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Still Yours

Page 18

by Cara Roman

  He headed around back and was already unloading her luggage when she managed to climb out. That big beautiful door swung open, and Ridge stepped out. Boomer came barreling down the front steps toward her, filling the air with the sounds of his joyful barking. Ridge just stood there for a moment, and Leigha remembered pulling up to his other house for the first time. He had been playing guitar sitting on the porch, and she was unsure of her welcome. This time he was standing there with a grin stretched across his face, his eyes shining, and he was just taking her in. Leigha knew without a doubt that he wanted her here this time.

  "Sugar." He said, and immediately everything inside of her clenched. Then he was moving, his long legs eating the distance between them in huge chunks.

  Leigha launched herself up into his arms as soon as he was close enough, wrapping her arms and legs around him. His mouth landed on hers, and the whole world just flew away. All that held her anchored to this earth was his body pressed up against hers, his mouth moving with hers. Ridge pulled back, resting his forehead against hers. "I don't ever want to be away from you again." Leigha whispered. The words were out of her mouth before she even realized she had thought them.

  "That works for me." Ridge said sounding just as breathless as she did. He turned to Griff without bothering to put Leigha down. "Thanks for taking care of my woman Griff."

  "No problem man." Griff said walking past them, carrying Leigha's luggage into the house. He must have known if left up to them it would stay forgotten in the driveway all night. "See you two tomorrow."Griff said with a knowing chuckle as he walked back out of the house. He got into the SUV heading over towards the garage.

  "Bring me inside your house Ridge." Leigha said, her voice dripping with need.

  "Yes ma'am, my pleasure." He said as he walked up the steps. Boomer darted inside just before he kicked the door shut. Smart dog.

  Leigha didn't even bother trying to look at the house as Ridge carried her through it. All of her focus was on the man she loved. It felt like years since she had been in his arms, not just days. The need for him burned with a desperately sharp edge inside of her. She bumped deliciously against his body with every step as he jogged up the stairs. "Hurry." She hungrily said as she kissed every inch skin she could reach.

  "We've got all night baby, I'm not going anywhere." Ridge said.

  Leigha moaned, the rumble of his chest had her nipples tightening to peaks inside of her lace bra. "Don't care. Need you now." She said biting into his bottom lip. "Right fucking now."

  "Jesus, baby." Ridge groaned, and then she was falling backward with him on top of her.

  Leigha felt the soft give behind her, and knew she was in his bed, exactly where she needed to be. She yanked his shirt up and over his head. Her hands immediately going to the wealth of hot skin she uncovered. Her nails scraped down his chest and over the dips of his abs as she dragged them down towards the waist of his jeans. Ridge's whole body trembled on top of her, and it was everything she needed to know that he was just as crazed with need as she was. She popped the button, pulled the zipper down, and dove inside of his boxer briefs. Her hand wrapped around his dick, and it was like warm steel in her fingers. She pumped him quickly while the other hand pushed his pants down. Finally getting with the get naked quickly program Ridge tore her clothes off in a heated frenzy.

  Leigha felt almost painfully empty and hollow inside. Her need for him was stronger than her need to draw her next breath. She wrapped her legs around his hips, as he thrust inside of her in one smooth stroke. They both let out groans, the rightness, the feeling of absolute homecoming raging through them. She dug her heels into the muscles of his ass and worked her hips frantically up against his. Her muscles were already quaking deep within her pussy, and she knew he felt it.

  "Fuck, I'm not gonna last very long like this Sugar." Ridge said through clenched teeth.

  "I don't give a damn. Just fuck me Ridge. I need to feel how much you need me." Leigha said, her hips never stopping their movements.

