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Into The Deep

Page 13

by T A. McKay

  “Oh God, Makenzie. You’re so fucking wet.” I’ve never heard Rocco talk like this, or take so much control, and it’s turning me on so much. He’s surprised I'm so wet, and I'm surprised I haven’t melted to a puddle on the floor. With a mind of its own my body strains to get closer to him, to feel him bringing me the pleasure it needs. I hear a small laugh from him before he sinks two fingers into my heat making me grip the edge of the desk, I feel like I need to stop myself from floating into the air.

  Lifting my head so I can watch what he is doing, and I realise quickly what a bad idea that it truly is. Watching his fingers disappear into me has my muscles clenching around his fingers, and grinding my hips into the palm of his hand that is lined up perfectly to my clit. I look up and find him watching me, his breathing almost as laboured as mine and his eyes dark with need. Just looking at the way he looks now, full of passion and an obvious need to take me, is all it takes to push me over the edge into my release. I throw my head back and moan his name as fireworks go off through my body, every muscle tensing as I shake with the best orgasm of my life. Coming down from the euphoria that I have just experienced I realise that Rocco has been talking to me. I try to get my brain to function so I can work out what he has been saying.

  “You are so beautiful when you orgasm. You’re gorgeous all the time but when you’re flushed like that and look like you have just had the time of your life…well that is just something else.” He places small kisses against my lips.

  “So beautiful.” He sounds in awe of what has just happened, and he isn’t the only one. I know one thing for certain, in this moment, I need this man more than I need my next breath. I lean forward so my lips are next to his ear and I whisper, in what I hope is a seductive voice,

  “I want you, Rocco. No, I need you. Now. I want you to bend me over this desk and take from me what you want. I have had mine, now it’s your turn.” I wonder when I got the confidence to talk like this. I have never been the type of person to take the lead when it comes to sex, I was just always the partner willing to go along with what the other wanted. He just stares at me, likes he’s trying to work out what to do. I reach down and rub along the erection that is still very prominent in his boxers. His eyes roll and he lets out such a sexy groan, and even though I have just had an incredibly intense release I can feel the muscles in my stomach start to tighten again.

  “Fuck me, Rocco.” All remnants of control seem to flee from Rocco and he grabs my waist and pulls me from the desk. He turns me around and pushes until my legs hit the edge of the desk. Standing there, my back against his chest, feeling the warmth flowing from his naked body, he whispers.

  “I think I'm about to prove that everything with my body still works.” I swear that if he weren’t holding me up I would collapse to the floor. Those are the sexiest words he could have said to me, telling me he is about to give me everything that I crave. He places a hand between my shoulder blades and pushes me down, until I feel my nipples brush against the desk. I'm lying with my chest lying flat on the desk, feeling more turned on than I thought possible, just knowing what is about to happen.

  “Oh, look. I'm not the only person with tattoos. Damn, Makenzie, do you know how sexy that is?” I feel his fingers trace down my back, following the swirls of my tattoo as they run down my spine. Reaching my skirt he lifts it up over my hips, leaving only my panties and his boxers between us. I feel his lips on my back, kissing back up my body. When he reaches my shoulders, his body flush with mine, he bites me gently while grabbing onto the side of my panties.

  “Are you ready for this, Makenzie? Are you sure you want this?” I need to slow my breathing, I feel like I'm starting to hyperventilate. I focus on taking deep breaths, not on what Rocco is saying.

  “Makenzie?” He asks as he still his hands.

  “Yes, Rocco. Please.” Placing another kiss on my shoulder he starts to lower my panties…as his office door opens wide and a voice I don’t want to hear starts talking.

  “So did you two get things…shit! Oh man. Sorry!” Mason stutters and he quickly turns his back to the sight that has met him inside the office.

  “Mason! Don’t just turn around. Leave!” This just seems to make Mason laugh. I don’t know what to do, I’m lying across Rocco’s desk half-dressed and Mason still hasn’t closed the door.

