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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 65

by Emily Bex


  She woke before him and moved to the embers of the fire. The chamber was cold, and she pulled the red cloak his father wrapped around her over her head and wrapped it around her body. She knelt in front of the embers, looking around for something more to burn. There was wood stacked in the corner that she added to the fire, but the embers had burned too low for the wood to catch. She focused hard on the fire, wishing for warmth in these cold damp chambers, when she saw the flames flicker. Did I do that? She concentrated hard on the fire, willing it forward and watched as the flames leapt up, catching the wood, and the blaze grew higher, lighting the chamber and sending out its heat. She looked back at Shade, as she heard him stir on the altar stone.

  “For you, lover, I am always hungry for you.”

  “Mmm. Then come cuddle with me and have something to nourish you, si?”

  She walked toward him, the fire lighting her pale skin and making it shimmer, as the cloak slipped from her shoulders and fell to the stone floor revealing her body, lithe and strong. She straddled him but didn’t go for his neck. Her eyes turned a beautiful red and she sat on his thighs and twirled her finger around one long black curl that hung over his forehead. He observed her feeling the texture of his hair, absorbing every sensation that was now brilliantly enhanced for her. His hands slid up her thighs and softly gripped her hips and he saw her wicked grin. She knew and felt his intentions.

  “Ah yes, mi amore, you are going to love being an immortal. So, tell me, who made that blaze in the fireplace?”

  “I started the fire. I felt chilled in this chamber.”

  “Mi amore, I am so proud of you.”

  Lifting himself up, he kissed her and felt her fangs punch. Pulling her head down to his neck, he felt her lick his vein and he moaned. Each time with her was more erotic and pleasurable for him than the last, and now that she was taking her time, he felt like he’d go insane. She was so sexy, and he could feel the rush of her sexual desire driving through her body with each heartbeat. “Woman, you will drive me mad with lust!”

  Her body felt him in a new way. Every sensation enhanced. His muscles felt more pronounced under her hand, his eyes bluer, the texture of his hair as she tangled it around her fingers. His scent, his maleness, filled her. She breathed him in as she laid her body down against him. She felt her soft breasts against the firm muscles of his chest and listened as her heartbeat synchronized with his. She laid her head on his shoulder, and ran her tongue over his neck, the taste of his skin excited her, and she heard his moan. The sound of his moan vibrated in his throat as it escaped his lips. The same ache she felt in the core of her belly was the same ache she felt in her fangs as they punched through with a click. She wanted him, only him. She sank her teeth into his neck, and felt his body respond. Felt his head drop back, his neck exposed, and the next moan she heard was hers as his blood hit her tongue, and with it, that erotic current of electricity that connected directly to her sex, the heat between her legs exploding outward, as she felt his cock turn to steel beneath her.

  His head lolled back, and he felt her body come alive, her love pouring through him, her need, and her want of him like no other in his lifetime. At this moment, he’d kill anything that even blinked at her. Shade shifted her position on top of him, sliding into her already dripping wet heaven and glided in like steel sliding through honey. He could feel her inside his blood, singing with passion, and she felt it now too. No mortal relationship would ever go to the depths of an immortal one. He felt her in his veins, his heart and soul, alive and screaming to him, wanting him, needing and loving him. He held onto her hips and pushed deep inside her as her lips left his throat and she threw back that crimson wave of silk and rode him hard. He felt his cock ready to let go already. She controlled him now, everything about him, and he realized her power was much stronger than he’d imagined. This change would take them to another level and that thought made him cum like a volcano inside her and he screamed her name, his chest heaving with love. She was his forever.

  She dropped her head forward, covering him in a curtain of her hair, before collapsing onto his chest. Catching her breath, waiting for their hearts to find that synchronized rhythm again.

  He could do this night and day with her. He caressed her back as he caught his breath. They lay quietly together, his hand in her hair as her body relaxed against his, and they lay in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

  “Did you rest, mi amore?”

  “I did rest, lover. I know you’ve never experienced mortal sleep, so you don't have a comparison. But I was expecting it to be different... the death slumber. I’ve watched how it takes you, and maybe it takes me in the same way and I’m not aware. But it really feels no different. I don't fall asleep as soon as you do, and I usually wake before you.”

  “More than likely it is just the turning. Your body is still adjusting, mi amore. The bloodlust and thirst overcoming any sleep you need. Do not concern yourself with it. You will be fine in a few more days. Each day will be different for a while. You will see and hear things you never imagined. I will help you, teach you how to teleport and use your powers to your advantage. You are full-blown Medici now.” He lifted her face so he could see her, and looked deep into her eyes, “my queen.”

  She looked back at him, locked in his gaze, and for the first time, the use of the word 'queen' didn’t make her wince. The title she thought she’d wear with reluctance now fit. She could feel it in her blood. She was his queen. And he was her king. She’d loved him more than she thought humanly possible before the turning, and now, they were one and the same. Each a part of the other in a way she couldn’t have anticipated. She was glad she’d been born mortal. If she’d been born immortal, she’d not have felt this change. She would have taken for granted these feelings. She’d do it all again, to be with him, and she’d destroy anything that ever threatened them, threatened him, or their children. She could see all of the children now, all of them. Should she tell him? Or did he know as well?