  He let out a growl, an actual growl, and wrapped one hand behind her head, the other snaked underneath her body. He held her pressed to his body and pumped into her harder than he ever had before, Leigha gasped greedily. His face only inches from hers, she could see every last thread holding his control together snap. Her orgasm built bigger and bigger with every demanding slap of his body against hers. Leigha's world had narrowed down to the swirling need in Ridge's eyes, and the feel of him moving inside of her. Her neck wanted to arch back, to ride the freight train of feelings speeding through her, but his hand there held her still, making her toes curl instead. Her body exploded with such force that the edges of her vision faded to black. Ridge swallowed the scream that tore out of her mouth with a kiss. His hips went erratic as she pulsed around him, and her nails dug into his shoulders. His whole body shuddered as he moaned into her mouth. Leigha felt the burning heat of his release fill her up, as he finally stilled above her.

  They lay there breathless, on top of his bed, floating in the aftermath of the passion. It took a full five minutes before Ridge could manage to roll over and pull out of her. She felt the loss of his body inside hers with a whimper, before curling into his side. Looking up into his eyes she smiled, the way only a woman well pleasured could. He laughed, full and deep. "Welcome to Nashville Sugar."

  Chapter 32

  Ridge's house was a flurry of activity the next day. Josie was at the door with a whole entourage bright and early with the singular goal of polishing the both of them until they shone like the star that Ridge actually was. Sitting on a stool in the guest bedroom, Leigha decided that she was just going to enjoy it, and go along even though it wasn't really her thing. The flamboyant makeup artist, Jonathan, asked her what her daily beauty routine consisted of, as he started unpacking his massive case, which to her mind held more makeup than the Sephora that Dani liked to drag her into whenever they made it to the mall back home.

  "Umm, not much actually. Moisturizer, some minty lip balm. If I'm getting fancy I'll add a swipe or two of mascara. But I'm usually out the door pretty early in the mornings, to open my coffee shop, and I'd rather sleep the extra few minutes." Leigha admitted with a shrug.

  He stood staring at her a moment, clearly trying to collect his thoughts. "Well, you have great skin, so you don't really need much. We're gonna be putting a hell of a lot more on you today though, hun. All of the cameras practically require it. But we will keep you looking as fresh as possible." Jonathan said with a smile.

  "No smoky eye?" Leigha grinned at him, joking around.

  "Not this time, but girl, you could so totally pull it off." He replied with a sassy wink. "I will keep it in mind for the next event you need me to glam you up for."

  Leigha zoned out while Jonathan painted her nails a delicate, understated shade of pink. The hairstylist, Christine was busy conferring with Josie about what to do with her hair.

  "Well, the dress already makes quite a statement. Jonathan is going for fresh and natural, we don't want to over complicate her hair and ruin the whole look." Josie said.

  "What about a fishtail braid off to the side? Some careless pieces escaping around her face." Christine said while lifting her hair off to the side to demonstrate.

  "I like that, Leigha, what do you think?" Josie asked after a minute of intense consideration.

  "I braid my hair quite often, although not a fishtail, I've never mastered that one. I think that will help me to still look like myself, just a little more glam than usual." Leigha said, then smiled, "and Ridge has a thing about my braid."

  "Of course he does, men just can't wait to unbind it, and get their hands through all those strands." Jonathan said as he painted her toenails.

  All three women stared at him, a little awestruck. "What? I might be gay, but the appeal isn't lost on me." He said with a careless shrug of his shoulders.

  "Guess that settles it then." Josie laughed. "I'll be back, I've got to go check in with Ridge."

sp; "I'd think he is a pro at this thing by now." Leigha said.

  "Oh he is, but he still gets nervous, especially when he is preforming a new song for the first time at one of these things. That gets to him more than being up for an award." Josie said as she walked out of the room.

  Leigha sat there thinking about that. It helped her a little that she wasn't the only one nervous about tonight. All she had to do was walk next to Ridge and sit down to enjoy the show. He was the one who had to get up there and do something. Just thinking of finally being the one on his arm while he lived his dream settled most of the nerves. It was actually kind of nice not having to worry about the details. Letting the glam squad, as she thought of them, do their thing she relaxed.

  They had her looking like a goddess in far shorter time than she would have thought possible. She was still staring at herself in the mirror when Ridge walked up behind her. She watched him look his fill at her reflection. She could see exactly how much he liked her dress, his pupils dilating.

