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Dear Santa, I Can Explain!

Page 16

by Kayt Miller

  I can’t decide if I want to cry or sleep. I’m so stressed and tired either would be a relief. At home, I toss my purse onto the kitchen counter mumbling things to my pets. They’re all clean and fed, they don’t need me right now even though Cy has a few things to say to me. “Not now, Cy. I’m going to take a long shower and go to bed.”

  I sleep for about an hour. It’s not enough, but it’s taken the edge off. Wearing only my panties and an old tee, I stumble out into my kitchen. My body aches from the assault earlier today. I was so tired and in pain from the assault that I hadn’t really thought about Katya’s response to everything. “She lied, Cy.” But why? “She told the officer that I provoked the crazy cow. Why would she say that?”

  When I hear a knock on my door, I look up at the wall clock. Six fifteen. No. No way. I tiptoe to the door. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Gabriel.”

  No. No way. “What do you want?”

  “Please open the door, Lex.”

  Rolling my eyes, I unlatch the door. As I pull it open, I can’t help noticing how casual he looks, for once. He’s got on dark jeans, and if my eyes don’t deceive me, a brown cable knit sweater peeking out from beneath his Cambridge jacket. “What are you doing here?”

  He looks at me from head to bare toe. “We’ve got dinner at Victoria’s tonight. Did you forget?”

  I blink at him but say nothing.

  “Did you hear me?”

  I spin on my heel and walk back into my place. Plopping onto my couch, I grab my mom’s quilt and cover myself with it. “I’m not going.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because. I’m tired, and my body hurts from earlier.”

  “If you’re hurt, why didn’t you call Eric?”

  I shrug. “I just want to stay home and rest. Please give my regrets to your sister.”

  Gabriel sits next to me on the sofa. Taking my hand in his, “Lex. Seriously. Are you okay?”

  “I will be.”

  “Can I get you anything? Do anything?”

  “You can tell me what you did to Katya after I left.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Did you fire her?”

  “Why would I fire her?”

  “Because Gabriel. She lied.”


  “About?” I squeak. “She lied to the police. She said I struck first.”

  “You didn’t?”

  “No!” I stand up quickly and regret it instantly. Pain shoots down my lower back. I place my hands on my back, I arch to stretch it out. Gabriel’s eyes land on my chest but I ignore him. “You saw the whole thing. Did you see me touch Christine?”

  “Well, no, but I just assumed I saw what I wanted to see. Katya was more objective.”

  “Objective? She lied to the police.”

  “Well, that’s quite an accusation, Lex.”

  “So is-is telling the police that I attacked another person, Gabriel.” My head is spinning. I’ve never felt so out of control before. This man is so confusing. One minute he seems like he wants me, for real, the next he’s calling me fat to a Chicago reporter, and now this. The final straw. Believing Katya over me.

  When Cy starts to squawk, Gabriel’s expression turns dark. “That fucking bird again.”

  Well, it appears I can listen to him criticize me all day long, but the minute he starts in on my pets, that’s all it takes.

  “Get out!” I shout, pointing at the door.

  “What? What’d I do now?”

  “Get out! Don’t you dare say one more word about Cy. He’s…” I catch myself before my voice starts to quiver. “Just go.”

  “He’s just a bird, Lexie.”

  My eyes press together in an angry scowl. “I choose Cy.”


  “I said. I. Choose. Cy. Over. You.”

  “Lexie. You’re tired. You’re right. You need sleep. I’ll let Victoria know you’re ill.” He starts to walk down the short hallway to the door. “You’re still going to the gala, right? I need you there.”

  I throw my head back and stare at the ceiling. “Yeah. I’ll go. But, that’s the last one.”

  “Great. I’ve got a meeting before the event, so I’ll meet you there. Eric will be here to pick you up.”

  “Don’t bother.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because your car service is very inconsistent. Sometimes he’s here, sometimes he’s not. Either way, I don’t know until I’m outside.”

  “That’s my fault.”

