Book Read Free

Twenty-one Truths About Love

Page 8

by Matthew Dicks

  “Why don’t you have a cat? Every good bookstore has a cat. You need a fucking cat.”

  “C’mon, man. If you’re not selling coffee, you’re not even trying.”

  “Your toilet paper sucks.”


  4:35 PM

  Text messages from Jill

  I’m a good teacher. Right?

  Jasper doesn’t seem to think so.

  I know he is, but he’s my boss, too. His opinions matter.

  Thanks, honey. Love you.

  I’m a good teacher. Right?


  6:17 PM

  My teaching beliefs

  If you haven’t given your students an authentic reason to learn, don’t even bother teaching the lesson.

  The most effective tool for assessing student progress is absolute honesty.

  When it comes to discipline, you must only say things that you are willing to do.

  The first step to planning every lesson is to determine how it will be fun for students.

  Teachers must be reading and writing on a regular basis in order to be effective teachers of reading and writing.

  The student’s voice should be heard far more often than the teacher’s voice.

  Teachers must think of parents as full and equal partners in the education of the child.

  If your students are not laughing at least once every hour in your classroom, you have failed them.

  The most important lessons taught by teachers often have little or nothing to do with academics.

  The best administrators understand that teachers are more knowledgeable about instruction than they could ever be.

  Time is more valuable in the classroom than anywhere else in the world. Waste not a second.

  It is almost impossible to set expectations too high for students.

  The single greatest assessment of a teacher’s effectiveness is their students’ desire to come to school every day.


  6:35 PM


  I could’ve been a good teacher.

  I should’ve been a good teacher.

  I thought teaching would be easy, and that’s why I failed.

  I could still be a good teacher. Maybe.

  Jill is a better teacher than I will ever be.


  9:15 PM

  Revised interview procedure (to weed out someone like Kimberly in the future)

  1.  Interview the last five people who served the candidate in a restaurant. Inquire about how the candidate treated them over the course of the meal.

  2.  Interview the candidate. Ask the following questions:

  Please explain the Bill of Rights to your best ability.

  Name as many Supreme Court justices as possible.

  Tell me about the last three books you read.

  Tell me about one goal or aspiration that you have yet to achieve.

  Are you a good person?

  Actual interview procedure used to hire Kimberly

  When do you want to start?


  4:00 PM

  Questions I asked myself today

  Could I get a bank loan?

  Would Jill need to be involved with the application for a bank loan?

  Why am I so excited about the alternative to a bank loan?


  5:05 PM

  What the Road Runner cartoons taught me

  Explosives are simple to deploy, easy to target, and never result in collateral damage.

  Vengeance should always be as violent as possible.

  Gravity is a fickle mistress that will momentarily cease to function if the end result is humorous and fucks you over.

  Acme is the only company on the planet.

  Coyotes can’t be killed. Only flattened and blackened.

  Addition to Dan’s Laws of the Universe

  Solutions are a hell of a lot easier when you’re the only one in need of saving. Also, explosives help too.


  9:35 PM


  “They should not allow topless sunbathing on the beach. It was very distracting for my husband who just wanted to relax.”

  “We went on holiday to Spain and had a problem with the taxi drivers as they were all Spanish.”

  “We booked an excursion to a water park but no one told us we had to bring our own swimsuits and towels. We assumed it would be included in the price.”

  “The beach was too sandy. We had to clean everything when we returned to our room.”

  “Although the brochure said that there was a fully equipped kitchen, there was no egg-slicer in the drawers.”

  “It took us nine hours to fly home from Jamaica to England. It took the Americans only three hours to get home. This seems unfair.”

  “I compared the size of our one-bedroom suite to our friends’ three-bedroom and ours was significantly smaller.”

  “We had to line up outside to catch the boat and there was no air-conditioning.”

  “I was bitten by a mosquito. The brochure did not mention mosquitoes.”

  Actual complaints received THIS WEEK ONLY from dissatisfied customers

  “I know it’s what actually happened, but it’s still weird that Anne Frank just stopped writing. Right?”

  “I wish I could get God to sign this Bible.”

  “The problem with long books is they take longer to read.”

  “The Da Vinci Code should be in the T section. All books starting with the word ‘the’ should be in the T section. It only makes sense.”

  “You need a cat. Also coffee. Also lower prices.”


