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Page 3

by Aubrey Ross

  "She shouldn't have to hide. Duarte needs to know we won't be bullied."

  "We? When did you two become a couple?"

  "As soon as her lips met mine.” The conviction in his tone surprised Teladorian. Still, he didn't soften the statement. Azariel knew him too well. It was a waste of time to try and deceive him. “I'm not sure I understand it, but she's different, special. She affects me like no other woman has ever affected me."

  "Is that why you sensed her so strongly? Is she—"

  "Don't go there. It's much too soon to even consider the possibility. It's far more likely that fear amplified her signal. Every species has a survival mechanism."

  Azariel stared at him for a long, silent moment. Speculation bled through his mental shields, but his expression revealed nothing. “All right. I'll talk to Duarte. I don't see why he can't pick up the phone like everyone else, but I'll go."

  "Thank you."

  "Why don't you tell her your protection spells have kept Duarte safe and prosperous for centuries? You could threaten to reverse the spells if he doesn't leave Vasco clan alone."

  "Political neutrality has kept me in business for five hundred years. There is no way I'm going to fuck that up now."

  "Then how can you offer your protection to Sophie?"

  "This thing with Sophie is personal, not political. Duarte will simply have to choose another target."

  "Somehow I don't think Sophie will see it that way."

  Azariel left without another word and Teladorian rubbed the back of his neck. This was the reason he kept himself apart and only fed from strangers. Relationships never failed to twist everything around them.

  He returned to the living room, but it was empty. Panic surged through his system, and he shook his head, forcing the emotion to abate with a deep breath. He knew little more than her name. How could she possibly command such strong emotions?

  She had wandered into the music room at the front of the house. Her fingertips trailed along the polished top of the grand piano as she circled the instrument.

  "Do you play?"

  Snatching her hand back like a guilty child, she looked at him and smiled. “No. Do you?"

  "Sometimes. I find it calms me when I'm particularly restless."

  "Do you grow restless often?"

  "Just when I'm hungry."

  She accepted the comment with a nod and strolled toward him. “You're not a vampire. I'd sense it if you were, but I suspect you don't eat as humans eat."

  "I enjoy food frequently. I'm particularly fond of pasta."

  "But it doesn't sustain you.” She stopped a step away, her eyes wide and luminous. “What do you need to banish your hunger?"

  "Energy.” They were so close to the truth, but he couldn't bear to see disgust or fear change her expression. He took the final step, bringing her within reach of his hands.

  "Sexual energy?"

  "Why would that be your first guess?"

  "While I fed from your friend, I felt energy rushing through me—and flowing out of me. I know it wasn't Azariel. Was it you?"

  He hadn't intended on telling her this soon. He'd wanted her to become accustomed to his personality before he risked exposing his soul. Her expression was open and curious, making the temptation to confess irresistible. He'd fed from her once without her knowledge. He didn't want to touch her again until she understood what was happening.

  He swallowed hard, forcing down the lump in his throat. She would either accept him or not. He couldn't control her reaction. It was better to have it out in the open now. “An incubus took possession of my father and used his body to seduce my mother. They had been married for eight years and she hadn't conceived. Then the demon insinuated himself into the mix, and nine months later I arrived."

  Her eyes widened then narrowed, confusion knitting her brow. “Was this ... traumatic for your physical parents or were they relatively willing?"

  "My mother sensed the spirit from the start. It took a while longer for my father to admit he wasn't in control of his body."

  "Wasn't your mother frightened?"

  "I don't know the details. Thinking about my parents having sex is disturbing enough without throwing another entity into bed with them. All I know is they were thrilled to have a son, at least in the beginning."

  She tilted her head, her dark eyes shining with compassion and curiosity. “What happened to interfere with their joy?"

  "My other father's nature manifested when I went through puberty. My mother called it a curse and that label fits as well as any. My craving for sexual energy gradually builds until I have no choice but to feed."

