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Delivering Decker

Page 9

by Kelly Collins

  “I love that you are sharing your story with me. I’m here for you.”


  “Because somewhere inside of me, I know you’re worth it.” It was one of those moments where my heart clenched in agreement. It was rare that my head and heart agreed.

  “Something tells me that’s a huge compliment.” He turned his head and kissed me. Not a sweet brush-of-the-lips kiss, but a torn-from-the-heart, passionate kiss. One that made my insides burn with desire.

  Our lips separated when I leaned back. I focused on drawing air into my lungs as the aftermath of his kiss coursed through my body. I thought about his confessions and knew I owed him some of mine.

  “You need to know something about me.”

  He nibbled up my jawline to my ear. “Tell me everything.” His hand moved to my waist, then up my dress to cup my breast. I had ample material to work with, but his hand completely covered my boob. I pressed my hand over his and stopped the movement because with his hands on me, I couldn’t think.

  “I want to have sex with you, but you need to know I’m not the kind of girl who goes to bed with every guy on the first date.” Unfortunately, my being blonde, big-boobed, and built for sex gave men the wrong idea about me.

  “This is like our second date. We had coffee and pie the first time.” He ran his tongue down my neck, making gooseflesh rise on my skin.

  I squirmed in his lap, trying to stop the tingling desire that flooded my system. “Seriously, you need to know that I’m not some easy girl.” I pushed him back. His blue eyes were heavy with desire. “Lots of men think I am, but I’m not. Two men have tried to rape me.”

  He jolted back. “Oh, my God. I’m so sorry.” He pushed me gently from his lap to sit at his side. The absence of his touch was worse than the sting of my truth. “I don’t want you to think I brought you here for sex.”

  Feeling bold, I climbed back onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. “You’re not understanding,” I said. “Those men tried to take something from me that I wasn’t willing to give. But you…” I pressed my lips to his for a brief second. “I want to give you everything.” I’d had a few partners. Not as many as everyone would guess. I was a flirt, not a whore. But my desire to be with Decker was stronger than anything I’d felt. I was willing to risk everything for one night—tonight.

  “I’d never hurt you, Hannah.”

  I shifted to straddle his legs so I could see his face fully. “I believe that you wouldn’t hurt me intentionally. Now kiss me so this moment can wash away the stress from the day.”

  His hand tightened in my hair, and his mouth took possession of my lips. He drove me mad with his hungry kisses. Our tongues tangled in a battle that sent pleasure soaring from my nipples to my sex.

  When I was sure my lips were bruised, I broke the kiss. I crawled off his lap and pulled him to a standing position. “Where’s your room?”

  Those heavy-lidded eyes brightened for the first time in hours. Decker needed a drug tonight. I knew that was why he needed me to be here with him. I was his temporary vice to get through the night. My only hope was that I was as enticing and intoxicating as a bottle of vodka or a line of cocaine.

  “Are you sure? I didn’t invite you—”

  “That’s what makes it sweeter. This is on my terms. Not yours. Are you sure you want me?” I walked backward, unfastening the tiny pearl-like buttons on the front of my dress.

  “Oh, Hannah, what have you done to me?”

  “Oh, Decker, I haven’t done anything to you yet, but I have plans.”

  One long step and he was in front of me. One lift and I was in his arms. One short walk down the hallway and we were in his room, where he tumbled me onto his bed. A lamp on the nightstand cast a soft glow across the room. Like the rest of his house, it was modern with simple lines and monochromatic colors. The bedspread was soft below me. His body was hard above me, especially the stiff rod that prodded my thigh.

  He tugged at my buttons while I pulled at his shirt.

  “Let me,” we said in unison and laughed. He rolled off me and onto his feet. Propped up on my elbows I watched him undress. The surrounding air arced with energy, a strong current pinging between us.

  When his shirt cleared his chest, I took a deep fortifying breath. The way he moved his tall lean body set my pulse pounding. He was like a fever in my blood, the heat raging through my veins and settling in my core.

