Book Read Free

Free Indeed

Page 10

by Bailey West

  “If Elisa wanted to cut the grass, you would let her?” Ray said.

  “I can’t stop her. I would go out with her and show her how to operate the lawn mower,” JD responded confidently.

  “Does your attitude have anything to do with you being with the same woman for so many years?” Countee asked.

  “You should hope to find someone that makes everything feel new even after thirty plus years,” JD smiled.

  Mr. Patterson made his way over to us followed closely by Kerem, both were carrying beers. They spoke to all the men seated in the area.

  “Let me guess…my mother?”

  “No, my daughter!” Mr. Patterson responded.

  “We’ve been busier here than we are at the charity event every year!” Kerem commented.

  “Mr. Patterson, we were just talking about gender-specific roles in relationships. What do you think about that?” Countee asked.

  “I think if you want to have a relationship you won’t even try it!” he laughed, “I saw that model of gender roles with my parents. I thought that was how it was supposed to go but Estelle taught me real quick. We became a team. Sometimes she cooked and sometimes I would. We shared all the chores until we taught the girls how to do things.”

  “Keeva and I have specific jobs in the relationship, but Big Wes pulled me to the side before we got married and taught me how to let her shine and support her. So, that’s what I try to do,” Kerem added.

  “I don’t know. Marriage seems to be a little too complicated for me. I don’t have time to be answering to someone. I don’t want to micromanaged, and if I get tired I want to be able to walk away,” Countee explained.

  “I used to think like that too. It just takes finding the right one,” JD explained, “The right woman will have you switching your whole life around to be with her. Right, Samuel?”

  “That’s very true.”


  I’d finally taken a breather to relax. Vivian planned the perfect party. She went all out with food from several different ethnicities, barbecue, a dessert bar, and unlimited liquor. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

  I saw Morris walk into the house followed by two of the prettiest little girls.

  “Hi, Ms. Patterson,” Morris said after making his way straight to me.

  “Hi, Morris. Who are these beautiful young ladies?”

  “These are my daughters, Skye and Phoenix. Skye and Fee, this is Ms. Patterson. She is one of daddy’s colleagues.”

  “Hi,” they both said.

  Skye seemed a little shy while Phoenix was surveying the room to see what was going on.

  “There are some other kids here out in the bouncy house. I can take you out there if your dad doesn’t mind,” I bent down to speak to the girls.

  Four brown eyes looked anxiously at Morris waiting for his answer.

  “There is someone there monitoring the kids, so they are safe,” I assured.

  “Okay, but when it’s time to eat, you will leave the play area without any fuss?”

  “Yes, sir,” they both said.

  I offered my hands; each girl took one.

  Morris walked behind us as I led the girls to the play area. Vivian had hired a couple of the workers from Keeva’s daycare to monitor the children in the play area.

  “If you need your dad, tell one of the grownups, and they will come and get him okay?”

  They both nodded their heads.

  “Alright, go ahead,” Morris said.

  The girls ran straight for the bouncy house without looking back.

  “Samuel is in the living room. I will show you where he is.”

  We walked together to where the men were congregating.

  “Averie, I wanted to say thank you for recommending Sarah, the family attorney. She has been so helpful.”

  “Are you still thinking about taking their mother to court?”

  “Right now, with the help of a mediator that Sarah recommended, we are okay. I really don’t want to fight their mother in court. I’m the dad, and courts don’t favor us very often in child custody hearings. To get the courts to rule in my favor, I would really have to hurt their mother, and I don’t want to do that but if it comes down to it, I will.”

  “I understand. Those things can get very messy.”

  “Yes, that’s something that I’m trying to avoid. The girls would be the ones that suffered the most.”

  “Well, they are even more beautiful in person. If you need anything from me, let me know.”

  “Thanks, Averie, I appreciate it.”

  Morris went and sat with the guys who were loudly debating the greatest basketball player of all time. Men were always talking about the top ten or the greatest something. I went and sat next to Torrey in a chair in the living room.

  “You see our mothers?” she motioned with her head towards the dance floor.

  They were both on the makeshift dance floor dancing to “Brickhouse” by The Commodores. Both seemed to have had one too many glasses of Chivas Regal and coke.

  “Yeah when Mommy pokes her lips out like and turns her head to the side, that means she is feeling herself,” I chuckled.

  “Your dad is feeling her too. Look at him,” Torrey motioned to the area where I just sent Morris.

  Daddy was among the group of men, but his eyes were pinned on my mother. I loved the way he still looked at her like she was a whole meal.

