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The Rescue: A Valentine's Novella

Page 6

by Twyla Turner

  Val shook her head, “You were a little distracted.”

  “Well, you do. Pretty as a picture.”

  Val swallowed and blinked again.


  Bo watched as Val stopped at the foot of his bed. With her back to him, he took in her soft curves. The pencil skirt molded to her hips and behind like a glove. Her calves flexed as she stood in her heels, waiting for him. He walked up behind her, breathing her in.

  Slowly, Bo stripped her down. He took his time. He guided the skirt down her legs, skimming her skin with the back of his knuckles. He lifted the blouse above her head and unclasped her bra. He pulled her straps down and kissed each bare shoulder. He knelt down behind her and gently stripped her of her panties, kissing each cheek he bared and then helped her step out of them.

  Bo stood back up and held her black lace underwear up to his nose and inhaled. Her arousal smelt sweet and spicy. Val looked up at him over her shoulder, one eye sensually covered by her hair. She took his breath away.

  Val turned to face him. She gripped the bottom of his shirt and helped him pull it over his head. Still in her heels, she looked sexy as hell as she knelt down and stripped him of his boots and jeans. On her way back up, she kissed the purple tip of his pulsing cock. Some of pearly fluid that had collected on the head got on her lips and she licked them clean seductively.

  Some of Bo’s control slipped and he attacked her mouth hungrily. His hands gripped the sides of her face in desperation. She kissed him back just as recklessly. Her hands found his hair and she grasped handfuls painfully. Bo didn’t care. He understood how she felt. He couldn’t get close enough. He wanted all of her. To consume her, so that she’d stay with him forever.

  They fell onto the bed in a tangle of limbs. Bo’s hands were all over her, caressing and gripping every inch of her. His fingers found her wet and welcoming. Bo teased her mouth with his tongue, giving playful licks in time to his fingers strumming her clit. Her first orgasm, he caught with his mouth on hers.

  Bo smoothly moved on top of her and slid inside her depths. The depths that had become his home that had already molded to his length, width, and curvature in just two and a half days. He’d imprinted himself on her and he pumped in deeply hoping she’d feel him days, weeks, even months later. He hoped she never forgot, because he wouldn’t.

  Her second orgasm burst through the room on a loud scream. Her muscles flexed around him, trying to draw out his climax. But Bo refused. He was going to give her as many orgasms as he could. He wanted this night to be the best night of her life, excluding the scene with his parents. Maybe then she’d come back.

  Bo rolled over, letting Val straddle his lap. With her seated on his shaft, it sent him incredibly deep and her head fell back on a gasp. She lifted up with a roll of her hips and then slid back down slowly. He watched her closely, burning every feature into his memory. Her brow scrunched, her closed eyelids fluttered, her nostrils flared, and her lips trembled.

  Val placed her feet on either side of his hips. They grasped hands and entwined fingers to steady her as she bounced on his cock. Her heavy breasts swayed as she rode him and her pussy devoured him, holding back was becoming harder and harder.

  Warm droplets hit his stomach and Bo looked away from where their bodies met and glanced up at Val’s face. Tears streamed down her cheeks and an anguished sob broke from her lips as she climaxed around him. Unable to hold back, Bo’s orgasm tore through him. He shouted out as he came hard after holding back for so long.

  Val collapsed onto his chest. Her body was racked with sobs, so hard that they even shook him. His chest was saturated with her tears.

  Bo rolled her over onto her back and tried to look at her. Val covered her face with her hands, refusing to let him see her.

  “You’re not coming back, are you?” Bo asked past the lump in his throat.

  “I…don’t…know.” She barely got through her heartbreaking sobs.

  “Calm down, Val. Just breath, baby.” Bo tried to soothe her even though he was hurting just as bad.

  “I-I have a l-life back home. I have my job and in my f-free time, I’m working on my b-beauty business. And it’s not f-fair for you to wait for m-me.” Val hiccupped her way through her reasons.