  One at a time, he pulled off my heels and tossed them to the floor. With a swift pull of my ankles, he slid my body to the edge of the bed. Gathering up the hem of my dress, he shimmied it past my hips and removed it completely. Left in my pink panties and bra, I should have felt naked because I nearly was. But all I felt was beautiful in his eyes.

  The hunger written on his face was enough to prove he desired me, and I was just as ravenous for him.

  “You’re so damn beautiful.” He dropped to his knees in front of me. I’d never brought a man to his knees before, and the feeling was heady and wonderful. “I want to see every inch of you.” One strap lowered at a time, he exposed my breasts. My nipples puckered under his gaze. He pulled one into his mouth and savored it. Not the way some men suck it in like boba stuck in a straw, but like he was enjoying my taste and texture all at once.

  While I reached back to free my bra, his hands tugged at my panties. He tugged them down to my ankles, and I kicked them off, not knowing or caring where they landed.

  “I need to taste your sweetness.” His hands gripped my knees and pulled my legs apart. My eyes closed as I tried to control the trembling. The heat of his tongue licked through my sex, sending desire jolting through my body.

  A low groan left my lips when his tongue pressed inside me. He circled my clit, forcing my hips to rise and seek more. He grabbed my ass and pulled me closer to his mouth, intensifying my desire.

  “Damn, that feels so good.” Weeks ago I was swearing off men forever, and now I was swearing because this man felt so perfect between my thighs. He licked at me with long deliberate strokes. Whimpers and incoherent sounds left my mouth. My fingers gripped his hair. The velvet of his tongue dipped inside me. “Decker!” I cried out. It swirled around my clit while his lips pulled in the engorged button for a suck. My breath grew rapid and jagged. My body shook. His fingers slid into my wetness and I came hard in body-racking spasms.

  He slowed his strokes but never stopped. His fingers slid in and out of me while the last of my spasms gripped them. When the final shudder left me, Decker pulled back and wiped his glistening lips with the back of his hand.

  He smiled with the kind of pride you see when a football player wins the Super Bowl. Still dressed in jeans, he climbed up my body and kissed me, my taste on his lips more arousing than gross.

  “Hannah.” His voice was sex drugged. “You’re my new favorite meal.”

  My hands splayed over his chest. My fingertips memorized each muscle, each dip, and divot that made him so perfect. I explored his exposed body from the top of his head to his buttoned jeans. Braced above my body, his arms bulged. The muscles pulled at the gauze stretching across his wound.

  “Does it hurt still?” My fingertips brushed lightly over the area.

  “No.” Transferring his weight to his knees, he took my hand and pressed it to his rock-hard erection. “This hurts.”

  One tug and a swift zip down gave me access to the fullness of him. The man was big everywhere. “Take off your pants.”

  His smile was disarming, and if I weren’t already naked, the heat in his eyes would have incinerated my clothes.

  Not only was he hot, he was fast. Naked in seconds flat, he climbed up my body and let his heavy length fall between my legs. “I’ve thought about this with you so many times since that first night. It’s a wonder I’ve accomplished anything.”

  “I’m already naked with my legs spread. You don’t have to sweet-talk me.” It was heaven to feel the heat radiate off his body. To watch his eyes eat me up inch by inch. His
words made me wish for more, but that was dangerous. Girls like me didn’t get to wish. We just accepted what was right here, right now.

  “Hannah, I want to punch every man who’s never told you how incredible you are.”

  Maybe I could wish just tonight. “I don’t need to hear it from any man but you.” His torso lengthened as he reached for his nightstand. When he relaxed over me, he held a condom in his hand. The package read magnum, and I didn’t doubt it for a second.

  I watched with fascination as he rolled the tiny piece of latex over what could only be described as massive. There was no doubt that tomorrow I’d still feel him.

  Decker looked into my eyes like he was diving into my soul. “I don’t deserve you, Hannah, but I want you so bad.” He probed at my sex but didn’t push forward. “You are special.”

  The same care he took with his tongue he took with the rest. He didn’t shove forward and seize his pleasure. He inched in, building mine. Full didn’t describe my body when he was deep inside—only the word complete could.