  “What are y’all talking about?” Keeva asked after sitting next to me.

  “Just looking at Daddy fantasizing about Mommy,” I chuckled.

  “Oh, I didn’t see him because I was too busy looking at Doctor McIntyre and his twin. God was gracious enough to create two of them,” she licked her lips.

  “You are such a pretend hoe,” I laughed. “You know if that twin came over here saying something you would crawl in a shell.”

  “Probably,” she shrugged, “Ain’t nothing wrong with fantasizing. Have you noticed how Doctor McIntyre has been staring at Torrey, though?”

  “What?” Torrey asked looking around the room. “Girl, he better look somewhere else.”

  “Why? He’s single, handsome and successful.”

  “He’s fine, and he knows it which doesn’t do anything except attract a bunch of women, and I don’t have time for that. Plus he’s young.”

  “Torrey, he’s the same age as me,” I said.

  “I know, young! He still has milk behind his ears. I don’t have time to be nobody’s mama.”

  “He’s sweet though,” Keeva whined.

  “He probably still eats a bowl of Captain Crunch for breakfast.”

  “Whoa!” Keeva deadpanned. “Don’t come for the Captain. He ain’t done nothing to you!”

  “Ut, don’t look now but he and his mirror image are coming this way.”

  “I’m leaving,” Torrey said.

  I grabbed her arm, “Oh no you’re not.”

  “Ladies,” Doctor McIntyre smiled after stopping in front of us, “This is my brother Cassius.”

  Both Doctor McIntyre and his brother were average height, medium build with smooth sepia skin. They were almost indistinguishable except Cassius wore a bald head while Doctor McIntyre had a temple fade.

  “Hey Doctor McIntyre,” Keeva spoke first. “Hey, Cassius. Aren’t there three of you?”

  “Yes we have a sister, Bellamy, but she was on call and couldn’t make it.”

  “Are you a doctor also Cassius?” Keeva questioned.

  “I am,” he smiled revealing beautiful, bright, white teeth.

  “I’m glad you were able to make it to the party, Doctor McIntyre. Did you find Samuel?”

  “You can call me August or Gus. My family calls me Gus and thank you for having me. Yes, we saw him when we first came in. Torrey, how are you?”

  “I’m great. Thank you for asking,” Torrey answered unenthused.

  “Huh?” Keeva called out. “Vee, Mommy wants us.”

  Taking Keeva’s hint to give them s
ome space, I stood and followed her out of the room.

  Kenzie arrived later in the day. She flew in for the party but was going to stay in town to plan her wedding. She and Travis finished their part of the project they were working on. She found Keeva and I standing in the kitchen trying to eavesdrop on Torrey and August.

  “Sisters!” she put her arms around both Keeva and me, “I’ve missed you guys!”

  “We’ve missed you too,” I smiled. “How long are you staying?”

  “For a while. I’ve been sick with worry even though y’all told me not to be. Travis got so sick of me that he sent me back and told me to stay as long as I want!”

  “I’m glad you are here,” I said while hugging her again.

  “Good choice on your outfit for today,” Kenzie remarked while giving me the once-over.

  We’d had a three-way call about what I was wearing today. They both seemed to be very invested in what I chose to wear today. Then Keeva explained that she was trying to borrow something to wear and wanted to know what I was wearing so she would know what not take. After going through several outfit choices with them, I’d settled on a dark denim jumpsuit with a light denim shirt with a bow, underneath. I added my gold Fendi boots to finish off the outfit. It was comfortable but fashionable at the same time.

  “Thank you although my confidence was rattled a little after you both vetoed the outfit I’d planned on wearing at first.”

  “I mean, it’s Samuel’s party, so it’s sorta your party as well. We just wanted you to feel good and look good,” Keeva explained.

  “Yep and you look great,” Kenzie added.

  I went in search of Samuel and found him sitting with Roc and some other men talking. I was going to leave him alone until he locked eyes with me and beckoned me to him. He patted the seat next to him. I sat down, and he put his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer.

  “I’m going to give you a nice rub down tonight,” Samuel whispered in my ear causing me to smile, “Thank you for all of this.”

  “Don’t thank me. Thank Vivian. She has been planning this since you went in the hospital, no lie.”

  One day in Samuel’s hospital room, after he’d only been there about three days and was still considered to be in critical condition, I saw Vivian writing notes in a notebook.

  “What are you writing?” I asked sitting down next to her.

