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Unexpected Dreams: Dream Series, Book 4

Page 24

by Isabelle Peterson

  “That he’ll be there for me, support me, and be faithful to me.”

  “And that’s different from an engagement how?”

  “Because we say it is. We haven’t ruled anything out, but we’ve only been together for a few months. We said we’d talk about something more solid if we were still together in a year. But, Dad?”

  “Yes, baby?”

  “I do love him. He’s so incredibly good to me, and for me. He doesn’t pressure me, and he listens. He’s supportive. He makes me stand on my own two feet. He doesn’t let me get away with things, and I don’t let him get away with shit either.” I smiled again; she really was a strong, confident woman.

  I also liked how she’d explained ‘love’. It felt a lot like Tanner and me.

  “How about you? Are you looking for love again?” she asked quietly and carefully.

  “Who, me?”

  “Yes, you. Listen…Mom would understand,” she said.

  If you only knew… I mused. “I am sure that you are correct on that one, Phoebe. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  “But, Dad. We all need someone. You should get out there. Date again.”

  “Honey, I’ve been on several dates over the summer with some great women. Recently, I met someone who is indeed very special. I’ll let you know if things get serious.”

  It was her turn to smile at me.

  After lunch, Phoebe and I did a little shopping before she had to get back to class, since I was now staying for the week. I was again amazed at her maturity. She helped me find a few outfits and made suggestions for other ways to work the clothes.

  We walked into one store and a shirt caught my eye right away. It was a deep crimson red, the same color shirt Tanner wore when we went out for pizza in Chicago… and after pizza, we talked in his apartment…which, led to my first truly sexual guy-on-guy encounter. Just the mere thought alone had me walking funny. Fortunately, my interest in a shirt that wasn’t white or light blue had her running through the store looking for other bright colors, and she didn’t catch my ‘distress.’

  I encouraged Phoebe to buy a couple of things, but she insisted that she was well taken care of, and was just happy to spend time with me. When it was time to say goodbye, I was a bit sad when she said, “Where has ‘this you’ been all these years?” I apologized and promised her that I was going to work on us.

  The next morning I watched all of the 9/11 Memorial coverage on Good Morning America. Listening to the stories and all the names of the souls lost that day was a truly emotional experience. I still remembered waking up that day and watching it unfold live during Good Morning America. Aaron and I agreed to close the offices that week, and I sat at home with the family, cherishing my nearest and dearest more than I ever had.

  When the readers reached the W’s in the list of those remembered, I listened closely and there it was: David Joseph Williams. Although my heart ached for every name that was read, hearing Tanner’s dad’s name had me especially saddened for Tanner and his family.

  At eleven, I started to get ready to meet Tanner at the address he’d texted me. He’d asked me to be there at 12:30, and I didn’t want traffic making me late. I brushed and flossed, did my hair, and shaved. I dressed in a new suit and shirt I’d picked up during my Tuesday shopping trip with Phoebe. The crowning jewel of the ensemble was the tie. When I browsed the ties, I couldn’t believe when I found one the exact shade of Tanner’s blue-green eyes. I didn’t need Tanner nearby to know it was the same color. That color was forever burned into memory.

  The cab dropped me at the address right on time. I stood and waited, wondering if this was really a good idea. This was a deeply personal day. Had I known Tanner long enough to be included? As much as I considered leaving, I knew I had to stay. I remembered how difficult it was for him to ask me to come today. He wanted me here.

  Around twenty to one, cars started arriving, dropping off people who were a mix of somber and hopeful. Young and old alike, I could only imagine their stories. I was just about ready to leave thinking that I had no business being here, when I heard the perfect voice behind me. I turned and saw the most handsome man I had ever seen.

  He was dressed sharply in a navy blue suit and crisp white shirt accented with…a blue tie. His tie wasn’t the same color as the tie I was wearing; rather, it was a familiar color…the color of my eyes. Coincidence? His stride was so sexy. The man moved like he owned the world. I found it curious that he had a duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

  “Greg. I’m so glad you’re here,” he said with a quick, friendly-but-not-too-friendly hug. “My mom and sister and everyone will be here soon. Shall we head in?”

