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Outside the Law

Page 22

by Carsen Taite

  Tanner barely registered Dale’s words. She was staring at her own phone and a succession of texts that must have come in while she was talking to Amanda Gellar.

  Did you get the message about Amanda?

  Y or N, it would go a long way toward alleviating what is probably unnecessary panic on my part.

  Come back safe. Please.

  Nothing too personal. Each message could be interpreted as one colleague checking on another, but Tanner knew it was more. Syd was concerned not just about the operation, but about her. Where once she’d pushed back from Syd’s pressing concern about every little thing, now she was ready to embrace it. Syd was waiting for her and there was nothing she wanted to do more than to get back to her.

  She looked up from her phone to see Dale and Mary walking toward her. Dale pointed at her truck and motioned for Tanner to join them. Duty called. Bad guys were still on the loose and good guys had to track them down. Tanner had spent the last ten years being one of the good guys. Could she walk away from her calling even if it was for love?

  * * *

  “Something’s happened. Something bad.” Syd paced the living room at Bianca’s mother’s house not caring that Lourdes looked at her like she was losing her mind. It had been two hours since she’d sent the text to Tanner about Amanda Gellar and she hadn’t heard jack. She totally got that they were in the middle of a sting and Tanner wouldn’t be watching her phone, but the lack of information was killing her. Now she knew how hard it had been for Tanner to wait without word when she met with Carlos Aguilar. Her last text, asking Tanner to at least reply with a Y or N to acknowledge she was still alive, had been pure desperation.

  On her third loop around the room, Jade and Bianca intercepted her path. “I get it,” Bianca said. “You’re freaking out, but you’re wearing a hole in my mother’s carpet. Tanner, Dale, and Mary know what they’re doing. If you haven’t heard from them it’s because they’re busy being badasses.” Bianca shot a look at her mother, who was shaking her head. “Sorry, Mama, but I’m right.” She looked back at Syd. “Maybe your text about Amanda was perfectly timed. I bet Aguilar and Gellar showed up at the ranch together and Tanner and the others are luring them into confessing everything. Right? And while Aguilar and Gellar are spilling their guts, Sergio appears out of nowhere and—”

  “It wasn’t quite like that, but close,” a low voice said from the other side of the room.

  Syd whirled at the sound of Tanner’s voice and watched the woman she loved step out of the shadow of the foyer. Syd launched across the room but pulled up short when an older man and a young girl entered the room with Tanner.

  “Mija!” Bianca cried out, stretching her arms toward the girl.

  Syd saw Emma run to her mother in her peripheral vision, but her gaze was trained on Tanner, who still stood framed in the entry, like she wasn’t quite sure if she should come or go. Syd paused, waiting for Tanner to take the first step, but then she realized she’d spent the last ten years waiting for something to bring her back to Tanner when what she should have been doing instead was closing the distance all on her own. Not caring what anyone else in the room thought, Syd ran across the room and gathered Tanner tightly into her arms, silently vowing never to let her go.

  “Hey,” Tanner whispered. “It’s okay. I’m okay. I’m sorry I didn’t call. I just wanted to see you and a voice over the phone wasn’t going to be enough.” She leaned down and gently tipped Syd’s head back so they were face-to-face. “Are you okay?”

  “Are you?” Syd ran her hands down Tanner’s arms, squeezing tightly every few inches to be sure it was really Tanner, that she was really okay, standing right here in her arms. “I have to tell you something.”

  “I know. Me too.”

  “I love you,” Syd blurted out before she could think about the consequences or the fact Bianca’s entire family was watching her intimate moment with Tanner go down.

  “I love you too,” Tanner said, pulling Syd closer into her arms. “I never stopped.”

  “Kiss!” the girl called out, and Syd heard Bianca say, “Emma, hush,” but before she could assure Bianca it was okay, Tanner’s mouth was on hers and she melted into the firm command of her hungry lips, forgetting everyone else was in the room. When Tanner released her, Syd struggled to keep her balance and then blushed while Emma, Lourdes, and Bianca applauded. In a gambit to add some levity to what she was certain had been an R-rated kiss, she took a bow and thanked the audience.

