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Dear Santa, I Can Explain!

Page 14

by Kayt Miller

  When she moans again, I need more. “Where’s your bedroom, sweetheart?”

  Opening her eyes, they’re hooded and filled with desire. She takes my hand in hers and starts to walk. I switch places with her walking backward so I can watch her breasts sway. No lie. I’ve been converted. No more skinny women for me.

  I sit on her bed and pull her to me. I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss each nipple. I then take turns licking and sucking on each peak until she’s wriggling in my arms. “You need more, Lexie?”

  “Yes. B-But you’re still in your coat.”

  “I know.” It’s turning me on, even more, knowing she’s almost completely nude for me while I still have on my clothing. I slide my hands down her sides. Grasping her Christmas pajamas by the waist, I slowly ease them down over her full hips and thighs. My only regret is not seeing garters, but that’s quickly forgotten when I see her sex appear in front of me. Pushing her pants the rest of the way down, I ask her to step out of them. “Keep your legs apart.”

  She does as I ask. I lean back on the bed and let my eyes move from her flushed face, past her pursed lips, down to her heaving breasts. My eyes roam over her round stomach to the apex of her legs. I hesitate there for a moment trying to decide what to do next. I don’t think she’s ready for me yet. My eyes work their way down to her feet then quickly up to her pussy. “You’re fucking gorgeous, Lexie.”

  She fidgets a little bit as her hands try to cover some of the best parts of her. “No. Don’t cover yourself. As a matter of fact, let’s change places.”

  Rolling her eyes but remaining silent, she sits on the bed as I stand in front of her. “Scoot back on the bed. Lie down.”

  She does as I ask pressing her legs together so tightly it’s causing her legs to shake. Or perhaps those are nerves. I move closer to her and place my hands on her knees. With gentle pressure, I attempt to part her legs.



  “No. Not until you get undressed too.”

  “Lexie. If I undress. I’m going to want all of you.”

  Right before my eyes, I watch the blush run up her chest, past her neck right to her cheeks. God it’s a stunning sight.

  “I want that too.”

  Taking a step back, I remove my overcoat. It’s a good thing, I was starting to sweat. I turn and set it on a small chair in the corner. I kick off my shoes. Next, I remove my jacket, tie, dress shirt, and undershirt. I look over at her. She’s up on her elbows watching me. I place my hand on my belt, “You’re sure?”

  She nods.

  I unbuckle the belt, unbutton my slacks and let them fall to my knees. I run my hand over my rock hard dick. It’s been straining for so long, it’s almost painful. Pushing the pants off I kick them away. I walk toward her still running my hand over my cock. “Do you want the honors?”

  “No. You do it.”

  Placing my thumbs into the band of my black, boxer-briefs, I move them down slowly keeping my eyes on her. When I break free from the confines, she gasps. Yeah, I’m big. Quickly, I work to rid myself of my briefs and my socks. “Now. Where were we?”

  Before I can touch her, she’s already slowly spreading her legs for me; her eyes on my cock. I look down at her. So pretty. “Your pretty pussy is pink, just like I imagined.”

  “Y-You im-imagined my p-, me?”

  “Of course. Ever since I caught a glimpse of your garters, it’s been on my mind constantly.”

  “Welp! Now you’ve seen it. Is that all you need?” she asks with a nervous giggle.

  I chuckle. “No, that’s not all I need.”

  I run my fist up and down my shaft once. “You want this?”

  Licking her lips, she nods. “You’re spectacular, Gabriel.”

  I don’t respond to her words, instead opting for a closer look. I lean down and kiss her inner thigh. I run my palm up her leg reveling in the softness. The flesh and the skin are both soft and pliable. I run my tongue up the other thigh until I meet heaven. “You’re so sweet.”

  Wiggling on the bed, I sense her impatience. She’s dripping with desire. “What do you want, Lexie?”

  “You. I want you. Inside,” she whimpers.

  I want that too. I want to take my time with her, but I’m dripping myself. Moving up her body I taste her. I run my tongue over her navel then up her center between her breasts taking extra time to coax those beautiful pink tips to life again.

