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Reign To Ruin

Page 6

by Zoey Ellis

  The discovery of Omegas, and the fact that they use the Talent in a way that was not recognized by him, was highly intriguing and potentially dangerous if any of the other rulers did obtain any Omegas. It was something he would have to find out more about through his dealings with Amara.

  By the time he was finished, the tenebris crashed wildly around his body, causing the familiar intense pain all over. He ignored it as usual but headed to the temple to mix his wine.

  As he was leaving, Emric approached from the corridor.

  "Excuse me for disturbing you, Your Majesty," he said hurriedly. "It's just I have some news about your guest."

  Malloron's attention snapped on to Emric. "What about her?"

  "It seems she has not been eating the food that has been transferred to her room," Emric said. "I'm unsure if it is not to her liking or if something is wrong, but I thought it was important to let you know as it has been an entire day that she has gone without food and drink."

  Malloron pressed his fingers into his palm, feeling the throb of her beacon. She was still most definitely in the room; perhaps this was some kind of retaliation. “Which chef did you assign?”

  “Yours, Your Majesty.”

  Malloron nodded. "I will deal with it. Anything else?"

  "Our visitor from the Southern Lands has left for Eiros," Emric said. "He should be with us in a month or so."

  Malloron nodded. That was good news. This visitor could help him to rise even further above and beyond the other rulers. He already had an advantage by having the alliance with the Eastern Lands, and this potential new alliance could solidify his stance in the Western lands.

  After mixing and drinking the wine in his temple, Malloron made his way back to the Carodoc rooms where Amara was being held.

  He unlocked the door and walked in. The Omega was sitting on the couch and she jumped up, surprised by his sudden entrance.

  “Good evening,” he said calmly.

  "Why did you leave me locked in here?" Her face turned hard as soon as she got over the surprise. "Am I your prisoner? Is this how you treat diplomats?"

  Malloron closed the door behind him. "I told you would give you some time to think about my offer."

  "You left me here all day,” she snapped. Her blue eyes glistened and her thick hair had been let out so that it surrounded her face. “I didn't need all day to think about it.”

  Malloron couldn't help but smile. "I cannot read your mind, chameleon. I thought you would appreciate at least the day."

  “I do not appreciate being locked up.” She crossed her arms and glared at him.

  For a moment, Malloron was taken aback. She seemed to have completely discarded any hesitation and unwillingness to respond to him, though her anger with him remained. It made him hard. That was a surprise. Although she was an extremely good-looking woman, he was not one to become aroused by rudeness, disobedience, or disregard of his status as king; she hardly called him Majesty when she addressed him. This woman became more intriguing the more he encountered her.

  He stalked to the table in the middle of the space and gestured for her to sit down. "So you have made your decision?"

  She made her way to the table and stood by it. "I am an Omega," she announced.

  Her words sent a jolt of excitement straight to Malloron's cock. It twitched as it hardened even further. Before he could properly register his reaction to her, she continued to speak.

  "I will agree with your offer to stay with you for a month," she said slowly. "But there are caveats to my agreement."

  "What are they?" Malloron asked immediately.

  "Firstly, you will not poison me or try to sway my opinion by force."

  Malloron glanced at the untouched dishes of food on the table. "Is that why you have not eaten?"

  The Omega did not speak. She simply glared at him.

  Malloron smiled slowly, his arousal increasing. He didn’t know why he loved the viciousness in her eyes so much, but he did. "I will agree to that. I will not attempt to poison you or otherwise coerce your agreement in any way."

  "Secondly," she said. "I want to be able to have free rein of Eiros Castle without accompaniment."

  Malloron frowned, his smile falling from his face.

  "Thirdly," she continued without giving him a chance to respond, "I want to sit in and observe all of your meetings and engagements."

  "No." Malloron’s voice was hard. Was she crazy? By what measure could she justify needing to roam his castle freely and sit in on his meetings. He was a fucking king. There was no way that she had any reason to attend his meetings. "I do not agree to those last two."

  The Omega’s arms dropped to her sides. "Then you do not have a deal."

  "You are being unreasonable," Malloron said, keeping his voice calm to try to hide his irritation. "Why do you wish to have free rein of my castle?"

  "I don't want to feel like a prisoner here," Amara said pointedly. "You have just left me locked in these rooms for an entire day. If this is how the next month is going to be—"

  "Why do you need to be in my meetings?" Malloron asked. "My dealings across the Lands have absolutely nothing to do with you."

  "You say that Omegas are at risk across the Western Lands," she said, lightly. "I would like to know exactly how much sway you have with the other rulers."

  Malloron lifted his chin. "You should know how much sway I have if you have been here for two years. And if you don't, it is not for me to persuade you. I have no idea why you’re even in my castle, and I have not pressured you to tell me. I see no reason for you to sit in on my meetings. You either take my deal and accept my protection or you don't take it and take your chances with the rulers."

  The Omega stared at him for a long moment. "You want me to believe everything you say yet you will not prove it. Why won’t you allow this? What do you have to hide?"