  10:55 PM

  4 Rules I wish I could impose in the bookstore

  Check your cell phone and your shoes at the door.

  Purchase three books for every one toy purchased.

  You drool on it, you buy it.

  “We’ll get that one at the library” will result in immediate tasering and relinquishment of all cash.


  8:03 AM



  Want to read


  Don’t want to read


  Wish Jill had kept them a secret all along

  ALSO …


  Wish they didn’t exist at all

  ALSO …


  Wish they weren’t Valentine’s Day letters


  6:20 PM

  2018 Letter

  Shorter than last year’s letter

  Addressed to “My love”

  Signed “Love always”

  “I hope you’ve found love again.”

  Story about their first roller-coaster ride together

  Fudge ripple ice cream

  “Say hello to my brother.”

  “Those damn slippers…”

  Rein’s Deli

  “Has the world gone to hell in a handbasket yet?”

  Good news

  Jill didn’t cry

  Didn’t say, “I’ll love you forever” for the very first time in these letters

  No mention of sex or Jill’s body (like in 2014)

  Only three years of letters left

  Bad news

  I acted like a fucking jerk when she asked me if I wanted to read it.

  I corrected a dead man by saying it was “hell and a handbasket.”

  I was wrong. It’s “hell in a handbasket.”

  Jill probably cried later.

  Next steps

  Never order fudge ripple ice cream again

  Avoid Rein’s Deli whenever possible

  Avoid roller coasters whenever possible

  Eradicate the expression “hell in a handbasket” from my vocabulary for as long as I live


  3:22 PM

  Phone calls

  Substitute teachers make $72 per day

  A bank loan is out of the question

  Cat litter is bad for pregnant women

  Enrollment is declining. Class sizes shrinking. No one had unprotected sex during the recession.


  10:55 PM

  8 things I don’t miss about teaching

  Bullshit circle games by administrators who claim to treat teachers as professionals but then schedule teamwork activities with beach balls and candy

  Teachers who spend more time designing bulletin boards than reading good books

  Parents who insist that their average or above-average child is gifted

  Teachers who believe that titles “Mr.” or “Mrs.” confer some kind of artificial authority

  Teachers who speak to students in one voice and adults in another voice

  Teachers who dress up for parent–teacher conferences

  Administrators who run meetings as if their staff members are students

  Listening to people who no longer work with kids tell us how to work with kids


  11:20 PM

  Things I said to my students that were true but questionable

  “There are no stupid questions. Just stupid people who ask questions.”

  “If you put things in your mouth other than food, you will have no friends.”

  “I won’t punish you. I’ll just reward everyone around you for not being you.”

  “Shame is an effective, long-lasting deterrent, and I will use it.”

  “You’re not going to believe this: I put on two pairs of underwear today.”


  I’ve accidentally worn two pairs of underwear on more days than I’ll ever admit.

  I thought that accidentally wearing two pairs of underwear was funny, but I might be the only one.

  After the third time, I didn’t think it was funny anymore.


  9:36 AM

  Deep Economic Thoughts of Dan

  Private school is the ideal means of exacerbating the growing economic inequality in America while creating racial segregation and a glass floor for children who already have all of the advantages.

  Therapy is a treatment that is both affordable and accessible to white people with health insurance, two-car garages, and time enough to worry about their problems.

  Shops that close at 5:00 on a weekday are perfectly designed for intentionally unemployed women.

  Serving on charitable boards is not the same as having a job that requires you to work every day in order to eat.

  Additions to Dan’s Laws of the Universe

  It’s so easy to despise the wealthy (or wealthier) when you are running out of money.

  When you can send your kids off to private school and send yourself to therapy twice a week, you should be able to handle a little hatred from those less fortunate.


  5:20 PM

  Notes from VFW #2 (VFW Post 7788, Milford)

  1.  2 doors—front and back. Unlocked. Maybe a kitchen door?

  2.  80+ players

  a.  All men.

  b.  Table of serious-looking 40-year-old guys in back corner

  c.  About one-third are disabled with canes or wheelchairs.

  d.  So many cigars

  3.  $75 buy-in—all cash—$6K total pot

  4.  All cash collected at the door. Lockbox.

  5.  Highway on-ramp less than a quarter mile away


  I could’ve grabbed that lockbox and run. So damn close to the exit.

