Book Read Free

Saving Grace

Page 20

by J. M. Hill

  I fidgeted nervously with the hem of my sweater. “Thanks.”

  “Michael’s waiting for you,” Garrett said.

  I checked my watch. “It’s not even five-thirty. He said six.”

  “Trust me,” Garrett said with a laugh. “He’s ready.”

  Miles nodded in encouragement. “Have a great time.”

  Kate kissed my cheek. “Go,” she whispered excitedly. “You’ve both been waiting long enough.”


  Kate pushed me gently out the front door with a smile, closing it behind me. I felt a million butterflies in my stomach. It had just started to get dark, and the air was cool as I took a deep breath and made my way across the drive.

  I climbed the front steps to the Anderson’s door and opened it slowly. I could hear the beautiful “Flower Duet” from “Lakme” echoing through the house as I entered. There were no lights on, but the house was dimly lit by what must have been at least fifty small votive candles that lined the floor of the entryway.

  My heart pounded furiously as I walked slowly into the living room and gasped.

  Most of the furniture had been removed. Several strands of white twinkle lights were extended across the ceiling, making it resemble a starry sky, and on the floor a red blanket was spread out with candles and crystal champagne flutes. It was the most romantic gesture I’d ever seen, and I swallowed hard as I took it all in.

  “Hi, Grace.”

  I turned around quickly and my heart stopped.

  Michael stood there, gorgeous in black pants and dress jacket, with a crisp white shirt and black tie. So simple, yet he made it look like something from a page in a glossy fashion magazine. He held a single pink rose, and I felt my breath hitch as he watched me with his crooked smile.

  “Um, hi,” was all I could manage.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off of him as he walked smoothly toward me, bending down to kiss my cheek tenderly.

  “You’re beautiful,” his voice was almost a whisper as his eyes burned into mine. He handed me the rose, and I brought it to my nose to take in the fragrance.

  “Thank you.”

  He only nodded, his gaze unrelenting.

  “You look really…great,” my voice was shaky.

  Actually, he looked more than great, he looked amazing. He took my coat and purse from my arms, setting them on one of the bookshelves behind him, and then glanced around the room.

  “So,” he said. “What do you think?”

  “It’s absolutely beautiful,” I told him. “Did you do all this?”

  He shrugged casually, and took both of my hands in his, smiling fervently at me.

  “My brothers helped.” He stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “I wanted our first date to be special.”

  “Well done,” I said, and he chuckled.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  I nodded, and he motioned to the blanket on the floor. Once I was seated, Michael disappeared into the kitchen and there was ‘clanking’ of dishes, and I heard the oven door close. He appeared moments later, with two plates and sat down across from me, handing me one of the plates.

  “This is Kate’s homemade ravioli,” I said, inhaling the aroma of mushrooms and parmesan cheese. “I’ve been asking her to make this for weeks.”

  “I know,” he said. “She told me.”

  “So, today when she was running errands—”

  “She was here,” he interrupted. “Making dinner for us.”

  I watched as he pulled a bottle of ginger-ale from a silver ice bucket, raising my eyebrow at him questioningly.

  “This is your favorite too.” He pretended to study the bottle’s label, and then twisted the lid off with a flourish. “And it happens to be a very good year.”

  I giggled as he filled each champagne flute, handed one to me, and raised his in front of him.

  “Okay,” he said. “Let’s drink to…beginnings.”

  Our glasses made a delicate ‘clink’, and we both took a drink. He picked up his fork, and we started eating, though I was nibbling more than eating because I was such a giddy, nervous wreck.

  I looked around the room as I took another sip from my glass, smiling at the twinkle lights.

  “I always thought a picnic under the stars would be a pretty romantic first date,” he said. “But it’s too cold for a real picnic, so I thought this would be the next best thing.”

  I nodded in agreement as the CD player which had been playing some beautiful operatic pieces changed, and Michael Buble’ was singing “Crazy Love”. Whenever I heard this song I had to smile, it always made me happy.