  "Do you only feed from willing partners?"

  "Of course. Even the thought of forcing myself on anyone is repugnant.” The fact that women became unnaturally aroused whenever he was hungry made the possibility moot. Still, he wasn't ready to reveal that particular detail.

  "You didn't ask permission to feed from me.” Despite the accusation in her words, her tone was soft and caressing. She didn't seem put off by his explanation. If anything, it had fueled the interest smoldering in her eyes.

  "You clearly offered me your body. If I overstepped the invitation, I apologize."

  "Do your lovers realize what you're doing, or do they just think they're fucking you?” She gently squeezed his arm when he hesitated over the answer. “I'm not judging you. I understand what it's like to be driven by hunger. I'm just trying to understand your life."

  "Most are unaware of the actual exchange.” She didn't need to know he made sure they only remembered the sex. Omission was a form of deception, but easing someone into a concept might be considered tact. He chose the latter. “It's safer that way. Not everyone is tolerant of demons. Certain precautions are unavoidable."

  "Are you hungry now?"

  He hesitated again, unwilling to risk the fragile trust forming between them. Her reaction mattered far more than it should have, and he wasn't sure why. “Feeding you has left me ravenous. If you're offering to feed me, I would welcome the exchange."

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  Chapter Three

  Cadin stood in the shadows watching Edmond Duarte pace his bedchamber. Duarte had been in a snit ever since he returned from Station X. Apparently the appointment with Bronstein had not gone as planned.

  "I cannot allow a half-breed female to get the best of me,” he snapped.

  "Wouldn't it be easier to cut your losses and move on?” Emit asked. “Vasco has other children. Monique might be an easier target anyway. She works in his casino."

  Duarte glared at his son, anger making his crystalline eyes flash like lightning. “When have I ever been concerned with what was easy? Someone interfered with my plans and I mean to make them regret the intrusion."

  "I understand your intentions. However, you must weigh the importance of—"

  "I must do nothing!"

  Emit cringed, a clear mistake. Duarte had no patience for weakness or indecision. Cadin had only been attached to the family for a few months and already knew Duarte better than his son knew him.

  "I meant no disrespect, Father. I was only trying to help."

  "You help most when you obey without argument. Find out who rescued the girl, and where she is now."

  A servant tapped on the open door, drawing their attention. “You have a visitor, sir. Said his name was Azariel. What shall I tell him?"

  "Azariel?” He looked at Emit expectantly. “Do I know an Azariel?"

  "He's a friend of Teladorian. We don't know him well."

  "What does he want?” he asked the servant.

  "He only said it was important. I asked him to wait in the front parlor."

  Duarte turned back to Emit and waved him toward the door. “Go see what he wants."

  Cadin melded with Emit's shadow as he hurried to obey. What a spineless fool. Duarte clan would never accept him as their leader unless he grew a set of balls.

  Their visitor stood by the window, his hands clas
ped behind his back. Tall and broad-shouldered, he was the sort of man who turned heads whenever he entered a room. His thick blond hair flowed away from his face in distinct waves, the luxurious mass a dramatic contrast to his rugged features. He turned from the window as Emit stepped into the room.

  "Good evening,” Azariel said when Emit failed to greet him. “I have a message for your father."

  "He asked me to speak with you."

  "I'd be more comfortable giving the message directly to your father."

  "That's not going to happen, so speak."

  Azariel inclined his head then said, “Sophie Vasco is under the protection of Teladorian Haize. If your father wants to continue doing business with Mr. Haize, he will call off the hunt and leave Ms. Vasco alone from this night forward."

  "Was Haize at Station X tonight?” Emit's tone snapped with accusation.

  "The details are unimportant. All your father needs to know is his options."

  "Or else isn't much of an option."

  "Explain it however you like, just make sure your father understands the situation. Thank you for seeing me. I won't take up any more of your time."

  "Wait!” Emit stepped in front of the door. “I suspect my father will want to speak with you."

