Book Read Free


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by Michelle Hughes



  Michelle Hughes

  Tears of Crimson Publishing

  Copyright © 2015 by Michelle Hughes.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.

  Tears of Crimson Publishing

  Verbena, Alabama

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Dane/ Michelle Hughes. -- 1st ed.

  ISBN-13: 978-1515359715

  ISBN-10: 1515359719

  Table of Contents












  Love Hurts






  Chapter One



  “Fuck me, Dane. Show me how good you are.” Wrapping my hands under her tight ass I sank my cock balls deep and rode her hard and fast, the groan of pleasure I expected escaping right on time. “God! Yes! Just like that.”

  I was a god when I fucked, and my balls tightened in that familiar preparation of release. Pumping in and out, the condom caught my load and I felt her flesh squeeze and retract as her orgasm flooded my dick. She’d remember this as the best night of her life, I’d be lucky to remember her face. Straining into her, she milked me dry and a grunt of pleasure bellowed from my lips. My dick shriveled and I flopped on my back, catching my breath a few minutes before standing up to discard the evidence.

  Giving her a wink, I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Women expected no cuddling session when we finished, they wanted the image. The man who made them cream their pants when I served them dinner or put on a personal show for the right price in our private rooms. I’m not gay, so I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the fucking, but it was all hollow. I couldn’t remember the names of the women that filled my bed, even the ones that made multiple visits. They were just pussy, a way to bust a nut mostly.

  Years ago when I had a conscious it bothered me, but the women that came my way used me way more than I used them. I was the pretty eye candy they wanted hanging on their arm to impress their friends, or the fantasy to fulfill their deviant needs. Their Hunk. All of it was smoke and mirrors. They didn’t know jack shit about me, and I knew even less about them.

  The busty little blonde I’d just screwed, climbed in with me taking the soap to clean me up. I let her. “I can’t stay. My husband will wonder where I am.”

  I just smiled, knowing it didn’t matter what I said anyway and let her finish soaping my six pack abs. Returning the favor ended up in another quickie against the tiled wall before she sailed out of my life like the dozens of others before her. Once upon a time I’d craved a woman who could see past the exterior that had earned me more money than I could piss away in a lifetime. I grew the fuck up.

  I lived in a house that only a millionaire could afford, had people kissing my ass in any way I chose, and had the best damn job a man could ask for. I was a Hunk, life wasn’t that fucking bad! So what if I was twenty-eight years old and never had one relationship that meant shit? Most guys would give their life to live in my shoes.

  Casting off a towel from the waist I worked to keep in perfect shape, I pulled on some ripped jeans, before walking downstairs. My roommates were still up, piled in the living room in front of the Xbox playing Call of Duty. “You fuckers didn’t get enough of that shit in real life?” Their obsession with the game didn’t make sense, we’d served time in Iraq together, and the last thing I wanted was to relive was all the blood and gore crap. Hell, Noah still had nightmares about the shit and it couldn’t be good for him.

  “Don’t hear me bitching at you for bringing home some new piece of ass every night, do you? We get enough of that in real life too.” Brandt lifted his head long enough to give me a smirk before getting into the battle again.

  Sometimes I wondered if these guys had dicks. “Definitely would make you look less like faggots if you were doing a hot chick instead of playing some game together.” Chuckling, I plopped my ass down on the corner of the sofa and watched a round.

  “Can your shit, bro. Spending the rest of my life fucking new broads isn’t my idea of fun. Sooner or later you’ve got to grow up. Sure it feels good for a little while, but I want someone to grow old with. Maybe even make some babies.” Noah was the best damn chef in Nevada and ran the five-star restaurant of our resort, HUNKS.

  These guys had all been through the shit with me. We’d joined the service as six, hotheaded, eighteen year old men right out of high school, none of us willing to do college and get saddled with a bunch of loans. With no damn idea what we were getting ourselves into, we served out our time, keeping up with each other through emails while spread out all over the world. None of us wanted to be lifers and two years in we made plans to get the fuck out. Brandt came up with the idea for a restaurant in Nevada, right outside Vegas. It took another five years for us to get our shit together enough to make the dream a reality.

  We found dump outside the city and pooled our resources to live while taking on stupid ass jobs to cover our rent and save up. Brandt did behind the scenes fighting, and I took on a job as a stripper. Noah worked his way up from line cook while taking night classes at some culinary school, and was one of the best damn chefs I’d ever seen. Colton became a bartender, making a decent living in the casinos but it was never enough because he had rich ass tastes. Nick and Ian partnered up to work for the police and nearly got themselves killed on a nightly basis.

  The place we called home now was a far stretch from that piece of shit house we’d rented and working here was the easiest job I’d ever had. Our hard work paid off and Hunks was the premiere destination for women. Fine dining, entertainment and even a spa, all of that was part of what we offered. For us it meant fast cars, nice clothes, and the American dream. Considering that we came from nowhere, definitely not bad for six guys voted most likely to end up behind bars.