  “I can hear her heartbeat for a thousand miles/ And the heavens open up every time she smiles

  And when I come to her, that’s just where I belong/ Yet I’m running to her like a river strong

  She gives me love, love, love, crazy love She gives me love, love, love, crazy love”

  Michael set his plate aside and stood holding his hand out to me.

  “Dance with me?”

  He didn’t have to ask twice. I’d dreamt about dancing with him more than once. I reached my hand to his as he led me to the middle of the room, pulling me toward him gently. And then we were dancing. We were dancing to “Crazy Love”.

  I laughed as he twirled me around, and as close as he held me, I wanted to be closer. I rested my head against his chest, and closed my eyes as we swayed to the music. The song stopped, but he didn’t let go of me as the next song came on, and I felt his head rest on the top of mine as we danced slowly, one hand holding mine gently, the other holding me to him. I’m not sure how many songs we danced to, but when we sat down on the blanket again Adele was singing “To Make You Feel My Love”.

  Our ravioli wasn’t hot anymore, but we both ate anyway. When we finished, Michael took our plates. I started to get up to help, but he just gave me a look that said ‘stay put’, so I did. He returned with a plate of chocolate dipped strawberries for dessert, and set them between us.

  He ran his hand through his hair. “You look beautiful tonight, Grace. “Pink is my favorite color on you.”


  He nodded.

  “Pink is my favorite color,” I told him.

  “Yeah, I know,” he said winking at me.

  When we finished eating, we stretched out on the blanket and gazed up at the electric stars above, and our favorite music serenaded us. I laid my head against his chest, and he held me to him while we talked and laughed. I loved being in his arms, and we talked for a long time about a little bit of everything.

  He walked me home, and we stood on the front porch. The night air was chilly, our breaths leaving in smoky puffs as we said goodnight.

  “We have an early appointment in the morning in Boulder,” he said. “But the rest of our day is free. How about we bring you and Kate some lunch?”

  “Sounds great.” I stood on my toes to kiss him. “Thank you for a wonderful evening. This was the best date I’ve ever had.”

  His arms came around me and his mouth was on mine.

  “Oh, Grace,” he murmured against my lips. “You make me so happy. I love you.”

  “I love you,” I said, my voice barely a whisper. “So much more.”


  I was having a difficult time not smiling while getting dressed for work. Every thought was about Michael, and every thought made me happy. As I left my room, I could hear Kate humming in the kitchen.

  “How was your date last night?”

  I guess my expression said it all, because she hugged me excitedly.

  “I’m so glad! He wanted last night to be perfect.”

  “It was perfect.”

  I told her every detail on the way to work, and by the time we got to the shop she was smiling almost as much as me.

  “Hey, girls!” Kenny greeted us cheerily. “How’s it goin’?”

  We chatted as I prepared Kate’s and my breakfast, and after eating I went to o
pen the bookstore, noticing several boxes in the store room.

  “Those came yesterday afternoon,” Kenny informed me. “You need any help?” “Nope, I’ve got it.”

  He laughed and nodded. “Yeah, I figured that’s what you’d say, but I have to offer.”

  I rolled my eyes and got busy going through the new shipment of books I’d ordered after Christmas, humming as I worked.

  “Hey, Grace.” Miles was coming toward me with a smile. “New books?”

  I nodded as he peered into the boxes.

  “Anything good?”

  “It’s all good,” I said matter-of-factly.

  He laughed as he turned to go see Kate in the office, and I walked over to stand next to Garrett. Without a word, he put me in one of his headlocks, making Kenny laugh. Kate and Miles emerged from the office, and Miles shook his head at Garrett.

  “Garrett release Grace and come with me to get lunch for everyone,” Miles said.

  Garrett nodded as he released me, and I punched him in the arm.

  “Ow.” He rubbed his arm, even though I know I didn’t hurt him in the slightest. “You wanna come with us, Gracie?”

  “Michael’s supposed to be here soon.” I looked at my watch. “I thought he’d be with you.”