  Inside the restaurant, Tanner checked the duffle in at the coat check. I was just about to ask him what was in the bag, when a family I didn’t recognize came up to him and started in with conversation.

  For the rest of the luncheon, Tanner made sure I was at his side. As he’d mentioned back in Napa, he wasn’t an overly touchy kind of guy in public, but every time he touched me, either my elbow to point out something, or clasping a hand on my shoulder when he introduced me to someone, I savored the connection. It was a long afternoon; everyone exchanging stories and updates. And not once did I feel out of place.

  We spent a lot of the time with Tanner’s mother and sister, while Tanner’s brother-in-law managed Arabella and Nathan. Hearing stories of Tanner’s dad helped me see how much the two were alike. Dependable, open, warm, smart, athletic, and loyal.

  Around five, Tanner turned to me. “I’m beat. Would you mind if I stayed over with you again? Those Hilton beds are nice. So much better than the pullout sofa at my mother’s.”

  “I’d like that,” I confessed. Tanner smiled and walked us over to his mother.

  “Mom, I’m going to Greg’s for the night again, okay?” She glanced at me with those sparkly blue eyes and smiled, nodding. “And are you sure you’re okay with the next couple of days?” Tanner continued.

  “Of course. It’s all yours. Enjoy,” she said, her Australian accent much thicker than Tanner’s. “Ron and I will be fine. We can go anytime we like. Please. The place isn’t used enough.” I shot Tanner a quick look, but he shook me off with a sheepish smile. “And Greg,” she said, regarding me. “It was so nice to see you again. I hope that we get a chance to visit soon, under lighter circumstances.”

  “Absolutely, Mrs. Willia—” she looked at me with a pair of warning eyes, so I corrected myself. “Lenora.” She smiled, and reached up to hug me. She whispered in my ear, “No pressure, but I’ve never seen him happier. Thank you for putting the smile back in his eyes.” For a brief moment, I was stunned. For one that she would be so forward with a comment, but for another, I could never imagine my mother saying something like that to Tanner. Hell, probably when wind got back to her and my dad, I’d be ‘lucky’ to even talk to them again. I’d probably be swiftly drafted out of their will.

  Tanner and I made a few more good-byes, then quietly exited the building, Tanner stopping by the coat check to collect his duffle bag. Oh, the duffle bag…his telling his mom that he was going to spend the night at ‘my place’. He’d planned for this, sly dog. The doorman asked him if we’d like a cab to which Tanner nodded. While we waited, he turned to me. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” I asked.

  “For so much, but right now, for coming to this lunch. It was nice to know I had a true friend in there, not just surrounded by people I shared a sad commonality with.”

  “I was honored that you asked me,” I said truthfully.

  A yellow taxi pulled up and the doorman opened the car’s door for us. I ushered Tanner in first, then slid in behind him. The doorman closed the door, and Tanner told the cabbie where we were headed. He leaned back into the seat, looking exhausted. I was overcome with compassion for this man, and pulled him into my side, tucking him under my arm. We rode the whole way like that, Tanner under my arm, the both of us in a comfortable, understanding silence.<
br />
  There was so much I wanted to talk to him about; where he thought he and I were headed…about my breakfast with Elizabeth. But he just needed peace and comfort, and I was going to give that to him.

  We got to the hotel, still in somber silence, and I carried his bag for him. We got to the room, and quietly entered. Tanner then turned and hugged me. I dropped his bag, and hugged him back, completely understanding that this was not a sensual, or passionate hug, but a hug seeking support. He’d been strong all day, and was finally letting go. We hugged for several minutes, when he finally pulled back, his eyes damp.

  “I’m just going to brush my teeth, okay?”

  I nodded as he grabbed his bag and headed to the bathroom. I turned down the bed for us and proceeded to get out of my suit coat and tie. I had a feeling it was going to be a “cuddle” kind of night, and I was actually looking forward to that. Tanner just needed me, and I was so happy to be there for him.