  "You're the most gorgeous woman in the whole damn world, and nobody will be able to take their eyes off of you tonight. I'm so lucky that I get to be the one who has you on my arm. Reminds me of how I felt waiting in the foyer at your parents house. Watching you walk down the stairs in your prom dress. I swear my heart leapt right out of my body and fell at your feet." Ridge said softly.

  "You stared at me for the longest time. I started to wonder if I had a booger hanging out of my nose." Leigha laughed. "I'd never seen you look at me quite like that before."

  "No, you just left me speechless Sugar, every single thought in my head just emptied out. You're the only one who's ever done that to me."

  "Ever?" Leigha asked, needing to hear it again.

  "Ever ever." Ridge whispered in her ear. Wrapping his arms around her, he turned her to face him. "Its not a corsage this time, but I've got something to complete your dress."

  Leigha thought of the flowers he slid on her wrist all those years ago, and smiled at him. "No corsage? Well, I suppose I can manage without one."

  Ridge pulled a velvet box out of his pocket, and watching her face he slowly raised the lid. Nestled inside was a pair of sapphire earrings, tear drops that reminded her of the way Lake Michigan looked in the winter. Deep, and sparkling blue. Tears gathered in her eyes, and she blinked, trying to keep them from falling and ruining the makeup Jonathan worked so hard on. Ridge pulled the matching bracelet from the box and put it on her right wrist. Looking down at it she turned her hand and watched as the stones caught the light.

  "Ridge, these are too much." Leigha whispered in a trembling voice.

  "No, Sugar, they're not. I know you don't give a damn about my money, hell you loved me when all I could afford for a date was a picnic in the back of my truck."

  "Best memories of my life, don't ever doubt that." Leigha interrupted.

  "I don't." He said cupping the side of her face. "Which is why its nice to be able to give you more now. Because you wouldn't have cared if I never could have. I would still have been enough for you." He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss, mindful of her lipstick, on her. "Put the earrings on, I want to see them." He said handing them to her.

  Leigha smiled and slid the hooks through the holes in her ears and posed for him. "What do you think? Am I ready for this?"

  "They won't know what hit them." He offered her his arm like a gentleman. "Come on, I can't wait to show you off, then when we get back home I'm gonna fuck you in nothing but those sapphires tonight." He said into her ear, and Leigha trembled all over in anticipation.

  Chapter 33

  "Deep breath Sugar." Ridge said as the limousine pulled to a stop. The world lurking outside the dark tint of the window was an absolute frenzy. Leigha nodded her head resolutely, Ridge gave the window a quick tap, and the door was pulled open. Griff, dressed in a nice suit grinned at them and Ridge stepped out into the chaos of lights. As the flashes went off he held his hand out and Leigha grasped it in hers as she did her best to step gracefully out. There was a heart stopping gasp that sounded collectively through the whole crowd. The sight of her leaving everyone stunned momentarily, before they recovered enough to start lobbing questions at the two of them with increasing persistence.

  "Who's the lady with you, Ridge?"

  "Looks like you've moved on already, Ridge."

  "Does Suzy know you brought a date tonight, Ridge?"

  "Give her a kiss for the camera's Ridge?"

  "Who are you wearing?"

  "When's your next single coming out?"

  "How do you feel about having caught the most eligible bachelor in country music?"

  Ridge wrapped his arm around Leigha in solidarity, and gave her the tiniest of squeezes. Leigha knew nobody would have been able to see it, he just wanted to comfort her in the face of the media onslaught. He might be used to this, but she certainly had no experience with it. They were steered swiftly past the paparazzi flashes towards television cameras, and eager hosts waiting impatiently with predatory smiles and microphones held at the ready. The red carpet felt an awful lot like what navigating a rocky pass in a sail boat must have. You knew there were sharks lurking everywhere just waiting to gleefully tear into you should you make one wrong move. There was no way to go around, you just had to find the courage to power through, with a smile as your armor, and balls of steel. Well, Leigha was no wimp. She could handle this. Setting her shoulders she stood up straight, put her best 'bless your heart' smile on, the one she used with annoying customers at Caffeinated Sprinkles, and sent Ridge a wink. The smile he flashed her was sure to melt the panties off every woman in at least a three square mile radius, but she knew he got her message. The first perky host all but attacked them as they approached.