  Bo felt anger and desperation rise up as she spoke.

  “Come on, Val. What life?”

  Her tears subsided and she pulled back incredulously.

  “I mean, you hate your job and the men there don’t even treat you right. Yeah, you have family and friends there, but it’s not like I live halfway around the world. If you stayed, you’d only be a couple hours away from them and can see them whenever you want. I’d take care of you, which would give you time to work on your beauty line and build it up like you deserve. Hell, I’d build you a whole damn factory to make it and distribute it. I got enough land. The only thing holding you back from what you really want is you.” Bo finished his tirade.

  “You don’t know what I want,” Val lied as she slid out from under him. “I can’t stay because I don’t know you. I just met you two days ago for God’s sake! You can’t expect me to uproot my life for a stranger.”

  She got out of bed and reached for her clothes on the floor.

  “You can lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to me. You know me. I’ve shown you everything there is to know about me. I’ve been wide open this whole time. You’re just scared. You’re scared because you’ve never felt this before and you don’t know what to do with it. Well, that’s love, sweetheart. It’s scary as shit. But it would be worth it, if you just gave it…us a chance.” Bo pleaded his case.

  “I can’t.”

  The words sounded as if they were torn from her chest as she rasped them out. With her clothes pressed to her chest, Val strode from his bedroom. A few seconds later, Bo heard the spare bedroom door slam shut.

  “FUCK!” He shouted and then fell back on his pillows.

  His chest felt ripped in two.


  Val heard him bellow and she buried her head further under the blankets in the spare room. Tears and sobs shook her entire body. She couldn’t seem to stop them no matter how hard she tried. She’d never cried over a man like this before and she knew why. She’d never been in love before… Until now.

  Everything he had said was hundred percent spot on. He knew her better than she did. But she couldn’t believe that love of that magnitude could hit two people that hard in two and a half days. She hadn’t felt it after months in her past relationships.

  They weren’t Bo, a small voice said in her head.

  A fresh wave of tears hit her. Val turned into her pillow and cried herself into a restless sleep.

  Chapter 8

  Val woke up with a pounding headache and eyes so swollen, she could barely open them. She sat up slowly and saw a folded sweatshirt at the end of the bed with a note on it. She crawled over to the end of the bed and picked up the note.


  It’s chilly out today and seeing as how you don’t have a coat, I thought I’d leave you with this sweatshirt. I know you like it, so keep it. I hope you wear it often and think of me just as much.

  I also hope you’ll understand why I can’t say goodbye. So I’ll say it here.

  Goodbye, Val.

  Love, Bo

  Val choked on the lump that immediately formed in her throat at his heartfelt words. Tears threaten to begin anew. To distract herself, she picked up the garment he’d considerately left for her. The sweatshirt was gray and had Montgomery Ranch written across the chest in dark blue. She’d worn it before and had mentioned how comfy it was to Bo. So of course he’d listened.

  She buried her nose into the soft material and could smell his masculine scent all over it. She knew the scent would eventually fade, but she hoped it took a while.

  Resolved to her plight, Val got up and got ready to leave. She showered and dressed in her work outfit once more and then threw the sweatshirt on over it. She made the bed and
made sure everything was in order.

  Hesitant, she grabbed her purse and peeked out the door. She didn’t see Bo or hear him anywhere in the house. She walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. On the table was a box of cereal, a bowl, and a spoon with a note that read: Milk’s in the fridge. Help yourself.

  Even when he didn’t want to speak to her or see her, Bo was still thoughtful and kind.

  She did her best to eat as much as she could, though each spoonful seemed to get stuck around the perpetual lump in her throat. Her entire being ached, but she pushed on.

  When Val had eaten all that she could get down, she emptied her bowl and washed what dishes she’d dirtied. Just as she finished up, she heard a horn honk outside. She closed her eyes, gripped the edge of the sink, and took a deep breath. She remembered Bo’s first touch as she had stood in that very spot three nights before.

