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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 64

by Emily Bex

  “Do not gulp, mi amore, it will help to not gulp. Feed normal, draw slowly and swallow, try it.” Shade wondered if she could see Padre in the room, or if she thought he had been the one who willed forth the fire.

  Kate slid her arms around his back and laid her head on his shoulder, her lips brushed his neck and she felt her fangs punch through with a clicking sound. She licked the soft skin of Shade’s neck before sinking her fangs into him and feeling his blood hit her tongue. The moan escaped her, and she felt his hands as they caressed the bare skin of her back. She drank slowly, eyes closed, savoring the taste of him. When she opened her eyes, she saw the silhouette of a man standing near the fire, which was now burning brightly once again. She unlatched from him as her heartbeat quickened. They were in this tomb alone, who was this man? She growled, and he turned his head slowly and looked at Kate over his shoulder. Except for the brown eyes, he looked strikingly like Shade. “Lover? Who is this man?”

  “I am Christofano Medici, Shade's padre.” Bowing slowly, he raised his eyes to her. “Welcome, Queen Medici. You have done well to return to mio figlio. You have pleased me greatly.”

  Kate stared at him, as she did Portia only a few nights earlier as she stood before the mirror. She was suddenly aware of her nudity and leaned in closer to Shade, when his father stepped forward, picked up her torn gown from the floor and slipped it around her. Kate stared at him, his features, his mannerism, his movements, “You are just like him... or, he like you.”

  His face showed no emotion, and she understood why Shade felt only coldness from him, but there was more there than he liked the world to see. Kate had seen Portia, felt her kindness, and her gentle spirit. She wasn’t a woman who’d be drawn to a cold and heartless man. This was a man who kept his feelings deep inside and shared them only with her, in private. To the rest of the world, including Shade, he only shared the warrior.

  “I promise you, Padre, my life belongs to your son. I’ll never dishonor the Medici name. I’ll bear his children... your grand-children. And they’ll take their place in history to carry on the legacy you started, and that Shade carries forth with pride.”

  He listened to her words, as she spoke from the heart. She called him ‘padre’, and something inside him cracked wide open.

  “You will honor Medici by loving mio figlio. You have lost a son, but you will never lose another. Love him and he will rise far. Give him bambinos, and you will become the most prized treasure of Medici, ensuring our legacy.” Walking to her, he kissed each cheek gently. He looked to Shade and slid his hand along his jaw before turning back to Kate. “May I ask that you stand before me, mia figlia?”

  Kate looked up at Shade and he nodded to her, as she slid her legs over the altar and stood on the dais, clutching the torn white gown to her breasts.

  As she stood before him, holding the remnants of the torn gown, he swirled his hand above her head and within it appeared a bright red cloak, made of the finest silk Italy had to offer. He wrapped it around her, covering her body and watched as it draped around her curves and flowed to the floor. He stepped in closer to her and pulled the hood over her red hair.

  “Red is the color of deep immortal love. Medici women wear this color with honor for all eternity. Love mio figlio as only you can, he deserves a love to rival even my own. It is my dream for him. Give this to him with my blessing.”

  Christofano softly kissed her forehead and turned and walked away, disappearing into the fog.

  Kate turned to Shade as his father disappeared. “And now we have their blessing, lover. It’s what you wished for, that they could be here. First your mother, and now your father.”

  Shade watched his padre fall slowly but surely in love with his bel and his heart soared. Shade looked at bel and tilted his head to her, “Madre? I have not seen Madre, nor even felt her. Did she come to you in your turning?”

  “No, she came just before the turning, while Theresa was helping me dress. She appeared in her mirror in our bedroom. She said she chose me for you, that she brought us together. She said I was your destiny.”

  “Si, you are, mi amore. Madre loves me very much and I return that love as well. I have no doubts she chose you for me, for you are perfect as my mate in all things.” Standing, he took her hand and led her to the table with the open ledger of Medici history.

