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by Aubrey Ross

  Disappointment washed over Teladorian with unexpected intensity. The lack of lust in her expression had been delightfully refreshing. He should have realized it was a side effect of her depleted energy. Females hungered for him. There was no exception to the “curse” bequeathed to him by his father.

  "At the risk of sounding like an opportunistic bastard, there is more than one way to feed a vampire.” He smiled and watched her face, waiting for lust to twist her lovely features.

  "I don't see how fucking you will help, though it's certainly a pleasant thought.” She managed to produce a weak smile. “I need blood and you've already given me all you can spare."

  Pleasant? The thought of fucking him was nothing more than pleasant? An alien sensation crept into his mind. He couldn't identify the emotion. Disappointment? Disbelief? She didn't want him. He couldn't move beyond the realization.

  According to your mother, it will happen. You'll find your mate and the “curse” will be broken. Azariel's words echoed, compounding his confusion and seeding his mind with hope. Was it possible? Could she be the one?

  "I need to feed.” Her voice was sharper, impatient.

  "Azariel,” Teladorian prompted.

  Without argument, Azariel drove down a side street and found a secluded parking lot. He turned off the engine and pivoted in his seat. “Do you want my wrist, or do you have something else in mind?"

  She chuckled, looking from Azariel to Teladorian and back. “I have two gorgeous men willing to indulge me. What could I possibly have in mind?"

  Teladorian recognized the sensual purr of an aroused woman, but Sophie's gaze was fixed on Azariel. Was she trying to make him jealous? Why couldn't he sense her emotions now? She had come through so clearly while she was in danger.

  Do you have any objection, boss? She obviously wants to play.

  I say we give her what she wants. He sounded far more casual than he felt. Why was this bothering him? Vampires frequently fucked when they fed. It made the experience more fulfilling for everyone.

  Besides, he had no hold over Sophie, no reason to object. Unless ... No, that was foolish. There was no such thing as a curse!

  Sophie was hungry; she should feed. It was as simple as that.

  Azariel joined them in the backseat, and Sophie greeted him with a passionate kiss. Teladorian watched their lips move and clenched his hands so tight his fingers ached. He had shared women with Azariel before. Why did this feel so different?

  With one hand curled around the back of Azariel's neck, Sophie turned and offered her mouth to Teladorian. He didn't hesitate. He framed her face with his hands and kissed her, ignoring the possessive urge to stake his claim and wrest her away from the other man.

  Her tongue slid against his, warm and assertive. She boldly stroked his chest and squeezed his shoulders. Understanding unfurled within him. She needed to reassert control over her life and her body. This wasn't about him or Azariel, this was about Sophie. Soothed by the knowledge, Teladorian responded to the kiss and allowed her to set the pace.

  She pulled away with a sexy smile and looked at Azariel. “Lock your hands behind your head. I have no intention of being singed by you."

  Azariel arched his brow, obviously insulted by the directive. “I haven't lost control like that in a very long time."

  "Indulge me.” When he still hesitated, she added, “I'll make it worth your while."

  His dark eyes narrowed, but he slowly raised his arms and interlaced his fingers as she'd directed. “I'm entirely at your mercy."

  "Sure you are.” After tugging Azariel's shirt out of his pants, she unbuckled his belt. “This isn't the first time you've fed a vampire, I take it."

  "No, but it's been a very long time."

  She glanced at Teladorian, lashes lowered, shielding her expressive eyes. “How about you? Was I your first?"

  "You were dying,” Teladorian reminded her. “Nothing else mattered."

  "I'm glad you felt that way. Many, perhaps most, would have let me die.” She blew him a kiss then turned back to Azariel.

  She unzipped his pants, and he raised his hips, allowing her to pull them down. Her fingers curved around his hardened shaft, thumb sweeping over the engorged tip. Azariel groaned, closing his eyes against the pleasure of her touch.

  "Has anyone ever fed directly from your cock?"

  Teladorian pictured fangs biting into his sensitive flesh and shuddered. Wouldn't the pain be counterproductive?