  As my mouth wanders upward, I slide my palm into her wet core and use my fingers, swirling them around her clit then sinking into her. She’s tight. My middle finger alone is being squeezed like a vice. My eyes roll back into my head thinking about how my cock will feel inside her. I quickly pull away, striding back over to my abandoned clothing. Finding my wallet, I pull out one of the two condoms I have tucked inside.

  I tear open the package with my teeth as I pull the rubber out. Rolling it down my shaft, I look up and see Lexie watching me. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. I’m sure.”

  I find myself between her legs again. I kiss her softly using my hand to place the head of my cock at her entrance. I begin to push inside watching her eyes as I go. Oh, holy shit. It’s fucking tight. Pressing my hips in harder, I make it nearly the entire way inside her when I see her wince. “Baby? Are you okay?” Shit. She’s not a virgin, is she?

  “Have you ever…?”

  “Yes. It’s just been a while.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” Please, for the love of God, don’t say yes.

  “No. I’m fine. You’re just big. Keep going.”

  I take that as a sign from the heavens and plunge the rest of the way in, moaning like an idiot as I go. “Jesus, woman. You’re like a vice.” In more ways than one.

  I stay deep inside her, holding steady until she asks, “You can move now. I’m fine. I need you to move.”

  I pull nearly all the way out and press back in. I increase my pace with each thrust of my hips. When she whimpers and asks me to do it harder, I nearly come. But, I bite my bottom lip and concentrate. I need her to come before me. I can’t have our first time be all about me. Maybe if I were behind her, I could make it happen for her.

  I pull out and sit back on my knees. “Roll over. On your knees, beautiful.” Bossy. I know.

  She quickly does as I ask getting into position. I use my hand to nudge her knees further apart so I can get between them. Moving closer, I run my palm down her spine and over her soft, round ass.

  Using my hand, I find my place and thrust back into her. Holy fuck, it’s even tighter than before. She squeaks as I enter her but then begins to move with me pushing back as I push forward. We’ve set up a rhythm that is making it difficult to hold it together. I reach around her with my right hand as my left clings to her hip.

  I find her breasts and tweak her nipple then slide my hand down to run my finger around and around her clit. I feel her tighten even further around me and that’s all I can take. “Oh, fuck,” I groan. I press in deep feeling like I’m never going to stop coming inside her. Nothing and I mean nothing, has ever felt as good and as satisfying as Lexie Cartwright.

  Chapter 36


  Holy cow, that was amazing. This experience with Gabriel was nothing like that night with what’s his name. It was unbelievable. I still feel my body quaking and vibrating after that. He’s still inside me; I’ve moved my body forward resting on my forearms not sure what to do next. He hasn’t said anything except for the grunts and moans from before. Should I speak first?

  “Wow, Lexie. That was amazing.”

  Thank goodness he spoke first. “It was.” I’m still waiting for him to remove his, uh, himself from me, but instead of doing that, he leans forward and kisses me right in the middle of my back. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. It was fine.”

  He freezes. His mouth still pressed against my back. “Fine?”

  I can’t help it. I start to giggle. “See? It sucks when someone says that.
No, Gabriel, it was amazing.”

  “Phew, you had me scared there for a minute. I thought it was fucking mind-blowing.”

  “It was.” Still, inside me, I lean forward a little bit. “Uh, I need to, um…”

  “Not yet. Give me just a minute. You’re still pulsing around me, and I love it.”

  Oh. I nod and rest my face in my hands on the bed. When he does remove himself, he slides off the bed and out of my room. While I wait to see what he does next, I lie down and pull my comforter over me. Will he stay? Will he go? As the toilet flushes then the water in the sink runs, I bite my nails.

  Moments later, Gabriel walks back into the room stark naked. He slides into my bed, beneath my covers with me and pulls me to him. “Let’s get some sleep. Oh, by the way, Cammy called me after I dropped you off. She’s set up an interview with us in the morning over breakfast.”

