyone I knew. Next, I picked up a couple items in the pharmacy. Condoms and lube for Tanner’s visit later this week.

  As soon as I got home, I put away the groceries, stashed the condom and lube in my side table, and fell into bed, asleep before my head hit the pillow, with thoughts of Tanner swimming in my head. It was only six in the evening, but it was eight in Chicago.

  Wow. I’m scared. I’m actually scared.

  To be honest, I wasn’t looking for a relationship. It’s not like I was in a relationship with Jon, and I wasn’t sure I could really ‘do’ a relationship after so many failed tries. I was almost forty.

  But with Greg, everything was so natural. I was starting to want something I never knew I wanted. A boyfriend is nice but Greg was more like a…husband. Not for anything he’d done or said but more for how we complimented each other. This morning I woke up and when he wasn’t in the bed, it all became clear.

  While I was in the shower, I had come up with a stupid excuse to not spend more time with him today. I felt like if I’d stayed and had breakfast and spent the morning with him, I would make a mistake. A colossal mistake. I wanted to move faster, yet I knew Greg wasn’t ready for anything like that. Hell, I wasn’t even sure we’d be okay when he went back to California. Add to that—when I move to California, it might all blow up.

  The next few days would be telling. Time apart. Will absence make the heart grow fonder? Will Greg change his mind once he gets back home? I’d be back in Napa on Thursday for the home inspection. I would know then.


  Monday was Labor Day. Like every year, Jim and Jess held a huge picnic at their winery, TwoJs Winery. I thought about not going, but then I would have had to put up with the shit Jim would absolutely throw my way about becoming a hermit man. And I would have just sat around my quiet place thinking about Tanner, which wasn’t unpleasant, but I would also sit around stewing about how I was going to talk to Aaron. When would I talk to him? Tomorrow? Friday? October? How long could I sit on this? I felt like a ticking time bomb.

  The picnic was, as always, a big to do, and I was able to skirt through without really having to talk to anyone; just making small talk with couples I knew, many I only saw once a year here. Making my way through the party, Jim tried cornering me a few times to “talk”; which was code for “you have to meet this single woman”. Fortunately for me, business was booming and Jim’s new contacts were always asking for his time, freeing me from Jim playing the role of Chuck Woolery attempting a Love Connection for me.

  I wondered what Tanner was doing for the day. Was he spending the day at the hospital with Ashley and Oliver? Was he at some barbecue as well, walking around wishing we were together? Or was he hooking up with other guys? I still had an uncomfortable vibe when he left so quickly from the hotel Sunday morning.

  Mid afternoon, my phone pinged with a text.


  Hey. How’s things back

  in Cali? Chicago misses


  Maybe I had misjudged his exit yesterday morning. I quickly typed back:


  ALL of Chicago?

  I watched the dots on my screen move and I knew he was typing a reply. I watched and held my breath.


  Okay, just me. It’d

  BETTER be only me.

  (NOT LOL ;) ) I didn’t

  sleep well last night. I

  slept great with you at

  the hotel, and I don’t think

  it was the hotel bed. And

  now I’m very lonely

  because I’m at Mike’s

  for his annual BBQ and

  you’re not with me.

  Reading that he missed me, not just in bed, but also for just being together, made my heart beat faster. I felt my doubts and insecurities soften. Thursday was only a few days away, but suddenly it felt like a lifetime.


  I’m at a BBQ, too. Jim’s.

  And I slept like a rock

  last night. Someone wore

  me out Saturday night /

  Sunday morning.

  A moment later, a text came in with a grin face emoji. I would have to figure out how he did that. Then another message came through:


  How is Jim?


  So far, he’s fine.


  Call me when you

  get home.

  The thought of hearing Tanner’s voice sent shivers down my back and straight to my cock.


  With pleasure.

  Tanner came right back with…


  Mmmm, pleasure.

  I like the sound of that.

  My mouth started to salivate. The combination of him “saying” ‘Mmmm’ with ‘pleasure’ caused my dick to twitch painfully in my jeans, and all I could do was hope that no one at the party noticed. I was in trouble here. I th
ink it was time for me to excuse myself from this party. Jim hadn’t served the burgers yet, and if I left, he’d give me shit about being a lonely hermit man again.