  "Ridge Bradley, aren't you looking spectacular tonight! You're up for only one award, and you're are scheduled to perform, and rumor has it that it will be a brand new song we haven't heard before. Can you tell us anything about the song?"

  "Thanks. I'm glad to be here, I've always had a really good time at this show every year, I've been very blessed to be so embraced in this business, by the fans, and the industry. As for what song I'm gonna sing tonight, I guess you just have to wait and see like everyone else." Ridge said in a teasing voice.

  Not missing a beat the woman honed in on Leigha with a patronizing glare. Leigha got the impression the previous questions were only to soften Ridge up, because the gleam in her eyes clearly communicated how much she wanted this. "Who's this lovely lady on your arm Ridge? A date for tonight, or are you debuting a budding romance to the world?" She pointed the microphone in Ridge's face, and Leigha held her breath.

  "This beauty, that I don't deserve, but am lucky enough to bring along tonight is Leigha Taylor." Ridge said, and Leigha could hear how proud he was to say that.

  "Are you an up and coming singer we should be on the lookout for Leigha?" The woman said directing the microphone towards her.

  Ridge leaned in before Leigha had a chance to think of a response. "Nope, Leigha isn't in show business at all."

  "How did you catch this hunk's attention then Leigha? I'd imagine its pretty difficult to get close to someone like him." The words gold digger left unspoken, but Leigha clearly heard them all the same.

  "Well, she was the prettiest girl I'd ever seen. It took a while to finally get her to agree to go on a date with me, but I knew I was the luckiest sixteen year old on the planet when she finally did." Ridge said leaning in and kissing Leigha on the temple through his smile.

  "Wait, sixteen? Ridge Bradley are you seriously telling us that you ran back into the arms of your high school sweetheart after divorcing Suzy Cordell? Had the two of you kept in touch the whole time? Is that where things between you two went wrong?" This time the host didn't have to feign shock. The surprise on her face was as real as it got, probably the only genuine thing about the lady.

  "No, we certainly didn't. When Ridge set out for Nashville to follow his dreams, I went to college and f
ollowed mine. That was the last I heard from him until I bumped into him after he bought a house back in our hometown quite recently." Leigha said defending Ridge. She didn't like the assumption that Ridge had her waiting in the wings through his marriage. He may have been unable to extricate her from his heart, but she certainly wasn't in his life.

  "And the sparks flew again, how adorable." The host said, her voice all but dripping in artificial sweetness. Leigha half expected her shoes to be sticking to the floor she was laying it on so thick.

  "What can I say, that pretty girl grew up to be one hell of a beautiful woman." Ridge said before easing them away to the next host absolutely starving for the exclusive. They all but repeated the same conversation over and over as they made their way achingly slowly inside. Leigha was exhausted, and the awards ceremony hadn't even technically started yet.

  "Is it always like that?" She whispered.

  "Like a mad house?" Ridge asked. "Yeah."

  "Why does everyone seem to think everything about your life is their business? Don't they realize how rude that is?" Leigha said annoyed.

  "They just don't care. The assumption is the moment I signed the dotted line on my recording contract all of me belongs to the spotlight." Ridge said, and there was a distinct jaded edge to his voice.

  "Its a high price to pay for a dream." Leigha said weaving her fingers through his.

  "Being rich and famous is expensive to the soul." He said as they made their way to the seats.

  Leigha expected them to be a few rows back since like the shark lady had pointed out he was only nominated for one award tonight, and not really expected to win it. But they were front and center. Leigha sat down with a look at Ridge. He correctly read the confusion on her face.

  "They're hoping to catch some drama on camera. Suzy is only a few seats away, and they want us in the same frame."

  "You mean expect you two to stand up and start screaming at each other right in the middle of the show?" Leigha glanced around and he was right. Most everyone was staring at the two of them.


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