Book Read Free

Saving Grace

Page 19

by J. M. Hill

  “All I wanna say is,” Garrett crossed his arms over his chest, “it’s about damn time.”

  Everyone laughed as Garrett winked at me.

  It was about an hour before game time, and I went into my bathroom to freshen up. When I came out I was pleasantly surprised to see Will and Ava standing in our living room. Ava turned to face me and I ran to her, throwing my arms around her neck.

  “I didn’t know you were coming!” I squeezed her.

  She laughed. “It’s wonderful to see you.”

  “You too,” I said. “I’ve missed you both so much.”

  Will cleared his throat loudly and held his arms out in front of him. I practically jumped at him, making him laugh as he hugged me tightly.

  Soon, Kenny showed up, with a different girl—Emily. Garrett held out his hand to Miles, and Miles slapped a ten dollar bill in it, shaking his head. Everyone made themselves plates of food as the game started, and soon we were all watching, eating, laughing, and having a great time. The Andersons were rooting for the Jets, while Kate, Kenny, Emily and I cheered on the Cowboys. The truth was, none of us cared about either of the teams playing, but we had to cheer for someone, and it definitely made things more fun.

  When the game was over, no one made a move to leave, and I was glad. We just continued to eat and talk.

  “Girls,” Will said looking at Kate, and then me. “The boys told us about a duet you’ve played for them, and I would love to hear it.”

  “Come on, Gracie,” Garrett said.

  Michael squeezed my hand and pulled me from the couch, leading me to the piano. Kate skipped into the room with a big grin on her face, and everyone gathered around the piano as she sat on the bench next to me.

  Kate nudged me. “Ready?”

  I nodded, and as was our practice she counted us off, and we began the rendition of “William Tell Overture”. The driving, quick-tempo-melody making us smile while we played. When we finished, everyone applauded. Will shouted ‘bravo’ a couple of times, and Garrett whistled loudly.

  Michael took Kate’s place on the bench next to me, and the others made their way back to the living room.

  He kissed my fingers. “Play the song you played at Thanksgiving for me.”

  There was no hesitation, and I began to play the all-too-familiar melody. With him so close, the music seemed more beautiful. The song ended, and he squeezed my hand gently.

  “Thank you,” he said. “That was beautiful.”

  Everyone continued visiting until late into the night. Will and Ava were staying overnight at the boy’s house, and promised to come by the shop in the morning before returning home. Kate, Miles and Garrett were still talking by the front door as Michael and I walked out to the porch.

  “Shall we run tomorrow?” He asked as we walked down the steps.

  “Of course.” I nodded. “I’ll meet you right there at seven.” I pointed to the middle of the drive and he smiled.

  “No lateness.” I warned with a smirk.

  “No lateness,” he repeated with a grin, and stroked the side of my face with his thumb softly before gently pressing a kiss to my mouth. “Good night, my Grace.”

  The sensation of his kiss lingered on my lips as I told him good night and watched him walk into the darkness.


  I woke and rushed through my morning ritual, excited to see Michael. I sat down on the top step, pulling on my shoes, and then hopped down the porch steps and started toward the drive, stretching my arms and breathing in the cool air.

  “Good morning.”

  I turned to see Michael standing behind me, zipping up his hoodie, his hair in its gorgeous frenzy, a big smile on his face. I’m sure my smile was just as big. I jumped into his arms, and he kissed my neck.

  We started our slow jog down the drive, when I noticed him watching me with a smirk.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  “Did I see you hopping down the porch steps?”

  I shrugged. I was feeling good, so yeah, I hopped down the porch steps—he continued to grin as he shook his head.

  “Your parents are still coming to the shop before they go home today, right?” I asked.

  “I’m going to bring them by later this morning.”

  “Good. They can have breakfast there.”

  “I’m sure they’d love that.”

  I was excited. Will and Ava had never seen our bookstore, and I couldn’t wait to show them what Kate and I had managed to accomplish. I felt as if I was going to be showing a school project to my parents for their approval. The thought made me smile. Will and Ava Anderson felt like parents to me. I loved them as much as I loved the rest of their family. Except Michael. My love for Michael exceeded anything I’d ever expected.