  ”Lover, can you hear my thoughts? Do you know this love I feel?”

  ”Si, mi amore, I have always felt it with you. I knew, long before you did, how I could love and protect you. I wanted for you, this life, and this love. I want those ghosts of past men in your life gone, to show you this is how love is supposed to feel. Tell me you understand now. Let me hear you, bel. Tell me you understand that other females hold no appeal to me, you can feel that now, you are the only one I will ever love.”

  Laughing as she nuzzled against his neck. “Lover, even as a mortal, I never doubted your love, or your fidelity. Your devotion to me was never in question. But I’m still not blind as to how other women respond to you. I guess we won’t know my response to that until after we’re out of the chamber and I’m faced with it again. You may be stuck with a jealous mate, but I’ll try my best.”

  He chuckled. “Si, mi amore, all I can ask for. But I do believe we are almost ready to escape our prison, journey forth into our world. We have a huge ceremony to present you to my coven, letting them pledge their loyalty and protection. Masters who are allies and acknowledge my standing in our world will be present. And Council as well, to prove to the world, you are no longer mortal but immortal, and you are mine. The true Queen of Medici. Are you ready for this? It is the last step, mi amore... The last step to get through and then we go home.”

  She slid her fingers across his cheek, feeling the stubble. She touched his lips and felt him nibble lightly at her fingers before drawing one into his mouth, sucking lightly.

  “I’m ready, Shade. You lead, and I’ll follow. Tell me some things will never change for us. Tell me our passion doesn’t die, this connection we feel, it doesn’t end. Tell me immortal love doesn’t dwindle and burn out. That you won’t tire of me with time. Tell me we’ll have an eternity of love, like your mother and father. That’s what I want for us, lover. I can feel both of your parents so strongly here.”

  “Mi amore, look in my eye
s.” Taking her hand, he placed it over his heart. “Feel that, it’s beating in complete sync with yours. Immortal love becomes stronger with time. We would die without the other. Our beast will always recognize our mate. We don’t always know who it will be. I thought I would never find you, and out of nowhere, you appeared, and I knew right away. Our passion will grow stronger with time. Madre and Padre made this their home, where they loved each other and made a life for all eternity. They are long gone to another realm, mi amore, but as you can see, they are still together. It will be the same for us. Their gifts to me were to teach me about my responsibilities toward my mate, learn to take care of her, protect her, and love her with all I have, above all others. But my home is no longer here, this is my past. This is their home, not mine. Where we begin our life is Bel Rosso. You are now my life. It is complete now for me. I have you for all eternity.”

  “Shade, your parents, I’ve seen them both now. Your mother is fair and blonde. Your father, you look just like him. You have your father's intensity, his temper and passion, his warrior spirit, and your mother, you have her compassion.”

  As she spoke of Madre and Padre, his heart felt such pain, he thought he would choke, and he saw her rear back as it hit her as well. She would learn that, unless he was blocking her, whenever any extreme emotion came over him, she’d feel it as well, just as he’d feel hers now that she was immortal.

  “Bel, it’s okay, you’re just feeling the pain it brings me. You will feel my emotions now, as I do yours. Their death still pains me, even after all this time. But they died together. And I pray to whatever hears me we go the same way, because I will go mad without you.”

  She felt his pain of loss, his grief, as if it were her own. It comforted her to know that all she felt, all he felt, they’d share, and no burden would ever be carried alone, no joy would go unshared. Everything they tackled going forward, they’d share together. It gave her strength. It gave them a power together she couldn’t have foreseen. She still had so much to learn. She put her forefinger on his lips, “Shh, don't speak of death. We’ll conquer all, lover.”

  “All, mi amore, all.” Pulling her to his chest, he closed his eyes. “Try to rest, there is much to come, much ceremony. We both need our rest to conquer the world that lies before us. One step at a time, mi amore. Together. Ti amo.”


  Raven was keeping an eye on this huge estate in Virginia master now called home. He thought it would be boring, but he was finding it was fun. Never a dull moment out here in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere! Having finished up his rounds, looking for any signs of trespassers or illegal entry onto the property, he headed back to the staff quarters and walked in to find Marcello. Marcello tipped his ever-present shades down his nose, looking over his dark glasses at Raven and grinned, asking how his night went. Raven shook his head and laughed.

  “To be blunt, bro, riding antlers gets old, but the mountain lions, now that is some major entertainment! I can see your ass has really accomplished a lot. So, what gives, brother? Any news from the master?” Raven walked over to where he sat, took off his shirt, and grabbed a smoke. “Hell, something should have happened by now with my lady.”

  Marcello lit up with him. “Luca called, my lady made it through the turning. Red Moon rising, brother. So, this means two things. We have a new queen, and a ceremony to attend in Florence, and we better have our asses out there on time. Luca wasn’t sure how long it would take for her to get over the bloodlust. Master is locked down in the chamber with her. Also means, master will be sending in temporary replacements for you, me and Fiamma. We’ll need to get them up to speed quickly, make sure they’re familiar with the property before we leave.”