  “Now that the kissing portion of the evening has concluded, do we get to find out what happened at the ranch?” Bianca asked.

  “Time for bed, right, Emma?” Lourdes grabbed her husband’s arm, and together they led Emma down a hallway toward the other end of the house.

  When they were out of earshot, the rest of the group settled onto the sectional in the living room. Syd sat close to Tanner and launched into her first round of questions. “You got my text, didn’t you? Were you able to use the information against Aguilar? Did Gellar show up?” At Tanner’s grin, she took a deep breath. “Sorry, it was kind of hard sitting here not having a clue what was going on.”

  Tanner’s smile was tender. “I get it. Actually, Bianca was partly right. Aguilar didn’t show up at the ranch, but Gellar did. Amanda Gellar, not Herschel.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Not even close. Herschel’s no innocent, but Amanda is the brains behind everything he’s done, and there’s no love lost between the two. She essentially offered me whatever I wanted if I would make Herschel disappear.”

  “So she’s in custody?”

  “Yes, despite the fact she climbed out a window and ran into the woods in a fancy cocktail dress. We’ve got agents keeping an eye on Herschel to make sure he doesn’t take off when he gets the news his wife has been arrested.”

  Syd nodded, already thinking ahead to the report she’d need to file with Main Justice if they were going to get permission to bring charges against Herschel.

  “In related news,” Tanner said, “Sergio showed up and was arrested with very little fuss. Jade, he was very disappointed to find out you weren’t following in his footsteps after all.”

  Jade grimaced. “He and Arturo will be running a prison gang in no time, but I’ll only rest easy if they’re never released.”

  “What about Aguilar?” Bianca asked.

  Tanner shook her head. “I guess he sent Amanda as his proxy, but we have a lead, and Dale and Mary are following up.”

  Syd watched Tanner’s face, certain she detected a hint of unease. “Why aren’t you with them?”


  “Can’t they use all the help they can get? If Aguilar gets word that you’ve arrested Amanda and have Gellar under surveillance, he’s going to make a break for it.” Syd watched a parade of emotions march across Tanner’s face and reached for her hand, threading their fingers together. All these years she’d thought Tanner had chosen the job over her, but now Syd knew it hadn’t been a choice. Tanner was meant to do this work and so was she. They were both drawn to righting wrongs, but the pursuit of justice didn’t have to be at the exclusion of each other. “I’m glad you came back so I could see you’re alive, but you’ve got work to do.” She stood up and pulled Tanner with her. “So, kiss me again and then get your butt out there and do your job. I’ll do mine, and I’ll see you when we’re done.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Two weeks later

  Syd rolled over in bed to find Tanner propped up on one arm, staring at her with a goofy grin. She poked Tanner in the chest. “Are you sleep stalking me?”

  “Kind of.” Tanner’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “Mostly I was wondering how someone so pretty and feminine can make such loud noises while sleeping.”

  “Shut up!” Syd sat up in bed. “You snore too, you know.”

  “Sure. Right.”

  “You do.” Syd play smacked her with a pillow to emphasize her point, and for the next few minutes, they wound up wres
tling in the sheets. When they were both out of breath, Syd snuggled in close and draped an arm over Tanner’s chest. “This has been the best two weeks of my life.”

  “Mine too,” Tanner said. “I’ve never worked so hard, but it’s never been easier.” She kissed the top of Syd’s head. “I like working with you, but I like this most of all.” She wagged a finger back and forth between them and sighed. “Being naked with you is the best employee benefit ever. How long do you think we can make this case last?”

  Syd heard the undercurrent of melancholy in Tanner’s voice. She felt it too. They’d worked twenty-hour days since the night Sergio and Amanda had been arrested at Jade’s ranch, but her energy was boundless since she and Tanner had rekindled their feelings. Syd was a woman in love, and knowing Tanner loved her too made it easy to live in the moment. At some point they’d both need to talk about the future and where they would go from here.