  Michael tugged at the end of my ponytail gently, interrupting my thoughts.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  I shrugged. “I’m just excited for your mom and dad to see the bookstore.”

  He nodded with a grin, and we continued our run. When we got home, Michael assured me he and his parents would be at the shop before ten. He waved as I made my way toward the house. When I reached the porch steps I turned to make sure he watched as I hopped up each step, one at a time, exaggerating the movements. He laughed loudly and shook his head as he turned to go into his house.

  I decided to wear jeans and the black turtleneck sweater Michael always complimented me in, and left my hair down. I was in a great mood, a really great mood, and I loved it. Kate met me in the hallway, all smiles and gorgeous.

  On the way to work, we chatted about the party, and how much we enjoyed ourselves.

  “We need to get some more duet music,” Kate said. “Maybe some more Gottschalk?”

  She waggled her eyebrows.

  “Wow, the hard stuff,” I said.

  We laughed as we pulled into the parking lot, both of our smiles disappearing when we saw Nina’s Porsche parked in our usual spot. Kate looked over at me, and I took a deep breath as she parked as far away from Nina as possible. Kate reached into her purse, pulled out her cell phone, quickly sending a text. We paused for a moment before getting out of the car, and Kate held my hand as we made our way toward the shop. Nina got out of her car smoothly.

  “Don’t stop, Gracie,” Kate whispered. “Let’s just go inside.”

  We didn’t look at Nina, but right before we got near the entrance, she stepped in front of us.

  “Good morning,” she smiled.

  I stared at her, and Kate squeezed my hand.

  “Hello, Kate,” Nina said sweetly. “Grace, may I speak with you?”

  Kate looked at me worriedly. I wasn’t afraid of Nina. She made me uncomfortable, but I wasn’t afraid of her.

  “Go ahead, Kate,” I said. “Miles will be here in a minute anyway.”

  I was sure the text Kate sent was to Miles, and it made me feel a little better to make Nina aware that at least one of the Andersons was on his way. Kate squeezed my hand and hurried inside. A moment later she and Kenny stood in the opened door of the shop, watching. Nina, with her back to the door, was staring at me icily.

  “What do you want, Nina?”

  She shifted her monstrous bag over her shoulder. “Well, I wanted to apologize.”

  I raised my eyebrows in shock, because I didn’t believe that for a second.

  “I realized I shouldn’t have gotten angry with you because of what happened with Michael.” Her voice was calm, but laced with sarcasm.

  I stood there waiting for whatever venom she was going to spew, and there was no doubt in my mind there would be spewing.

  “I mean after all,” she shook her head, “you can’t help that you’re manipulative and conniving.”

  I snorted a laugh. “Wow,” I said dryly. “You really suck at apologies.”

  She laughed humorlessly. “Well really, Grace, you have to admit that Michael never would have backed out of his contract if you hadn’t manipulated him the way you did.”

  I folded my hands in front of me, and looked down at the ground, feeling the heat rise in my face. “Are you finished?”

  “No.” She shook her head, blonde waves bouncing over her shoulders. “I also want you to know that you may have the Andersons fooled, but I know what you and Kate are.”

  “Okay, and what would that be?”

  “Two pathetic, orphaned, gold-digging tramps, who happen to live next to three wealthy bachelors. I mean come on, you and Kate? How long do you really expect this to last?”

  I squeezed my hands together so tight my knuckles cracked, because I really wanted to smack the crap out of her. The rumble of Garrett’s Hummer squealing into the parking lot distracted me, but I didn’t look away from Nina’s face. A moment later Garrett and Miles were behind me, Garrett’s hands heavy on both of my shoulders.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  Nina looked relaxed though somewhat surprised by the boys’ sudden appearance.

  “Well,” I began, “Nina was just telling me what she thinks about Kate and I, and I must say, it wasn’t very nice.”