  Malloron rose from his chair. He stepped toward her, looming over her as her head tilted up to look at him. The urge rose to touch her again, to feel her soft skin underneath his fingers. As he continued to stare at her, he wondered why he was bothering to argue. It didn't matter if she decided to explore all over the castle, he would always have a beacon on her. It also didn't matter if she sat in on his meetings, for what could she do? She was his possession now—she would never be leaving. What use would any knowledge gained from his meetings have in the long-term? She was a tiny little thing, and provided she didn’t get in the way, it didn’t matter if she was present. Still, she needed to know that she had to pay for those privileges.

  "You can have exactly what you want," he said, lowering his voice to a soft murmur. "Everything you ask for can be yours. All you have to do, is give me your body as part of our arrangement."

  The Omega’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in shock. She took a few steps back, her chest rising and falling as she stared at him. "My body?"

  "Yes," Malloron said calmly. "You already have clean food and wine. I will allow you to go anywhere you please in my castle without being accompanied, and you can sit in on any meeting you choose between me and anyone else in the known Lands. All you have to do is consent to me having your body to use as I please."



  Amara stared up at the Alpha king. She should have expected this kind of demand from him and was annoyed with herself that she hadn't seen it coming.

  She had already decided that she was going to do whatever it took to alert her team and the rest of the Omegas about how much he knew and the risk they were in. She did not expect him to agree to any of it, it was naïve to trust an Alpha like him to stick to his word. Regardless, it would give her the space she needed to at least find out more.

  One of the main things that swayed her to agree to his terms was the mission. If she had a chance to move the mission along quicker by finding out what happened to the children in the red dungeon, and maybe even help them, she was willing to tie herself to the worst Alpha in the known Lands. If
she suffered along the way, it was a small price to pay. It was highly likely that she’d have to kill herself at some point anyway. By negotiating with him, she was giving herself a chance to find future opportunities to succeed in her mission. But prostituting herself to him? Could she really do that?

  It wasn't as though she was completely sexually inexperienced. She had become close to the kindhearted Beta in Wrale, who had gotten her the job at Eiros Castle, but they had only been intimate once. She did it to try to acclimatize herself to what she might be forced to do during the course of her assignment. It had been an interesting experience, but nothing remarkable. It was probable that King Malloron was into all kinds of crazy sexual things that she had no knowledge of, but if she agreed to his demands, it would allow her the potential to achieve much more than she had as a servant for the last two years.

  "Yes," she said slowly. "I agree."

  The Alpha walked slowly to her, closing the gap she created by moving back. His eyes seemed to darken as he looked down at her. "You should know that if you agree to this, it stays in place for the entire month.”

  Amara nodded.

  “Further, you will address me correctly from now on. You will use, ‘Your Majesty’ or ‘my King’ when responding to me.”

  Amara pressed her lips together for a long moment. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  “If you are to attend my meetings, you must act accordingly. You cannot behave like a servant. You must behave as my honored guest." The corner of the king’s mouth curled up. “I’m sure, as such an accomplished chameleon, you will have no problem with this.”

  Amara ignored his last remark. "My behavior will be appropriate for your meetings, provided that our agreement starts now. The sun will be rising in a few hours. I want to attend your meetings in the morning."

  The king smirked. "Our agreement can start now if you wish. That would indeed please me." He began to unbuckle his pants.

  Amara glanced down at his hands and then back up at him. She forced herself to stand still, unable to believe that this was going to happen now. He had twisted her words. By demanding their agreement started now, she had effectively given him license to request sex from her immediately. But what did she expect from him?

  "Are you clean?" he asked as he pushed his pants a little way down.

  His cock sprung out of his pants. Amara couldn't take her eyes from it. She hadn't seen anything like it before; long, hard, and thick with a bulbous tip. There was no way that was fitting inside her.

  "To your knees," he demanded.

  Taking a small breath, Amara lowered.

  Immediately, the king grabbed the back of her head and pushed her face into the length of his cock. She tried to stay calm and let it happen. This was much better than the alternative of actual sex. She breathed in as her nose pressed into his hard length. His scent was faint, but it was heady and musky, and so unique that she couldn't help but draw in another breath, and another. She ran her nose up his shaft to his round tip, where the scent was strongest and, on impulse, flicked her tongue out to lick it.

  The Alpha growled, and suddenly her entire body was alive. A tingle shot to her nipples and a stirring in her stomach trembled all the way down between her legs.

  The king dug his hand into her hair and, using his other hand, fed her his cock. It pushed in until her jaw was wide. She rounded her mouth and sucked, trying to accommodate his size and breathe through her nose. She recalled some of the Omega spies talking about sucking a man’s cock when she was back at the Omega Compound. They talked about it as an option to discourage full sex. Maybe if she tried to make it enjoyable for him, he wouldn’t be interested in full sex with her—especially if he believed she was diseased.

  She sucked it as best she could, making every part of it wet and trying to keep her teeth out of the way, but she found herself becoming intrigued by his taste and barely-there scent. It had a distinctive and heady complexity and yet was strangely faint. It made her pussy tingle and clench, expectant and eager. Before she could even think about her body’s reaction, he began to move her head forward and back, pressing his cock into her mouth in a rhythm.