  I have to put in another

  hour or so at this party.

  Now I have to kill this

  tent, if you know what I

  mean. Thanks LOL

  How do I kill it? I wondered.


  REALLY now. A tent?

  Like this one?

  Just a second after that, a text, a photo, popped onto my screen. I immediately recognized Tanner’s running shorts, and under said shorts was a bulge that had me swallowing my tongue. I bit my lip remembering having his cock in my mouth…and how good he smelled and tasted. This was doing me no favors. How did he expect me to function after a photo like that? But I couldn’t tear my eyes away. I wanted that cock again.


  You’re unbelievable. And I’m

  keeping that picture. Talk

  to you tonight.

  Another grin face emoji was his reply, and I did my best to ignore the throbbing in my crotch while I discretely adjusted my shorts. I laughed at myself considering who I had become. I was practically ‘sexting’…with a guy…while at a party. I told Tanner I’d talk to him tonight. I wasn’t the only one who wanted to talk. “Little Greg” was near desperate to talk to “Little Tanner.” Who was I kidding? All of Greg wanted to talk to all of Tanner.

  And I couldn’t have been happier.

  Two hours later, I was home. As soon as I got home, I popped the TV on to watch the game a little and dialed Tanner. The phone rang three times, and I was certain my call was about to go to voicemail. Maybe he was still at the party? But then Tanner picked up, his deep sexy voice greeting me on the on the other end of the line…

  “Hey! Sorry. Phone was on silent! I’m so glad you called.”

  I couldn’t help the smile that broke out on my face. Just hearing his voice seemed to make things all better.

  “Hello? You there?”


  “You okay?” he asked.

  “I am now,” I answered honestly. For some reason, just hearing Tanner’s voice made everything seem real and important again. I could have sworn I heard him smile. “What are you up to?” I asked.

  “Just reviewing tape of Saturday’s game,” he said. “You?”

  “Just got home. Have the Giants game on. So, how are the tapes?” I asked. Tanner talked about errors in plays, and misjudges on the field, I eyed the Giants on the screen who were losing badly. Sports all around and taking to Tanner… perfect. Elizabeth would have been pissed if I had put on a game while she talked.

  “But didn’t you win?” I asked Tanner.

  “Yeah, we won. But there’s always room for improvement…learning new things…how the other team plays… you know?” he said suggestively. Oh…I knew. His comments went straight to my dick, perking him up from ‘hanging out with Tanner,’ to ‘missing Tanner.’

  I couldn’t focus on the game. Nor could I come up with a reply to Tanner’s suggestive comment.



  “What are you wearing?”

  My heart started to beat faster and more forcefully. My dick went ‘I’m paying attention’ to ‘Let’s do this.’

  “A plaid short sleeved button-down and navy blue cargo shorts,” I replied.

  “Buttoned up?”

  “No,” I said, my voice dropping to as low as his. “Top three buttons undone. How about you?”

  “Actually…not wearing a shirt…just wearing a pair of red boxer briefs.” Shit! I listened carefully to him on the other end of the phone. I swore I could hear his hand running over his chest. My fingers itched to touch his skin. Memories flooded my mind of how he felt…how he smelled…how he tasted. My mouth was dry and my dick was banging on the front of my pants needing air.

  Feeling a bit cheeky, I shifted down in the seat, set my phone on speaker, and laid it on my leg with the speaker toward my crotch. I slowly unzipped my shorts.

  “Did you just unzip your pants?” he breathed.

  “I did.”

  “Shit,” he muttered. “Underwear?”

  “Boring white,” I confessed.

  “Nothing boring about white…especially knowing what’s inside,” he growled back. “Do you have it out yet?”

  I slowly pulled the waistband down, freeing the rigid flesh. It literally bounced once freed. “Yes. You?”

  “Been out,” he said.

  I gripped my cock hard, because if I didn’t, his next words were likely to make me blow. I ran my thumb over the tip spreading the pre-cum that seeped out.

  “How hard are you?” he asked.

  “Scale of one to ten? About an eight,” I said, trying to get a rise out of him.