  “He’s on his way,” Miles said. “I told him I’d pick up lunch. Do you want to come with us?”

  “I should get these boxes unloaded.”

  “You need some help?” Garrett asked.

  “Maybe after you’ve eaten,” I patted his stomach. “You think better when you’re not hungry.”

  “True,” he said, and they went to the door. Before walking out, Garrett paused and looked at me. “Cobb salad?”

  I nodded and he smiled widely at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “You’re in love and it makes me happy.”

  I sighed, overwhelmed with love for my best friend. He gave me a wink as he followed Miles out the door. Kate gave my shoulders a squeeze.

  “I love them,” I said, and she nodded in agreement. “I’m going to get those books coded.”

  She kissed my cheek and practically bounced back to her office, making me smile. I got back to work, so excited to see Michael I had difficulty concentrating.

  I was on the floor rearranging one of the display shelves, making room for some of the new books, when I noticed someone coming toward me. I got angry right away when I saw Nina, smirking as she watched me get to my feet.

  “No, no,” she said sweetly. “Don’t get up. You’re so comfortable on the floor.”

  I ignored her comment and slid a book onto the shelf.

  “Why are you here?” I asked. “Did you not believe me when I said I’d call the sheriff?”

  “I believed you.” She pulled a random book from the shelf, seeming to look at it carefully. “I just thought I might look around for a minute. Maybe I’ll buy a book.”

  She slid the book back in its place, pulling out another one. There was something about her that didn’t seem…right and it made me uncomfortable. I glanced around the store. No customers. I couldn’t see Kenny, which meant he was either in the kitchen or the store room. From the office, Kate wouldn’t have seen Nina come in.

  “What’s wrong, Grace? You look nervous.”

  “Yeah, you make me nervous. Why don’t you say what you came to say and get out of here.”

  She smiled. “Okay. I think you’re a lying, manipulative bitch.”

  I folded my arms across my chest. Her smile disappeared, and she looked past me.

  “I knew when I first met you.” She shook her head. “I knew you were going to be trouble, and I tried to tell him, but he wouldn’t listen.”

  “Okay, you’re done here.” I pointed to the door. “Get out.”

  She seemed amused as she took a deliberate step toward me. I ignored the instinct to step away from her.

  “He thinks he loves you, but he doesn’t.” Her expression went blank as she spoke. “I saw him with you last night.”

  The blood rushed from my face and her forehead creased as if she were deep in thought.

  “I saw you dancing with him.” Her eyes glistened, and she blinked rapidly. “But the thing is, you don’t deserve him.”

  A chill went through me, like my blood had run cold.

  “I’m leaving, Grace.” The smile returned as she turned on her heel to leave.

  I watched her walk slowly toward the door and released a deep breath. I bent down to pick up books from the floor and when I stood, Nina was in front of me again.

  A sudden jolt of pain throttled my torso. A burning, searing, pain radiated from my stomach and traveled through the rest of my body. The books in my arms fell to the floor with muted thuds. Nina kept one hand on my shoulder, her eyes void of all emotion as she watched me. Everything blurred as I dropped to my knees. She turned calmly and unrushed, exiting the store.

  A painful electric current pulsated through me and I crumpled to the floor. I tried to wrap my arms around the heat, but it wouldn’t turn off. It only got hotter. Something warm and wet seeped through my fingers. The pain was excruciating. An eerie darkness crept over me, while nausea and dizziness made it difficult to focus.

  Michael’s face flashed through my mind. Nina had watched us last night, and she wanted to hurt him. I needed to get up. No one could see me here, hidden between the shelves. The room was getting darker by the second. I grabbed at the shelf next to me and managed to get on my feet. The burning took over my whole body as I tried to make my feet move. Books tumbled from the shelf as I struggled toward the front of the store and collapsed again.

  “GRACIE!” I heard Kate scream, but it sounded far away. “Kenny! Help!” She stroked my face frantically, but I could barely see her.

  I recognized Kenny’s voice. “Oh, no.”

