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The Rescue: A Valentine's Novella

Page 5

by Twyla Turner

  If Bo didn’t know any better, he’d start to think that his horse was trying to start a love connection.

  “Well, he certainly is persistent,” Val commented. “What do you think he wants?”

  King tried to shove him again and Bo jumped out of the way.

  “I don’t know. He’s never done that before.” Bo thought for a moment. “Hey, would you being willing to try something with me, to try and prove a theory?”

  “Sure. What?”

  “Come here.” Bo held out his hand.

  Val stepped forward and Bo wrapped her up in his arms. He lowered his head and found her lips warm and welcoming. She felt so good against him, he almost forgot why he’d pulled her close. Bo cracked opened one eye and saw King nodding his head over and over. Bo pulled away with a laugh.

  “I knew it!” He rubbed King’s neck. “My dang horse was trying to play matchmaker.”

  “That’s what he was doing?!” Val chortled with delight. “You two should take your act on the road. You’d make millions with your matchmaking horse.”

  “Nah. I’d rather stay right here with you.” Bo admitted, unashamed as he pulled her back into the circle of his arms.

  “Mmhmm…” Val moaned as he kissed her once more.

  Bo walked her backwards into a stall filled with fresh bales of hay. Once inside, he turned her around, whipped off her top, and planted soft kisses against her neck as he reached around to caress her sensitive breasts. His tongue flicked and tasted her skin. With every flick of his tongue, Val squirmed and pressed her ass into his already fully erect shaft.

  He didn’t even think, he just acted on pure instinct to be inside of her. Bo lifted Val up to kneel on a bale of hay. He ripped down her sweats to expose the round globes of her pretty ass. He quickly undid his jeans, releasing his heavy cock. He gripped one of her hips and caressed the head of his shaft through her labia, checking to make sure she was wet.

  She was more than slick and ready. Bo plunged ahead and Val threw her head back as she cried out. He kept to an easy rhythm, not wanting to hurt her when she’d said this morning that she was tender. Her sheath flexed around him as he slid home over and over. Slow, deep strokes. The erotic sounds of her wet pussy swallowing him in made his sac draw tight.

  “Bo,” she sighed his name as she pushed back against him.

  “Are you still too sore or do you want more?” He asked through labored breaths.

  “More, please. Harder. I can take it,” Val pleaded.

  She didn’t need to say more. Bo grasped both hips tightly and slammed into her. Val choked on a scream and her hands gripped the hay tightly. He pumped into her with fluid strokes. Her ass clapped back against his hips and rippled sensually. Bo slid a hand up her smooth back and buried it in her hair. He gripped her hair tight, pulled her head back, and slipped the other up to her breasts that swung wildly as he pounded into her. He caressed her nipples and she fluttered around him in response.

  “Ah. Ah. Aaaah! It’s so deep,” her cries came out staccato to the rhythm of his thrusts.

  Bo released her hair and pressed down between her shoulders, forcing her face towards the hay and her ass up in the air. The position sent him so deep that they gasped in unison at the feeling. His legs started to shake, she felt so good. He looked down and watched as her pretty slit swallowed him whole and when he pulled out to the tip, his cock glistened with her cream.

  The visual, her cries, and her scent had the base of his spine tingling. His climax was headed swiftly to the finish line and he needed her there with him. Bo slipped his hand around to her front. He found her clit swollen and slick. He circled her nub with gentle fingers as he pummeled her hard and fast from behind. The combination was enough.

  Val came hard with a scream and a splash of feminine cum on her thighs, his hand, and cock. Her reaction to him always sent him over the edge and he shouted out his release. Both of their legs trembled as he continued to stroke through their orgasms.

  When his shaft was finally soft, he slipped from her warmth and fell back onto the hay.

  “Dammit, woman! I just cannot get enough of you. Stay.” The last word burst through his lips before he could stop it.

  It was the first time he’d just come right out and said it.