  The case was wrapping up faster than they’d anticipated. Tanner had been with Dale and Mary when they arrested Aguilar at a private airstrip near Denton the night Amanda Gellar had been arrested at Jade’s ranch. Both Aguilar and Amanda had steadfastly refused to talk, but Herschel was another story. He was only too happy to share that his wife and her cousin, Carlos Aguilar, had used him to expand Aguilar’s criminal enterprises to North Texas. They’d opened bank accounts in Herschel’s name and stocked them with cash that could be traced to dubious offshore accounts for which Amanda had records that she held over Gellar’s head to get him to do Aguilar’s bidding. The bidding consisted of putting the Vargases out of business, including their main money laundering source, Cyrus Gantry, and going easy in court on Barrio Azteca gang members who worked for Aguilar.

  No one on the task force believed Herschel was the innocent victim he proclaimed to be, but as long as he was willing to cooperate, they were willing to postpone an indictment and consider working out a deal. He had loaded them up with specifics about how Aguilar’s business worked, including storing money in the pretend wine cellar at Gellar’s house. Herschel’s biggest bombshell had been about Maria Escobar. While he claimed to have had nothing to do with her death, he did say Maria had confronted him about the way he was handling the Barrio Azteca cases. He made up some on-the-fly excuse about prison-based gangs like BA being more dangerous because they felt like they had nothing to lose, and if he wanted to handle some cases personally to keep his litigation chops sharp, it was his prerogative as the head of the office to do so. Maria seemed to accept his explanation, and he’d decided not to worry about it, but he’d mentioned the conversation to Amanda in passing. Within days, Maria had been gunned down on her front lawn, and for the first time, Herschel had realized he was no longer in charge.

  There was still a lot of work to do, but Syd knew at any moment she might get the call to return to DC and let the locals handle the rest of the case on their own. Whether she would go back and whether Tanner wanted her to were topics they’d avoided in favor of spending the free moments they had making up for lost time. She’d spent every night at Tanner’s, basking in their reclaimed love, but neither one of them had broached the subject of what the future held, and right now, it was easier to talk about safer subjects.

  “Do you think Cyrus will be at the wedding?” Syd asked.

  “I think so, but not in the traditional, walk his daughter down the aisle kind of way. Peyton said he didn’t want to divert any attention from the ceremony, so he’ll stay in the background.” Tanner sat up and pointed at the clock on the nightstand. “We should probably start getting ready.”

  “You’re right.” Syd kissed Tanner and crawled out of bed. She went to the window and peered through the blinds. It was a beautiful, sunny autumn day—perfect for an outdoor wedding. She started to turn away from the window but felt the press of Tanner’s naked body against her back.

  “Whatcha thinking?” Tanner asked.

  Syd’s mind whirred through the dozens of things pulling at her attention, most of which had nothing to do with Carlos Aguilar, the Gellars, and the Vargases but everything to do with what the future held for her and Tanner. But today was a day to celebrate, and she didn’t want to mar it with a serious discussion, so she said the first true thing that came to her mind.

  “It’s a beautiful day for a wedding.”

  * * *

  Tanner tried not to squirm in her seat, but she was feeling claustrophobic in the new suit and tie she’d purchased for the wedding. Peyton was waiting at the front of the rows of chairs, standing underneath an arbor laced with dozens of poinsettias, and Tanner thought she looked way too relaxed considering what was about to happen. Tanner envied Peyton’s calm, and she crossed and recrossed her legs, finally settling both feet firmly on the floor with her elbows resting on her knees, when the music started and she, along with the dozens of other guests, scrambled to their feet and turned to look at the bride.

  “Are you okay?” Syd whispered.

  Tanner kept her eyes focused on the aisle. “Sure. Of course. Why?”

  “Because you look like you want to make a break for it, and you’re not the one in the penguin suit.”

  Tanner fumbled, trying to formulate a response. She didn’t know why she was so restless, but she was positive it wasn’t just the suit. She’d been jumpy since they’d arrived at the Circle Six, barely able to concentrate on any of the conversations around her, and there were plenty, since the entire community was still buzzing with news of the indictment of Amanda Gellar.