  “Yeah. I figured,” I deadpan.

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Yeah. I figured.”

  “He’ll be here at six o’clock tomorrow night. I promise to make it a night you’ll never forget.”


  “You may even change your mind about being my girlfriend.”

  “Fake girlfriend. And no, I won’t.”

  “Never say never.”


  Chapter 43


  I recheck my watch. I know Eric picked her up at six o’clock because he sent me an update via text message. I sip my champagne, chatting with other guests while simultaneously watching the entrance for my date.

  I decided to pull out the big guns tonight. The last few days have been a nightmare with Lexie. I’ve made mistakes, that’s for sure. First, I fucked her. Then I went off on her stupid bird. I insulted her over breakfast, in front of a reporter. Yes. I read the article. I came off as an arrogant, insensitive jackass. I know this. Sure, Cammy had to explain what a BBW was and just how majorly I screwed the pooch over breakfast, but I get it now. I believe things between us will be fine now. Once she sees the gift I left for her in the limo, I’ll be home free.

  Finished with my glass of bubbly, I set the empty on a passing tray. Reaching for another one, I hear a commotion near the front door. Before I can secure the glass, a spot of bright green catches my eye. Releasing the flute, it falls straight to the marble floor, shattering into a million pieces.

  I hear the waiter mumbling, “Oh, I’m so sorry sir. I’ll clean that up,” but I can’t focus on that. All I can do is focus on Lexie. The woman in green. The only woman in green. Hell, she’s the only woman in any kind of color. That’s why they call it the Black and White Gala. The men wear black, the women wear white. It’s symbolic and relates directly to the charity we’re here to support. “What the fuck?”

  I stomp over to her. She’s smiling at me, obviously pleased with herself. She did this on purpose. She set out to embarrass me on purpose. As I get closer, I see just how ridiculous the dress is. Are those fucking snowflakes plastered all over the skirt? Stepping in front of her, I grab her elbow and pull her away from the gawking crowd into an alcove. “What the fuck are you wearing?”

  “Uh, I, I’m, it’s a gown.”

  I look down at her. “It’s ridiculous.”

  Her eyelashes flutter as fast as a hummingbird’s. “It said to show my true colors.”

  “Who said that? I didn’t tell you that. This is the Black and White Gala, for Christ’s sake. You’re supposed to wear white, not fucking bright green.”


  “Oh? That’s all you can say? You’re embarrassing the fuck out of me right now. You did this on purpose, didn’t you? Is this about the article? I’m sorry about that, but that’s done. Nothing we can do about that now. You just had to…”

  Before I can finish, she’s pulled away from me, and she’s running. Running right to the front door and then out. “Jesus, what the ever-loving fuck?”

  Chapter 44


  As soon as I breach the flow of people attempting to get into the gala, I move straight to the row of hedges next to the steps. When I’m close enough, I lean over the railing and vomit. The tears and snot from my nose are now mixed with the remnants of the bile I just eliminated into the bushes.

  Wiping my face with the back of my hand, I then wipe my hand on t
he skirt of my beautiful dress. I’ll have to figure out a way home since the only thing I have in my bag is my phone and lipstick. I figured I’d be okay without having any money with me. After all, Gabriel assured me I’d have the time of my life.

  Remember when I told you about Prom and Randy Mathis? Well, now I can safely say that tonight is worse than that night. How did I come to that conclusion? The main reason is that I can’t turn to my mom right now. The one person who could make everything better is gone from my life. Forever. Second, I spent nearly five hundred dollars on this dress. Since I just vomited all over the skirt, I don’t think Maybelle is going to accept a return. Third, and the least of my worries is now I need to find a new job because I never want to see Gabriel Parker again. Ever.

  Just as I start the long walk home, I hear a voice. “Lexie?”

  Please don’t be Gabriel. I turn and see Ken. The man from the restaurant. He looks dapper dressed in a gorgeous tuxedo. “Mr. Griffin?”

  “My dear, didn’t I ask you to call me Ken?”