  Kate sobbed, still stroking my face and holding my hand tightly. The bells from the shop door jingled, and Garrett’s laughter caused my pain to subside for the briefest of moments.

  “Miles!” Kate shouted.

  “Kate? What—” Garrett sounded far away too, but a second later I felt his arm go under my neck, cradling me to him. “What happened? Gracie, can you hear me?”

  I tried to blink away the tears so everything wouldn’t be so blurry, but it didn’t help. I struggled to make my eyes focus.

  “Oh no! Grace! NO!”

  Michael. He was with me and he was safe.

  “Grace,” Michael pleaded as his hands searched for some place to offer comfort. “No! No!”

  “I know, little brother,” Garrett muttered anxiously, holding me to him. “There’s so much blood. Gracie, can you hear me?”

  I could hear him, but now I couldn’t see anything. It was too dark.

  “Please,” Michael whispered in my ear, so much sadness in his voice. I wanted to see him. I wanted the darkness to lift so I could see his face. “Please open your eyes, Grace. Please.”

  I didn’t realize my eyes were closed.

  “The ambulance is coming.” It was Kenny. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t even hear anyone come in. You know I never would’ve let this happen.”

  This wasn’t Kenny’s fault. I swallowed hard trying to find my voice.

  “Nina,” my voice was barely a whisper. “It was Nina.”

  “Nina? Gracie, Nina did this?” Garrett shouted a string of profanities and he tightened his hold on me. “I’ll kill her. I’ll kill her myself!”

  He let out another string of profanities as Kate sobbed louder.

  “You stay with us, do you hear me, Gracie?” Garrett’s hand came to the side of my face.

  I tried to open my eyes. Michael’s face was there for a moment, then it was dark again. Why did it have to be dark?

  “Miles,” Michael pleaded. “Why aren’t they here? What’s taking so long?”

  “I know, little brother,” Miles’ voice was shaky. “They’re coming.”

  A siren from far away came closer, then voices s
houted at the same time.

  “Back here! Hurry!”

  I felt several hands on me, and my body moved. The movement caused the pain to intensify, and I cried out.

  “Please! Be careful with her!” Michael pleaded.

  “Oh, Gracie,” Garrett said. “I know it hurts, but they have to move you. I’m so sorry.”

  “What happened?” An unfamiliar voice was close to me and something tightened around my arm.

  “We aren’t sure, but I think she’s been stabbed,” Garrett answered, and then another string of profanity.

  “We have to move her now,” the unfamiliar voice said. “She’s lost too much blood.”

  I knew I was being moved, but I couldn’t feel anything except the pain.

  “We’re going with you,” Garrett said.

  “I’m sorry, but only one.”

  “Go, little brother. We’re right behind you.”

  A siren squealed and my body shivered. I was so cold, but I couldn’t find my voice to tell someone.

  “She’s cold,” Michael’s voice was anguished.

  “It’s because of the loss of blood.”

  Michael’s lips were against my ear murmuring something I couldn’t understand, and after what seemed like forever, I was moved again. There was a lot of shouting, and many voices as something soft came underneath me. There was the sound of fabric being torn, and cool air hit my torso.

  A familiar voice called my name. “What happened to her?”

  “Evan!” Garrett sounded almost relieved. “She’s been stabbed!”

  Evan began shouting orders frantically, and I was glad he was with me. There was motion all around me, but I could only focus on the pain that jolted my stomach. There was a loud cry, and I realized it was me.

  “Get the morphine in her, now!” Evan shouted. “I know it hurts, Grace. I’m sorry, I’m going to make it stop.”

  “You can’t be in here!” Someone yelled.

  “Please!” Kate pleaded. “Please let me stay with her! I can’t leave her alone!”

  “Katie-Bug,” Evan’s voice was loud, as if he were next to my ear. “I’m going to help her, but you have to leave and let us do our job. I promise I won’t leave her alone for even a minute, okay?”

  Someone grasped my hand then let go and for the first time I was afraid.


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