  “Oh, really?” Garrett asked derisively.

  “Let’s see if I can remember,” I said thoughtfully. “I believe her exact words were ‘pathetic, orphaned, gold-digging tramps’. Did I get it right, Nina?”

  She flipped her hair over her shoulders, and I glanced at Miles whose face turned red with anger as he took a protective step closer to me. I was angry, too, and I was done with her.

  “So, now it’s my turn to talk.” I took a step toward Nina, and Garrett tightened his grip on my shoulders. “If I ever see you near my house, or near this shop again, I’ll be calling my good friend, Sheriff Henderson.”

  She snorted a laugh and rolled her eyes, but I ignored it.

  “And if you ever speak about Kate that way again,” I spoke slowly. “I’ll rip that blonde hair of yours out by its black roots, you bitter, psychotic, bitch.”

  “Hoo-hoo,” Garrett sang under his breath, and I heard Miles disguise a laugh with a cough.

  Nina glared at me, but I was still angry. “You’re not moving, Nina. Maybe you didn’t hear me.”

  Garrett pulled me to him as Nina continued to glare at me for a moment, then stormed to her car. The Porsche squealed out of the parking lot, and I started to shake from the confrontation as she drove out of sight. Garrett pulled me inside the shop, and Kate hugged me tightly.

  “I need to sit down,” I said.

  Kate led me to one of the chairs, and I laid my head down on my arms, trying to catch my breath. I despised confrontations, and any anger I’d felt was now just trembling, shaking, nausea working its way through my body.

  “Well,” Garrett said pulling up a chair next to mine. “I have to say, Gracie-Beth, that was very impressive.”

  Miles crouched down next to my chair, rubbing my back. I turned my head to look at him.

  “Are you all right?” He asked.

  “Yeah,” I said. “I just hate confrontations.”

  “What’s going on?” Kenny asked. “Who’s the Barbie?”

  I listened as Garrett filled Kenny in, then gave a play-by-play of my confrontation with Nina. Kenny laughed when Garrett got to the end.

  “And this surprises you, Garrett?” He asked incredulously. “I’ve known Gracie a long time. She may be small, but she’s been known to deliver some serious verbal-butt-kickage.”

  I rolled my eyes as they all laughed. I started to get up because I needed some coffee, but Kenny stopped me.

  “Have a seat there, Champ.” He smiled. “I’ll get your coffee. Do you want it Rocky style with a few raw eggs, or just regular?”

  I shook my head at him, and Garrett guffawed.

  “Regular will be just fine thank you very much,” I told him.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  I looked at Miles and Garrett. “Thanks for showing up,” I told them. “Truth is, I never used to be afraid of her, but she’s starting to scare me a little.”

  “You’d never know that,” Miles said with a warm smile. “But you’re welcome.”

  Kate patted my arm, and Miles followed her to the office.

  “I’m glad you came,” I told Garrett.

  He leaned over and pointed to his cheek, and I gave him a kiss.

  “I’ve gotta go. Miles is staying, and Michael will be here soon with mom and dad.”

  “You can’t stay?” I asked, disappointed.

  He stood and stretched. “I have to go check on St. Jo’s. I’ll see you this afternoon.”

  “Thanks again, Garrett,”

  He winked as he turned to leave.

  “One caramel macchiato for the boss-lady.” Kenny set my coffee on the table in front of me.

  “Thanks,” I told him. “I appreciate it.”

  “No problem,” he said. “You okay?”

  I nodded with a smile, and he started wiping tables.

  I took my coffee and opened the bookstore, flipping on lights. I was still shaking from the situation with Nina, unable to settle my nerves, but I could hardly wait for Ava and Will to come, and I was eager to see Michael.

  It was almost ten o’clock when Michael, Ava and Will come into the store. I was ringing up a customer’s purchase and became instantly distracted. He smiled weakly, and pointed to the office with a questioning glance. I nodded, and he led Ava and Will to the back, as I continued to help my customer. When she left, I put the receipt in the register, and when I turned around Michael was standing there.

