Book Read Free

Twenty-one Truths About Love

Page 7

by Matthew Dicks

Why does every man in a VFW look so angry?

  New Problems:

  1.  Getaway vehicle?

  Can’t use mine

  Can’t rent

  Can’t borrow

  Can’t steal (don’t know how)

  2.  Alibi?

  Why do I need one?

  Maybe I don’t need one.

  How is an alibi even possible if you can’t be in two places at the same time?

  Only suspects need an alibi.

  If I’m a suspect, it’s all over.

  Reasons why it’s “all over” if police declare me a suspect

  I can’t lie.

  I’m afraid of the police.

  I’m a conflict-averse people-pleaser.

  I crack while trying to enforce the bookstore’s more-than-reasonable return policy.

  What will this make me?






  Pirate? (I wish)


  Robin Hood?



  2:05 AM

  New Thought

  I need a theme song for this. First lyric that came to mind:

  I fought the law, and the law won.

  Amount of time it took for me to realize the implications of this lyric

  Way too fucking long

  Possible theme songs

  “Stayin’ Alive”: Disco sucks unless Jill is dancing to it

  “Bingo”: Obvious, uninspiring, and just the kind of uncool thing I would do

  “Mo Money Mo Problems”: BS sung by someone who isn’t staring at the possibility of admitting to his pregnant wife that he’s a failure and they’re going to lose the house

  “Take the Money and Run”: My name isn’t Billy Joe or Bobbie Sue

  “Money for Nothing” by Dire Straits: Too cool for me

  “Money, Money, Money” by ABBA: The perfect song for me, but I would never admit to it

  Probability that I’m trying to find a theme song to avoid the reality of this plan



  7:18 AM

  Thing I realized about myself today

  I’m a conflict-averse people-pleaser

  Thing I hate most about myself

  I’m a conflict-averse people-pleaser



  7:12 AM


  Savings: 4,603


  What I tell Jill: 2,300

  Reality: 1,033

  Jill: 2,900


  House: 2,206

  Toyota: 276

  Honda: 318

  Car insurance: 175

  Student loans: 395

  Cable and Internet: 215

  Electric: 132

  Oil: 446

  Phones: 180

  Gas: 101

  Financial Solutions



  Begging billionaires

  “No Thank-You Note Required” greeting card


  Second job


  Bingo To-Do List

  Identify best possible bingo locations

  Figure out what else needs to be added to this list

  Begging Billionaire To-Do List

  Write letter

  Find addresses

  Send letters


  “No Thank-You Note Required” To-Do List

  Design a prototype

  Find a partner maybe?

  Tell Jill maybe?

  Learn how to manufacture and sell shit

  Why thank-you notes (in response to gifts) are stupid

  Only uppity, pretentious assholes with enormous amounts of discretionary time value the receipt of a thank-you note.

  Most thank-you notes contain trite, repetitive, meaningless bits of mundanity.

  Expecting a thank-you note in exchange for your gift turns the act of giving into an asymmetrical trade: I give you a gift in exchange for a bit of card stock, an inconsequential amount of ink, an envelope, and possibly a stamp.

  The expectation of a thank-you note turns an act of generosity into a bullshit etiquette trap.

  Why my “No Thank-You Note Required” card KICKS ASS

  Replaces a standard birthday/wedding/graduation card

  Provides the receiver with the gift of time (the greatest gift of all)

  Adds significant value to the actual gift

  Saves the recipient the expense of a thank-you card

  Reduces the amount of expected etiquette in this world

  Angers traditionalists and uppity, pretentious assholes (always fun)

  Something I Learned Today

  “Mundanity” is a real word.


  8:15 AM


  Chocolate glazed doughnuts






  Little Debbie Snack Cakes


  Green vegetables




  Retail rage


  Regret over quitting my job





  5:00 PM

  A New Chapter Picks of the Month for February

  The Martian by Andy Weir

  The Road by Cormac McCarthy (bad choice for expecting fathers who fear the worst at all times)

  The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (makes my Jewish wife happy to see it on the list)

  The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (Edmond Dantès was the John McClane of his day)

  Silver Sparrow by Tayari Jones

  What I wanted to be when I grew up

  An astronaut

  The very last thing I want to be as an adult

  An astronaut

  Reasons I hated The Martian

  Mark Whatley made me feel like less of a man

  Addition to Dan’s Laws of the Universe

  Making an astronaut-botanist as brilliant, brave, and good-looking as Matt Damon sets unreasonable expectations for the rest of us.