  “Let us record now, our mating... together.” Handing her the quill pen, he held his hand over hers and checked the ledger where he had previously recorded their names as they made the mark under the column for ‘Mating’ together. Grabbing her tight to his chest, he kissed her passionately and felt her body rise again to feed and he smiled.



  Rissa woke to a cold empty bed. Her heart raced, and then she remembered she’d felt Alec leave earlier than normal this morning. His schedule was busy, and he didn’t wake her to say goodbye. To be honest, she wasn’t surprised he’d left before she woke. He knew today would be her first day out since the rogue attacked her, and she was damn sure he didn’t want to deal with her drama over that warrior bitch from hell in the next room. Rissa could hear Jacks rummaging about in her room. Despite her dislike for Jacks, she knew she needed a protector and she couldn’t deny her trepidation about going out alone.

  Although she’d cut herself off from Max completely, she knew him well enough to know he was aware of every breath she took, and no protector was going to get in his way. If he couldn’t have her, he’d take her out, or die trying. Shaking her long, tangled mane, Rissa put all thoughts of him and recent events out of her mind. She had to face her clients, keep her business afloat and plan this charade of a wedding. On top of that, she must act as if nothing bothered her, and follow Alec's orders to cooperate with the protector. Come on Rissa, you can do this!

  Once showered, she scanned her calendar and saw she had a schedule that was booked solid. Often, she took cabs to wherever she went. D.C. was a traffic nightmare even on a good day, and parking was even worse. If she could only teleport everywhere, she could get ten times more done! She dressed in a light spring suit and sat down to slide on her heels. She was going to the office she held in downtown Georgetown. Although she did a lot of work from home, she needed a place outside the house to meet with mortals. Alec and she had agreed, years ago, when they moved in together, having a parade of mortals through the house wasn’t a good idea.

  She checked once more in the mirror to make sure her make-up was appropriate, and she still looked a little pale. Her lack of energy gave her skin a dull look. Walking into the bedroom to grab her briefcase, she heard an unusual commotion outside, and she went to the window to look out. Her heart went into overdrive. The street in front of the house was littered with press and paparazzi, all of them with cameras aimed at the front door, waiting for her appearance. She’d forgotten the papers had come out with their wedding announcement and the press was clamoring for that perfect shot. Rissa stood staring out the window, looking at the press as they waited for the Darling of G-town to appear when all her fears come screaming back.

  Jacks had been ready a long time, even before Alec had left. This live-in situation wasn’t normal for her, but for this chunk of change, she’d gladly put up with it. The press had been outside since sunrise, waiting on Rissa, and Jacks knew Blondie wasn’t prepared for the onslaught of craziness that awaited her.

  Getting up, Jacks walked to the master bedroom. She tapped on the door lightly and got no response. She slowly opened the door and saw Rissa staring out the window. Jacks walked inside and stood behind her, looking down at the mob.

  “Rissa, just give them a smile, let them take a few photos and answer a couple of questions. It gives them something to print, and then they’ll leave you alone. I’ll drive, and you can sit in the back. Your windows are tinted, but if you don’t give them something, they’ll hound you all day. I know how to handle these situations, done it many times. I’ll be close, but I won’t crowd you. Keep your senses alert. Give
me eye contact if you feel threatened or sense anything. We have to work together.”

  Rissa snapped at her, “I know what I’m doing. I deal with press all the time. I can handle myself Jacks, be assured. Just stay the fuck out of my way!”

  Turning around, Rissa glared at her. “Now if you’re done acting like Zena the Warrior Princess from Hell, can we please leave? I’m busy and have things to do.” Grabbing her briefcase, she headed out of the room. “And another thing, you’ll wait downstairs for me in the mornings, don’t be walking in this room ever. This is our private space and I’ll be damned if you’ll intrude any further in our lives!”

  Jacks chuckled to herself. I see that Blondie has woken up with an attitude more like the one Master Canton warned me about. “Don’t get your corset in a twist, Cinderella.”