  “We’ll have to see what we can do about that. Hang on a sec.” I heard some jostling on the other end of the phone, and my mind immediately started to envision his muscles flexing and bunching as he moved. His body was truly a work of art. A moment later, my phone buzzed signaling a text message. “Okay,” he said. “Go see.”

  “ ‘Kay. Hang on.” The phone vibrated signaling the incoming message as I picked it up from my leg and opened the texting app. I nearly dropped the thing when I saw the picture. The view was a low light image of his cut abs with a hint of the inscription tattoo, soft curls, and his hand gripping his cock. There was about an inch below his hand, and above his hand, his beautiful mushroom-shaped head, glistening with pre-cum.

  “Wow,” I breathed. I never ever in a million years thought I’d be attracted to another man’s dick, but Tanner’s was just perfect.

  “Your turn,” he said.

  “I’m not…” I thought about it for a second. “Just a sec.” It was only fair. Shit! I thought. Here I am a forty-five year old man, swapping obscene pics with a guy. No, I reasoned…not ‘a guy.’ Tanner. Tanner was far from just any guy. I opened the photo app, pulled up my shirt exposing my abs, and flexed as much as I could, doing my best to give him a pic similar to the one he’d just sent me.

  I was just about to delete the picture when his voice rumbled down the line. “I’m waiting…I want to see your hot bod and cock.”

  “I don’t think I photograph as well as you.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that. Send it.” I could imagine his pleading, demanding eyes, the soft blue-green orbs that spoke louder than his words.

  Against my better judgment, I hit send. Then wished I could un-send as I watched the blue bar stretch across the top of my screen. This was bad…I’d seen the news…all walks of life from teens and celebrities, getting into hot water from sending nude selfies. What was I thinking? Then again, Tanner, a sports celebrity, had sent me his first. God, this was embarrassing.

  I heard Tanner take in a breath on the other end. “Your cock is simply beautiful.”

  “Mine?” I asked, slowly stroking it again. To hear that Tanner liked my dick as much as I liked his was a turn on.

  “I wish I were there to lick it, that sweet head. Take it all the way into the back of my mouth…” As he talked, I imagined him doing all of that. I fisted myself faster, and firmer, pre-cum slicking everything up. “Mmmmm,” he groaned into the phone, I heard him panting. He was jerking off too. God this was crazy. “Long, slow firm sucks. Then, I’d pick up speed and add my hand to hold off your orgasm, although I love the sounds you make when you come.”

  His talk was doing a number on me. My fist continued to pump as I imagined Tanner’s mouth on my cock. I listened to his breathing change and knew he was enjoying this as much as I was.

  “Then I’d push you off and onto your back,” I said, getting into the game. I heard his breath hitch. “I’d slowly lick you from the bottom to the top, then take just the tip in and swirl and suck before taking in as much of that beautiful dick as I could,” I continued, recalling how he tasted.

  “Fuck!” he groa
ned. I was so close to blowing it right then. He sounded so turned on.

  “I’d work up and down your cock with my mouth, sucking and licking. My hands would be gripping your amazing ass, and holding you to me.” I listened to the soft moans on the other end of the line and grinned. “Are you ready?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he whimpered.

  “So now, I’d reach further between your cheeks and press my finger—” A strangled sound came from the other end of the phone interrupting my sentence, quickly followed by a deep long guttural groan. I knew that sound. He just came. I had to squeeze the base of my dick so that I didn’t shoot off. I wanted him to tell me when to go. “That’s it,” I said feeling emboldened that I’d made him come. “And if I were there, I’d suck every last drop off of you.”

  “And then,” Tanner started, sex dripping in his voice. “I’d drop to my knees in front of you. I’d swallow your cock in one move, never taking my eyes off of you. I’d listen to the sounds you make…I’d bob up and down your cock, taking you deep into my mouth, relishing every glorious inch. Make that sound, Greg.”

  I knew my breath was ragged, and I did groan. This was so fucking hot. But I didn’t want to come. I wanted this to last.

  “I’d flick the underside of your head. That super sensitive spot, the one that makes your hips buck. Yeah, I know that spot on you. Then, while gently rolling your balls in one hand and thumbing your nipple with the other, I’d take you all in my mouth again. Just before you blow, I’d dip my finger into your—”


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