  "I knew a vampire who only fed as her partners climaxed and she preferred not to be distracted by her own pleasure.” Azariel sounded hoarse as she skillfully pumped his rod. “Her blood thrall sucked me off while she fed from my wrist. I came so hard, I nearly blacked out."

  "I prefer a more direct approach.” She bent over his lap and sucked the head of his cock into her mouth.

  Teladorian watched her head bob for a moment, coveting the warmth of her lips and the moist haven of her mouth. His cock twitched and pressure built in his balls. A spontaneous smile curved his lips. Now he wasn't just hungry, he was horny.

  She shifted position, folding one leg beneath her on the seat and angling the other toward the floor. Her raised foot pressed against his thigh and her rounded ass wiggled beguilingly. Her snug skirt rode up, revealing her lace top stockings, and a glimpse of her silk-covered sex.

  Unable to resist the silent invitation, Teladorian lifted her foot onto his lap and spread her legs. He pushed her skirt to her waist and whispered, “Fuck.” The silky cheeks of her ass were left bare by a black thong. He caressed one perfect globe, exploring the firm contour and sleek texture.

  A vivid image flashed to life within his mind. He was sucking the flesh of one cheek firmly while his hand thrust between her thighs. More than willing to accommodate her silent request, he slipped his fingers beneath the damp fabric of her panties and pushed into her waiting pussy. She groaned around Azariel's cock, her inner muscles squeezing Teladorian's fingers.

  He lowered his face, brushing his lips against her smooth ass cheek. Rich and evocative, her scent filled his nose and intensified his arousal. He licked her skin then sucked on her flesh, moving from one cheek to the other. He wanted to heat these flawless cheeks with the palm of his hand, then drive his aching cock into her tight little hole. He wanted her taste on his tongue and her breasts in his hands while he thrust deeper and deeper.

  She rocked back and forth, fucking his fingers while her mouth slid up and down Azariel's shaft. Her cunt gripped his fingers, making him restless for more than this teasing prelude. If he kept his back bent, there might be enough room to fuck her while ... Her inner muscles pulsed as a sudden orgasm claimed her.

  Azariel cried out sharply, his hips bucking as her mouth drew deeply on his cock. Sexual energy crackled and flowed. Unable to suppress his craving a moment longer, Teladorian absorbed her essence, carefully mirroring the rhythm of her mouth. Her richness saturated his ravenous body, making him shiver and moan.

  She slowed, releasing Azariel's cock as she panted for breath. Teladorian withdrew as well, longing for more, hungry still.

  Her pussy fluttered with echoes of her climax. Her cream soaked his fingers and pooled in his palm. Easing his hand out from between her thighs, he raised it to his mouth and savored the salty tang of her arousal.

  He closed his eyes and pictured her on her back, sleek thighs framing his face. He'd explore every fold and furrow, driving her wild with his mouth until she came hard and fast around his tongue.

  She sat between them with a sigh, and Teladorian opened his eyes. Her face was flushed, a dreamy smile curving her lips.

  "That was ... interesting.” Azariel righted his clothing, his breathing nearly as ragged as hers.

  "Let's get moving,” Teladorian said. “I don't want to fuck her until I can do it properly, but I'm not sure how much longer I can wait."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Two

  Usually a hard climax and a full stomach left Sophie
sleepy and satisfied. Instead her nipples stung and her pussy ached. “How far away is your house?” She pivoted on the seat and looked at her handsome rescuer.

  His gaze gleamed, yet his features were lost in the dimness surrounding them. “Ready for more?"

  She didn't miss the subtle edge in his tone. Was he jealous? He was the only one who had yet to come. Perhaps his annoyance was understandable. “Appetizers always leave me hungry for the entrée."

  With a predatory growl, he swept her into his arms and laid her back across the seat. Her legs arched over his lap and his eyes began to glow. Doubt welled within her, unexpected and uninvited. Her entire body was humming with desire. Why was she hesitating?