  “I'm serious, Mason. You have ten seconds to leave before I lose my shit.” Rocco grabs the t-shirt from the floor and stands in front of me until I manage to cover at least my chest with it. He gives me a gentle kiss on the nose,

  “Go get dressed in the bathroom, I will get rid of this idiot before you come out.” I decide that an escape sounds like a fantastic idea, so I just about run into the bathroom. As I make it to the door, Mason calls to me.


  “What?” I snapped unnecessarily; it sounded bitchy, but I really didn’t want to be standing here half naked and have a conversation.

  “Nice tattoo.” I hear his laughter as I turn quickly and slam the door to the bathroom. The last thing I hear is Rocco’s angry voice.

  “What the fuck, Mason?”

  I quickly pull the t-shirt over my head and look at myself in the mirror. What I see is much better than the first time I came in here. After being caught in the rain on the way here, I had been horrified to find what I had looked like. My hair was no longer a lovely wavy style, it looked more like a wet birds nest, straggly and messy. My makeup hadn’t faired any better, leaving me looking like a distant relative of a panda, just not that cute. This time there is not the same wet mess, what I see is my flushed cheeks and bright eyes. I smile a little to myself, remembering exactly what had put the blush on my cheeks. Feeling more composed, and a lot more dressed, I open the door and re-enter the office. Looking about seeing who is here, but I can’t see anyone, including Rocco. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do, do I leave? Do I wait? Would Rocco want me to leave after being caught by Mason? Is that why he left, to give me a chance to leave without being embarrassed again? But he kissed me, would he do that if he wanted me to go? I am interrupted from my inner turmoil by the office door opening and Rocco walking in. He doesn’t look upset, in fact he has a huge grin on his face as he approaches me. When he reaches me he wraps his arms around my waist.

  “Well that was…well it was unexpected but amazing.” He says before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

  “What? Mason catching us or what was happening before?” I can’t help but laugh, if I don’t laugh I might go into hiding for the rest of my life.

  “Definitely what was happening before. As for Mason catching us, well I wouldn’t expect to live that down for a while. But I think it was totally worth it.” He kisses my nose again. This was fast becoming our sweet ritual and I loved it a little more each time he did it.

  “Oh God. He’s going to tell everyone isn’t he?”

  “I wouldn’t use the word going to, he has already told all the workers. That's where I went, I needed to threaten him with bodily harm if he didn’t stop. Not that I think it has actually made any difference.” I drop my head so it’s on Rocco’s chest.

  “Ugh. I can never show my face ever again.” Rocco laughs at me, obviously not realising that, at this moment, I am being very serious. I look up at his face, I need to see his reaction to my next question.

  “So where does this leave us? I really didn’t expect what happened today, not that I regret it, but I did come here to just speak to you. Actually, I came here to kick your arse for walking away from me again…and leaving me to get a lift home with Carl.” I give him an angry scowl, but I don’t think it’s very scary since he laughs again.

  “I'm sorry. I just didn’t want to get in to the middle of something. I have a lot of damage from my time with Elle that I would bring to a relationship, and I don’t think you realise how much.”

  “How could I know, Rocco? You won’t tell me, you won’t let me know what you’re dealing with. I have as much drama as you, but I want to be
with you. You need to let me in, I'm not doing all this chasing and then ending up without you.” Damn this man is so hard headed. I need him to start hearing what I'm saying. I don’t know how many more times I could possibly tell him I want him. All of him.

  “I thought it was the men who are meant to do all the chasing?”

  “Then chase me, Rocco. I promise not to run, I’ll let you catch me.” His arms tighten around my waist, and that beautiful smile appears, the one that only surfaces when he is truly happy.

  “You really are everything a guy could ask for, aren’t you? I want to move forward with you, today was a mistake,” I go to interrupt him, how can he think that today was a mistake, but he places a kiss against my lips.

