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Page 28

by Valerie Willis

  Hotan sat on the couch next to her as he took a moment to enjoy being clean and awake. The room was still dark but he would fix that later. First thing he wanted to do was help Abigail. He leaned over and kissed the top of her head, a pulse of power drummed from the soft touch. She turned to him wide eyed as blue steam lifted from her body. As if time itself had sped up, she started to age before him. She glared at her little hands as they slowly came into hands that belonged to an adult. He figured twenty-three was a good age for her as he walked away into his bedroom, a grin of content on his face.

  “What, what did you do?” The steam slowly faded as she marveled over her long legs and her new arms and hands. “Is it real? Will it stay?”

  “I hope that age suits you.” He tossed some clothes down next to her on the couch. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think about the fact your dress would be too small to handle the change. Here are some clothes. Keep them. Sorry if I embarrassed you any.”

  “Oh?” Abigail blushed realizing her tiny dress had survived as an awkward shirt, with stitches popped in a few places with holes. “Oh no.”

  “Take your time.” He had quickly returned to his room to give her privacy. “Feel free to use the bathroom and anything else.”

  It was a long moment of silence as he dressed and started to take down the poster that covered his bedroom window. The cool breeze swept into the room to flush out the stale air as he opened his window. It was long overdue. Hotan leaned out on the windowsill, squinting as the sun beamed down on him brightly. It was weird that he could feel his power snaking through him. Whispering things to him as if telling him all its riddles so that he may do what he pleased with it. The next agenda it was murmuring to him was to find replacements. He was holding the elements Fear and Earth within himself, and he couldn’t keep it that way if he wanted to keep his own power balanced.

  Who would I choose to become immortal and have to live with this curse?

  “Thank you.” Abigail was beautiful, with her athletic build. Dark pools for eyes and long wavy black hair pass her hips, she could have been a model in another life. “I never knew it was even possible. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you. But for now, thank you.”

  “It’s the least I can do for you. You helped me when you didn’t have to.” He smiled warmly at her, enjoying the red in her cheeks. “You can just continue to keep me company. I am in no mood to be alone. Despite my state, you’ve been with me every second for over a year Abigail. Thank you for making sure I was never alone. I hate being alone…”

  “Thank you.” She tugged at the baggy shirt and pulled the cargo shorts up, trying to adjust to her new body. “I would like to stay longer, as long as you’re ok with that? I have been on my own for far too long as well. I need to grow up some more.”

  “I hope it’s easier to do so.” It was good to be able to smile again, but his life was changing faster. He was beyond living a normal life, he had to start thinking like an immortal. “Let’s get you some better fitting clothes. You look close to Annie’s size, so let’s go pay her a visit. She must be worried sick over how badly I’ve been doing.”

  Abigail followed close behind him, much like a lost sheep. Musing over her legs and enjoying every step she took, he heard her giggling behind him. At least he was able to do something good with the powers that he held. He could feel an immortal was close as they worked their way down the stairs. Hotan had to catch Abigail a few times, as she fumbled over her legs. Laughing, she grew more excited about what it was like to be in a true adult body. As he made the corner towards Annie’s door, Jacob was leaning on the wall, smoking a cigarette.

  “Hotan!” Jake’s eyes sparkled as he saw him. “Oh I am so relieved to see you up and about! Out of the apartment finally!”

  “Thanks, I just wish someone had pulled me out of that sooner.” A laugh escaped him as he watched Abigail run down the hallway, holding the shorts up as she went. “But I am trying to make up for the lost time.”

  “Who’s the girl?” Jake grinned goofily as he watched her run back to Hotan and began panting from the sprint. “I don’t recognize you, but I do feel you’re one of us? Did I miss something?”

  “It’s me!” Huffing she swallowed as she slowed her breathing. “Abigail!”

  “Abigail! Since when do you pose yourself as an adult, young lady?” Jake shot a look at him then returned his stare to her. “Or did something happen?”