  Jacks followed her out and watched as Rissa stopped dead in her tracks going down the stairs. Jacks waited to see if that attitude would flare up again. But instead, Rissa stood still and took a few deep breaths, steeling herself for what waited outside the front door. Watching her flip her hair back with her perfectly manicured hands and pushing those shoulders back, she made good use of those overpriced heels and marched her ass right to the door. Jacks smirked. Glad we got that settled.


  Santos met Alec at the door, taking his jacket while Alec loosened his tie, and Santos handed him a glass of Midnight.

  “Is Rissa home?”

  "Master, she went out this morning with her protector. There were a lot of paparazzi here following the announcement of the wedding, but her protector seemed to have things under control."

  Alec swallowed down the glass of Midnight and handed it back to Santos, asking for another as he headed to his office. He’d seen the coverage on CNN of Rissa leaving the house this morning and the paparazzi swarming her. Jacks was with her and kept an appropriate distance, but it was clear to any observer she was there as a bodyguard. Alec was sure Rissa was behind on some of her appointments, as she’d been holed up in the bedroom since the rogue attack. He was glad at least she’d found the confidence to get back out there.

  Santos returned with the second glass of Midnight and a stack of newspapers, all turned to the society section, featuring pictures of Rissa taken just this morning. He flipped through them, propping his feet up on the desk. She hadn’t called or texted him, so that was a good sign she was holding her own. But still, Rissa and Jacks together were like a keg of dynamite with a short fuse. He had to chuckle to himself as he pulled from his briefcase a few pieces of legislation that were coming up for a vote.

  As they approached home and the car rolled to a stop, Rissa literally ran for the damn door. She couldn’t stand Jacks’ driving, her constant presence, or anything else about this bitch. She’d managed to keep her composure throughout the day as the damn press had been on her like flies on honey. Jacks was right on her heels.

  Rissa let the door slam in her face and headed straight for the Midnight. Santos was there asking her something and she didn’t need him getting in her way. Rissa shouted at him, “Get out! Just do whatever it is you do!”

  Pouring a Midnight, she slung it back in one gulp and felt Jacks as she entered the room behind her. Rissa spun on her heels and let her have it. “You can back off now, Zena. I’m home now. I don’t need you up my ass anymore. And tomorrow, I drive, got that? I’m not helpless. Christ, you are like an old woman driving out there! And another thing,” she slammed her glass down on the bar. “When I address the press, you don’t have to look as if they’re going to tackle me to the ground at any damn moment. I know half of them by their first names. I need them for my business! And stop giving me that fucking look. I can feel if anything is wrong out there.”

  Growling, Rissa grabbed another Midnight and prepared to sling it back.

  Alec heard the outburst from his home office. Well, so much for a quiet evening at home. He’d been wondering how long it would take for the powder keg to ignite. He dropped his feet to the floor and tossed the papers on the desk and headed to the family room where he found them in a stand-off. He stood in the doorway, leaning his shoulder against the doorjamb with his arms crossed over his chest, the sarcasm not hidden from his voice.

  “Is there a problem in here, ladies?”

  Jacks continued to stare her down as she answered, “No problem at all, Master Canton. Cinderella here doesn’t approve of my driving skills. No problems I can’t handle.”

  Alec looked from one to the other, locked in their stand-off. If looks could kill, they’d both be dead by now, and he had to fight back a smile at this barely controlled cat-fight. Rissa was fit to be tied, and come to think of it, that might not be a bad idea. He was afraid she’d more than met her match with Jacks, though.

  He spoke to them both. “I've got it from here, Jacks. You can leave. And Rissa, you need to calm down. Now! I don't need the drama. You know you need a protector, I think even you can acknowledge that, and I don't plan on coming home to this every day. Understood?”

  Rissa smirked when he dismissed Jacks. She poured herself another Midnight and walked past him, pacing the room.

  “Calm down? Do you have any idea what it’s like to deal with that throng of idiots following me like a pack of bloodhounds all day, then have Zena the Warrior Bitch from Hell up my ass? I know I need her, Alec, but seriously, she needs to stop glaring at everyone around me. I feel like a caged animal, with a trainer. I’m not a child. I can feel danger, and blah, blah, blah, so what, she’s a warrior... fine. If she’s so damn great, then she doesn’t need to be right on top of me. Nothing unforeseen happened. See, still here! And it was my first day out, I just…” Taking a sip of her Midnight, she looked down at the floor. “It was my first day and I feel like my independence is totally gone. It won’t happen again.”

