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Dear Santa, I Can Explain!

Page 15

by Kayt Miller

  “Upstairs one level, on your left.”

  “Thank you.” To give me a little more time to gather the courage needed for this morning’s interview, I opt for the stairs rather than the elevator. I slowly climb a set of stairs covered in carpet that matches the black and white marble flooring. Imagining how much that must have cost takes my mind off my wobbly knees. At the top, I look left and see a sign for the restaurant. I take in a gulp of air for courage and step in front of the hostess.

  “May I help you?” She asks it in such a way that I really don’t think she means it.

  “I’m meeting someone.”


  “Gabriel Parker.”

  She looks at me from head to toe ending on my face. With a scowl, she steps out from behind her podium and mutters, “Right this way.”

  I follow her through the restaurant, weaving in and out of round tables and past booths until we’re at the furthest table from the front. I step up to Gabriel who is chatting animatedly to a young man, probably in his mid-twenties, in a blue dress shirt, blue tie, and blue sweater vest. He appears to take his fashion cues from Gabriel.

  Smiling broadly, Gabriel stands. “Darling! You made it.”

  “I did.” I smile up at him, letting him kiss my cheek. I turn to the other man, who I assume is the reporter. I reach my hand out to him, “Lexie Cartwright.”

  He stands, wiping his mouth with his napkin before speaking. Reaching out his hand, we shake. “Doug Johnson, Chicago Magazine, online edition. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You as well.”

  “Sweetheart, I’ve taken the liberty of ordering you breakfast.”

  “Oh, great. I’m starving.” I never ate last night. I tossed the bag with the Italian food Gabriel brought over into the garbage can. Yeah, I was that upset with him. I settle into my seat and sip from a goblet of ice water sitting at my place setting.

  Smiling at Doug, I wait. For what, I’m not sure. “So, Lexie. You work for Gabriel?”

  “Yes, she does. She’s worked for me for about eight months. As a matter of fact, she insisted that we keep our personal relationship out of the office before she’d agree to go out with me. Didn’t you darling?”

  “Uh…” I don’t get to finish when Doug asks another question.

  “Lexie,” Doug says looking first at Gabriel, then at me. “Do you plan on staying with Gabriel’s firm? You have a degree in Marketing, correct? What are your goals for the next few years?

  “She does?” Gabriel quickly recovers, “Well, to be with me, of course,” Gabriel doesn’t give me a shot at that answer at all.

  “Do you plan to continue to work?”

  “Oh, um…”

  “Why, of course, she does. Lexie wants her own fun money.” Gabriel says leaning in conspiratorially toward Doug adding, “She loves to shop.” He sits back in his chair sliding an arm onto the back of mine.

  My face is flushed pink with embarrassment. How condescending of him to 1) speak for me and 2) make it sound like I don’t support myself. Before I can contradict him, our waiter returns. Placing a small plate in front of me with one boiled egg, three grapes, one strawberry, a slice of kiwi, and a cube of melon I blink up at him. “What’s this?” I ask the server.

  “Your breakfast?” He quickly places a lovely little teacup next to the plate with several tea bags resting on the saucer and a tiny metal teapot, no doubt filled with hot water.

  I look over at Gabriel’s plate filled with a short stack of pancakes, a side of bacon and sausage, fried potatoes topped with cheese and sour cream, and what looks like a frothy cappuccino. I blink down at my plate with the tiny amount of food that wouldn’t feed Shelly, my turtle, then over at Gabriel. “I’m allergic to eggs.” Okay, so I’m not really allergic to eggs. I just really dislike them, especially boiled eggs. Yuk!

  “You are?” he asks perplexed.


  He turns to Doug and shrugs. “I learn new, wonderful things about her every day.”

  Ooh, good save, Gabe. Good save.

  “In my defense, sweetie, I was trying to order things that would help you.”

  “Help me?”

  He looks at Doug then back at me. “Yes. To help you lose weight. Isn’t that what you want?”

  No. “Oh, right. Of course.” I opt to play with the fruit on my plate rather than eat it.