  Raven let out a war call. “I knew my lady would make it, she doesn’t take shit from anybody, not even the mad-ass devil himself! Cazzo, I hate the ceremonial leathers, tedious heavy nonsense. But damn if I don’t look fine in my custom rags, bro. I’m one sleek ass warrior, turning it up a notch since Cory came on board.” Flopping down on one of the couches, he blew a plume of smoke into the air and watched it rise above him, forming into a heart. “So, we just wait till the relief warriors get here and head home?”

  Marcello laughed to himself. One thing Raven never lacked was self-confidence. Watching him take this a little too casually, Marcello sat forward in the chair. “Raven, listen, brother, you need to take this seriously. This is like a mortal marriage for Master Shade, as well as the coronation of our queen. If you don’t act like a fucking Medici warrior, he may lop your damn head off where you stand, and if he doesn’t, Marco will. You push his fucking buttons as is. The occasion calls for full ceremonial dress leathers, in the Throne Room where my lady will be presented as our queen and all the Medici warriors of rank, as well as prominent masters from other covens will be there. Besides, I heard Cory made new ceremonial leathers for everyone, very sleek, with the Medici crest on the chest, so the old heavy ceremonial garb is out. And one more thing, Rave, Council will be there. So, you best play your ass straight! You got that, bro?”

  Raven sat up and looked at him. “Marcello, I’ve never done anything ‘straight’ in my life and I’m not about to start now. But I hear you loud and clear, brother. Master will be on his guard, I have to look like a warrior, act like a warrior, bow, be all amped up for my lady. I got it. I won’t let master down, and besides that, I like my lady.” Sliding his hand through his waist-long hair and looking at Marcello, “Council. I hate those fucks. That’s one thing I don’t miss from home, those high and mighty bastards strolling around. Relax bro, I got this.”

  Marcello rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Raven, if you don’t honor master and my lady, you aren’t going anywhere but six feet under! No idea what master has in mind, but with the development of a damn warrior camp going on here at Bel Rosso, something is about to change big time. A lot has been accomplished in building the warriors’ barracks and the training facilities since they’ve been gone, and when they return here, things will start happening fast. It looks big, and you know master. He’s impatient, so he’ll be bringing in more warriors, recruiting, and training. It’ll be a whole new ballgame, Rave.”

  Marcello continued, “Our queen is immortal now, so this is going to be a whole new experience for her. Duties are going to be handed out, so if you have any intentions of returning here, I suggest you get your ass in order, act like you have a fucking brain, and don’t push him over the edge. Look, brother, master has some big plans for the future here in the States. We’re two of the best he has in his ranks. We’ve already been here a while. Don’t fuck this up. If you want to come back here, don’t give him cause to have doubts about you. For once in your damn life, Rave, be responsible.” Marcello smacked him upside the head lightly, then stood up and headed for his sleeping quarters. “Slumber is yanking me, just be ready for anything. We’re Medici, and wherever master commands us to go, we go.”

  Raven listened to his brother-in-arms, watched his face. He knew Marcello didn’t want to return to Florence permanently, he already knew he was going to be something much bigger here in the States than he ever would in Florence, and Raven wanted the same. As he watched Marcello head for the sleeping quarters, Raven lay back on the sofa and thought about where he wanted to go in life. He liked the States, but Virginia wasn’t for him. He had no true desire to go back to Florence either. He knew if he could prove himself here, master would give him options, let him stay with Medici and get bigger assignments.

  Raven wanted to see more of the world, and he knew if he stayed here for a while, proved himself to master, it would lead to bigger things. He hadn’t found a mate here in Virginia, and he’d yet to find someone like himself here. Females! He had no time for their drama. He preferred something a bit harder against his skin when he slept. But if Shade stayed here, expanded his territory in the States, then this was Raven’s ticket to the world. Raven was loyal and pledged to him for life. Now he’d be pledged to his queen as well.

Grinning, he thought he better make a good appearance in Florence, make sure he won his way back here. The States suited his style.


  It had been several days since the Blood Moon, Luca and the rest of Castello were all waiting for Shade to emerge with their new queen, then the real madness of the ceremony would begin. Shannon had enjoyed living in Castello and taking day trips with him into Florence, Siena, and San Gimignano. The staff had been extremely kind and attentive to her, keeping an eye on her each time she left their suite without him, to make sure she didn’t get lost. Luca was sure that was Gi's doing and he must remember to thank him. However, he wanted to see his family home. He hadn’t seen it since he was ten. He left home to go to the warrior camp after his father died in battle, and he never returned home. His mother had died before his father, and his father thought he could stay alive for Luca. But it was rare, when vampires mate, for one to stay alive if the other died when a true bond existed. Shade kept him at the academy then, took him under his wing, trained him himself, and raised him like a son. Their family home had been lost to his fathers' debt, or so he’d always thought. To have it back now, as a gift from Shade, bought by him and maintained all these years, was overwhelming. He had no idea the condition it was in, but his heart beat faster at the very idea of walking through those rooms again.

  Shannon emerged from the bathroom still wrapped in a plush white towel ̶ she loved that huge marble tub ̶ her skin aglow and her long brown hair catching the sunlight.


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