  7:45 AM

  Notes regarding Bill Donovan phone call

  Don’t remember giving him my number

  “I’m Dan. Not Danny.”

  A lot of coughing

  “We got bingo on Friday.”


  Just filed his “fucking taxes.”

  His dead wife was a florist named April.

  Cat named Pavlov

  “You golf?”

  “What the fuck do you do?”

  Doesn’t read books. “Just newspapers and billboards.”

  Lives alone (except for cat)

  “Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy! and all those fucking shows are for numb nuts.”

  “So you coming?”

  “People who show up late suck at life.”

  “Get a fucking stamper.”


  9:20 AM

  Things I just realized about Bill’s call

  “What the fuck do you do?” is a very good, very hard question.

  A cat named Pavlov is funny.

  What is a stamper?

  Bill might be lonely.

  Bill might know that I’m lonely.


  2:20 AM

  Questions I want to ask Jill but am afraid to ask

  Do you love me more than or less than the day we were married?

  Do you ever wish that I was your dead husband?

  How does my penis compare to Peter’s penis?

  How many times a day do you think of your dead husband?

  How often do you regret marrying me?

  Dan’s Universe Law of Marriage (for Dan Only)
r />   Life would be so much easier if I hadn’t married Jill, but life would be so much harder if I hadn’t married Jill.


  2:55 AM

  Charles Darwin’s Pros and Cons of Marriage


  Children—(if it Please God)

  Constant companion, (& friend in old age) who will feel interested in one

  Object to be beloved & played with

  Better than a dog anyhow

  Home, & someone to take care of house

  Charms of music & female chit-chat

  These things good for one’s health

  Forced to visit & receive relations but terrible loss of time


  No children, (no second life), no one to care for one in old age

  Freedom to go where one liked

  Choice of Society & little of it

  Conversation of clever men at clubs

  Not forced to visit relatives, & to bend in every trifle

  Dan’s Pros and Cons of Marriage


  Continued—albeit less than regular—sex for the duration of your life (presumably)

  A knowledgeable source more than willing to pause and explain the complex plots of television shows without judging you

  Household chores cut in half (more than half if you play your cards right)

  Guaranteed brunch companion

  Passenger to elaborate upon GPS directions while you’re driving

  Naked woman walking around the house constantly

  Permanent wedding, Valentine’s Day, and New Year’s Eve date

  No more fear of STDs (or condoms)

  Someone to whisper the names of all the people you forget as they approach


  Just one stupid calendar to worry about instead of two

  You’ll never wonder if your spouse’s unwillingness to have sex on a given night is reflective of how much she loves you at that moment

  Change bedsheets a lot less frequently

  Guilt-free Wendy’s spicy chicken sandwich for dinner any night you goddamn want it

  Hampers remain hampers and not not-so-temporary closets and bureaus

  Lights turned off in unoccupied rooms

  Avoid family gatherings by lying about “previous plans” without the fucking morality police questioning you

  Financial ruin is your own


  7:18 AM

  Why I won’t stock Etch a Sketches in the store no matter what Jill says

  The Etch a Sketch makes me feel stupid.

  The Etch a Sketch is stupid.

  Paper and pencil are better.

  Drawing a picture of a fucking rectangle isn’t supposed to be this difficult.

  The Etch a Sketch is bullshit.


  3:22 PM

  Things I am forever grateful for:

  Growing up without the Internet

  No more faculty meetings

  Buffy the Vampire Slayer

  Free refills

  The ocean

  Public ban on smoking


  Bruce Springsteen

  Little Debbie Snack Cakes

  Peter’s infertility

  Lack of digital photography when I was in high school


  6:40 PM

  Text messages from Bill

  There is a football game on tonight. You should watch it. Expand your horizons.

  You get old unless you get new.

  You’re too fucking young to be so fucking old already.

  Cross-stitching. And I love it.

  Did you see that sack?

  What’s a sack?

  Fuck you.