  “So, Lexie,” Doug tries again. “Are you two talking wedding bells?”

  “Oh, n…”

  “Oh, Doug. You rascal. It’s too soon for that. Right honey?”

  I nod and smile. Why bother speaking?

  “Lexie? What do you see in this guy?” he asks with a chuckle, using his thumb to point to Gabriel.

  He’s got to let me speak this time. “Well, look at him. He’s handsome, talented, and intelligent.” I reach over and place my hand on his, so very tempted to dig my fingernails into the top of his hand. “He’s got a great sense of humor, he’s a wonderful boss who cares about the people who work for him. Gabriel is very philanthropic giving to many children’s and cancer charities in Chicago, and he’s a doting boyfriend.”

  “Wow, that’s high praise.”

  “Indeed,” Gabriel says smiling at Doug.


  “So, what drew you to Lexie, Gabriel?”

  “Well, she’s beautiful. Although, she’s a little chunkier than I’m used to dating, but what she lacks in physical fitness she makes up in cheerfulness. She always has my favorite candy on her desk. And… uh, she’s a hard worker.”

  “Alrighty then.” Doug looks down at his little notebook, making a lengthy notation after that train wreck of a response.

  As Doug begins to ask another question I use the opportunity to get the hell out before I lose it. Standing suddenly, I raise my hand to Doug. “Well, this has been wonderful, but I need to get to work. My boss is a slave driver.” I chuckle. It’s fake.

  The truth is I’ve got to get away from Gabriel Parker. In no less than twenty minutes, he’s made me feel almost as bad about myself as I did the night Randy Mathis stood me up for the senior prom. To put this into perspective, my friends, getting left standing on my front step for an hour as I waited for him to pick me up was life-alteringly devastating. My mom made that all better, but there’s no one to make this better. This morning’s interview was only marginally better than that. Marginally.

  “So soon?” asks Gabriel turning to face me. His expression is giving away his irritation. His eyes have narrowed at me, and one brow is higher than the other.

  “Those phones wait for no woman.” I chuckle. It’s fake.

  I shake Doug’s hand. “It was very nice meeting you.” I turn to leave and mutter to Gabriel. “See you later, darling.”

  I don’t lean down to kiss him, I don’t touch him. Honestly, I’ll be fine if I never kiss or touch Gabriel Parker again. I step away from the table and nearly trip on the leg of his effing chair. Luckily, the older gentleman that was talking to the concierge earlier was there to stop my fall. “Madame? May I escort you out?”

  “Y-Yes. Th-Thank you.”

  I slide my arm through his holding tightly since if feel like my legs are about to give out on me. “Thank you,” I whisper as we walk out the door.

  “He’s a fool, young lady. I think you’re the bee’s knees.”

  That’s exactly what I needed to hear. With one sentence, this gentleman has given me faith in mankind. Not in Gabriel, but in other men-kinds. Holding my head high, I say in full voice. “Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome, my dear. You remind me of my Sheila. She was the most beautiful woman I ever saw and I was lucky to be married to her for sixty-one years. You’ll find someone worthy of you. I promise.”

  I hug the man, “I’m Lexie. What’s your name?”

  “Kenneth. Kenneth Griffin, Sr.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Grif…”

  “Ken. Please call me Ken.” Reaching into his breast pocket, he p
ulls out a card. “Call me if you ever need rescuing again.”

  I smile. I will. Thank you, Mr., uh, Ken.”

  In the taxi, I pull my phone out of my purse. Courage, Lexie.

  Me: I’m not doing this anymore. After the gala thing tomorrow night, I’m done.

  Cammy: Why? What’d he do?

  Me: It doesn’t matter.

  Cammy: Yes, it does. Tell me. Not as his P.R. person. As your best friend.

  I’m not going to type out that text message and I can’t call her. I’m so close to tears she’ll be able to hear the wobble in my voice.

  Me: In a little over a week, he’s made me feel worse about myself than I have in eleven years. I don’t need this right now.

  Cammy: What happened this morning?

  She knows we had the interview this morning because she arranged everything.

  Me: Read the article.

  Cammy: Come on Lex.