  “For us? Both of us?”

  “Yeah. Chicago Magazine. Breakfast interview at the Waldorf Astoria’s Margeaux Brasserie at eight. We’ll have to stop by my place so I can change on the way.”

  “Me? They want to interview me too?”

  “I guess you made a splash tonight.”


  He kisses my forehead and wraps an arm around me, “Yes, seriously. Now, go to sleep. It’s late.”

  I roll into him and rest my head on his chest. It’s so comfortable I fall asleep immediately.

  Chapter 37


  It feels like I fell asleep only minutes ago when the most god-awful racket I’ve ever heard awakens me. It sounds like I’m trapped at the fucking zoo. I blink awake trying to figure out what the hell’s going on. I look over at Lexie who’s sound asleep in my arms.

  I lift my head in an attempt to make out what’s causing the noises. The first I can tell immediately. It’s that fucking bird, squawking and carrying on. The other noise is a squeaking sound like a hinge that needs oil.

  I slide out of bed and make my way out into her tiny living space. Sure enough, that ugly bird is squawking and flapping around its cage. I search her living area for a blanket or cover for the cage so he’ll calm the hell down.

  When I find nothing, I turn in the direction of the squeaking. The culprit seems to be the spinning wheels that her giant rats are currently running on––simultaneously. “What the fuck?” How can she sleep with this shit going on all around her?

  I move back into the bedroom and see she’s rolled onto her stomach lying across the bed. Her back and the top portion of her ass are exposed. I’d say she looked peaceful if there wasn’t a fucking menagerie of beasts outside her door loud enough to wake the dead.

  How in the hell am I supposed to get any sleep with this shit going on? The answer? I can’t. I walk over to my clothing and hurriedly throw on my dress shirt. I search the floor for my boxer briefs. When I find them, I sit on the bed so I can get back into them.


  “Shh, go back to sleep. If you can.” Yeah, good luck with that.

  “You’re leaving?”

  “Yeah. Your absurd animals woke me up. How can you sleep with them making that noise all night long? It’s ridiculous. Why do you have all of them? They don’t do anything? Jesus, they’re worthless.” I didn’t realize I was that angry about being woken up tonight. I look at the time on my phone and see it’s four thirty in the morning. “Great,” I mutter angrily.

  I continue to dress hastily, leaving behind my undershirt and socks. I slide into my overcoat. “I’ll meet you at the restaurant at eight. I’ll have Cammy text you the specifics. That’ll be best anyway.”

  She is now leaning up on her elbows, the sheet that was covering her has slipped down to reveal a portion of her left breast. I’d love to pull the sheet down and see more, and I contemplate just that when the god-forsaken bird starts squawking loud. “Jesus. I can’t take this. See you in the morning.”

  I turn and stomp out of her room and down the hall toward her door. “Lock the door after me,” I shout. I wait for an affirmative but all I hear is the bird. “Jesus.” I open her door and step out into the hallway and quickly jog down the steps. Pushing open the front door, I stop for a breath and listen to the sweet sounds of the windy city. I’ll take horns honking and cars revving to bird squawks any day.

  Searching my pocket for my keys, I hit the fob to unlock my car. No, I didn’t ask Eric to wait with me. He dropped me off at my place, and I jumped in my vehicle stopping off at Giovanni’s since I knew she had to be hungry. I still don’t understand why she didn’t eat. Fuck it. It doesn’t matter.

  I took her food because I was attempting to do what Eric suggested; to dote upon and be attentive to Miss Cartwright. I did that. I doted, and I was definitely attentive. I hope she gives me points for that.

  Chapter 38


  I wipe away the irksome tear that snuck out of my eye the minute the door slammed behind him. What just happened? One minute we were snuggling; Gabriel holding me tightly like this thing with us was real. The next, he’s insulting almost the only family I have left. Just imagine what he’d say about my dad if he ever met him. Which he never will. I’ll make sure of that.