  “Let’s talk about it later, Bo.” Val avoided the subject as she pulled back on the sweats he’d let her borrow.

  It wasn’t the answer he’d hoped for, but he figure that at least it wasn’t a no. He nodded his head, unable to trust himself to speak without begging her.


  Chapter 7

  Later never came.

  Bo spent the rest of that day and the next enjoying his time with Val. She helped him with the ranch work she was able to do in borrowed clothes and oversized shoes. Over their meals, she made him laugh. Once she’d let her walls come down, her sense of humor came out. They watched TV or movies or played board games that had pleasurable stakes added to them. And they fucked.

  Bo fucked her in and on any available surface in and outside of his house. If she was going to leave him and never come back, he figured he’d just try and fuck her out of his system. But it seemed as if the more he touched her, tasted her, was inside of her, the more he wanted.

  He was an addict. She was his drug.

  And at night, when they’d finally exhausted each other, they talked. They tried to fit a lifetime into a couple of days. She told him about her childhood in San Antonio. He told her about the antics of him and his friends on the ranch and in town growing up. She told him about her dreams for the future. He kept his dreams to himself, since much of them involved her being there, and he didn’t want to push her.

  The choice to stay had to be hers. Though, he was getting more and more anxious. He knew the next day, a tow truck was coming to take her car away, now that the water was almost gone and they’d found her car was still there. And the car rental place was coming to pick her up tomorrow morning as well.

  He was thinking about what to say to make her stay while he started getting ready to cook a steak dinner fit for a queen. His queen.

  Why does it feel like the last supper?

  Val was in the process of chopping up veggies for their salad and watching him as he began seasoning the steaks when his cellphone went off in his pocket.

  Bo quickly wiped his hands off and dug for his phone. He took a deep breath when he saw that it was his mother.

  “Hey, ma.” Bo answered and Val’s eyes widened at who was on the other line.

  “Bo, we haven’t heard from you in days. You haven’t come to see us and you haven’t invited us over in ages.” His mother immediately started in on him. “So we’ve taken matters into our own hands and will be there to see you in an hour.”

  “Ma, you can’t just drop in on me unannounced. I’m a grown man, living a grown man’s life. Y’all have to start respecting that.” Bo said adamantly.

  “We aren’t coming unannounced. I just told you that we’ll be there in an hour.”

  “Now, ma, you know that’s still last minute and rude.”

  “It would be rude if your father and I were just some friends or random acquaintances. We’re your parents. Dropping in to see our only child isn’t rude. It’s showing that we care.”

  “More like, showing that you’re nosy,” Bo grumbled, feeling like a teenager again.

  “Bo Montgomery! Don’t you talk back to me! I don’t care how old you are, you respect your elders. Now, we’re comin’ and that’s final.”

  Bo squinted in suspicion.

  “Who have you talked to? Johnny?” Bo brought up one of his ranch hands who his parents liked to interrogate for information on their son’s life. Johnny was too much of a softy to resist and Bo was too much of a softy to fire him just because his parents were manipulative.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His mother sniffed on the other end of the line.

  That was a clear indication that Johnny had in fact tol
d them about Val. Bo had called the ranch hands to come in earlier that day to work now that the grounds had finally been dry enough after the storm. It hadn’t taken long for news of Val to reach his parents. It was no wonder they were trying to show up unannounced. The only reason his mother had given him any notice at all was so that they didn't find themselves in an embarrassing predicament because they were caught in a compromising position.

  “Uh…huh. You’re not foolin’ anyone, Ma. But that’s fine. Come on by. I’m cooking dinner as we speak. I’ll pull out some more steaks for you and Pop.” Bo gave in, ready to finally stand up for what he wanted.

  “Doesn’t she know how to cook?”

  His mom’s indignation at the thought of a female in his home who was not cooking his meal for him, gave her away.

  “And what ‘she’ would that be, Ma?” Bo asked, letting her know she’d been caught.

  “Never mind. We’ll be there soon.”

  “See ya, Ma.”

