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Page 2

by Michelle Hughes

  “Couldn’t we just do another movie and popcorn night instead?” They’d all came over at least a twice a week in the last three years to keep me company that way. It’s the only thing that kept me sane.

  “You can’t sit in this place like a hermit for the rest of your life, babe. Hell you’re shriveling away. Nope. I’ve already paid to make sure we have a private dining space, and you’ll love it.”

  Gabby’s idea of eating out was a five star restaurant and not my idea of great eating which usually mean ordering a pizza. “I have nothing to wear.” I’d spent the last few years in sweatpants and a t-shirts outside of the visits to the Doctor’s office or hospital where I traded them for jeans. To say my wardrobe was lacking was a severe understatement.

  “Got you covered.” With her brilliant smile on that undeniably beautiful face, she walked back over to the door and picked up a garment bag, and box which I assumed had shoes. Gabby loved shopping and I was afraid to even think about what the things inside had cost her. Not that money was an issue for her, her daddy was loaded. Donna and Christy’s families were all well to do. Before my aunts illness finances were the last of my worries. That had definitely changed.

  “You really shouldn’t have.” I tried to smile, but instead I broke down again. Here I was wondering how to pay the rent, and knowing her that outfit she’d bought me would cover two months.

  Dropping them in the floor, she walked over pulling me into a hug, and I tried to gain composure. “It’s just a dress and shoes, babe, no big deal.” It wasn’t to her, but to me? I knew I had to give her an explanation. She wasn’t one to let me keep secrets, and I suddenly didn’t want to suffer alone.

  “I’m going to lose the house.” Sniffling through my tears, I felt like the worst friend in the world putting this on her, but I didn’t know what else to do.

  “Of course you’re not going to lose it.” Walking me back over to the sofa, she sat down pulling me with her. “Spill it.”

  I explained how I’d done a stupid thing, refinancing the mortgage paying for my aunt’s treatments. She’d signed over power of attorney a few days after being diagnosed and I’d screwed up everything. How was I supposed to look at myself in the mirror knowing that she’d wanted me to have security and I’d destroyed any chance of that happening?

  “She wouldn’t have blamed you, Erin. You did everything to make sure she lived through that horrible illness. Don’t worry about a thing, I’ll talk to daddy he’ll know just how to fix this.” She hugged me again and for a brief moment I wanted to believe there was an answer. Then I thought about what she said. Did I really want to be indebted to Gordon Blake? He’d been nice so maybe I was just overreacting to those looks he’d given me?

  “I’d find a way to pay him back.” What choice did I have really? Unless I got help I would be out on the street, and knowing Gabby I’d be living with her at her dad’s anyway. She wouldn’t let me be homeless, we’d been friends since grade school.

  “Please. Right now you can go get a shower and let me do a makeover. It’s just money. Daddy always said the day you let finances take over your life, you’re not making enough of it.” She laughed softly, and somehow I knew everything would be fine. That was one thing I loved about Gabby. No matter how crappy a day you’d had, she’d make you smile.

  Nearly dragging me back to the bathroom, I took a shower, and shaved, something I hadn’t bothered doing in a week. The entire time I bathed off she was talking animatedly about this new restaurant she was taking me too, singing the Chef’s praises and telling me how it would be the best experience of my life.

  For Gabby to droll on about a meal, it had to be exceptional. One of her bad habits was pickiness, nothing but the best ever. She’d called out people for not living up to her standards. I guess if you had to have a fault though, it wasn’t the worst thing to have.

  Stepping out of the shower she took control, primping me until I looked less like the hermit I’d been and closer to her supermodel standards. If a person my height could have that title. Being five foot two I had to look up to her almost six foot height. Gabby had always called me her little China doll, and I’d never minded. I wasn’t Chinese, but I had dark curly hair that fell to my waist and baby blue eyes. The only reason I’d never cut it was because she threatened to beat my ass if I did.