  She squeezed Syd’s hand. “Sorry. I’m good.”

  At that moment, the crowd gasped as Lily appeared at the back of the crowd in a gorgeous white dress, her eyes firmly focused on Peyton. Tanner looked down at Syd and smiled. Excitement shined in her eyes, and it was infectious. When Syd met her eyes, Tanner grinned to signal everything was okay, or if it wasn’t now, it would be. They had so much yet to work out, but if they both wanted to, surely they could find a way through it.

  With each vow that was spoken, a cylinder clicked into place, and by the time Judge Casey pronounced Peyton and Lily married for all eternity, a soothing sense of calm settled over Tanner’s mind, and her heart told her exactly what to do.

  The reception featured a popular local cover band that happily took requests from the guests, and they played Tanner’s selection immediately after Peyton and Lily’s first dance.

  “I love this song,” Syd said, swaying in place to Whitney Houston’s “I Look to You.”

  “I remember,” Tanner said, holding out her hand. They danced close, and the song was halfway over before Tanner finally made up her mind that this was indeed the perfect moment. She stopped in place on the dance floor. When Syd looked up to see what was up, Tanner spoke quickly. “I asked them to play this song, our song. I look to you, Syd. I always have, even when I was too hardheaded to admit it. You are the one true, great love of my life and I never want to be without you again. Will you marry me?”

  Syd’s eyes brimmed with tears, but the huge smile on her face told Tanner they were tears of happiness. “Yes,” Syd said. “Absolutely yes.” Tanner pulled her close, and they sealed the promise with a searing kiss.

  They danced the next few songs, neither willing to let go of the moment, but when the band took a break, Peyton waved them over to where she and Lily were standing with Dale, Lindsey, Bianca, Jade, and Mary. She handed them each a glass of champagne. “Since we’re all here, I thought we might steal a moment and toast our work on the task force. It’s not over yet, but we’re well on our way to closing some of the biggest cases this area has ever seen. To all of you and to Maria, who I never had the pleasure of meeting, but who has inspired all of us to keep doing this good work.” Peyton nodded at Dale and then raised her glass, and everyone else joined in the toast.

  While everyone drank, Tanner, fueled by the mood and maybe a little bit by the champagne, raised her glass next. “I’d like to propose a toast to friendships, old and new. May we treasure
all of our relationships and never let go of the people that are important to us.”

  Bianca was the first to raise her glass in response. “I’ll drink to that if you’ll tell us what you two have been up to. You and Syd are acting like kids who found the hidden stash of Halloween candy.”

  Tanner glanced at Syd, who grinned back at her. “Just happy to be alive.”

  “Nope, I’m not buying it,” Dale said. “They’re up to something.”

  Syd raised a hand. “Seriously. This is Peyton and Lily’s special day. Let’s focus on them.”

  “No way!” Bianca squealed. “You got engaged, didn’t you?”

  “What?” Tanner said, looking to Syd to help her out. “Engaged? No way.”

  Syd smiled back at her. “Honey, I don’t know how you’ve made it this long in law enforcement. You can’t lie worth a damn.” Syd grabbed her hand and held it tight while she announced, “Yes, we’re engaged. No, we haven’t worked out the details, but we’re super grateful to Peyton and Lily for providing the perfect romantic setting for Tanner to pop the question.”

  “You know,” Peyton said, “this setting is perfect for more than proposals.” She turned to Lily. “What do you think?”

  Lily grinned and nodded her response, and Peyton looked over the crowd and waved to Judge Casey, who started toward them. As Tanner watched him approach, she realized what Peyton had in mind. “Wait. No.” She felt Syd squeeze her hand.

  “I’m ready if you are.”

  Tanner’s heart stopped and she took a moment to catch her breath. This was really happening, and the knowledge that it wasn’t a champagne-infused dream sent any last nerves she had skittering away to make room for calm assurance that she’d never be separated from Syd again. Only one last lingering doubt remained. “I’m ready. I’ve never been more ready. But,” she held up a hand to stave off Syd’s protest, “Peyton and Lily’s generous offer aside, don’t you want a big wedding of your own?”


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