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Passion For the Bear (Series 1, 2, 3 Compilation): White Spirit Bear Romance: Shifter, Erotic Romance, Suspense, Paranormal, New Adult Romance (Shifters Book 5)

Page 206

by Michelle Hart

  Golden Dates website couldn't find Helen's soulmate because she was right here all along, right in front of her the whole time. Toni was the soulmate that Helen so wanted to find, they were so good together they were meant to be sharing their lives. Helen was so glad that she finally made that connection to Toni, she was finally happy to have love and passion back in her life, sharing her world with Toni. Helen moved her things towards the front door, going over the check list with Forest. It was ten to nine the others would be here any moment. “Mum I am so glad that you are taking this trip. I want you to have the best time ever with your friends this weekend. I also want you to know that I am happy that you have found Toni, I think she is great, and I want you to know mum that I am okay with you and Toni being together—I love you mum!” The two women embraced, Helen was apologizing to Forest, but her daughter did not want apologies, she was happy that her mother had finally found the soulmate that she deserved to share her life with. The car horns started honking—the troops had arrived. Helen and Forest gave each other another hug. “Forest you have made me so happy and proud to be your mother—I can't tell you how much it means to me that you are okay with having Toni as part of our lives. I have been wanting to talk to you about Toni and I—I just didn't know how to approach it. Thanks Forest for giving us your blessing!” said Helen through teary eyes and a big grin. “Okay mum enough of this mushy stuff—go before your ride leaves without you—have fun I love you—call me to let me know you have arrived safe at Wapanachee cottage. Helen hurried out the door, carrying her luggage, with the help of Forest. Toni was standing opening the back of the truck to put in Helen's luggage. Rita and Val were sitting in her car, “come on Helen we want to get to the cottage today—let's go girl—move it—shouted Rita out her car window with a smile.”

  They loaded up and they were off down the road heading towards their girl's weekend that they had been looking so forward to. It was a three hour drive to reach the cottage, they stopped off at the “Red lodge Restaurant” just off the highway, before continuing on to Wapanachee cottage. They had about another 30 minutes or so of driving before they would arrive at Lake Morey.

  The girls were given a big welcome greeting from the awaiting hostess—Molly and their dear friend Lily. Lily ran off the deck out to the drive waving her arms in welcome and shouting “your all finally here—I can't believe it—welcome to Wapanachee cottage!” It was such a lovely spot right on the majestic lake Morey, the large main cottage along with the sweet little guest cottage right down by the water looking so picture perfect—Helen was so mesmerized by the natural and man-made beauty that surrounded her. Molly shouted out that Helen and Toni had the guest house, and the other ladies were in the main cottage with her and Lily. They decided to get their bags and other supplies in and once they were sorted they could enjoy the heavenly surroundings they found themselves in. The guest house is open girls, why don't you get settled in, then join us on the back deck for a welcome drink. All the woman agreed that this was a good game plan, Lily led her two friends, Val and Rita, into their guest rooms to unpack. Helen and Toni made their way down to the beautiful cozy little guest house by the water's edge. Inside it had a wonderful big old stone fireplace in the middle of its living room, with large windows facing out over the water, giving them a wonderful view of the lake.

  They got themselves organized and unpacked, Toni emptied their coolers of food and drink into the fridge. Helen had a feeling of inner peace that she was finally in a place in her life where she felt totally good about it. It was like she had found a good place in life, and that was sharing her life with her new partner Toni. She looked across the bedroom at Toni, she was hanging up some pieces of her clothing in the closet. Toni turned sensing that she was being stared at, looking over at Helen “are you enjoying watching me hang clothes up? I would think there are better things around here to look at” she said with a slight grin towards Helen. “I can't think of anything more beautiful to look at” replied Helen. “Gee talk like that girl is going to give me a swollen head—but thanks for the sweet compliment, you know your pretty good to look at yourself—I love what I am seein” replied Toni softly.

  Toni walked across the bedroom and put her arms around Helen's waist, she drew her towards her and they began to kiss passionately. The next thing they were on the bed with Toni undoing Helen's shirt and releasing her breasts out of her bra, Toni sucked on Helen's breasts tenderly, and then began to work her way down pulling up Helen's skirt, and removing her underwear. Toni rubbed Helen between her legs while she kissed her, Helen was moaning out with sheer pleasure. Toni kissed all over Helen's body and then amidst the moaning of Helen she went down between Helen's legs continuing to lick her. Helen had not had this level of sexual excitement since her relationship with Erin, it had been so many years that she had been deprived of total sexual fulfillment—it felt so good to feel totally satisfied once again. She felt herself getting to a point of pleasure where she thought she was going to explode, but instead she had an orgasm that was incredible. After lying on the bed for a few moments, the two women had a shower together and changed into some comfy clothes, Toni sliced a lime and put two slices in two coronas for them, then they headed up to the main house to join the other women.