  "Nothing he could say will change the result. Mr. Haize insists that she be left alone."

  "Please, just a moment of your time."

  Without giving him the opportunity to argue, Emit rushed from the room. Cadin reviewed what he knew about Teladorian Haize. He was a sorcerer who constructed protection spells for anyone rich enough to pay his exorbitant fees. Haize wards surrounded all of Duarte's properties and many of his kin.

  Emit returned to his father's bedroom and knocked firmly on the door.


  "Did you know Sophie Vasco is under Teladorian's protection?"

  "That's preposterous. Haize is a recluse. He doesn't give a damn about anyone."

  "Well, someone needs to tell Azariel. He said Teladorian sent him here to make sure you leave Sophie alone."

  Duarte stilled, tension knitting his features. “Surely it wasn't ... Was Haize at that club tonight?"

  "Azariel wouldn't say one way or the other."

  "How else would Haize know about the girl?"

  "An excellent question. What do you want me to do?"

  "Is your shadow creature trailing you?"

  "Cadin? Are you here?"

  Cadin materialized between the two vampires, exhilarated by their anxiety. Corporeal entities were so easy to unnerve and chaos beings thrived on their conflicts.

  "Does it always follow you around like that?"

  "What did you want with her?"

  Cadin didn't bother correcting Emit. Gender didn't apply to noncorporeal beings. Cadin could temporarily take on any form. Emit seemed more comfortable with females, so Cadin generally materialized as a woman. “What can I do for you?"

  "Attach yourself to Azariel. That should get you past Teladorian's shields. Find out all you can about his interest in Sophie and return with a detailed report. I'm especially interested in knowing if Haize was directly involved in her rescue."

  "I understand.” Cadin dissolved into shadow, thrilled by the prospect of a new situation.

  * * * *

  The hope in Teladorian's eyes made Sophie's heart flutter. He held himself with regal composure, yet she sensed vulnerability beneath his noble reserve. He needed sexual energy to sustain his life, and she needed blood. She had been surrounded by others like her, helping her accept her needs and teaching her to revel in her true nature. He had been alone his entire life, isolated and ... different.

  "I'm not afraid of you.” She traced his stubborn jaw line with her fingertips. “We are more alike than we are different. You offered me sustenance when I was famished. It's only right that I do the same."

  He caught her wrist and pulled her hand away from his face. “I don't want your pity."

  She smiled. “So proud, and so damn gorgeous. Do you honestly think all I feel for you is gratitude?"

  His lips pressed into an unhappy line as his gaze searched hers. “I don't know what you feel. I can't sense your emotions."

  "Really? I thought you were empathic with any female."

  "So did I.” He released her hand then pressed his palm against the side of her face, warming her skin. “I clearly sensed your fear, but you've been unreadable ever since your strength returned."

  "I didn't consciously cry out. I remember a sense of panic. I knew I was about to die. Instinct must have taken over and punched through their shields."

  "And now? Are you consciously blocking me?"

  "I've spent my entire life around people who can read my mind. Shields are second nature for most vampires.” She turned her head and lightly nipped the heel of his hand. “I guess you'll have to rely on your other senses.” His gaze caressed her face, intense and consuming. “Are my pupils dilated?"

  "It's hard to tell. Your eyes are so dark, I'm not sure where your irises end and your pupils begin.” His thumb brushed over the crest of her cheek, the simple touch surprisingly evocative. “Your skin is flushed and your breathing seems a bit fast."

  "That could be anxiety."

  "It could, but anxiety doesn't explain this.” Gently cupping her breast, he stroked her beaded nipple with his thumb. “Are your nipples sensitive? Can you come with nothing more than the sensations created here?” He caught her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, firmly rolling the tender crest.

  Tingles spiraled into her chest and she shivered. All uncertainty vanished from his bearing. She was in his arena now. He depended on sexuality for existence. Without her pleasure he would literally starve.

  "Take off your blouse."

