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Reign To Ruin

Page 7

by Zoey Ellis

  She sat with her back straight in the corner of the room, her hands in her lap and her ankles crossed underneath her chair. The bedroom wardrobe was filled with gorgeous, full skirt, fitted dresses that seemed only suitable for special occasions. She’d chosen the least elaborate one to wear, blue with white edges, and matching satin slippers.

  The room they were in was a typical meeting room, the table in the middle laid with fruit, nuts, bread, and cheese surrounded by chairs, large windows letting in the daylight, a desk with parchment and lighting equipment, and a scribe who sat jotting down any various agreements. Amara sat in the corner behind Malloron, on his left side. Neither of the men paid any attention to her during the meeting. Malloron didn't introduce who she was, nor did he introduce the nobleman to her. She only guessed he was a nobleman by his clothing and the way that he spoke.

  It was nearly midday when the meeting was over and the man was shown out.

  Malloron stood and stretched before turning to her, his face impassive. "I hope you manage to get what you needed from that meeting," he said somewhat wryly. "The next one is in an hour. Feel free to find the kitchens if you want to eat, or if you would like to roam the castle to your heart’s content you can do that too." With that, he exited the room.

  Amara waited a few moments before leaving the room. Thankfully, he was not waiting in the corridor.

  She headed toward the servants’ area, her full skirt kicking up behind her as she walked. She was in the nicer part of the castle, completely different from the lower ground area where the servants lived. The stone walls were lighter and smoother, the floor was covered with thick, embroidered rugs, even the lighting was more elegant and sophisticated. Additionally, there was hardly anyone around. In many areas of the castle, it was typical for servants to hurry around completing their duties, but it was almost as if they did not enter this part of the castle at all. Maybe King Malloron didn't want his visitors to see them? After walking along a few corridors, she realized she had no idea where she was. Nothing was familiar. She thought she was heading to the servants’ area, or at least to the part of the castle where most people were, but it seemed she was in the same area she’d been in before.

  Stopping and looking around, she attempted to reorient herself by looking in some of the rooms along the corridor, but each one was locked. Determined to ask the next person she saw where she was, she turned the corner to see Malloron’s assistant, Emric.

  "Good afternoon, Miss. Is there anything you need?" he asked politely.

  Amara eyed him carefully. She had seen this man with Malloron a number of times, and based on reports and observation, he was completely loyal to the king. None of the Omega spies had been able to find out anything that suggested he was against anything Malloron was doing. Therefore, he was also the enemy.

  "I am trying to find my way to the servants’ area."

  Emric inclined his head. "If you are heading to the servants’ kitchen. There is no need. A spread has been laid out in your rooms."

  Amara slowed. That was exactly where she’d been heading. She turned back to Emric. "Why would you think I was going to the servants’ kitchen?" She took two steps toward him.

  Emric’s eyes remained on her as he shrugged. "I know the face of every single servant that is hired here. His Majesty may not wish to disclose to me that you are or were Jayleen, but I know your face. I know you probably feel more comfortable eating from the servants’ kitchen, but his Majesty has offered to share his personal chef with you. I encourage you to accept that gift offering. There is no need for you to return to the servants’ area of the castle."

  Amara said nothing for a long moment, wondering what exactly had been said between Malloron and Emric. “The king has given his consent for me to enter any part of the castle I wish.”

  Emric’s expression did not change. “That does not mean you should.”

  Amara’s curiosity peaked. “What do you mean by that?”

  Emric was silent for a moment. “The castle is extremely large. It would be easy for you to get lost. I recommend taking an escort whenever you wish to explore.”

  Amara watched him closely, wondering if he’d been about to say something else. And then she decided it didn't matter. If Emric was indeed truly loyal to Malloron, he would not help her. "There is no need," she said as she marched past him.

  “Do you know where you are?” he called after her. “You’re heading away from the servants’ area.”

  Amara slowed and turned back to him and exhaled in annoyance. “Which way do I go?”

  Emric smiled at her, warmly. “I could take you there, however, by the time we get there, the meetings will be starting again. Are you intending to miss the afternoon meetings?”

  Amara scowled. “No.” Her shoulder’s slumped. “Please take me back to the meeting room.”

  The afternoon was filled with shorter meetings, but no less boring. Amara had to stifle a yawn more than once, and at one point even didn't realize that the meeting had ended. There was nothing in any of these meetings that she could use to help her cause. They were all utterly trivial matters. Could he have purposefully arranged boring meetings so that she would lose interest? It didn’t seem likely considering the short time he would have had to do that.

  "If you are tired go back to your rooms," Malloron snapped at her after the fourth meeting where she yawned about three times.

  She glared at him, a sudden anger rising. "I think I will." She stood up abruptly and left the room.

  Once in her rooms, after fighting and struggling to get the damn dress off, she calmed down. Something about that man infuriated her to the point where she couldn't even keep a hold on her emotions. It would be her downfall if she couldn’t control it, but even with that knowledge she could not help herself. What the hell was wrong with her? Yes, his arrogance and attitude infuriated her, but he also scared her. When she thought about who he was and all the things she knew him capable of, she was actually concerned for her own well-being. And yet when she was in front of him, none of that seemed to register.