  Me: Just tell him. After the gala, I’m done.

  Cammy: Fine. I’ll tell him.

  Chapter 40


  Lexie left upset. It was written all over her face as she stepped away from the table. I can only assume I was the reason for that expression. I just wasn’t sure what’d I done. Back in the car, I removed my silenced phone from my pocket. Peering down at the screen I see alerts for several voice messages and text messages. The most recent from Cammy.

  Cammy: What the hell did you do to her?

  I was correct. She was upset with me. But, I need to play dumb for a moment.

  Me: Do to whom?

  Cammy: Lexie

  Me: I didn’t do anything to Lexie. We had a lovely breakfast.

  Cammy: She wants out.

  Me: Out?

  Cammy: Yeah, o-u-t, out of this thing with you. She doesn’t want to pretend to be your girlfriend anymore. So, what happened at breakfast. She wouldn’t tell me.

  Me: Nothing. It was fine.

  Cammy: …

  Cammy: You two are making me insane.

  Me: Too late.

  Cammy: Shut up. Let me try to smooth things over with her. I’ll be in touch.

  * * *

  As soon as the elevator opens to my lobby, I hesitate. I’m nervous. What will she do when she sees me? Throw a stapler at my head? But, when I look at Lexie as she directs a call to someone, she gives me a bright smile. “Good morning, Mr. Parker.”

  “Good morning, Lexie.”

  I hesitate at her desk for just a moment then continue to walk to my office. Katya is at her desk, on time for once, doing something on her computer. I’m tempted to walk behind her to see which video game she’s playing this morning, but I don’t. I stride into my office and shut the door, turning the lock as I enter. Jesus, it feels like I’ve been gone a week and now I’m behind schedule on two of my projects.

  I hit my intercom button that leads out to Lexie. “Lexie. Will you hold my calls this morning? Just take messages please.”

  “Yes, Mr. Parker.”

  Without another word, she hangs up. Click. I take off my suit jacket and toss it onto my sofa. I lay down and pull the jacket behind my head to act as an uncomfortable pillow. Rubbing my hands over my face and through my hair, I take in a deep gulp of air. I’m exhausted from having had no sleep last night.

  My thoughts turn to the night before and Lexie beneath me, then in front of me. My dick comes alive in my pants at the memory of her soft body. Shaking off those images, I close my eyes, and in minutes, I’m asleep.

  Chapter 41


  I’m startled awake by a buzzing sound. I blink my eyes frantically trying to remember where I am. “What time is it?” I say with a sleepy voice. Peering around my office I hear the buzzing behind my head again. I reach behind me and pull my suit jacket out from under my head. Digging around the pockets, I find my phone. When it buzzes again, I answer. “Hello?”

  “Gabriel?” asks a panicked Lexie.


  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “We’ve been frantic. Your door is locked and you haven’t answered your intercom. Maintenance is here and they’re about to break down your door. Thankfully, Katya let me try to call you one last time.”

  She let her call me? “You don’t have to answer to Katya. You’re my girlfriend. You can do what you want.”

  I’m met with silence on the other end of the phone. “Well, anyway, could you please open your door so they know you’re not dead in there?” she lets out a small laugh.

  “Yeah. Sure. I was just asleep. Long night last night.” An attempt at a little innuendo fell on deaf ears. Or ears who didn’t want to hear it.

  “Whatever. Just open your door, please.”

  I bring my legs over off the sofa and onto the ground. Groaning as I push myself up, I step to the door. When I open it, I see why Lexie was concerned. There are three guys in coveralls and tool belts standing next to Katya. One of them is holding a Sawsall, another an ax, and the third one has a power drill. They’re geared up enough to build an ark. “I’m fine. I fell sleep. Long night. You guys can take off.” Mumbling, the men head to the stairwell just to the right of my office. I look over at Lexie who turns a lovely shade of pink. She knows why I had a long night.

  “Well, you’ve missed two client meetings and the guys in the Pit needed you this afternoon,” snaps Katya with hands on scrawny hips. When she first started working for me, I thought she was attractive. Not anymore.