  I released a deep breath, so glad he was there. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” he replied tensely, and wrapped his arms around me.

  “I’m fine,” I tried to assure him. “It was nothing.”

  “That’s not what I heard. I’m sorry, Grace.”

  “It’s not your fault she’s insane,” I said, trying to make light of what still had me a little shaky.

  He sighed. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  I smiled up at him. “I’m sure. I’m just glad your brothers showed up,” I said. “She’s beginning to bother me a little.”

  His expression became more troubled as Ava and Will came out of the back followed by Kate and Miles. Michael helped me make their coffees, and we assembled several different muffins and breads on a platter and delivered them to the table.

  We visited and drank our coffees, and gave them a tour of the bookstore. Will said they had to leave, and we walked with them to the front of the store. Will thanked me for the ‘girly breakfast’ as he hugged me. When I said goodbye to Ava, I realized how much I didn’t want them to leave. A lump formed in my throat as she wrapped her arms around me.

  “I’m going to miss you,” I whispered.

  She tightened her embrace. “We’ll see you soon. Take care of my boys, okay?”

  “We’ll walk you out,” Michael said, and he and Miles followed their parents out the door. Kate and I watched as they walked to the parking lot and said their goodbyes. Ava cradled Michael’s face in her hands, saying something with a smile, he nodded in response and hugged her. We continued to watch as they drove away, and the boys came back inside.

  “We’d better go,” Miles told Kate. “Michael and I have a lot to do.”

  Michael took my hand and pulled me a few steps away.

  “Will you have dinner with me?” His eyes searched my face. “Tonight?”

  “I’d love to,” I said. “What time?”

  His smile made my heart thrum. “Meet me at my place. Six o’clock?”

  I nodded excitedly. “I can’t wait.”

  He laughed, and tucked my hair behind my ears. “I can’t wait either.” He kissed me tenderly and followed his brother out the door.

  Kate stepped beside me. “Going on a date?”

  “Sure am,” I said, unable to hide my grin.

  She giggled. “I have to run some paperwork to the accountant, and then to Boulder to pick up some office supplies. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”
  I resumed my position behind the bookstore counter and tried to focus on something besides my watch. Six o’clock seemed like a long way away.

  When four o’clock finally rolled around, I was practically bouncing in my seat waiting for Kate to finish whatever it was she was doing so we could leave. I couldn’t help but notice she kept checking the time, grinning the whole time.

  “In a hurry today?” She asked not looking away from her paperwork on the desk. I tapped my foot on the floor just like she did when irritated with me. She sniggered and slid the folder of papers into the drawer. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  We pulled into the driveway, and I barely waited for Kate to turn off the ignition before dashing into the house. Kate followed me, and I asked her to pick something out for me to wear while I showered. When I wrapped the towel around me, Kate came in and pushed me down on the toilet, starting to work on my hair. I watched her, trying not to laugh, because she was in her hummingbird-mode. She was almost as excited for my date as I was. Almost.

  My hair was soft and shiny with curls everywhere. I never knew how she did it, but Kate always made my hair look great. She applied my makeup, and then pulled me into my bedroom and pointed to the clothes laid out on my bed. Jeans, a soft pink turtleneck, and a black cashmere cardigan sweater with a ruffled hem and a satin bow that tied at the waist. There was also a pair of pink and black plaid ballet flats that I’d never seen before, but were absolutely adorable.

  “Don’t mess up your hair when you put the turtleneck on,” she ordered, and exited my room.

  I was incredibly nervous as I fidgeted with the satin bow, trying to get it just right.

  “You look fabulous.” Kate stood in my bathroom door, and I turned so she could fix the darned bow because my hands were shaking. She handed me a small, black leather purse and I dropped my lip gloss inside.

  We walked out to the living room. Garrett was on the couch with Miles, and when he saw me he gave a wolf-whistle which made me blush.

  “Wow, Gracie.” He smiled widely. “You look gorgeous.”

  “You sure do,” Miles agreed.


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