  No, Gabriel’s behavior was unacceptable. If I had to choose between a man and my furry, feathered little family, I’d pick my animals. They never let me down, never disappoint. Granted, they can’t give me the kind of pleasure Gabriel gave me tonight, but he also gave me pain. Pain that has seeped down into my spine. A good person doesn’t treat animals like that.

  Deciding to check on Cy, I grab my robe that hangs behind my door and make my way into the living room. Honestly, he doesn’t usually squawk at night. Something must have upset him. We all sleep very soundly here. The only nocturnal noise-makers around here are Ron and Hermione, and those sounds are caused by their wheels which I rub with vegetable oil every now and then to prevent the squeaks.

  Stepping into the living room, I can see Cy in his cage, one wing flapping frantically. “Cy, sweetie. What’s wrong?” I peek into his cage and gasp. “Oh, poor Cy.” His wing has gotten pinched between the hinge of the door and the cage. I unlatch the door and ease his wing out. “How’d you do that, Cy?” I coo softly. “Poor baby.”

  Once his wing is free, I touch it gently to see if he damaged anything attempting to free himself. Nothing feels broken. I sigh with relief. But, I’ll keep an eye on him this morning as I clean cages. There’s no way I’ll be able to go back to sleep now. I might as well make good use of my time and get that task done. If I have time, I’ll do up those dishes too. Laundry will have to wait until Saturday since I’ll need to go to the laundromat.

  By seven thirty, I’m pleased with everything I’ve accomplished in three hours. Cages have all been cleaned with fresh food, water, and fresh bedding for everyone. Cy’s wing is fine. He was pretty chipper after I cleaned his cage too. (chipper. haha, get it?)

  I also scrubbed down my kitchen, sorted my laundry in preparation for Saturday. I showered and shaved everything and selected a cute outfit for the interview this morning, one that Gabriel purchased for me. I chose a pair charcoal gray wide-legged pants along with a silver-gray sweater set that sparkles just a tiny bit when the light hits it just right. I’ve also chosen a pair of plain black pumps. Nothing over the top to embarrass the jackass, er, I mean Gabriel.

  What can I say? He was a jackass. I don’t know why I’m doing this for him. In the last three hours, I’ve been increasingly angry with him calling him every name in the book, in my head. I’ve alternated between telling him off and forgetting the entire scene from last night. At six fifteen, I all but decided to end this whole charade with him. By seven, I was back to giving him another chance. I still don’t know what I should do. My exhaustion is playing havoc with my common sense.

  At eight thirty, there’s no sign of Eric, so I jump into a taxi to make sure I’m not late. “The Waldorf Astoria, please.” I check my makeup in my tiny compact and reapply my lipstick.
“God, I’m nervous,” I whisper to my reflection.

  When the driver pulls up to the hotel, I slide out and feel the chill of winter whip up my pant leg. I didn’t bring my coat along. I knew Gabriel would probably have a coronary if I walked into this fancy-schmancy place in a parka. So, I’ll just freeze my buns off.

  Chapter 39


  Entering the lobby of the hotel, the first thing I notice is the chandelier. It resembles a huge round snowflake; one made entirely of glass and light. It’s impressive and playful which works with the marble interior. Everything is marble, the walls, ceiling, and floor are all white and gray marble. The floor has curvy black lines running throughout that matches the black doors and window frames.

  There is, however, one set of doors that extend from the floor to the ceiling that looks like stainless steel. The chandelier is reflected in that section of the wall which is flanked by two humongous sculptures of some crazy looking heads. I know that’s a lot of information to take in so trust me when I say it’s glamorous. That’s the best word to describe this space.

  I step up to the small desk near the door. A nameplate that simply says ‘concierge’ is attached to the front. I wait my turn as he’s speaking to an older debonair gentleman probably in his eighties. When the elder gentleman sees me, he tips his head and smiles as he turns away.

  When it’s my turn, I hesitate. Oh, hell, I can’t remember the name of the restaurant. I pull my phone out of my bag and read Cammy’s text. “Can you tell me where I’ll find the Margeaux Brasserie?”


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