  Sniffling, I nod. “I’m sorry.”

  “What happened? Why are you upset?”

  I pull up the skirt of my dress. “I wore green.”

  “And you look lovely.”

  “But, it’s the-the Black and White Gala. I was su-supposed to wear white. I di-didn’t know. The note said to ‘show my true colors’.”

  He steps closer to me and takes my hand in his. “I don’t know what note you’re referring to, but you chose a beautiful color. It was my Sheila’s favorite color. She would have loved your dress.”

  I start to sob all over again. “Ga-Gabriel hated it. He thinks I w-wore it to embarrass him. But, I didn’t. I fell in love with the dress. Hell, it cost me fi-five hu-hundred dollars. I do-don’t have that kind of money. I di-did it so I’d look nice. F-For him.”

  Mr. Ken pulls me closer to him and wraps his arms around me, dropping his cane as he does. “Oh, my sweet darling. I’m very sorry your young man is such a jackass.”

  I giggle at his words. “He is. He’s a big jackass.”

  Ken chuckles as he runs his hand over the top of my head. “You’re one of a kind, aren’t you Lexie?”


  “Yes. Yes, I believe you are. I’ve only met you twice, and I feel as though I could trust you with all of my secrets.”

  I giggle. “I’m good at keeping secrets.”

  “I thought so. Now, if you’d be so kind as to get my cane. I’ll take you in the back way so you can get cleaned up.”

  “Oh, I’m not going back in there.”

  “Yes. Of course, you are. You’re going to be my date for the night.”

  “Your date? What about Sheila?”’

  “Well, my beloved passed away several years ago. I hold this Gala every year in her honor and to raise money for the disease that took her from me.”

  “Y-You? You hold this Gala?”

  “I do. This is my home.”

  I turn to face the massive building. “I thought this was a museum or something.”

  Chuckling, Ken holds his elbow out for me. I slide my arm through his and let him lead me to the back entrance. “It’s a monstrosity, that’s for sure. I need to downsize.”

  I laugh at his expression. “You mean, you want a smaller mansion?”

  “All on one level would be nice. Although, I have several elevators in this one, so a Ranch-style mansion is unnecessary.”

  I laugh again. Once we’re inside, we both take stock of my sad dress. “Oh, my dear, I’m afraid no amount of scrubbing is going to make that better. Here, follow me. I still have Sheila’s clothing. You and she were about the same size. Let’s see if there’s anything in her closet that you like.”

  “Oh, no. Ken, I can’t.”

  “Of course, you can. I insist.”

  When he opens up the closet of my dreams, I gasp. “It’s bigger than my entire apartment.”

  Sighing he says, “I know. Ridiculous, isn’t it?”

  “No. I’m in awe.”

  “Let me step out of the room. Please choose anything you like. I don’t think you’ll find anything white but you may want to see if you can find Sheila’s favorite dress in there. It was green and I think it’d be perfect for you. After all, I want you to show your ‘true colors’ this evening.”

  “Are you sure?”


  Chapter 45


  Still fuming from Lexie’s apparent betrayal, I do my best to hide my irritation from the people in attendance. I know several people saw us arguing. Several more saw her running out the door. And hundreds saw her in that terrible dress. The question is, did the photographers in attendance capture it on film.

  As I make my rounds through the massive ballroom of Kenneth Griffin, Sr.’s home, I revel in the wealth around me. The house is old, turn of the century, and built on the most expensive piece of land in the city. It overlooks Lake Michigan and rests just north of the Gold Coast area. His lot size totals nearly four acres. To put that into perspective for you, one acre in this area is worth millions of dollars. Maybe more. Granted, that’s not a large sum for a man worth six billion dollars.

  That’s all I really know about that man. He’s extremely private. I’ve been to this Gala twice now, and I’ve never gotten a glimpse of the man himself. Some compare him to Howard Hughes due to his reclusive tendencies. A few people I’ve talked to tonight said he was here earlier this evening. I hope I get to meet him. I’d love to talk to him about renovating this home or building him something new.