  Gabby could be a little pushy too, but that didn’t bother me either. I’d always been a follower so being taken under her wing was almost comforting. “I swear if I wasn’t into men I’d fuck you.” Standing back, looking at her work, me, in the mirror she grinned wickedly.

  Blushing bright red, she laughed. “I’m sure that’s a compliment, but um, really?” I was used to her frank talk about sex, so it shouldn’t have caught me off guard. Usually it wasn’t directed toward me though.

  “I’ve never understood how you didn’t see how beautiful you are bestie. Do you know how many women have to go under the knife to have those breasts you sport?” My double D’s were the bane of my existence, because I hated being overly blessed in that department. Most guys looked at my chest and not my face, which made me feel like a pariah.

  “If I could afford to have them reduced, I would.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I definitely didn’t want to talk about my boobs. The only experience I had with sex had been a nightmare, so the subject wasn’t comfortable.

  “He’s in jail, babe. Sooner or later you’re going to have to get past what that monster did to you.” She knelt down by my side, and looked up at me with nothing but love in her eyes. We rarely talked about that night and I definitely didn’t want to relive it now.

  Bobby Martin had been a notorious serial rapist than moved on to killer, and I’d almost been his first victim. If it weren’t for a wonderful police officer shining his light in the car where he’d held me bound and gagged I would have been raped and probably worse, cut open and left to bleed to death. I’d only been fourteen and thought he’d liked me. He liked me all right, enough to tie me up and almost kill me.

  It had taken two years before they finally arrested him, and he’d added twenty more girls to his list before being caught. I’d felt responsible because Nicholas had stayed with me instead of trying to apprehend the piece of shit.

  “I still have nightmares about it.” Shivering as his face filled my mind, I definitely wanted to forget he existed. I remembered refusing to sleep without my aunt by my side for almost a year after it happened, and even with her there the fear he’d come back made it impossible to really sleep.

  “We all thought he was a nice guy.” Gabby made a face remembering how sweet he’d been to us at school. Bobby had been a senior when we were freshman and to young girls it was cool to have an older man interested. “Did you keep up with that cop?” I knew she was trying to change the subject and I flushed again.

  I’d developed a crush on Nicholas after he saved my life and had taken him gifts and even tried to bake for years after the incident. He’d been a sweetheart never once making me feel foolish for my interest. I hadn’t thought about him since my aunt got sick. “No, but I wonder if he’s still working the force?”

  “That’s my girl.” Grinning, she motioned for me to follow her to the bed, and unzipped the dress bag. “Maybe you can visit the department wearing this. He sure won’t think you’re a kid.” My eyes widened as I took in the outrageous dress she’d purchased. The thing barely had any material, but it was beautiful.

  “Yeah, he might arrest me for indecent exposure.” Laughing as she pulled it out I was sure my sister would spill out of the flimsy material and I shook my head.

  “It has a built in bra, so no worries there. Go grab a pair of panties, and let me help you get it over your head. Can’t have you messing up all my hard word.” Her hard work comprised combing out the long curls, but I would not argue.

  Rambling through my drawers I found a nice pair of black silky thongs, one of my sinful little secrets, and slid them on. I hadn’t worn them since I picked them up o
n impulse and it felt strange to have them sliding up my ass crack. Walking over she slid it over my head and I was amazed at how sensual it made me feel. My idea of fashion definitely wasn’t fabric like this, and it was soft against my skin.

  “Definitely fuckable.” Giggling, she twirled her finger, wanting me to turn around, and I did. The dress covered my ass, but bending over wasn’t an option. My boobs were also hidden, cleavage however was spilling over and I wasn’t sure I could go out in public wearing it.

  “Seriously indecent.” Grinning, I walked over to the full length mirror in the bathroom and took in the view. It screamed wild party girl, which I was anything but, still I knew Gabby approved because her smile was wide. I was so tired of feeling hopeless, and this was exciting.

  “Irresistible is what it is. Throw on those shoes and let’s get out of here before Donna and Christy start burning up my phone.” Gabby took them out of the box and I stepped into the five inch heels, hoping I didn’t bust my ass. She didn’t give me a second to change my mind, instead grabbed my hand leading me out the door, barely giving me time to pick up my purse.