  “You talking hypothetically, or got some woman in mind to pop out your brats?” I was sure I’d remember him getting serious with some bitch since we lived together.

  “Haven’t found her yet. I’m just tired of fucking for pleasure. I mean how much pussy can you get before it gets old?” Noah looked upset at having women throw themselves at his feet all the time. Had to be some pre-thirty crisis. This was the damn life!

  “Sounds to me like you’ve been fucking the wrong women lately.” Chuckling as he shot me a glare, I shook my head. Running a business like this, one of the perks was having your choice of babes. I wasn’t gay but even I knew that not one of us would send a chick running the other way on our looks. We were in peak physical condition, and wealthy. That’s more than most women needed to make a bee-line for our beds.

  “When’s the last time you had a relatio
nship that lasted more than night?” Didn’t shock me that Nick jumped to Noah’s defense. He had some misguided opinion that women were put on this earth to do more than pleasure a man.

  “At least I don’t need to tag team the women I bring home. Want to get all personal and in my business, when’s the last time you fucked a chick without one of us joining in?” I enjoyed taking a woman with Nick but I didn’t need my held hand to bust a nut. He didn’t fuck solo, ever.

  “Fuck you, Dane.” He tossed down the remote, storming off out of the living room and Ian followed. They did everything together so that wasn’t a big surprise either, I knew the truth behind why he still couldn’t be alone with a woman, and felt like a piece of shit for throwing it in his face. His mom had screwed him up, selling him for drugs as a kid before we’d come along. Crackhead bitch didn’t deserve drowning in her own vomit. That was too easy after the scars she left behind.

  “Motherfucker!” I wasn’t pissed at him, my own demons crawled behind my skull reminded me that my bitch of a mother had been little better. Picking up a bottle of whiskey from the counter one of the guys had left, I turned it up enjoying the slow burn of bourbon sliding down my throat.

  Colton got blasted on the game, and turned to look my way. “Pretty low man. Think he doesn’t wish that whore hadn’t left him needing a crutch? Supposed to be his friend, but it’s always about you, ain’t it?” He gave me a disgusted look, and stood up. “I’m calling it a night.”

  “I didn’t think. He just pissed me off.” Maybe I was a selfish sonofabitch, but I wouldn’t intentionally hurt him. They were the closest thing to a family I had. I remembered well walking in to see an old ass fucker pounding away on Nick, his screams like a nightmare in my brain. Kicked that fuckers ass good, and his momma never used him that way again.

  “Smooth it over later, he knows you didn’t meant it. Listen, I got a party set up tomorrow night for you. Some little socialite is throwing her friend a twenty-first birthday bash. Her daddy owns one of the casinos, and sits on the board. I don’t need to tell you how we need a positive review.” Brandt was still watching the screen, but what he was saying sunk in.

  “Want me to give them the full package?” I was damn good at my job, and when we had top customers they were usually thrown my way. Let’s just say I added a little more than they paid for making sure they went home with a smile.

  “Just the birthday girl. I’ll smooth things over with the woman paying the bill. Apparently this is a big deal in their little world, and they want her to have the best night of her life.” Brandt rolled his eyes, and I knew his view on these rich women was about the same as mine. They didn’t understand what real life was and were so spoiled that their world revolved around whatever needs they had.

  It wasn’t a small irony they used us to fulfill their needs, when in the real world they would have stuck up their noses before we became the successful business men we were now. Poor white trash boys had come a long way from the fucking gutter to become a household name in Nevada. Obviously we didn’t respect the people we catered too.

  “When’s the next meeting with the city council?” HUNKS was ready to open a second location, but before we could do that we needed approval.

  “Two weeks from today. New zoning laws are a goddamn nightmare, so we need some pull. Gordon Blake could give us the push we need.” His sneer told me just where he’d like to put Blake’s approval, and I wasn’t against the idea. “Blake’s daughter is funding the party.”

  “Guess you can buy your way in anywhere in Nevada.” Blake was a fucking sleaze ball, I couldn’t imagine him having a daughter that fell far from the tree. His henchmen had been the first of our welcoming committee to the area, and they damn sure hadn’t been bringing a casserole. Everyone paid a percentage to keep their doors open in the city, and dressing it up as city taxes with a twenty percent price tag was one hell of a scam.

  Fortunately we made more money than any of us needed, but it still sucked ass to be taking advantage of. Nick and Ian had quit the force when forced to overlook all the illegal activity being done in Blake’s name. You didn’t fuck with the man if you wanted to live. He was no better than a mob boss, or gang leader.