  When she could, she flicked her tongue on the ridged underside, and tried not to let her saliva build up but it was impossible. She forced herself to relax every time he pushed it farther into her throat, so she didn’t gag, but the king pushed her head forward farther and rougher with each stroke inside her mouth.

  His scent filled her nose, faint though it was, and she found herself breathing deeper and sucking harder to experience more. The trickle of fluid from his tip coated her tongue, and it tasted… good. The tingle of her nipples strengthened and there was no doubt her slick was gathering between her legs. She closed her eyes. This was unlike any experience that she had ever had and she wasn’t sure she entirely disliked it. There was something riveting about it; the complexity of his scent, the taste of him, the heaviness of his cock, and the harsh exhale of his breaths.

  He pushed in hard and she gagged, but the king didn’t break his rhythm. She glared up at him as she tried not to retch, coughing around him as her saliva burst out of the edges of her mouth. The hungry look in his eyes increased and he reached down to her tunic and tore the neckline. Slipping his hand in, he grabbed her breast. She couldn’t help but moan at the feel of his fingers pinching her already peaked nipples, but that only served to excite him more it seemed. His hips moved faster, and she tried to pull away as she gagged and retched, but he didn’t allow it. Just as she thought she would completely suffocate, hot, thick liquid filled her mouth. The hard cock withdrew completely giving her a chance to push out the liquid in order to breathe, but then he forced it back in so far that it reached her throat. The liquid continued to pulse in, slipping down her throat before she had a chance to even react. And then his cock withdrew completely.

  Amara dropped forward onto her hands, coughing while trying not to vomit. She struggled to catch her breath, the liquid poured out of her mouth, dripping in a long stream to the floor. She automatically swallowed some, and then rolled it in her mouth for a moment, curious by its texture and taste. As soon as she realized what she was doing she spat out the rest, disgusted with herself. This was the king’s seed.

  As she composed herself, she could hear the Alpha doing up his pants. She battled with the urge to retch again, forcing herself to swallow even though she was starting to feel the burn in her throat. As soon as her breathing calmed, she lifted herself upright, sitting back on her heels. She didn’t bother to try to clean herself up, simply allowing the mixture of semen and saliva to drip from her chin to her chest where her tunic was torn.

  He stood a little way away now, near the table, but he still watched her closely. A silent moment passed between them during which, their eyes remained locked on each other. She couldn’t read him like she could most men. He was too practiced with his expressions, too committed to the deception of schooling his reactions. Even when he smiled, it wasn’t real. But then he moved, slowly and fluidly, prowling toward her until he loomed over her again. He grabbed her chin hard, his large hand enclosed around her jaw. “You have had cock in your mouth before,” he snarled. “Who and when.”

  Amara said nothing. He might expect to use her however he pleased, but he would get nothing more. That had not been negotiated.

  The hand squeezed harder around her chin. “It would not be that hard for me to find out.”

  “Then find out,” Amara said harshly, fighting to speak against the pressure of his hand. “I did not agree to give you any information about myself other than my name.”

  A flash of anger distorted the king’s face for a tiny second before it smoothed, the mask slipping over him again. He straightened, but still kept hold of her face. “The first meeting is an hour after sunrise. I’ll have someone come to collect you. Make sure that you are ready and properly dressed to be in front of guests and visitors and other rulers of the Western Lands. If you are not appropriately dressed, you
will not remain in the meeting. There will be suitable clothes for you in the bedroom wardrobe.”

  He pushed her face away roughly as he released her chin. “Food will be transferred to this table from the kitchens. Your food is prepared by my personal chef. It is clean. If you choose not to eat, our agreement will be broken. You are of no use to me starved and parched. If you would like to watch your food being prepared, you are welcome to use your newfound freedom to find the kitchens and watch her.” With that, he turned and headed to the door.

  Amara watched him leave and then got up to check whether the door was still locked. It opened as soon as she turned the handle. After a moment’s thought, she closed it again. If she was going to wander around the castle, she had to be sure where she was going and who she was going to see. She did not believe the king wouldn’t monitor her. As far as she was aware, he monitored every single person of interest to him whether in Eiros Castle, in Eiros, or in the Western Lands as a whole. She had to be careful about what she did and when she did it. As much as he claimed to know about the other Omegas, he hadn’t indicated how much he knew.

  She opened the door again and peeked out, looking along the corridor. It was dark and appeared empty. Closing the door she breathed a sigh of relief as she leaned against it. At least he had gone, for now.


  The first meeting of the day was boring as hell.

  The nobleman and Malloron discussed various types of contracts that she didn't understand. At first, she thought they were talking in some kind of code, then she realized that they were actually speaking about different types of stones, jewels, gems, and rocks. Malloron seemed to be in a long-term contract with this nobleman who was also a trader. The depth at which they discussed the product was a little shocking to her at first, and then she realized how many gemstones Malloron must go through regularly.


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