  Sack: quarterback (or another offensive player acting as a passer) is tackled behind the line of scrimmage before he can throw a forward pass

  Also Googled

  Line of scrimmage: the imaginary line separating the teams at the beginning of a play


  7:18 AM

  Things I Procrastinate About

  Clicking on my banking app

  Conversations with my wife about hampers

  Starting my diet

  Investing in an index fund

  Redesigning the children’s section of the store

  Any chore involving a phone call


  10:20 PM

  Bingo with Bill

  “I told you to bring a stamper.”

  Doesn’t smoke

  “Never smoked. I always thought pizza and girls were better than cigarettes, so that’s where I spent my money.”

  Plays nine bingo cards faster than I can play one

  Asks lots of questions

  “I hate these fuckers who complain about a fixed income. Lots of people are living on a fixed income. It’s called minimum fucking wage, and it’s criminal.”

  Bill walks and talks like a Republican but might be a Democrat

  “No offense, Danny, but you quit teaching to sell books? What the fuck were you thinking?”

  “Please tell me you at least got your pension first.”

  Shouts “Bingo!” like he’s annoyed about winning

  “You know about Amazon. Right? You know they sell books. Right?”

  “If this book thing doesn’t work, go back to teaching. Run back. Hard work is good work.”


  11:45 AM

  Rules I Try to Live By

  I need to be impressed by you before I have the desire to impress you.

  Rules without consequences are merely suggestions.

  Deadlines without consequences are just lines.

  Always balance the cost of completing something stupid with the penalty for not completing it.

  Penalties rarely have any real teeth.


  7:30 PM

  Questions I asked myself today

  Is the tightness in my chest from stress, a heart attack, or both?

  Am I really going to do this?

  How can $20,000 be a fortune for one person and a drop in the bucket for another?

  When does a fetus know that it exists?

  Is it better to eat a 250-calorie Twix or a 345-calorie avocado?

  Was reading bad writing really so bad?

  Why didn’t I fight Jimbo Powers that day if I wasn’t afraid to lose?

  How hard would it be for me to get another teaching job?

  Each penis can’t be the same, so do women have clear and distinct memories of specific penises that they have encountered in their lives?

  Do people who denigrate 7-Eleven hot dogs without ever trying one know that they are judgmental pricks?


  11:05 PM

  Five ways to say “movie” that say a lot about you

  Picture: Pretentious beyond measure

  Film: Marginally elitist

  Movie: Normal and decent

  Flick: Self-important and dismissive

  Motion picture: Serial killer


  11:05 PM

  Two Kinds of Teachers

  Those who loved school as a child

  Those who hated it

  My Favorite Kind of Teacher

  Those who hated it


  11:30 PM

  New things so I don’t get old

  Write a screenplay

  Learn to play the ukulele



  Soap carving


  Learn to roller-skate


  11:50 PM

  Five ways I’ll know that I’ve finally made it as a Hollywood screenwriter

  I write a movie wherein the male lead is wearing glasses and researching something and his female romantic interest reminds him about the importance of eating.

  I write a movie wherein the male l
ead has been treated for serious injuries and attempts to get out of bed in order to save the day, only to be pushed back by his female romantic interest, who reminds him that he is still recovering from that thing that would’ve killed any normal person.

  I write a movie wherein alcoholism is a disease limited only to men and can be cured by the need to save the world.

  I write a movie wherein mechanical failures can be instantly repaired with punches, kicks, head butts, and the pounding of wrenches to parts of the machine that have nothing to do with the failure.

  I write a movie wherein the intelligence of law enforcement officials is inversely proportional to their rank.

  Addition to Dan’s Laws of the Universe

  Everyone thinks they can write a screenplay, but in truth, almost everyone is only marginally good at complaining about screenplays.


  12:20 PM

  Things Peter Would’ve Never Said

  “I think I’m going to try soap carving.”

  “Look at my ventriloquism dummy. Isn’t he cool?”

  “I cross-stitched you a throw pillow.”


  3:17 PM

  Complaints received at the bookstore this past weekend

  “You don’t carry enough editions of the Bible.”

  “I can’t believe you’ve never heard of the ‘good guy discount.’”

  “That redheaded lady is not very nice.”

  “What the hell is wrong with having a men’s room and a women’s room?”

  “Twenty dollars? Do you realize that I could just check this book out of the library?”

  “This winter sucks. Snow or get off the pot. Know what I mean?”


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