  Rita was standing up on the deck watching Helen and Toni approach, sipping on a margarita, wearing a lovely sundress with red and yellow flowers, “welcome ladies come and join us on the main deck” laughed Rita. This was the kind of luxury that Rita loved to be surrounded in, so she was certainly in her element and enjoying every minute of it. “Where are the other girls?” asked Helen. “Val went to use the privy, and Molly and Lily are in the kitchen making some preparations for lunch. I offered to give a hand, but I was sent out here to drink my margarita, so I am doing as I am told” replied Rita with a grin. Molly is going to give us a grand tour of the property, including your little love nest down there, smiled Rita. It is such an impressive peace of property, I would love to have something like this to come to. Molly had mentioned that the owner of this property is selling it. Who knows if the price is right, if you are still interested in buying a cottage together Helen, what do you think of this one as a possible cottage property to purchase?” Helen and Toni sat down along with Rita. Helen knew she would love to be able to have a cottage, her and Rita had discussed buying a cottage together about a year ago—but nothing came of it. Now here they are at this beautiful property that might just be for sale. But along with this property is going to be a big price. Helen certainly could not afford it on her own, but maybe together with Rita she could do it.

  Well Rita you know that I would love to have a cottage, it would be so nice to have somewhere like this in this type of setting, right on the lake—it is just so lovely here—and not too far of a drive from home. And it has all year around access —it is easily accessible. And lots of room for extra guests, perhaps renting out the smaller guest cottage is something that we could do to reduce costs. If you girls would be interested in a possible third partner, I would love to join you in the cottage deal” replied Toni. It would be great to have a cottage where I could leave my kayak there permanently, so I don't have to drag it back and forth” replied Toni with a grin just before taking a sip of her corona. The women all agreed that they would go in on this cottage together, they decided it was only fair to offer the other woman a chance at buying a piece of the cottage deal. That evening after dinner they all sat out on the deck and discussed the “cottage deal” Molly decided to join in on the deal, so there are four women buying a cottage property together—possibly the one they were staying in. They discussed setting schedules if they wanted to book the cottage privately for a certain time—it would have to be put past other owners. The rest of the time the cottage would be open to owners and guests all year whenever they wanted to visit their cottage. Molly's friend Eve had agreed to come out the next afternoon to discuss the property with them, and give them a more in-depth description of the property and its

  Later that night while they were all down sitting on the deck, looking at the lovely starry night before them and the calm peaceful water Val blurted out, “I am divorcing Brian—I am sick of his cheating ways, and now that the boys are grown, I am done with Brian. I know you have all been wondering why I have been so quiet for the past couple of months and distant, but I needed sometime just to process what my life was and what it was going to become when I was single once again. I told Brian before I left that I was filing for a divorce. I told him I was going to be spending the weekend in an area that he was quite fond of—near the lake Morey Resort. You should have seen the shocked look on his face when I told him I had followed him two months ago up to lake Morey Resort. I found out that the woman that he met there was “Sheila Vagger” she works at the front station as a clerk at the resort. I found out her name by doing a bit of detective work, got it from another staff member. Yeah I just had a feeling when he told me he was going on a weekend run to some place in Oklahoma, I went with my gut feeling and I followed him. He didn't go to the yard where his transport truck is stored, but instead he headed right up here to lake Morey resort, where I saw him greeted with a hug and kiss by an attractive dark haired, younger looking woman. I sat in my car taking pictures of Brian and his girlfriend with my cell phone.

  Arm in arm they headed to the restaurant in the hotel, they had dinner, then got into their cars and Brian followed her right back to town to her house. So there it was right in front of my face—I was hurt furious—I wanted to jump out of my car and go and retrieve my husband. Then all of a sudden I thought I deserved better than what Brian was offering me—that's the moment I knew that our marriage was truly over and done with. I headed home and just continued on like all was good, I waited for that moment just before coming up here to present him with the news. I felt so free walking out of that door leaving Brian behind standing in shock, trying to absorb what I had just told him. I told him not to bother trying to attempt to fix things, I was not changing my mind—I was done. I asked him to make sure that he was not at the house when I got home, I also mentioned that I had some great pics of him and his girlfriend getting all hot and heavy with each other—to prove that he was cheating on me during our marriage. So I told him to leave quietly and not to cause her anymore grief. I told him if he did still care what I wanted then he would do as I have asked and be gone. He phoned me about an hour ago to let me know that he was packing and would be out of the house. So ladies that is why I have been a bit distracted as of late, but I am all right now” replied Val as she rose her glass in cheers of being single once again!

  The other women joined her, but they felt shocked at how calm Val seemed regarding her upcoming divorce. But Val explained in more detail, she had endured Brian being a cheating sod for years, she kept keeping up the hope that her husband was going to change his cheating ways. But as the old saying goes “A zebra can't change its stripes” she knew her husband had no interest in stopping his cheating ways. She finally came to a point where she realized that she had raised her sons, and now it was time for her to start living life in a way that would make her happy. That would not involve chasing her husband down to catch him cheating on her once again. She came to the realization sitting in her car outside Sheila's house that night that she deserved better—she was through with Brian. She said it was almost like a light went on inside her head that she was seeing clearly for the first time. She knew right then that her future was not going to include her cheating husband. She said it was like a great weight had been lifted from her once she admitted and came to terms with the fact that her marriage was over. She looked forward to her new fresh start in life.