  I look down at my watch. Two twenty-five. “Wow, I slept the day away.”

  Still standing like a little general, “You did. You wasted a lot of people’s time today.”

  “Oh. Now you listen here, Katya. Since when do you…” I don’t get to finish my statement because I see Lexie in the corner of my eye waving one arm out to stop someone, her head shaking side to side. “Great. What now?”

  “No. You’re not allowed in the office. Remember?” Lexie is holding her arms out forming a ‘t’ with her body in an attempt to keep Christine from breaching the area beyond reception.

  “You think you can stop me?”

  I pick up my pace trying to get to Lexie when I see the unthinkable. Christine lowers her shoulder like a linebacker on a football team ramming it into Lexie. Taken off guard, Lexie’s arms swing around in frantic circles attempting to keep her balance. Not easy on those high heels, I’m sure.

  She nearly catches her balance when Christine places both of her hands-on Lexie’s shoulders pushing Lexie back with a great deal of force. I watch in slow-motion as my sweet Lexie falls backward. I get to her but it’s too late. She’s landed flat on her back, mere inches from the edge of the reception desk. Any closer and she would have hit her head.

  I slide down to the floor so I can get close to Lexie. She looks dazed. Turning to Katya I yell, “Get security up here, now!” I shout so loudly everyone in the entire office had to have heard. Katya doesn’t move. She’s staring down at me and Lexie. “Now!” I shout again.

  “Lexie, baby. Are you okay?”

  She pushes herself up until she’s seated on the floor, wincing as she goes. “Yeah. I’m fine.”

  I look up and see Christine. She’s got her hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes. “Gabriel? Baby?” whines the insane Christine.

  “Don’t move.” I tell her angrily. As soon as security gets here, I’m calling the police. I want Lexie to file charges for assault and Katya and I will bare witness.

  Chapter 42


  “I’m sorry officer. I didn’t see what Mr. Parker saw. I saw Lexie push her first. Christine was defending herself.”

  Christine is no longer on the premises. I think the other officer took her down to question her. Hopefully, they won’t be returning. The woman is crazy and extremely strong for such a slight person. My body hurts everywhere.

  “But, Mr. Parker claims…”

  “They’re dating,” Katya says rolling her eyes. “Of course,
he’d say anything to protect her.”

  Sighing, the officer turns to face Gabriel. “Is that true. Are you and Ms. Cartwright in a relationship.”

  I want to say ‘no’ because we aren’t. Not anymore, but Gabriel replies, “Yes.”

  Sighing, the man from Chicago P.D. closes his little notebook. Turning to me he mutters. “If you still want to press charges, come down to the station. I don’t think you’ll get far, not with different witness accounts.”

  I nod and smile weakly at the officer. “Okay. Thank you.” I’m not pressing charges. Why bother? I look up at Gabriel and see his jaw is clenching so tightly I fear he may break some teeth.

  “It’s fine. Gabriel. No worries.” I wince in pain as I sit back in my chair.

  “Go home, Lexie. You’re obviously hurt. If you don’t feel better in an hour or two, I’ll have Eric take you to the hospital to get checked out.”

  “Eric? Eric will take me?”

  Gabriel places his palm on my shoulder. “Of course. Do you think I’d allow you to go alone?”

  No. I assumed you’d be the one to take me. “No.”

  “Of course not. Now, go home.”

  I pull my purse out of my bottom drawer and start the walk to the elevator. “Where’s your coat?”

  “I left it at home.”

  “It’s below freezing out there.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Jesus, Lexie.”

  I don’t reply. I step onto the open elevator and hit the lobby button. I can’t wait to get out of here. When I don’t see Eric waiting for me, I limp down to the bus stop. I shiver when a gust of wind hits me. “God. I’m an idiot.” In more ways than one.

  On the bus, I pull my phone out and open up the internet browser. Typing in some keywords, the page I want opens up immediately. I had a feeling it would be published quickly. What I read makes me want to cry. It’s worse than I imagined. Selecting the web address, I copy and paste the link into a text message to Cammy: I don’t add anything else to the message. I don’t need to.


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