  Walking down the front stairs to her little sports car, I laughed at what a force of nature she was. Opening up the passenger door, I slid in and the skirt rode high up my thighs, forcing me to tug. Showing off a body might work for Gabby, but it sure didn’t make me feel comfortable. Tonight though, I just wanted to live and I forced a smile as she floored the accelerator.

  Pulling up in front of a place called HUNKS I was ready to call her out for lying about our destination until her words stopped me. “You’re going to fall in love with the food here. The chef has received three Michelin Stars!” Apparently it was a restaurant, but with that name I couldn’t imagine it being worthy of the coveted award for fine dining. Only in Nevada, I thought as my door was opened by a handsome valet.

  “Welcome to HUNKS ladies, I hope you enjoy your evening.” I managed a smile as we stood on the red carpet while Gabby handed over her keys. The man was a little too flirty with his eyes roaming like he was measuring us up. I’d love to say I looked down my nose at him, but with my five foot two height I would have to say I looked up to sneer instead.

  Walking through the grand glass doors, I could admit the place had an elegant feel. Stopping at a pulpit where the Maître d waited, Gabby gave that flirty smile she was known for. “Gabby Blake, party of four reservations.” This man was gorgeous too in an ‘earthy, me man you woman’ way that made him look a little out of place in a three piece suit.

  “Of course. We’re happy you’ve chosen to share your celebration with us. Are you the birthday girl?” Even his voice was sexy, with gravelly undertones. It was hard not to admire his masculinity.

  Gabby giggled, and I wanted to roll my eyes because it made her seem like the ditzy blonde I knew she wasn’t. I refrained. “No, that honor belongs to Erin.” She turned that beaming smile my way and I looked down at my feet having no interest in being subjected to the guy’s scrutiny.

  “Happy birthday, Ms. Erin. If there’s anything I can personally do to make your night better, please ask.” His words seemed to have a double meaning and I quickly lifted my face. Seeing a small smirk on his way too handsome face, I blushed like a school girl before looking away.

  “Thanks. I’m sure the dinner will be great.” I wasn’t sure of anything but having him look at me that way made me nervous and I wanted to get far away.

  “If it’s not just let me know. I want you leaving here tonight fully satisfied.” I swear being out of the public eye for so long must have made me a little crazy, because I felt even more embarrassed when his words came out. “Please follow me. I’ve reserved a very special room for your pleasure tonight.”

  As we followed behind him, several things caught my eye and very few had to do with the brilliant decorating of the establishment. Dark red walls, with white linen draped tables weren’t out of the norm, but that only women were eating was. Add in that all the men waiting on the tables were topless and looked like they stepped out of some fitness magazine, and something wasn’t right.

  We were led through the overflowing room, and down a hall where candlelit scones graced the walls. It was very elegant but also seemed to set a very seductive scene. My comfort level was shrinking as concerns about what kind of place this really was sank in. Our host opened a set of double doors at the end of that hall, and I could breathe easier when I saw the room was a private dining area set up with the same white covered tables as the main room

  A ruby covered couch was on the back wall of the large room, and a leather chair and small table between it. My first though was if it took so long to get dinner you needed to relax on a couch, I might be in for a much longer night than I anticipated. A full bar stood on the right of the room, and it looked to be stocked. Obviously they had one hell of a wait time.

  “Please feel free to make use of the bar. You have a private restroom as well. Dane will be taking care of you tonight. I’m sure you’ll find his service impeccable.” I finally got the nerve to look at him again, and Gabby was being her normal flirty self. The guy seemed into it, not that it was any surprise. Men were drawn to her beauty. “I’m Brandt, just ask for me if I can do anything to make your stay more pleasant.”

  “You already have.” Shaking my head at my best friend I wished I had the confidence to be that brazen. Well, maybe not. Having a man like Brandt look at me with that lust-filled look in his eyes would probably send me running. He threw back his gorgeous head and chuckled.