  Bo ended the call and turned back towards Val.

  “Your parents are coming over?” Her eyes looked like a deer in headlights.

  “Yeah. Unfortunately, one of my ranch hands has a big mouth. In all honesty, I should’ve expected it when you came out to help me add fresh hay to the horses’ stalls today and they saw you and caught us kissing a couple of times,” he informed her as he pulled two more steaks from the fridge.

  “And they’ll be here in an hour?”


  “Crap!” Val shot up out of her seat. “I can’t be sitting here in your clothes when they get here. Thank God, I washed my work clothes and my shoes weren’t totally ruined.”

  “That’s probably a good idea.”

  Val barely let him finish his sentence before she sped out of the kitchen. Seconds later, Bo heard the shower start running.

  “This should be interesting.”

  Bo shook his head and went back to cooking.


  Within the hour, Val was back in her black pencil skirt, blush pink blouse, and black patent leather pumps. She’d taken out the curling iron she’d found her first night in Bo’s home. She straightened her hair as best she could and bumped the ends. Since her purse hadn’t gotten that wet the night of the flood, her shimmering lipstick and black mascara were still intact. It was all that she had for makeup and she made good use of it.

  In the end, she looked almost presentable. At least for meeting the parents of the man she was boning.

  She heard voices out in the living room and knew that it was time to come out. She took one last look in the mirror. She smoothed down her hair and skirt, took a deep breath, and walked out of the guest bedroom.

  Sitting on the couch that she and Bo had had wild sex on the previous night, was an older couple. When Bo looked up at her, his parents looked back over their shoulders to see who it was. Val gave them a small smile in greeting. Neither smiled back.

  “Ma. Pop. This is Val Hart.” Bo began the introductions. “Val, these are my parents, Edward and Mary-Sue Montgomery.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery.”

  Val walked forward and held out her hand. It was that awkward moment where they decided if being overtly rude or actually having to touch her hand was the best course of action. Val didn’t back down and kept her hand outstretched, forcing them to choose.

  Eventually, Edward reached out to shake her hand. It was more like one quick, gruff pump and then he dropped her hand like a hot potato. Mary-Sue followed her husband’s lead and shook Val’s hand, holding it like it was a snake that would jump up and bite her.

  “So where do you hail from?” Mary-Sue asked with a sniff as if Val’s answer already wasn’t good enough.

  “I’m from San Antonio, ma’am.”

  “Ma, Val was on her way home from a meeting in Houston the night of the storm. She tried to take a detour and got caught in a flash flood. Luckily, I stumbled across her just in the nick of time.” Bo looked over at Val and winked at her.

  “That’s my boy!” Edward exclaimed proudly. “Always help out the less fortunate, no matter who they are.”

  What the hell was that supposed to mean, old man?! Val grumbled in her head.

  “Hmm…from what I hear, you picked a rather interesting way to repay my son for his kindness,” Mary-Sue said snidely.

  “Excuse me?” Val started.

  “Ma!” Bo barked at his mother.

  “What? I’m just saying that’s not proper behavior for a nice Texas raised lady.” Mary-Sue sat up straighter and lifted up her chin in defiance.

  Val felt a mixture of shame and rage. Funny enough, she hadn’t felt one ounce of shame from the moment that Bo touched her. Not until this holier-than-thou lady made her feel like loving her son was wrong.

  “Ma, I’m gonna ask you to apologize to Val. Now,” Bo gritted out.

  “I don’t see why I should. You bring this…this…”

  “Watch it,” Bo warned.

  “This person into my house.” Val could only imagine what the word ‘person’ was substituted for instead. “Doing God only knows what in my house.”

  “Just stop.” Bo silenced her. “This is my house now. My ranch. You gave up your rights to it when you passed it on to me and retired. Now, I love y’all and I’ll give you respect when respect is due. But today, you ain’t paid those dues. Val is my guest. And if she’d be willing to have me, she’d be more than that.”