  As I make my way to the buffet table, I hear the tinkling of crystal. My attention is drawn up the large stage that holds the orchestra that is entertaining us tonight. I see an elderly man in the middle of the stage and a woman in a green dress by his side. “Lexie?” I thought she left.

  I walk toward the stage. If I can make it in time, I’ll be able to speak to her before she leaves again.

  “Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming tonight. Sheila would be so honored to know you all care so much about our charity. No doubt she’d look out at all of you in your finery and proclaim, ‘You’re all boring!’” The older man chuckles as the crowd remains silent. “Those of you who remember Sheila know she loved bright color. I mean, look at my home? There’s not one black, white, or gray thing in the place.”

  The crowd nods and laughs right along with the speaker who must be the man himself, Kenneth Griffin.

  He reaches out and takes Lexie’s hand in his. “That’s why I’ve asked my friend, Lexie, to wear Sheila’s favorite color tonight. Beginning next year, this event will no longer be the Black and White Gala, it will be filled with color and cheer, just the way my wife would have liked it. How does that sound?”

  The people in attendance all clap at this new plan. Lexie smiles at Kenneth as he lifts her hand to kiss it. What the fuck? Since when did Lexie befriend the wealthiest effing man in town? Hell, the richest man in the state.

  I wait at the edge of the stairs, near the steps. When she catches sight of me she hesitates. Kenneth must have noticed her hesitation because he looks down at me and scowls. Using his cane, Kenneth takes the steps down cautiously. I reach a hand out to assist him, but he shakes me off. Once he’s in front of me, I can’t help noticing how tall and broad the man is. No doubt, in his prime, he was taller and broader than me.

  When he says nothing, I say, “Mr. Griffin.”

  “You’ve upset my friend twice in two days. I’d prefer you don’t do that a third time or I’ll have to ask you to leave.”

  He’s saying it loud enough for the people around us to hear. “Sir? She’s my girl…”

  “No. I’m not.” Lexie says coming up behind Kenneth.


  “Gabriel. This is neither the time nor the place to discuss this. We can speak later.”

  “Later? Tonight?”

  “No. Not tonight.”


  “I don
’t know. I’m accompanying Ken tonight.”

  “Your dress. It’s different.”

  “It’s green.”

  “It’s pretty.”

  Lexie rolls her eyes and follows Ken through the crowd.

  The rest of the night, I make it my mission to keep an eye out for her all evening. I’ve watched her meet celebrities, the governor, several professional athletes, a supermodel, and fucking Brodie James, linebacker for the Chicago Bears. Luckily, he seems to be there with a date. A woman who looks suspiciously like Lexie. “He must have a type.”

  “Who has a type?”

  The voice behind me makes a chill run down my spine. “Christine.”

  “Hello, lover.” She coos in my ear as she slides her hand up my back. “It looks like your girlfriend has thrown you over for someone even richer than you. Too bad he’s one hundred.”

  I pull away from her as cautiously as possible. “She hasn’t thrown me over.”

  “Well, I don’t blame her after the way you treated her when she first arrived.”

  Jesus, is she stalking me? “Don’t you have better things to do than worry about me?”

  “But, our baby needs you,” she pouts.

  I turn to face her. Stepping close. “I had an interesting meeting this afternoon.”

  “Oh, yeah?” she says running her fingers up the front of my shirt. Clutching the lapels of my tux she adds. “What was it about?”


  “Me? Who were you talking to?”

  “My private detective.” She pulls back startled but I continue. “It turns out she’s very good at her job.” I pull her wrists away from my jacket. “Now, we both know who the real father of that child is.”

  “Oh, now. You’re the father.”

  “Keep it up, Christine. I’ve got a friend at the Tribune who’d love the scoop.” She gasps and steps back, but I move in closer. “Senator Baxter wouldn’t be pleased, now would he?”

  “How did you?”

  “You put your trust in the wrong people, Christine. They betrayed you.”


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