  My hands cupped his granite-hard ass and pulled him deeper. My hips rotated beneath his thrusting body. “Hannah, you’re going to make me come.”

  “That is the end game, right?” He’d given me pleasure like I’d never known. I wanted him to experience the same.

  He pulled out almost completely. “Yes, but for both of us.” His strokes began again. They started at a slow pace and built into a deep thrusting rhythm that set my nerve endings aflame.

  He pushed one of my legs back, and the position changed everything. Every thrust was a direct connection to that bundle of nerves that was ready to spark and explode.

  I was close. He was close. I clawed at his back. “Hannah, you are so freaking right for me.” I’d been on the edge, and his words took me over. I tumbled hard and fast.

  My core pulsed around him, and he grew impossibly bigger before he stilled and my name burst from his lips. Never had a man called my name when he came. I’d heard things like “Damn, girl” to indiscernible grunts, but this man called my name, and it was the most amazing sound ever.

  His weight pushed me into the mattress, but it wasn’t uncomfortable at all. In fact, it was comforting. His body was a shield on top of me. Seconds later he shifted to the side and brushed his lips over mine.

  “Thank you for being with me.”

  This was the awkward moment where I wasn’t sure whether I should climb out of bed and get dressed or snuggle up close to his body and drift off to sleep. I attempted to roll away, but he pulled me close. “Stay with me.”

  Not wanting to sound too eager, I said, “I have to work at nine.”

  “I’ll make sure you’re up. I’ll even make pancakes and tea.” He rolled out of bed and walked his fine ass to the bathroom. He peeked his head out of the door. “I have a spare toothbrush, and I’ll get you a T-shirt, although I prefer you naked.”

  “Sold.” I rose from the bed and wrapped his comforter around my body. “I need to get my phone to check on my mom.”

  He strutted out of the bathroom, smelling like mint. After rummaging through his drawer, he pulled out a blue T-shirt and tossed it to me. “I’ll get your phone. You get ready for bed.”

  When I walked into the bathroom, things were ready for me. A new toothbrush. A tube of paste. A clean washcloth and a towel. They were simple niceties that no one had ever thought to give me.

  Face scrubbed and teeth brushed, I walked back into the bedroom to find him under the covers with the blankets thrown back for me. My purse sat on my side of the bed.

  I sent off a quick message to Stacey telling her I was staying with a friend and to look after Mom. I tucked myself up close to Decker’s body and relaxed.

  “Best night of my life.” He kissed the back of my head and pulled me to his body.

  “Mine too.” After a day of work and a night of romance—plus the fact that it was past two in the morning—I was slipping into that twilight rest, that place where your body is asleep but your mind is still functioning.

  Decker shifted. His hand rested on my naked hip. Words that were a whisper fell from his lips. “I found you when I needed you. You are perfect for me.”

  I stayed still, not wanting to interrupt him. His soft words soothed my once wounded heart. His words stitched me back together. He wanted me. He needed me. I was perfect for him.

  His breath tickled my neck.

  “Right person. Wrong time. How will I tell you I can’t have you?”

  It took everything in me to stay still. My heart was warmed and pliable from Decker’s kind words, ripe and ready for the picking. But he didn’t gently pluck it; he reached in and yanked it out, then stomped on it.

  Despite my exhaustion, I stayed awake until I was sure he was sound asleep. That’s when I slipped from his bed, gathered my things, and left brokenhearted.

  My ass dragged through my shift. The old owl clock seemed to lose its hoot as the hands moved slowly around the face.

  I’d “accidentally” spilled several plates on customers. Making anyone who looked at me wrong pay for Decker’s sins.

  Deep down inside, I knew he liked me, but it didn’t take the sting of his words away. He knew he was going to walk away, and yet he took what I offered anyway.

  I wavered between hating myself and hating him, and in the end, I couldn’t hate either of us. I’d wanted him, and I’d offered myself to him. My exact thoughts had been that I’d take him, if only for one night, and I got exactly what I’d asked for: one night.

  The bell rang. The door opened. The Savages walked in.