  Less than half the cash of the South Street VFW, but so much easier. Risk/reward calculations are hard.

  Why do these guys play bingo in silence? No one talks to one another.

  I still need a bingo stamper.

  I miss Bill.

  Unsolved problems

  Getaway vehicle?




  I’m terrified.

  I feel so fucking alive.

  I haven’t felt in such control of my life in a long, long time.

  I’m not sure if I’m brave enough to pull this off.

  I’m having so much fun planning this.

  A lockbox is a stupid and pointless thing if it can be picked up and carried away.

  A “getaway car” is also a “get there” car.

  Why is this so fun?


  9:49 AM

  Revised List of Fears

  Good afraids


  Botulism (dented cans)

  Losing Jill

  Losing the store

  Losing the house


  Erectile dysfunction


  Drunk drivers

  Hypodermic needles

  Dad walking into bookstore unannounced

  Butt crack sweat on my pants


  Bad afraids

  Taking huge risks

  Tasting new foods

  Asking girls on dates in high school

  Driving into New York City

  Asteroids (not the video game)


  Asparagus pee


  Verbal confrontations

  Public speaking

  Only times I’m afraid of airplanes

  When I’m flying in an airplane

  When an airplane is flying over me

  Most underestimated danger in the world

  A plane falling out of the sky and landing on your head

  Worst parts about my airplane fear

  It’s the height of narcissism to think that the exceptionally rare plane crash will someday happen to me.

  It’s hard to cry on a plane without being noticed.


  9:49 AM

  Text messages from Jill

  Jasper is a dick.

  He’s making my days sad.

  I know. But you don’t know what it’s like anymore.

  He has favorites, too. Single women. Young.

  Pauline. Maybe Amy.

  I’m just going to keep my head down and hope he gets fired or promoted soon.


  9:56 AM

  Husband problems

  I can’t punch Jill’s boss in the face.

  I can’t force her boss to treat her better.

  I feel like a little boy when I ask if she wants to have sex.

  I don’t understand how to handle her pregnant body.

  Jasper (Jill’s principal and my former principal)



  Tiny waist

  Steely Dan fan

  Enormous, fragile ego (worst combination ever)

  Three ferrets

  Constantly quotes self-help books

  Threatened by the success of his teachers

  Also has a pregnant wife

  Only eats “good barbecue”

  Loves to talk about “good barbecue”

  Probably thought that professional wrestling was real as a kid

  Constant, lewd comments to women, including Jill

  Coffee breath

  Can’t swim

  Plays squash

  Needy as fuck

  PhD who insists upon being called “Dr.”


  I couldn’t fight Jimbo Powers. Why do I think I could fight Jasper Berceuse?

  Possible addition to Dan’s Laws of the Universe

  No one really changes. Assholes are always assholes. Angels are always angels. You are the person you’ve always been. Some people just learn to hide their ugly parts.

  More questions

  Is that true? I think it’s true.

  If it’s true, what does it say about me?

  Do people think ab
out shit like this as much as I do?

  Does writing all this stuff down make it more real for me?

  More painful?

  More in need of answers?

  Should I stop these lists for my own sanity?

  Could I stop these lists and remain sane?

  Why does everyone like Friends so goddamn much?


  10:55 AM

  The worst people in the world

  Serial killers

  North Korean supreme leaders

  Drivers who obey the NO TURN ON RED sign when no car is coming for miles

  Librarians who think they own the books

  Westboro Baptist Church

  Ferret owners


  Facebook comment-baiters

  People who prolong meetings with stupid questions or questions pertaining only to them

  Line cutters

  People who play Monopoly using bullshit “house rules”

  Large, fragile egos

  Drivers who purposely take up two parking spaces

  People who don’t ever read

  Confident idiots

  Steely Dan fans

  Four stupidest things that principals do


  Not ending meetings early

  Speaking more than listening

  Complaining about the amount of time required to handle a problem or crisis

  Three investments that school districts should make to improve learning

  Hire or train staff who can teach teachers in engaging, informative ways

  Tear down every fucking bulletin board and tell teachers to spend their time reading good books and planning lessons that make kids laugh instead

  Eliminate all administrative positions between principal and superintendent

  Why ferrets are stupid pets

  They smell

  They poop at least 10 times a day with the consistency of brown toothpaste


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