  As she dropped into the chair by the table, a number of dishes appeared in front of her, accompanied with a jug of what looked like red wine and a wine glass. On the patterned plates were roast herb fowl, broiled roots, and buttered beans, presented and arranged beautifully. Her mouth watered as the steam and aroma rose from the table, and she realized she hadn’t eaten properly in nearly two days. No wonder she was tired and irritable. She also hadn't slept well since leaving her own bed in the servants’ quarters.

  She cautiously began to eat. Although she was ravenous, she forced herself to only eat a third of the food. Afterward, she leaned back in her chair and sighed.

  After a long bath, she sat at the writing desk in the main room with sheet parchment in front of her, wondering if she could get word to her team. It would be risky, but they needed to know what happened to her. Currently, there were eleven of them who were working on her specific mission. However, there was also Kekia to consider. She was the point of contact for every other Omega team in and around Eiros Castle and the castle city. She, most of all, needed to know that Malloron was aware of Omegas in the castle.

  Amara stared down at the parchment. All it would take was one note. Was it worth the risk?

  "There is no one you should be writing to," a low, deep rumble came from the door.

  Amara calmly placed down her quill pen and look toward the door. Of course, the king stood just inside the room. "I wasn't aware that I wasn't allowed to write to the people that I love. Was that in our agreement?"

  "You are to stay with me for a month before you give your opinion to the other Omegas," the man said casually as he walked towards her. "After that you may write to whomever you wish."

  Amara nodded. "I see. So you can make amendments to our agreement whenever you feel like it. Is there also an addendum that says you can enter my room any time you feel like it too?"

  The Alpha's eyes tracked down her body
and then back up to her face. "Take off your clothes."

  Amara tensed. She hoped he would not make use of her in that specific way, at least not so soon. "I thought you were concerned about disease."

  He did not respond, simply waiting for her to comply.

  She twisted on her chair, bringing her knees around to stand. “You should know I am suffering from an ailment.”

  The king tilted his head and feigned sympathy. “I can tell. You seemed to be highly incapable of following instructions. I wonder how you have managed to keep a job in this castle for so long.”

  Amara narrowed her eyes and huffed out a breath. He knew for certain she wasn’t diseased. Perhaps he had tested her magically without her knowledge.

  King Malloron's eyes watched her as she grabbed the hem of her night tunic and bunched it up. Part of her dreaded what was about to happen, but a deep part of her, the part that remembered what happened in the early hours of the morning seem to stir and tremble of its own accord.

  She lifted the tunic past her waist and over her head, then threw it down on the floor.

  The king's eyes roved over her whole body. "Let down your hair."

  She lifted her arms to do what he said, and his eyes stayed locked to her breasts. She glanced down to his crotch and saw evidence of his arousal, pressing against his pants.

  He lifted both hands to gesture around the room. "Pick one."

  Amara frowned. "Pick one what?"

  "Pick a bench."

  Amara glanced around the room. There were no benches. What was he talking about?

  A low chuckle came from the Alpha. He pointed to a couple of the sculptures. "These are benches. What did you think they were?"

  Amara's confusion heightened. The sculptures he referred to were all different shapes and sizes. All of them were black, but they were not benches that anyone could sit on. "I do not see how they are benches, Your Majesty," she said. "They look like sculptures."

  Malloron's eyes sparkled. "Then I will show you how they work. Tell me which one looks interesting to you."

  Amara looked over the sculptures again, noticing that some of them had loops, and hooks, and buckles. She edged toward one that looked like a log sitting on three legs. The top of the log was curved and padded with black leather. Extending from the back, a thick bar curved upward and split into two handles, both of which had buckles at the end of them.

  "Good choice," the king said, suddenly behind her. He wound an arm around her waist and lifted her onto the structure.

  "Wait," she said alarmed. "I haven't chosen yet. Wait!"

  He placed her over the rounded top so her stomach rested on it and she was bent over. Leaning his entire body over her, he brought her arms to the buckles and strapped them around her wrists until they were secure, stretching her body over the log. She struggled to get away from him, but it was almost as though it didn't make any difference. He simply moved and shifted her to where he needed her to be.

  "Let go of me!" she yelled. "Get me out of here. I did not agree to this!"

  The Alpha suddenly moved away from her, and the lack of heat made her shiver. She turned her head, trying to see where he was, but he moved too far away. She struggled against the buckles that held her, kicking her feet as she tried to reach the floor and gain some kind of leverage to pull against them, but they were tightened fast and her feet were too high off the ground. After a long moment of struggling she felt the Alpha behind her again.

  "Get me out of here," she demanded, snapping her head to one side to try and look at him.

  His hands began at her ankles, clasping them both before running them up her calves. Amara tried not to let the feel of him affect her, but she found herself relaxing at his touch. His hands rose to the back of her thighs, squeezing the fleshy areas before clawing up to her buttocks and squeezing. Then she felt his thumbs on either side of her pussy, and he spread her wide.

  She wriggled and cried out in protest but he gripped her tighter until she stilled.