  “It was a mistake as when I'm finally with you, I want it to be after I have told you everything. I want to let you know everything that I am dealing with, why I keep running. Once I have told you, hopefully that will make it easier for you to understand me, and I will be able to get past what is stopping me. After I have told you those things, Makenzie, then nothing will stop me from being with you.” Thank God! It is my turn to smile, his words soothing the feeling I had that we would never be together.

  “Deal. So how soon can we have this chat, because I really want to be with you, Rocco. How about tonight?”

  “I really wish I could, but I need to leave for work for a few days. I have meetings with a supplier in London. Maybe next time you could give me a few days’ notice before you try and seduce me in my office.” I hit him on the chest and laugh.

  “I didn’t plan to seduce you. You just look so damn good in your suit, and then once you started with the dirty talk, well I was a goner.” He actually blushes. There seems to be two different sides to Rocco, the sweet guy like I have now, and the hot in control guy that I get when he is turned on.

  “Yeah, well, you seem to bring that out in me. I have never felt the need to have someone as strongly as I do when I'm with you. And the growling…not sure where that comes from.” He laughs. It’s nice to know that he has as little control as I do, but with that I feel a little more disappointed that we were interrupted by Mason. Ok, truthfully, I'm a lot more disappointed.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, I love it. There is nothing better for a girl’s ego than a guy losing control. I'm just sad that I didn’t get to return the favour and you know…ease some of your tension.” I feel a small blush creeping up my cheeks. Now that we aren’t in the act I seem to have developed my filter again and I find it difficult to talk about it.

  “I got more than you will ever know out of what just happened. Do I wish we had been able to finish? Yes, most definitely, but I’m just going to have to wait to enjoy you fully. And I will enjoy you fully.” His lips brush over mine in a deeper kiss this time, it feels like he is letting me know how much he desires me with the way his lips move in sync with mine. I’m growing addicted to Rocco’s kisses, now that he seems to give them to me freely, I want his lips on me constantly. Wrapped in his arms with his lips on mine, there is no better place in this world to be.

  I leave the garage in a much better mood than I had arrived in. The rain has stopped and I finally feel things with Rocco are moving in the direction they are meant to. We have organised to meet in a few nights time when he returns from his trip. He isn’t sure when exactly he will be back but he promises to call me while he is away, and if he doesn’t I will be sitting at his front door when he returns home, he will not escape me this time.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Walking around my apartment I realise something—I am so incredibly bored. You would think that a few days with nothing to do but relax would be a good thing, but I had enough lounging around before I finally got my job at the pool. Now, I was running out of things to entertain myself with, I have already read more books these past 72 hours than I had all year and for the first time in too long my apartment is completely spotless. There is only one thing I want to do and I can’t. I want to call Rocco but he isn’t available as he’s in meetings all day. I shake my head at how desperate I feel to hear his voice, it’s 10.00am and I spoke to him before going to sleep last night, well I actually fell asleep talking to him. His voice relaxed me so much, it reminded me of the way I felt safe and cosy listening to bedtime stories when I was a little girl.

  I even think about calling my mother. That's when I know I need to do something… desperately. To be entertaining the thoughts of listening to her tell me how badly I am doing, it’s a cry for help. I really wish I had my bath, I could relax and soak away all my boredom. Its times like this that I really miss my bath, and I hate Rose a little more. I hear my mobile ringing and rush to grab it off the kitchen table, hoping that it’s Rocco. It’s not, and the name on the screen shocks me a little.


  “Thank God you’re home. I need your help Makenzie.” I hear the hushed words over the line.

  “Why are you whispering, Mason? What's happened?” I start to feel nervous, something in his voice makes me stomach churn—something wasn’t right.

  “Are you busy? Please say you can come and get me, I’m at some chick’s house and I can’t find my wallet.” I have to try not to laugh at his apparent distress but every now and then it was refreshing to see someone like Mason get stuck in a sticky situation.

  “There is only one problem with that, Mason, I don’t have a car. Why don’t you just call a taxi?” It’s very possible he might still be a bit drunk, and if not he hasn’t really thought this solution through properly.