  He remained in the doorway, leaning against the doorjamb listening to her rant. He waited for her to run out of steam. “Finished? Get it out of your system if you haven't. You knew this marriage announcement would blow the roof off of things. You're used to the press, and besides, in the long run, it’ll only help your business. So just smile for the cameras, my darling. As for Jacks, she's doing what she's supposed to be doing. Do you ever see pictures of the President? He’s always surrounded by Secret Service. And the First Lady is also always surrounded. So get used to it, Rissa. Jacks isn't going anywhere for a while. This is the path I’ve chosen for my life, and as my mate, the path you’ll follow. You may not have independence in the way you’ve known it in the past. Comes with the territory, so this is just good practice for the future. Is any part of that not clear?”

  She jerked her head up and listened to him, her eyes locked onto his. She felt like she wanted to scream, hit him and fight to get Jacks out of her life, but it would do her no good. She bit her lip, holding back the tears. Taking a deep breath, she let her body relax.

  “Everything is perfectly clear.” Walking to the door, she tried to go past him, to her room, where she could be alone, take a bath, and hear herself think.

  He felt her turmoil and saw the defeat in her face. As she walked to the door to leave the room, he reached his arm across the doorjamb, blocking her path.

  “Look at me, Rissa.”

  She closed her eyes and then opened them wide and looked up at him. Alec responded calmly, “I know you're still afraid, and I'm proud of you for going out today. I know how much you hate being on a leash. Do you think I don't know you? This is necessary right now. Just because nothing happened today doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods. The rogues are still around. We have no idea why you were attacked after Angel was killed. Retribution maybe? But if it happened once, and they failed, they may try again. I can't take that chance with you. For all my harshness, my impatience, you know I love you. You know that, right?”

  She watched his face, his eyes looked inside her, and she felt him giving her strength, giving her what she needed. Her voice was soft and emotional as her hand slid softly acros
s his cheek and rested on his shoulder.

  “Alec, I know you love me. My trust in you is complete. If you think I need this, then I do. I do this because you ask it of me. Yes, I’m scared. But the fear is abating. I don’t have to like her, I just have to get through it, and I will.” Smiling, she kissed him softly. “I love you, Alec.”

  Alec took her in. She was more vulnerable than he could ever remember seeing her before, and Rissa didn’t like being vulnerable. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her up the stairs, kissing her forehead and taking her to the bathroom. He willed the tub filled with hot water and sat her down gently on the side of the tub and watched as she removed her clothes and slipped into the water. He rolled up his sleeves and picked up her bath salts, spilling a generous amount into the steamy water, and swirled his hand through the water, creating the frothy bubbles on the surface.

  Santos appeared at the door with the request for Midnight that he had sent him. He got up to retrieve the glass and carried it to her, sitting it on the side of the tub. “Enjoy your bath, my darling, and your drink. Just don't get too used to being pampered by me.”

  He leaned in and kissed her once more before standing to leave. Before closing the door behind him, he stood for a moment and took her in, her head resting back against the tub, the soft hair around her face hanging in damp tendrils, her eyes closed. She was loved.

  “Take your time, my darling. I’ll be waiting for you in the bedroom.”


  Another few nights had passed, and the death slumber took Shade at each sunrise. He would wake to feed her, and then drift off again. Her control was becoming stronger with each feeding, she was learning each time to slow down, and he knew he needed patience to help her get there. He heard something stirring and he opened his eyes to a fire blazing in the fireplace and a red-cloaked beauty staring wide-eyed at him. Shade could feel her heartbeat, the rhythm in sync with his. She was very close to being over the bloodlust. She no longer begged to feed and had stopped clinging to his neck in her sleep, all very good signs this was almost over.


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