  "I've been trying to scan you ever since I pulled myself together enough to wonder what sort of person takes on vampire assassins.” She tried to make the comment casual, but tension sharpened her tone. “You're obviously not entirely human, but I can't sense your nature."

  "Does it matter?” He deftly worked the buttons on the front of her blouse and parted the material.

  "It might.” She caught his wrist and guided his hand away from her breast.

  "Do you really want to talk right now?” One corner of his mouth quirked, drawing her attention to his sensual lips.

  "My body doesn't want me to talk, but I need to understand what's happening."

  "Fair enough. I have a few questions of my own.” He lowered her legs to the floor and slid to the opposite side of the seat. “Why were assassins trying to kill you?"

  She pulled her blouse together and fastened a couple of the buttons, cursing her curiosity more vehemently with each movement she made. She was in the backseat of a luxury sedan with the most desirable man she'd ever encountered, and she insisted on conversation? What the hell was wrong with her?

  "How much do you know about vampires?” She crossed her arms over her chest and did her best to ignore the emptiness between her thighs.

  "I know you're not descendants of a Romanian warlord who pissed off God."

  She couldn't help but smile. Vampire lore never failed to amuse her. “Full-blooded vampires, organic vampires, are not transformed, we're born. We only resorted to transforming other races as our numbers dwindled in recent centuries."

  "Are you one of the twelve original lines?"

  His question surprised her. If he knew about the twelve, why hadn't he recognized her name? “My father is Vasco clan leader. I was born of his transformed mistress, but I'm still considered organic by most standards."

  "I didn't think transformed humans could bear vampiric children."

  "She wasn't human.” Curiosity narrowed his gaze and she chuckled. “Which brings us back to my original question. What are you hiding behind those shields?"

  "Most consider me a demon. My mother is human. My father was ... complicated. But you didn't answer my question either. Why have you been marked for death?"

  She sighed and gazed out the window. The street was dark, an occasional light passing in the distance the only distraction from endless night. She'd come so far and worked so hard to build a life separate from clan politics. She should have realized she couldn't change who she was any more than she could stop being a vampire.

  "As you said, organic vampires have dwindled to the twelve remaining clans,” she began. “For the most part, the clans accept each other's differences and keep to themselves. However, the recent decisions of one clan leader have put unwanted pressure on the other clans."

  "Is your father this wayward clan leader?"

  "Not exactly. Bear with me for a moment. It will all make sense. Some of the clans have successfully integrated into modern society. They live among humans and operate businesses without disrupting the status quo. Others choose to live separately, only interacting with humans when there is no other alternative. The Vasco clan has been integrated for several centuries. My father owns a resort in Las Vegas."

  "How has this put pressure on the other clans?"

  "As I said, my father is not the culprit. Darius, leader of Zoltan clan, recently decided his descendants need to modernize. He approached my father and asked for his assistance in adjusting to the modern age."

  "Who was upset by this decision?"

  "Edmond Duarte. He is the oldest and most adamantly opposed to any interaction with other races. You see, the decision to modernize Zoltan clan shifted the balance of power. There have always been six clans for separatist ideals and six clans for integration."

  "Why didn't Edmond attack Darius directly?"

  "I suspect he will, eventually. But first Edmond wants to make sure no one is willing to help Darius accomplish his goal. Zoltan clan has spent the past two hundred years sequestered from humans. They have no idea how to go about integrating into modern society. That's where my father came in. He agreed to tutor the Zoltan heirs, to introduce them to the challenges and wonders of modern America."

  "Are you certain your attack was related to this conflict?"

  "My father received a message yesterday warning him to withdraw his support of Darius. It said he was likely to find the cost of his decision far higher than he was expecting to pay. It upset him enough that he called me and insisted I return to the compound."

  "The message could mean anything."

  "It could, but the assassins spoke to each other in Latin. Most thugs aren't fluent in ancient dialects. I'm pretty sure they weren't academics."

  "I doubt that would convince the vampire council. Everything you've explained is pretty circumstantial."