  “I’ll make sure she walks out of here singing our praises.” Fucking a little bitch wasn’t a hardship, I hoped she wasn’t a dog though. I liked my women hot as hell, but taking one for the team was doable.

  “You don’t have to fuck her, just make sure she’s happy.” Brandt didn’t like asking me to pimp, but we both knew what the game was. It wasn’t like I had any morals anyway.

  “Don’t worry about it man, I got this.” Grabbing the bottle, I walked back upstairs needing a little sleep before playing the game again tonight. I didn’t need the extra booze, but took another swig anyway before putting it on the nightstand.

  Falling into bed, I sat back and thought about what Noah had said. Yeah I had pussy thoughts like that too, wondering what it would be like for some woman to love me for what I offered outside the bedroom. Problem was I didn’t think I had anything to bargain over without sex.

  Chapter two


  Two weeks had done little to make losing the most important person in my life any easier. I felt like I was walking around in a daze, waiting for someone to come slap me in the face and tell me it was all a cruel joke. She was in a better place, no longer suffering from the hell of cancer destroying her body, logically I understood that. Emotionally I was ripped to pieces not knowing what to do with myself now that my entire world wasn’t revolving around her care.

  My friends had done their best to help me through this nightmare, but they were doing what normal people our age should focus on, living their lives. I hadn’t felt normal in a long time. A month before I graduated high school, we’d gotten the news that my aunt had stage four cancer, and all those childish things I’d dreamed about like college and a future had been put on hold. That was three years ago, give or take a few days and I think it’s safe to say there was nothing immature about me anymore.

  Watching someone you love suffer the most horrific pain imaginable does something to your soul. She’d been this beautiful, intelligent woman, my hero and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to help except make her more comfortable. I couldn’t even visit a store without being angry that people were living their lives while her body was stuck in the cold, unforgiving dirt stripped away of even the smallest of dignities.

  They’d kept her sedated for the last few breaths of life that lasted three long days, and I begged God to take her home making me feel like the biggest piece of shit in the world. I couldn’t handle sitting there knowing she was drowning in her own fluids, and just wanted her to find peace. Maybe I was a selfish bitch for wanting her to leave this world just so I didn’t watch her in agony?

  I’d ignored phone calls for the last few days, turning off my cell, and wanting to slip into some place where I felt nothing. I knew it was depression, but getting myself out of it was easier said than done. All those wonderful friends that seemed to disappear the last few years, popped back into my life giving their condolences, and I didn’t call them what I really thought. Where were they when she was going through treatments, needing diaper changes, or hanging on by the barest threat? Sure as hell not by her side, that’s where!

  My aunt had been a pillar of the community before the disease struck her down. Brilliant with numbers she’d become vice-president of a prominent bank in Nevada, on the board of many charities, and even a member of the city council. She’d raised me to use my brain instead of the looks I’d been blessed with, and in my eyes a better woman have never walked the earth.

  What did she have to show for all her hard work and dedication now? I’d refinanced the house to cover experimental treatments when chemotherapy failed, and all her assets were liquidated outside the home to cover the payments. A whole life of doing the right thing, living the right way, and that stupid ass disease drained it all away.
/>   Feeling more than a little self-pity, I didn’t know what I would do now either. I was paid up for another three months, but I didn’t even have a job. The hits kept on coming, and even working two full time positions wouldn’t cover the cost of the loan payments. Sitting down in what used to be her favorite recliner, I covered my face with my hands and wept.

  The knocking on the door was ignored, it was probably just another well-meaning friend, or nosy old bitch, coming to offer more sympathy. Whoever it was seemed impatient as the knock grew louder and if I’d had the energy I would have got up just to slam it in their face.

  “We’re getting you out of this house.” I felt arms wrapping around my shoulders, and looked up to see my best friend, looking down on me in concern. I hated her seeing me this way because Gabby was the most important person in my life now. Between her, Christy and Donna, I pulled my feet out of bed every day, and trust me that wasn’t an easy lately. “You promised to call me. I knew I should have made you come to my place.”

  Her place was still living with daddy by choice as she finished her law degree. Gordon had always been nice but the way he looked me over when I’d stayed overnight as a teen always made me a little leery. “I’m sure your dad would love having me as a houseguest.” Speaking sarcastically, I rubbed my hand over my face, sure I looked a hot mess.

  “Daddy loves you, honey. He’s always asking how you’re doing.” The thought didn’t make me feel any better, although I knew she believed her daddy walked on water. There was something off about the man, but I’d never hurt her feelings by saying that out loud. Plus you didn’t want to get on Gordon Blake’s bad side. The man owned half of Nevada and it was rumored he had dark business going on. Gabby would never believe that gossip.

  “I made reservations for us tonight. Before you put me off again, Donna and Christy are expecting you and I won’t take no for an answer.” I bit back a moan, really not in the mood to be around people but these women had stood by my side when others hadn’t.


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