  “Nothing like that,” Heat poured over Hotan’s face as he realized what Jake might be thinking. “Nothing like that at all! I used my power to age her forward a few years so she wasn’t stuck as a little girl anymore. It didn’t seem right. Especially since I know that he could have fixed it so long ago.”

  “Sure, you did nothing else.” Jake winked at him as he finished his cigarette, putting it out in the nearby ashtray. “Let’s go get Annie. She’s been worried sick about you. I was running out of excuses, ya know.”

  “I figured as much. Plus Abigail needs some clothes that won’t fall off.” They followed him into the apartment where the smell of Annie’s famous spaghetti filled the air. “Now I feel hungry.”

  “We’ve got company, Babe.” They could hear what sounded like the oven closing in the kitchen.

  “Who? Did you invite someone over without telling me again?” Annie was laughing as she finished the task in front of her before turning to see whom Jake had dragged in. “Hotan!”

  Annie was across the apartment in a flash, hugging the air from Hotan’s lungs. She had always been like a maternal big sister to him. He squeezed her back happy to be out of his self-made prison. Allowing the warmhearted greetings to smooth over the last of the sharp edges of his sorrow, he was finally back on stable ground. It was nice to know everyone had missed his presence and was thrilled to see him on his feet. It was feeling great to be back in the world.

  “Oh my! Who’s this?” Making eye contact with Abigail, she pulled away from the hug exchanging a tender smile with her. “A new friend? Hi, I’m Annie.”

  “Not exactly, I, uh, well it’s hard to explain, but if you have any spare clothes she could really use them. Mine don’t fit her very well.” Scratching his head, Hotan contemplated what or how he was going to go about telling Annie. “Her dress got ruined earlier today.”

  “Her name’s Abigail. She’s the one I was telling you about a few days ago.” Jake’s voice was smooth and calm. “She’s one of us.”

  “Oh! The little girl who turns into things,” Annie nodded as she took Abigail by the hand, leading her to her bedroom. “Come on sweetie, let’s take care of this.”

  “Wait, you told her?” Astonished, Hotan gaped at Jake, amazed once more by the man’s actions. “Did you even tell her about me?”

  “Yup, I told her everything.” Jake stared coolly at Annie’s bedroom door smirking. “There are some things in this life that are worth the risk. I truly love that woman and spending a portion of this immortal life with her is worth everything to me. It’s best to share everything I know with her to keep her even closer. This one is going to hurt the most though. As you may have assumed, I’ve loved and lost many lovers over the centuries. There is just a small few that are like Annie. They aren’t kidding when they say you only find a girl like that every other century.”

  “Hurt the most?” The sparkle had faded in Jake’s purple eyes as he stared heavily at Hotan with a distant look in them. “I always hate out living them. Watching them slowly lose themselves or passing. I have loved many, but there’s something about Annie that pulls at me. Truly one of a kind, you don’t find her type very often. I know it’ll hurt, but I don’t want to miss out on being with her. Sometimes the hurt is worth every minute. Remember that. I can vouch that it is better to love than have not loved at all. I have tried both ways…”

  “I can fix that.” Hotan spoke before he could stop himself. “I can make her one of us. She would be appropriate for what I need her to be.”

  “You can’t be serious?” The colo
r bled from Jacob’s face. “Hotan, as much as I appreciate the offer, I couldn’t bear making someone live this long. It’s tearing all of us apart as it is.”

  “I know.” Hotan was mumbling low as he fought the facts in his head, desperately arguing with himself on the matters that still needed addressing. Quarrelling with the boiling power that barked its commands and needs at him like the caged animal it truly was. “But I have a problem. I have to find replacements for Geliah and Cassandra. I am out of balance and it does wreak havoc on me if I allow it to continue for too long. It’ll start causing imbalance in everyone else as well if it goes unresolved. We need people to take over Earth and Fear.”