  She was breaking part and needed to get out before she caved.

  Val grabbed her purse and practically ran to the door. She walked to the car waiting for her. The car rental rep greeted her kindly as he opened the passenger door for her. Before Val got in, she turned back to look at Bo’s home. Her eyes scanned his property and she spotted him several yards away, walking out of the stables, alongside King.

  Bo stopped and looked at her. Val raised her hand and Bo lifted his in return. Val squeezed her eyes shut and quickly got in the car. She looked out the window to get one last look at him. With slumped shoulders, Bo turned his back to the car and walked away with King at his side.

  Val pressed her lips together to catch the sob that tried to slip through. It couldn’t stop the tears, though. She tried wiping at her face, but nothing would stop it.

  “Are you alright, ma’am?” The man asked her.

  Val nodded her head erratically. “Mmhmm,” she hummed, afraid to open her mouth to speak.

  She covered her mouth with her hand and her shoulders rocked as she tried to pull herself together. The driver let her have her moment without another word. Through her tears, Val watched as Bo’s ranch disappeared into the distance.


  Chapter 9

  Val opened the door to her one bedroom apartment, later that morning. She leaned back against the door and pressed a hand to her stomach, trying to settle the turmoil going on inside of her.

  She looked around her apartment and although nothing had changed since she’d left Tuesday morning, it no longer seemed familiar or felt like home. She felt like a stranger.

  As if she was looking at someone else’s life.

  Had she changed that much since she’d left?

  A loud ring jarred her out of her reverie and she jumped away from the door. Her cellphone had died the night before, so it was her landline that was ringing. She quickly ran over to pick up the phone. She almost groaned when she saw the name on the caller id.

  “Hey, Mark.” She faked a brightness to her voice that she was not feeling.

  “Hey, Val! Are you back yet? I know you’ve had a long couple of days and it’s all my fault, but I really need you here.” Her boss rambled off, barely letting her get in a word.

  “Give me an hour and I’ll be there.” Val conceded tiredly.

  “Great! See ya then.”

  Mark ended the call before she could even say goodbye. She rolled her eyes and sighed heavily.

  I love my job. I love my job. I love my job…

  She tried a little reverse psychology on herself, but the weight on her heart and soul refused to lift. She dragged her feet into her bedroom, plugged up her phone to charge at least a little, while she changed into fresh clothes. She’d already taken a shower that morning, so all she needed to do was add a little makeup to her sallow face and dark circles under her eyes, her honey colored skin looking ashen to her own eyes.

  An hour later, she drove through her hometown. Through the same route she took every day. None of it felt right. She didn’t want to be there. She kept getting visions of expansive land and a house filled with love, right at its center.

  She pushed down her feelings of despair and walked into her office building. When she made her way to her desk, all she saw was mountains of paperwork and her heart dropped.

  “Oh, Val! You’re here! Thank God,” Mark exclaimed as he walked out of his office.

  “Yep, I’m here.” Val said with a huge fake smile.

  “Do you think you’d be able to tackle all that before the day is over?” Mark asked gesturing to the pile on her desk.

  “I’ve performed miracles before, haven’t I?”

  “Yes, you have. You’re the best.” Mark started to head back into his office.

  “Oh hey, Mark. I wanted to ask you something.”

  “What’s that?” He turned back.

  “Will I be getting paid for Wednesday and Thursday, seeing as how it wasn’t my fault that I was trapped for two days?” Val asked with a lift to her eyebrow.

  “Aw…come on, Val. You know I can’t pay you for work not done.” Mark stated offhandedly.

  “I see. That’s cool.” Val said as she felt her blood pressure steadily rise. “You know what, I’m starving. I didn’t really eat much because I tried to get back here as soon as I could. I’m gonna go have lunch. I’ll be back in plenty of time to get all of that taken care of.”