  “I do aim to please, Ms. Blake.” With another wink to her, and a smile sent my way, he left us.

  “Okay spill it. What kind of restaurant caters only to women?” She walked over to the bar, ignoring my question while pouring a glass of wine. “Gabby!” I was worrying, because she never refused to answer me unless she knew I’d hate the answer.

  “Look, don’t freak out. It’s not just a restaurant. HUNKS is a full service, um let’s say woman’s spa, and just what you need to have a good time.” The look she gave was pleading for me not to fly off the deep end, and I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t. Spa my assets!

  Donna and Christy were led in by the gorgeous Brandt, stopping me from going postal on her for what she’d done. Exchanging hugs with my beautiful friends, I decided I’d just eat then hightail it the heck out of here. The last thing I wanted is a massage or personal care from some man paid to make me feel better. Taking the glass of wine Gabby offered, I sipped on it wishing I’d went to bed like I’d wanted too earlier.

  A few minutes later our waiter walked in and for a brief moment I thought about reconsidering. I shot that thought down quickly but the man was the most gorgeous thing to ever stand upright on two feet. Rippling with tanned muscles, shirtless, and sporting an adorable headful of bleach-blond spiky hair, he was the epitome of sensuality in my book. Add in some gorgeous tattoos and a smile that could make your panties melt and I was smitten!

  “Ladies this is Dane, one of our best servers, and my business partner. If he can’t fulfill your needs then they can’t be met.” Brandt looked my way and I wanted to climb under the table at being put at the center of attention. “Dane this our birthday girl, Erin. She’s a little shy I think but I’m sure you can bring her out of that shell.” Brandt grinned a perfect smile, and I was waiting for the floor to swallow me up.

  “I think I know just what she needs.” The gorgeous hunk walked my way with this almost feral quality in his baby blue eyes, and my heart raced painfully in my chest. Extending his hand, I didn’t want to be rude so I took it, he blew my mind by lowering his lips to that sensitive flesh and kissing it. “Very nice to meet you, Erin.”

  I pulled my hand back like it had been singed, because it felt that way. There should be a law against a man dripping with so much sexuality, and he deserved his own special warning label. “Um. You too.” I took several steps back until I was almost hiding behind Gabby. My friends found that hilarious and laughed. I was mortified.

  “Our little Erin has been a recluse for the last two years, so take it easy on her.” Donna turned her honey brown eyes on me with sympathy, and her laughter faded. “She’s taken care of her aunt while she battled cancer.”

  These men didn’t need to know my life story, and I was about to say something to that effect when Dane moved again. “That’s a pretty noble thing to do. Not many people I know would be so devoted.” The heat in his eyes from earlier turned into some unrecognizable emotion I couldn’t fathom, and I mumbled a soft thank you.

  “We’re here to make her forget some of that.” Gabby chided, walking over to wrap her arm in mine. “It’s time for Saint Erin to think about herself for a change.” Lifting her smiling face to Dane’s, she smirked. “Think you can help us out gorgeous?”

  I hadn’t been able to pull my eyes away from his but when she spoke, the warmth seeped right out of them replaced with that seductive quality again that made my knees tremble. “There’s no doubt in my mind about it. When she leaves here tonight the last thing on her mind will be anything other than the memories I help make.” The smirk that found his face made me shiver, and finally the spell was broken and I looked away.

  “I’ll leave you to it then. If you need any help, you know where I’ll be.” Brandt’s departing form seemed to pull Dane into action and he walked to a chair.

  “Erin, why don’t you come decide on an appetizer course.” I walked over to sit and he pushed my chair in like a true gentleman. Something told me there was nothing chivalrous about him. After helping me, he did the same from my friends.

  Coming back he pulled out a menu from under his arm, and I took it. His fingers slid against mine and I nearly dropped the thing from the charge of electricity that simple touch gave. “What makes your mouth water?” I swallowed visibly, eyes flying up to meet his.


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