  “Replacements?” Jake ran his hand through his short blonde hair, staring hard at Annie’s bedroom door. “I, I just don’t know. I guess it makes sense that you merely absorbed their elements. Now we just need to give them to better users. Better people. Dammit, to have to drag people into this curse just makes me sick to my stomach.”

  “She would make a great host for Earth. She is nurturing and strong.” Hotan felt exhausted, thoughts bubbling over in his head repeatedly. “It has to be done. I care about Annie like a sister, almost a second mom. I don’t think I could bear watching her go through this either. But I don’t think I could handle knowing I would eventually lose her in the end no matter what came to pass.”

  They stood in silence, pondering over the idea. The girls came out of the bedroom giggling. Annie had dressed Abigail in a black tank top, white over shirt and black frilled mini skirt. Hotan couldn’t help but think once more, on how beautiful she was. A complete opposite of Shellie, but just as attractive. He felt himself blush.

  Maybe I could learn to love again. Shellie would be more than happy to share me now that she was gone. She was always giving in that way. Let her be safe in the afterlife and give me courage for what I have to face. Life is never-ending for me. I am so sorry Shellie that I will not even get to see you in the afterlife either.

  “I’ll have to talk to her about it.” Jake’s voice cut through his thoughts. “It’s her decision, not ours.”

  “I wouldn’t be that cruel to force anyone into this mess. I had no choice, and I am still having a hard time with it.” Both sighing they turned back to the girls.

  Hotan felt more down to earth with each passing moment. Unfortunately, he was still distracted by the whispers of instructions from his fluctuating power. Telling him, screaming at him at how important balance was. He had someone for Earth in mind, but another name and face told him whom the element of Fear belonged to. That person was Hisota.

  Everyone brought together due to the underlying currents from their immortality and power, but Hisota was not one of them.

  Why had Hisota been drawn to the group? He was predetermined to be the replacement for Geliah. This is even beyond me. Above what any of them could realize, we have no control of our fates. Even with my own incredible power, I have no say so in what may happen from this point. We are at the mercy of life and nature itself.

  “I am ready.” Annie’s voice was solid and the look in her eyes told him all that he needed to know.

  She was ready and had accepted the impossible task before her. Hotan looked from her to Hisota. With a confident nod to one another, he too confirmed he was ready. He had found his replacements for the elements Earth and Fear. They were far better people than the ones who had possessed the power for all this time. Feeling confident they fit the bill, Hotan took a steadying inhale.

  Hisota did not hesitate to take him up on the offer for becoming immortal and the element of Fear. He was infamous to strike fear in others, with his relentless bullying, yet he had set aside his own fears and stood against the unknown without pause. Risked his own life without a shred of fear in Hotan’s eyes that day with Cassie. There was also the fact that out of the three friends, he was the only mortal. It almost seemed as if he was meant to join their ranks according to some divine plan.

  I can’t ignore that all the puzzle pieces fit far too well.

  “Ok, here we go.” Hotan spoke softly to the both of them as he reached both hands out, one towards each of them. Delicately he tapped both of them on the forehead with the palms of his hands. He couldn’t keep them from shaking with the weight of their duty. Blue light filled their eyes and as they gasped, the blue flames sucked into them, as if it were a breath of air. Luckily, Jacob and Kyle were behind them as they collapsed; sweat beading across their skin as the blue faded. It was done, they were immortal.

  After a good hour or so, the two of them started to moan and move. Everyone in the room started to breathe easier. Their muscles let go of the worried tension they had been holding during the event. Jacob snuggled closer to Annie kissing her head as a tear slid down one cheek. Hotan never realized how passionate he was and he was glad that someone with a large heart had been the element of Lust, no, the element of Love. Jake truly moved those around him by his love and in return, he was moved by their kinship even more so.

  “Wow.” Annie rubbed her eyes as she managed to sit up straight. “That was amazing. The warmth was, it was so. It was simply miraculous.”

  “You ok?” Jacob nuzzled her as he pulled her head to his chest. “You should probably take it easy, and remember what we told you two.”