  Val didn’t wait for his response. She grabbed her purse and headed for the door. She pulled out her phone and called her best friend/hairdresser with what little charge she had left.

  “Sam, are you crazy busy right now? I’m calling an emergency lunch.” Val spoke into the phone.

  “I’m finishing up a head right now. I don’t have another client for another hour and a half. Pick up some subs and come here. I’ll turn the sign to Closed.” Sam suggested.

  “Be there in about twenty.”

  Val put down the phone and started her car. She and Sam had a system. It was only used for major life events or tragedies. The emergency lunch or dinner was not to be taken lightly because they dropped whatever it was they were doing to meet up.

  The bell above the door chimed as Val walked through Sam’s beauty shop about twenty minutes later. Sam was tall, slender, and dark. She had been a model in her past life and now was one of the most popular stylists in the whole damn state of Texas. Luckily, Val had met her first in preschool, so she got first dibs on all of Sam’s talent. Which was why she almost screamed when she saw Val walk in.

  “What in the hell?!” Sam exclaimed as she strode over and lifted some frazzled strands of Val’s hair. “I had your hair looking laid to perfection when you left here Saturday. What in God’s name happened?!”

  Val opened her mouth to speak and immediately broke. She doubled over as sobs racked her body. Sam took the bag of food from her hands and guided her over to one of her chairs. Val was shocked that she still had so much left in her.

  “Damn, Val. I was just messing with you. What happened?” Sam soothed her.

  Val took a moment to control herself.

  “I m-met someone,” she began.

  Sam sat down in the chair next to her and leaned in. All ears. Val spent the next few minutes replaying the last three days for her bestie. She finally finished on a hiccup and looked at her best friend, waiting for her reaction.

  “Wow!” Sam fell back in her chair. “That sounds like the most amazing couple of days a woman could have. That’s like Bridges of Madison County shit. Saved by a kind and handsome stranger. An attraction that neither can deny in only a matter of hours. Making love all day and night. Enjoying your time together as you get to know each other. And in the end, he offers you the world…

  “What the fuck are you still doing here?!?!” Sam leaned forward and playfully smacked Val’s shoulder.

  “I can’t just up and leave everything that’s familiar. I can’t leave my family. I can’t leave you!” Val tried to defend herself.

  “Are you serious right now?” Sam looked at her like she had lost her mind. Maybe she had. That’s
why she called the emergency lunch. To get a second opinion. “Just like he told you, it’s only three hours away. Not in Timbuktu somewhere. And he offered to help you get your dream career going! If that were me, we wouldn’t be sitting here having this discussion. You’d be getting a call from the sticks as I tell you how I met the man of my dreams, I’m giving up life in the city to raise baby cows, and how I’d come see you on the weekend.”

  “Really? You would?” Val asked hopefully.

  “Heffa, the only reason I’d be back in San Antonio is because there’s a moving truck backed up to my front door, loading that son of bitch up! It definitely wouldn’t be because I came back just to work for the same shitty and selfish boss I’ve been dealing with for ten years.” Sam gripped her hand and got serious for a moment. “Go get your life, Val. It’s waiting for you. On a silver platter, held by a man who sounds perfect for you in every way and who loves all of you.”

  Val leaned forward and pulled Sam into a seated hug.

  “You know I love you, girl,” she said as she gave Sam a hard squeeze.

  “I do. I love you, too.” Sam pulled back and looked at Val’s hair again. “Enough to forfeit my lunch to redo your hair.”

  “Really?” Val smiled up at her happily.

  “You’re like a walking billboard for me. I can’t have you looking all crazy. Though, big props to your man for sweatin’ out my work. That takes talent.”

  Val smiled at her best friend through the mirror. She began to eat her sandwich as Sam got to work. Her appetite finally back.


  Val finished up the last of the paperwork that had been piled on her desk. She even impressed herself with how quickly she’d finished. She went to the copy room and found an empty box. She brought it to her desk and began to fill it with all of her personal items.


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