  I woke again to Tanner staring down at me, his head resting on his propped up hand, his blue eyes dancing, and smile dazzling.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I’ll go buy those nose thingies to keep me from snoring. Okay?”

  Tanner burst out laughing and fell on his back. “God, you’re adorable,” he said as he quieted, re-propping himself back up. “But you weren’t snoring—this time.”

  I grabbed the pillow from under my head and swatted it at Tanner, who quickly grabbed me and pinned me down. His eyes bore into me. “When are you heading back to Napa?”


  Tanner’s eyes went wide. “Really?”

  “Earliest I could get. Why?”

  His crazy smile hit his face. “Pack.”


  “Pack up. I wanna take you somewhere. I swear, you’re gonna like this. We’ll check you out of this dump, and grab breakfast, I’ve already got a car rented, and—it’ll be great. I promise. I was planning a couple days alone, but that was before…It’ll be so much better to go with you.”

  “I want a hint.”

  He thought for a moment then said, “It’s like the west coast, only on the east coast.”

  “But we eat before we go. I need coffee.”

  “You drive a hard bargain, Mr. Fairchild.”

  “Yes, and it’s impossible for you to say no to me, Mr. Williams.”

  “You’re right. But only because it’s impossible for you to say no to me.” He was right.

  Twenty minutes later, we’d showered, dressed, and were eating a quick breakfast in the restaurant.

  “You look good in that color,” Tanner said, referring to the deep red button-down I’d picked up on my shopping ‘spree’ with Phoebe.

  “Thanks. It reminded me of a particular someone on a particular night.”

  “Oh? Would that someone happen to have taken you out for the best pizza that Chicago had to offer, and on that same night did you go to his apartment?” he growled, low so only I could hear.

  I felt my cheeks burn and I’m sure I started to match the shirt. Yes, it was the same color that Tanner had worn the night I went to his place and got the most amazing blow job of my life. My dick grew and I shifted in my seat to adjust my slacks. I cleared my throat, my eyes darting all around the now crowded, dining space. “Yes, and how is Oliver? You said he’s being released soon.”

  He smiled, understanding that I was changing the subject, not willing to have a sex filled talk in a public restaurant. While we ate, Tanner brought me up to speed on Oliver’s condition, that his numbers were strong and growing stronger every day. I hope that he’ll be home next week. I shared with him my talk with Elizabeth.

  “You are lucky. I know one guy whose wife went through the roof. Outed him on Facebook, and spread wicked lies. He lost his job because of all the shit she said.”

  “Benefit of owning your own company.”

  “But you have a business partner?”

  “I do.”

  “How do you think he will take the news? As well as your ex-wife?”

  “Actually, we talked about it last week. The night we were supposed to be at the Giants’ game. By the way, not to change subject, did you go? I watched the game looking for you, but didn’t see you.”

  “No. I stayed in and licked my wounds. Convinced I’d misjudged everything. I dated a curious guy once…way back. It ended badly. I… I thought that’s where we were headed.”

  My heart clenched. “I’m sorry. I’m not saying that it’s all going to be easy. I’m still going to struggle with this. There are lots of people to tell. Elizabeth seemed fine. I hope my kids will be fine, but my family…my parents and sisters? Well, let’s just say my parents are old school Catholic.”

  “I remember you saying that.”

  “But Aaron, my business partner, was actually pretty cool about the whole thing. Granted I told him while I was drunk out of my mind.”

  “And that surprised you? That he was okay?”

  “It did. I’d actually had my head all twisted that I was going to have to sell my half of the business to Aaron and move.”

  “Drama-queen much?”


  Tanner glanced at his watch. “Ready to go?”

  We flagged the server down and paid the bill. While I was checking out of the hotel, Tanner was on his cell confirming the rental car. Expertly, he navigated us through the city to the place via subways. I was surprised that the subways, although not the cleanest of places, ran very efficiently, and we were at the rental car company in no time.