  The next afternoon the ladies all sat out on the deck after the grand tour with Eve, Molly's friend the real estate agent that was selling Wapanachee cottage. The women had discussed an offer to make on the property the night before, now they were presenting it to Eve. She told them that she was going to meet with the owner later today and will put the offer before them. The women were excited hoping that their offer would be accepted. They enjoyed a lovely lunch of barbecued salmon, accompanied with a light garden salad, sitting out on the deck enjoying the lovely day, and discussing the hopes of possibly owning this wonderful property. Two hours later Molly's phone rang and it was Eve to report that the ladies offer had been accepted. The women jumped up hugging one another, jumping about the deck like a group of young school girls. They were enjoying some herbal teas with lunch, but on hearing this good news it was time for the Golden girls to put away the herbal tea and bring out some champagne in celebration of their new futures that would be filled with many fun years together—much of those special times would be spent here at their beloved Wapanachee cottage.

  The End

  Desires of the Golden Girls

  Behind closed doors

  By Maurice Bedard


  Violet Fulton is a vibrant attractive woman of fifty-five that found herself a widow at forty-nine. Her husband Joel had died of a massive heart attack. This occurred while he was having sex with a woman that worked at “U-PIC Designs Inc.”. Violet had recently turned fifty-five, and with that came the desire to make some important changes in her life. She wanted to find companionship, romance, enjoy life more, and leave office life behind.

  Joel had taken along a young graphic artist that worked for them, Jenna Todd, on a so-called business trip to Manhattan, New York. Apparently it wasn't all business with Joel and Jenna. They travelled there in order to set up the new Manhattan branch of “U-PIC Designs Inc.” Violet felt angry and betrayed by Jenna and Joel at the time. But Violet also knew that her relationship with her husband was not much more than business partners. It was not something that they hid, often they had gone on separate holidays in the past couple of years. Violet had no interest in travelling or doing anything that was not about improving her company. She had at some point made her life revolve around the family business, becoming increasingly less interested in what was going on in other parts of her life. Being a businesswoman, she always felt more pressured to prove herself. Constantly proving that she was more than capable of running the company, at a profit. It had almost become an obsession with her to the point that her children, 21-year-old son Brian, and her 23-year-old daughter Morgan are living in different states from her, going to college, neither of which had a lot of interaction with her, but this had changed, largely due to the death of Joel.

  Violet had her business to run, but she wanted to also work on re-building her relationships with her son and daughter. Violet's life had been all work and no play making Violet a boring, lonely and unhappy individual. It was also time to build a new relationship with herself.

  This is when she recently became a member of the dating site “Golden Dates.” This online dating site is especially focused on people in the 50+ age bracket seeking companionship and romance. This book is based on Violet's personal journey, after the death of her husband, and being left with an empty nest, and a successful business to run. Share Violet's journey, as she tries to move forward with her life. Violet decides to hire a personal yoga/meditation trainer, who opens her up mentally, physically, and emotionally to a tantric level she never knew existed! Find out what is revealed to Violet by this handsome East Indian man. It ends up that he introduces her to much more than just yoga moves! This unleashes a brand new romantic and sexual spirituality in Violet. Share her experiences on her dates, get to know her passionate side of life. I hope you will continue reading to find out how this vibrant Golden girl discovers the world that lies beyond business transactions.

  Chapter 1. The Show Must Go On!

  Violet knew that she needed someone to run the Manhattan branch. She had to get herself back to running the company—time was money. But Violet was getting to a stage in her business side of life where she wanted to be able to have someone else running more of the business. She had her receptionist contact Jenna to set up a business me
eting that would only include the two of them.

  To get things rolling, Violet has decided to have a meeting with Jenna to discuss the past present and future of their business relationship and beyond. At this point Violet feels uncertain of what her future will hold. She just knows that it is time to make some changes in her lifestyle. Violet is beginning to realize that there is much more to life, beyond running her successful business.

  She suggested meeting Jenna for lunch at Pedro's Italian Bistro on 5th Ave. The plan was that Violet wanted Jenna to move to Manhattan and be the head CEO in the Manhattan branch of “U-PIC Designs Inc”. Their main company branch is in San Francisco, California. Violet was naturally, not too happy when she found out how her husband had passed, but even so she was sad about his passing. Violet was normally not a woman to sit back and let someone else take the lead, if the truth be known she was the real backbone behind the company. She had put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into building the company up. Violet and her husband had been great business partners. Their marriage was not so great, so it was not a big surprise to Violet that Joel was having an affair. It was certainly not the first one, but it was definitely the last one. Their life together for the past ten years basically functioned more on a level of business partners than husband and wife. Violet realized that she had sacrificed her family life in order to make their business a success. But, she has since come to realize that she needs more out of life than a profitable business. For all her wealth she is still not happy in life.


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