  “Yea, yea, be careful using our powers, we can really get ourselves in a bind.” Hisota was leaning onto his knees, rubbing his face. “It really feels different being like this. Exciting and frightening. I can feel. I feel the fear you all have about this. It’s so strong yet intoxicating. No wonder Geliah encouraged chaos.”

  “Yes, it feels like you are cursed in a way.” Hotan couldn’t help but remind them of what he had said it felt like. “Just remember there are several of us in the city. We are still missing some, but as far as we know, they are still in a state of reincarnation. I prefer we leave them alone. It’s best that they enjoy it while it lasts. The more of us that awake, the closer it draws the remaining sleepers to where we are.”

  Electricity seemed to shoot through everyone in the room. They had all stood in one swift jolt in unison, all staring at the ceiling. The power that wafted down from there was chilling and it didn’t feel right. In fact, it didn’t even feel alive. Hotan’s spirit rattled at him as he recognized the feel, the essence of what stood on the building above them.

  It was the shadow figure from his dream. He had been too drained to pay the repeating dream any attention. It had only increased since Geliah and he ignored it.

  What or who was this bringer of death and destruction that had been hunting Hotan down? Has Death finally come to claim me?

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Talib!” Hotan had made it out of the door first, scrambling onto the rooftop in time to see a pale Talib hit and slide across the rooftop gravel towards him. “No! Talib!”

  He rushed to him, flipping him over to see ashen skin and hazed eyes of death. Talib was dead. Hotan screamed, crazed with sorrow as he pounded Talib’s chest. Shaking in choking sobs as he knelt there, he could feel the cold and decayed aura approaching him. Laughter rolled from it, the Shadow Figure. That same laugh he had heard time and time again in his nightmares. He hated it. He was tired of it. It needed to go away, forever.

  "Hotan! I shall take my revenge." The animosity in the voice gripped his soul. " I wish to thank you for my tortured life for all these centuries! I’ll send you to a lonely darkness equal to the one you gave me!”

  “I hate you!” It couldn’t be. This had to be a nightmare. Why him? Of all the people in the world, why did the shadow figure have to be HIM! “You, why you? Why now!”

  “I have searched the world over for you!” The dark hair, the dark eyes, and the hand that choked off the air from his lungs as the man in black lifted Hotan by his throat. His mother’s necklace broke lose as Hotan glared into the face he had spent his entire life loathing. “I must say, this was the first time you’ve stayed long enough to see me in quite some time.”
r />   “It can’t be. Not you.” Hotan struggled for air; he could feel his soul being sucked out of him at the touch of the man’s hand to his skin. “Why, did it have to be you?”

  “Huh?” The light was being drawn away by the black flames that whipped off the large man as he picked up the small object that had fell from his victim. “Where did you get this?”

  Landing hard, coughing and gasping, Hotan looked up at the man in the black trench coat bewildered. “You should know that already. You remember where-”

  “Answer me!” The kick to the ribs sent him rolling over Talib’s cold body. “How dare you come near her!”

  “She was my mother! You left us behind!” Hotan was sure a rib was cracked as he desperately tried to keep eye contact with his father, identical to the photos taken so long ago. “You left her, pregnant and helpless!”

  “Your, your mother?” Fear over took his eyes as the flames faded and he stood, shocked as feelings long forgotten made themselves known to him once more. “But, but you are my father. Hotan, the one who brought me back into the world to only cast me out. Ashamed of me! Cold and lonely, only death kept me company in my first days on this earth! The one I have been tracking time and time again over these tormented years.”

  “I am not Hotan.” Rolling onto his feet, he spit blood onto the rooftop; his breath wheezed and whined as pain shot through with each breath. “I am your son. I was that child you thought was impossible. The son you damned to misery, cursed to be alone.”

  “Why would he do something so cruel to me? He left me behind, again.” Hotan’s father stabbed his katana hard and deep into the rooftop, roaring like an animal.


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