  Mary-Sue gasped.

  “That’s right, Ma. You and Pop forbidding me from seeing Charlene all those years ago ain’t changed how I feel and what I like. I’m sorry that I’m more attracted to women like Val than I am to women like Lou Ann. That’s my preference and nothing’s gonna change that. So you have two choices.” He held up his hand to start counting off. “Accept it and we can move on. Or don’t and y’all can stay off my land. And if it embarrasses you that much you can take the advice I gave you long ago and move to Florida or Hawaii, so you don’t have to explain my black wife to your bigot white friends.”

  “Wife?!” Mary-Sue practically screamed.

  “Of all the ungrateful…,” Edward growled as he raised his hand to his son.

  Bo caught his father’s wrist in a vice grip.

  “You don’t wanna go there, Pop.” He said dead calm. “I draw the line at hitting my parents, so don’t force my hand.”

  Edward was a pretty formidable man, but Bo was way bigger and younger.

  So thinking better of it, his father ripped his arm away from Bo’s hand. All Val could do was stare back and forth at the drama that had unfolded. All because of her, when she didn’t even plan on staying.

  When the word ‘wife’ had passed Bo’s lips she’d gaped at him. She wasn’t sure if he meant wife in general because now he was going to pick a wife of his own choosing and whoever that was would more than likely be black. Or if he had meant her specifically. And why in the far recesses of her mind and the very pit of her stomach did the idea pull her like a magnet.

  I can’t stay. I just met him. And look at the drama I’ve already caused him. I can’t stay. She kept chanting in her head, trying to make herself believe it.

  “Let’s go, Lou. I’d rather not be where I’m not welcome.” Edward grumbled as he took his wife’s arm.

  “I thought we raised you better than this,” Mary-Sue spat.

  “You did raise me better, which is why I can’t abide by your rudeness. Pop, you’d never let anyone talk to Ma the way she did to Val. In fact, you raised me so well that I turned out better than both of you. You see, my love has no limitations or restrictions. If you earn my love, you get it no matter what shade your skin is.” Bo gestured toward the door. “You know where the door is. See yourself out.”

  Edward pulled Mary-Sue’s arm and they stormed out of the house with a slam to the door that had an eerie finality to it.

  Val literally hadn’t moved from the spot she’d been in since the drama unfolded. She was stunned by a
ll that had transpired. The rudeness of his parents. The shock at the kind of man he was, having been raised by the type of people his parents were. The bewilderment of the fact that he cared for her that much in such a short amount of time. And her equal astonishment that she felt the same for him.

  It was a lot to take in.

  The only problem was that her logic, reason, and the little voice in her head that kept saying, ‘what would all your friends and family think’ wouldn’t let her have what she truly wanted. Which seemed kind of like a cruel joke considering Bo had just broken free of those very restraints that now shackled her.

  “I’m so sorry, Bo. I didn’t mean to cause a rift between you and your parents.” Val apologized as she walked towards him.

  “It’s not your fault, Val.” Bo reassured her as he took her in his arms. “It was bound to happen. They refuse to change and whether you stay or not, I will date or marry whoever I want and I will not have them disrespecting her. So it needed to be said. If they see the error of their ways, they will be welcomed back with opened arms. If not, they can stay out of my life. ‘Cause that kinda hatred taints everything it’s around, spreading like a virus.”

  “I know. I still feel bad, though.” Val’s voice came out muffled as she buried her face in his chest.

  “Come on, let’s eat. I won’t have them ruin our whole evening.” Bo cleared his voice of the gruffness that had crept in. “If this is going to be our last night, we might as well make it count.”

  Bo took her hand and guided her towards the kitchen. Suddenly, Val had a hard time swallowing because of the conspicuous lump that had formed in her throat and seeing through the moisture that had gathered in her eyes.

  She quickly wiped her eyes and then smiled brightly when Bo turned to look at her.

  His eyes had a glassy sheen to them as well.

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” His deep voice rasped with emotion.


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