  “You look like shit.” Ryker folded his big body into the booth and reached for the sugar and creamer. “That date either went really good or really bad.”

  “It was fine.”

  Silas leaned back. “Uh oh, bro. You know when a girl says, ‘It was fine,’ that means it was anything but fine.”

  I poured their coffees. “You don’t know anything.”

  Silas sipped his black coffee while Ryker turned his white and sweet.

  “I know that you look like you were ridden hard and put away wet,” Ryker said. He tapped Silas’s mug. “Looks like our baby brother’s got game.”

  “You’re such an asshole. I don’t know what I ever saw in you. For your information, Decker’s dad has cancer, and we were at the hospital.”

  “Oh, shit. That’s bad. Is Decker okay?” Silas asked, all humor gone from his voice.

  I had to give the brothers some credit. They’d looked for so long and were finally rewarded, yet they were trying to proceed with caution and concern and tenderness.

  “He’s handling it.” There was no way I was going to tell them that I helped get him through the night by screwing the sorrow out of him. “Are you going to order something?”

  They both nodded, and I made an attempt to walk away, but Ryker reached out and gently grabbed my wrist.

  “I’m sorry. I was an asshole.” The blue eyes that once looked at me with irritation now looked at me with remorse.

  My gaze flickered between the two brothers. “Seems to be a Savage trait.”

  “Was the date that bad?” Silas scooted over and patted the seat next to him. “Sit down and tell us about it.”

  No convincing was needed to get me to plop my ass down. “No, he’s a really nice guy. He’s just not for me.” Those words ripped at my insides. That seemed to be the way of it when I lied. My mouth let the lie flow forth, but my gut always had a visceral reaction like an internal lie detector.

  “Is he happy?” Ryker asked.

  I braced myself for more stomach pain but instead avoided it with the truth. “He’s really well off, very sure of who he is, and where he needs to be.” No lie there, only the omission of the complete truth.

  “That’s that, I guess,” Silas said.

  Both men seemed to wilt in their seats.

  “You should stay in touch with him. His father is dying, and he might need some support.” In front of my e
yes, they bloomed. “He’ll need friends.”

  Chapter 15


  Ever since I’d woken up yesterday and found Hannah gone, living had felt like walking through hell. No note…nothing. She wouldn’t answer my texts. Didn’t answer my calls.

  I stared out the window of Dad’s office at nothing and everything. Riley Realty sat in a prime location downtown. Situated on the top floor, the views were magnificent, but all of a sudden seemed lackluster.

  Rose, Dad’s secretary, poked her head in. “Mr. Riley?”

  It was funny to be called by Dad’s name. I turned around, expecting him to be behind me looking over my work. Evaluating and criticizing every dotted i and crossed t. Oh, he was there all right, but not in the flesh. He lived in my head, constantly reminding me that I wasn’t enough.

  “Rose, you’ve known me since I was born. Call me Decker…please. Mr. Riley will always be my father, and I am not my father.”

  The older woman nodded. In her early fifties, she looked much older, but I imagine that came with the job. “Your mother is here.”

  I rolled my lower lip between two fingers. If Mom was here, that meant Dad was doing better. Maybe he’d surprise us and make it out of the hospital after all.

  “Send her in.”

  Dressed in navy blue and white Chanel, Mom looked like she’d walked hot off a magazine cover, not out of the hospital ICU.

  I stood up and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You can walk in, Mom. You never need an invitation or an announcement.”

  “I brought tea.” In her hands were two cardboard to-go cups. There was no doubt she’d stopped by Dushanbe. “Moroccan Mint for you. Oolong for me.”

  Normally, I’d be pleased with her selfless gesture, but even the smell made my chest tighten. Somehow I’d totally messed it up with Hannah. I couldn’t get the woman out of my mind, and as evidenced by her complete dismissal, I was obviously purged from her thoughts.

  “John tells me you were on a date when we brought your father to the hospital.” Mom placed her tea on the desk and sat in the chair in front. “He says she’s a nice girl. Tell me about her. Hannah, is it?” She smoothed her skirt with her hands, and then gave me that mom look that said, tell me everything.


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