  The command jarred her out of the moment and brought up her emotional shields. “I don't want to."

  "Then I'll show you to a guest room.” He guided her hand to the front of his pants and pressed her palm against his erection. “I obviously want you. Now show me what you want. Either offer me your breasts or we part company for the rest of the night."

  "I don't respond well to ultimatums.” She pulled her hand out from under his and stepped back.

  "I didn't mean it as an ultimatum.” He raked his hair with his fingers and sighed. “There is usually no question about what my partner is feeling. I only wanted to be certain of your desire."

  His frustration soothed her and made her feel guilty at the same time. “I'm sorry. My past is filled with domineering men. I'm tired of being bossed around."

  Without a word, he pulled off his boots and tucked his socks down inside them. Then he tugged his shirt off over his head and tossed it aside. Last, he took off his pants and stood before her naked, eyes filled with challenge.

  "I'm entirely at your disposal,” he said with a crooked smile. “I await your command."

  Her gaze descended from his head to his toes in one lingering sweep. The golden highlights in his sleek black hair glinted in the soft lamplight. From his wide brow to the cleft in his chin, each feature complemented the next, creating a face both sensual and striking.

  His torso tapered dramatically from broad shoulders to narrow hips. Contoured with sharp definition, his abdomen led her gaze to the proud jut of his cock. The tip was flared, the shaft thick and long, and wiry hair covered his balls. She glanced at his strong legs and narrow feet, but her gaze quickly returned to his sex.

  "Impressive.” The word slipped out of her mind and onto her tongue before she could stop it.

  "Touch me, if you like. Or better yet, tell me to touch you. I've thought of little else."

  Silken temptation. The man was a feast for the senses. All she had to do was decide where to start. “Undress me.” She dragged her gaze away from his cock and looked into his eyes.

  "With my fingers or my teeth?” He punctuated the question with another sexy smile.

  She pictured his teeth scraping over her skin, his breath warm and teasing. She'
d be senseless and trembling in mere moments if she let him use his mouth. “Your fingers, for now."

  He curved his hand around the back of her neck and bent toward her. “May I kiss you first? I'm dying for the taste of your lips."

  How could she resist when she was just as hungry? “I suppose I'll have to allow it. I can't have you fainting before we get to the good part."

  He pulled her into his arms and pushed one hand into her hair. His lips brushed over hers then pulled away. “You don't consider kissing one of the good parts?"

  "That depends who's kissing me."

  Accepting the challenge, he returned his lips to hers. His mouth slid over and against hers, caressing and tempting. She waited for the wet thrust of his tongue, but he nibbled and pressed instead. His gentleness made her restless, so she took his face between her hands and opened her mouth.

  Still, he teased her, caressing her lower lip with his tongue without venturing deeper. She murmured a throaty protest and found his tongue with hers. He greeted her with a warm swirl and followed her back into her mouth.

  Finally! He kissed her in earnest, sliding his tongue against hers and carefully sucking on her lips. She didn't realize what he was doing until she felt her blouse slip down her arms and his fingers unfastening her skirt.

  She kicked off her shoes and wiggled out of her skirt, while he unfastened her bra. When she wore nothing more than her silk stockings and a black thong, he broke the kiss and pushed her to arm's length.

  "You are so beautiful.” He circled her nipple with his fingertip then looked into her eyes. “You never answered my question. Are your nipples sensitive?"

  "Why don't you find out?” The emptiness between her thighs had begun to ache. She felt restless and needy, but she wasn't ready to release control of the exchange.

  He wrapped his arm around her back and bent her slightly as he lowered his mouth to her breast. After a warm swirl of his tongue, he captured her nipple between his lips and sucked firmly. She wiggled and arched, pressing herself more firmly against his mouth. Like flaming arrows, sensation streaked from her chest to her pussy with each pull of his lips.

  "Tel, please, stop teasing me.” She tugged lightly on his hair. “I need you inside me, now."


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