  "I agree, which is why I need some time to investigate. I'll start by locating my worthless lover. He's the one who set up the ambush."

  He inclined his head, his gaze caressing her again. “You're welcome to stay as long as you like. You will be safe in my home."

  * * * *

  Randolph Bronstein pushed back from his desk and stood. Intimidation was a favorite strategy for most vampires, but he refused to be bullied. “Station X is neutral ground. I could ban your entire clan for the stunt you pulled tonight."

  "I will not leave without the names of the culprits who attacked my men.” Edmond Duarte clasped his hands behind his back and raised his chin. Light reflected off the surface of his colorless eyes, making the irises shimmer like water. He parted his lips, displaying his fangs as he waited for Randolph to capitulate.

  Randolph barely concealed an unexpected shiver. Duarte was ancient, one of the oldest vampires in existence. Still, Randolph couldn't give in to his demands. It would set a dangerous precedence. Rather than cower, he walked around the desk and stood toe to toe with Duarte.

  "We both know the attack was provoked. Your men instigated the aggression."

  "The details are irrelevant.” Duarte waved away the comment. “I will have the names."

  "You will not have them from me.” He paused as the statement sank in. “The safety of my customers is—"

  Duarte snarled and grabbed Randolph by the throat. “I don't care about your customers. I don't like repeating myself."

  A forceful presence shoved into Randolph's mind and he poured energy into his mental shields. That's extremely rude. Withdraw immediately or I'll have you blacklisted. Even the most reclusive vampire depended on the paranormal community to some extent. Those who were completely cut off tended to fade into obscurity.

  With a frustrated hiss and obvious reluctance, Duarte released him. “There is no need for this. Just tell me their names."

  "My success as a businessman is dependant upon my discretion. Once that trust is broken, it can't be reclaimed.” He leaned his hip against his desktop and crossed his arms over his chest. “I'm sure you understand."

  A long moment passed as they glared at each other. Duarte's nostrils flared and his lips pressed together. “If I find out you played any part in the attack, I will return."

  He was tempted to remind the vampire that his men were in violation of house rules. Duarte might not care about the services offered at Station X, but sever
al members of his clan were frequent customers. Instead, he held his tongue and waited for Duarte to depart. This was the third vampire altercation in the past week. Something was brewing among the vampire clans, and he needed to find out the details. Forewarned was forearmed. Randolph had learned that lesson the hard way.

  "What was that about?"

  Randolph turned his head and found Nolan standing in the doorway. Tall and agile, Nolan ran security for the club. “Duarte wanted the names of Sophie's rescuers."

  "Did you tell him?"

  "Hell, no. He sent assassins into my club! What the fuck was he thinking? I will not let a xenophobic vampire destroy all I've accomplished here."

  "Do you know where Sophie is? Vasco called while you were talking to Duarte. He's worried about his little girl."

  "Little girl?” Randolph snorted. “I've seen his little girl's fangs. Did you tell him what happened?"

  "I started to, but it just didn't feel right. How did they know where to find her? Sophie's always been secretive."

  "Your instincts have never failed. If you couldn't bring yourself to tell Vasco, there must have been a reason."

  "I'll let Teladorian know Duarte's on the warpath, and Vasco is getting restless."

  "Good idea. We can't afford to piss off our benefactor."

  Nolan nodded and left the room.

  * * * *

  Nolan's message was waiting for Teladorian when he arrived at his house. He settled Sophie in the living room then took Azariel into the library. “I know you've been running errands for me all night, but I need one more favor before I cut you loose."

  "No problem, boss.” He chuckled, yet silent warning flashed within his eyes. Azariel was no one's servant and he would indulge a friend only so far.

  "I need you to go to Edmond Duarte and make sure he understands that Sophie is under my protection."

  Azariel heaved a frustrated sigh. “Duarte is a pain in the ass. His thugs can't get past your shields and everyone knows it. She's safe. Take her off to bed and enjoy yourselves. Besides, confronting that prick will only confirm her whereabouts, if he hasn't figured it out already."


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