  In the small space, Tanner gave his name to the squatty brown man behind the desk. He entered Tanner’s name in the computer then looked at Tanner from head to toe, which oddly made me a little jealous. Then the man appraised my full height and I didn’t like the feeling one bit. “The both of you?” he asked with a thick East Indian accent, screwing up his face.

  In unison, we said, “Yes.”

  “Oh no. This will never do,” he said, making a small tsk-tsk sound and shaking his head and went back to typing on his computer. Tanner’s face reddened, his fist balled at his side and he stepped forward, mouth open to protest when he man continued. “You boys will need a much bigger car. One moment, I think we have…Yes. Much better. The system had a compact car selected for you. We have a larger vehicle available. The price difference is only fifty-eight dollars for the three days you have reserved. You both are too tall for the compact car, I think. Will you be okay with the adjustment?”

  Tanner and I looked at each other, both relieved that the man was just looking out for us and not a bigot. Ten minutes later, Tanner and I were in a sedan instead of the small hatchback, and we were on our way north on I95.

  Driving out of the city, we talked about music preferences and concerts. I was more of a big hair band fan, while Tanner was into Classic Rock.

  I noticed him take a route toward Connecticut and asked, “So, are you going to tell me where we are going?”

  “Have you ever been to The Cape?”

  “Massachusetts?” I asked.

  Tanner smiled and nodded.

  “Can’t say that I have.”

  “My dad’s dream was to retire and buy a place up there,” Tanner said quietly. “With the settlements my mom wanted to honor that wish. She found this great place in Chatham. We all go up and vacation there regularly.”

  “Oh, wow. I’m sorry your dad never got to live that out.” Quietly, I took Tanner’s hand that was resting on the center console in mine. He looked down at our hands and wove our fingers together, then looked at me, a mix of sadness and happiness in his eyes.

  “Usually,” he continued, “we all spend the week up here after the services, but this year didn’t really work out. My sister’s husband has a business commitment he couldn’t rearrange, and my mother’s boyfriend, Jeremy,” I nodded acknowledging that I knew whom he was talking about. “His daughter is having surgery on Friday, so, they won’t be coming. It’s a r
eally peaceful place. I hope you like it.”

  “It sounds wonderful.”

  Tanner told me a little about the property and it really sounded peaceful, but as he talked it registered, just how special this place was. Without interruptions. And it was secluded. My thoughts turned to…well…sex. After all, I was sitting in a car with an unbelievably handsome man, and we’d done just about everything else. As I was thinking about sex, I started to seriously consider how this was going to go ‘down.’ If Tanner was a ‘top,’ would I be okay with that? I trusted him, I think, to not hurt me, but Tanner’s cock was a far cry from his finger. If he was a ‘bottom,’ could I do that? The thought was exciting, but also terrifying. I didn’t want to hurt him. What if I didn’t do it right? It was something I’d thought of doing way back in my younger years, but never met a girl who was willing to try. I knew that Elizabeth was not candidate.

  “Hey, you okay?” Tanner asked, jostling my hand that I now realized had gotten clammy. I also realized my breath had grown shallow.

  “Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine,” I lied. I mean…I was fine. I was just as fucking nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

  “No you’re not. What’s got you so quiet? You’re gonna tell me. Remember—you admitted just this morning that you can’t tell me no.”

  I laughed in spite of myself. “I’m just being … forget it.”

  “You’re nervous, aren’t you?”

  I looked at him and, fighting the wicked dry mouth and the lump in my throat, straight up lied. “No way! I’m good. Seriously.” I couldn’t say that I was nervous about sex with him! It would make me sound like a total wuss. I wasn’t necessarily nervous. More excited, but it was all such new ‘territory.’

  He eyed me with a cocky brow lift and let go of my hand, rubbing it on his pant leg. “Uh-huh. Sure you are.” Busted. “Sweaty hands. Rapid breath. Flushed neck. You’re nervous.” He placed his and at the back of my neck and ran his thumb up and down, comfortingly. “I’m nervous, too,” he said softly.


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