  He held her like that for a long moment. “So this is Omega,” he murmured, almost to himself.

  Amara squeezed her eyes shut, embarrassment flooding her completely. To her absolute horror, she could feel her slick oozing out of her, gathering to lubricate her for him, and he was staring right at it.

  A light caress on her clit made her jump, and then his tongue brushed the length of her slit and he began to lick and suck every part of her.

  Amara tried to think about something else, but sensations blossoming from between her legs swept over her whole body. His tongue laved her clit and she found herself writhing her hips, her breath becoming heavy as the feeling intensified. His mouth closed over her clit and as he sucked, his tongue flicked it over and over. Amara couldn’t help but moan and squirm, her legs beginning to tremble as the pleasure intensified.

  Then he stopped.

  Amara breathed heavily, trying to compose herself.

  The king leaned over her, and she was relieved to feel that he still had his clothes on. He growled into her ear, “You taste fucking delicious, chameleon.” His salacious tone caused a swoop in her stomach but she ignored it.

  "Untie me," she snarled.

  He ran a hand up her back, from the base of her spine up, and she found herself relaxing again. "I gave you the choice of bench, you chose this one."

  She tried to twist around but the buckles restricted her movement. "I did not choose it," she snapped in annoyance. "You dragged me on here and tied me up. Let me go."

  He leaned farther over her and sucked the edge of her earlobe into his mouth. A warm tingle shot through her. She clutched onto the two handles in front of her and tried to pull herself up and away from him.

  He dragged her earlobe between his teeth as he pulled away. “We made an agreement. I get to use you as I see fit," he growled. As he spoke she felt the large tip of his cock pressing up and down her drenched slit. She began to wriggle desperately, wholly unprepared for this, no matter how wet she was.

  "And besides," he said, his voice low, "it's ‘let me go… Your Majesty.’" With that, he thrust into her.

  She gasped as the strange and a sharp sting sliced through her. She jerked up, lifting up as far as she could from the bench and straining against the buckles. The surprise of the pain kept her pulling against her restraints, but as the feeling faded, she lowered back down to the rounded bench breathing heavily. The Alpha filled her up completely, stretching her far wider than she had ever experienced before. She tried to stay as still as possible, to minimize the pain, but then realized it wasn't painful as such, it was an uncomfortable slight burn.

  The Alpha was still for a long moment and slowly, Amara relaxed over the bench.

  His outstretched hand pressed against her lower back, and ran up her spine again until it reached the crook between her neck and shoulder, and then he gripped her hard and began to withdraw and thrust slowly.

  Amara closed her eyes at the feel of him moving inside her, hoping that it would be over soon. It was fucking degrading to be tied up and buckled like she’d seen in the training dungeon, but that was what she agreed to. She tried to keep her mind firmly on why she was doing it and who she was doing it for, but the Alpha’s cock pressed into her, deeper and deeper, massaging sensitive spots in her pussy she didn’t even realize existed, and soon she could think of nothing else. He began to increase his thrusts, a strange tingle beginning in her pussy quickly spiraled into a wild rush, raw and intense, searing over her whole body.

  Amara gasped as the feeling overwhelmed her, crashing into every nerve as the Alpha thrust faster. Her slick was abundant now, and smoothed his way, heightening the experience to something carnal; something sinful and utterly wicked. Amara couldn't help but moan.

  He fucked her harder, slamming his hips into her as he clasped the crook of her neck, yanking her backward farther onto his cock. The sound of his rough breathing filled her ears, and every part of her became sensitive to every sound, every touch, every
feel of him. Waves of pleasure crashed through her, twisting her every way as she tried to grip onto the handles and hold herself steady.

  The Alpha's hands trailed back down her spine and he grabbed the flesh on her waist with both hands squeezing it hard. "You have such a fat ass," he rumbled between breaths.

  Amara moaned louder, panting as he squeezed her ass cheeks. She pushed her face into her arm trying to muffle the sounds she was making, but a hand grabbed her hair and yanked her head up.

  "Let me hear you, chameleon," the Alpha rasped in her ear. "Let me hear how you come."

  And then he really fucked her. Her body jolted hard against the bar, chafing her stomach as she was slammed against it over and over. The Alpha chuckled in her ear, turning her on even more, and her slick caused her arousal to be obvious; the wet slaps of their fucking filling the room. He wriggled a hand underneath her to squeeze her nipple, and the zing jolted through her body.

  Amara panted, trying to stay in control of what was happening, but the Alpha’s cock stretching her wide caused all thoughts to fly out of her head. She held onto the handles as the pleasure clawed over every inch of her, digging deep into her every nerve and spiraling into a harsh blend of pleasure and pain. And suddenly, an explosion seized her whole body. She cried out as her body spasmed, jerking against the bench, but the Alpha simply grabbed hold of her hips and kept her still for him as he continued to pound into her.

  As her orgasm faded, she limply hung over the rounded top of the bench, her body jerking with the rhythm of the Alpha slamming wetly into her. She sighed at the feeling of being so completely full, of the pleasure of every thrust that resounded through her body, causing her toes to curl. She never had this before. The one sexual experience she had never felt like this.


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