  “I can’t. I don’t know where my wallet is. I think she may have hidden it to stop me from leaving. She’s gone all crazy. She’s even locked me. In. The. House! Please, Makenzie. I have locked myself in the bathroom so I can’t expect a taxi driver to save me. Get a taxi to the garage and pick up one of the loan cars. Richie will give you the keys. I will call him. Please!” This time I can’t stop the laughter. He’s locked in a bathroom and needs me to save him?

  Payback’s a bitch.

  “I can’t drive, Mason. You will just need to wait until she lets you go. Or maybe call one of the guys at the garage to come and get you?” I can drive, but at this moment he didn’t need to know that. And after what I had to deal with when I left Rocco’s office yesterday, he was lucky I answered in the first place.

  “No, I can’t tell them. I would never live it down. Shit! What the fuck am I going to do? Maybe I can fake a heart attack. No she would call an ambulance. Shit! You need to man up dude, she is only a little woman. Please, you have to do this, I have no other options.” I have tears rolling down my cheeks listening to him fight with himself, he really is desperate. If I wanted something to improve my day, it’s just been delivered into my lap. To listen to Mr Game lose it over a ‘date’ gone wrong is just Karma working in my favour for a change.

  “Calm down. I'm kidding, I can drive and I will come and rescue you, even after the shit you gave me about what happened with Rocco.”

  “Oh my God. You’re a lifesaver, Makenzie. And I promise not to tell anyone else about what I walked in on. I will text you the address.” With that he hangs up on me. What the hell did he mean by he wouldn’t tell anyone else? He’s already told all the workers, the cheers we got as we left Rocco’s office told me that. He wouldn’t tell anyone outside of work…would he?

  I arrive outside a nice little house about 40 minutes after Mason called me. I call his mobile to tell him that I am outside but it goes straight to voicemail. Heaving a heavy sigh I get out of the car. I run my hand over the bonnet of the car I picked up from the garage, it’s a Subaru WRX. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the car I was meant to take when I got there, but there was no way I was taking any other car that was there. I wonder how pissed Mason will be when he realises I took his car, and not a loan car. I walk up to the front door of the house and knock. I can’t hear any noise from inside; I stepped back to make sure I had the right house and according to Masons text it was. I knock again, louder this time hoping
that whoever is inside will hear me. I hear the lock on the door slowly turning; the door swung open to show a very pretty blonde woman standing in a very revealing nightgown.

  “Can I help you?” Her voice was sickly sweet but beside that, she seemed harmless. Is this really who Mason is scared of?

  Before I can get any words out of my mouth, I see a figure running down the hall behind her. Mason moves around the woman’s body and grabs me by the arm. I’m dragged down the garden path while she screams behind us.

  “Mason, where are you going? Come back!” He falters slightly when he notices the car that I have brought.

  “I’m not even gonna yell at you for this right now as long as you just open the damn door!” I would laugh if he didn’t sound so more serious than I had ever witnessed before. I press the key to unlock the car as I rush around and get into the driver’s seat.

  Starting the car I look at Mason, “Where are we going?”

  “I don’t care, just drive!” I move away from the kerb and drive. Mason lays his head back against the headrest, letting out a tortured groan, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers.

  “Fuck. That was the booty call from hell. I swear I didn’t think I was going to get out of there alive.” I look over at him as I steered the car towards my apartment.

  “Maybe, this is the universe’s way of telling you that you need to stop being a man whore and settle down.” He turns his head and smiles at me.

  “Nah. It’s just the universe telling me to watch out for the bat shit crazies. And if you see me start to settle down, I want you to slap me upside the head.”

  “Oh, Mason. That I will be more than happy to do. Not necessarily for your sake, but someone has to save that poor girl before she has to deal with Hurricane Mason.”

  I turn my head at the sound of his gasp; mock horror hangs on his features and in return I flash him an obnoxiously large smile. He shakes his head with a smirk, reach’s out and pinches my side making me squeal. It feels great to have Mason to goof around with and for the first time I wasn’t stuck staring at my four walls.


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