  “I’m planning Samuel’s welcome home party. I know it may sound silly since he is in a coma and is not doing the best, but this is my faith work. The Bible says faith without works is dead. So, my faith work is planning this party. I want everything ordered and deposits paid by the end of the week. I will let them know the date the closer we get to it.”

  “I can believe it,” Samuel said.

  Princess came over with a friend in tow who looked to be about a year or so older than Princess, but it was clear who was running the show. Princess climbed on the couch settling into the small space between Samuel and me. Her friend surveyed the remaining space and determined she wouldn’t fit, so she stood in front of Princess.

  “Hey, Uncle El,” she smiled up at Samuel.

  “Hey, Princess,” El responded, “What’s your friend’s name?”

  “Oh, this my cousin, Ariel.”

  “Hi, Ariel,” Samuel smiled.

  “Hi,” she responded.

  “Hi, Princess. Your shoes are very pretty,” I said.

  She had on a pair of red trimmed Burberry, double Velcro strapped tennis shoes. She surveyed her shoes then ran her hands down her pleated Burberry dress.

  “Thank you. They are last season, but some designers are timeful.”

  Samuel and I looked at each other and smiled at her using timeful instead of timeless.

  “Uncle El?”

  “Yes, Princess?”

  “Miss Averie is your girlfriend, right?”

  “Yes. She is.”

  “So, if she’s your girlfriend then what is she to me?”

  “She’s your ain-tee, duh!” Ariel answered. “Uncles and ain-tees go together like mommies and daddies.”

  “Oh,” Princess said agreeing.

  “Ok, well, I’m going to get a cupcake now cause Mommy said I could have one if I behave. I behaved didn’t I Ariel?”

  “Yep, you behaveded,” Ariel confirmed.

  Princess pushed herself down off the couch.

  “Bye, Uncle El. Bye, Ain-tee Vee.”

  “Bye, Princess,” we both said as she walked away followed closely by Ariel.

  “That little girl,” I laughed, “She is honestly the best-dressed kid I’ve ever met.”

  Samuel leaned in and said, “Since Princess has named you, that means you can’t go anywhere now, Ain-tee Vee.”

  I leaned in and responded, “I wasn’t going anywhere, anyway, Uncle El.”

  We kissed.

  “Can I have your attention please?” I heard the DJ say. “Ms. Vivian wants everyone to come in, please.”

  Vivian was standing next to the DJ booth waving everyone into the house from outside. She stood in front of Samuel and I waiting for everyone to follow her instructions. All the guests piled into the room.

  “Okay, first let me say thank you to all of you for coming out and celebrating with us. Some of you remember when I was pregnant with Samuel and some of you remember when I thought I’d lost him to the system. God has been faithful throughout his life, and I am grateful,” she choked back tears, “Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you. Samuel?”

  She offered the microphone to him. Samuel walked up and stood beside her and took the microphone. His yellow button down looked amazing against his dark skin. He’d lost a few pounds but he was slowly gaining his weight back, and he looked good.

  “I would like to thank my mother for this party. She’s always been my number one supporter and cheerleader. She encouraged me to do things I thought were impossible, but she knew I could. My sister Torrey for always having my back and holding me down through all of life’s changes. And to all of you for being here. Each day I feel a little bit better. Each day brings me closer to my complete healing, and I am grateful. Grateful for life, friends, and family. When I was lying down on the ground after being shot, fear was not the feeling that came over me. I knew I was dying. I could feel my life draining from my body. I was blessed with two great men who stayed with me until help arrived but I knew it was over. I wasn’t scared though. The feeling that flooded my system was regret. The regret of leaving loose ends and not taking care of business. Sometimes we know there are things that we should do but we put them off thinking that we have time. Time is not promised to everyone and I realized that on the ground. So, to that end,” he walked over to me and got down on one knee.

  Not realizing what was happening, I thought his leg gave out, I tried to help him back up.

  “No baby,” he said moving my hands.

  Then it hit me. I took in a deep breath as my eyes filled with tears.

  “Averie, you have been a pain in my ass, my confidant, my friend, my nurse but most of all you are the love of my life. I know that God created you from my rib because when I met you, you fit perfectly right beside me. I admire your strength, determination, drive, and your unwavering loyalty and love.”

  He opened a beautiful gold ring box that I didn’t even realize was in his hand and said, “Ms. Averie Patterson, will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” I said quickly trying not to lose my G in front of all the guest. I felt the tears coming fast and hard.

  He pushed himself up from the floor and put the spectacular princess cut diamond ring on my finger; then leaned down and kissed me.

  “Dance with me?” I followed him onto the dance floor as the DJ played “He Proposed” by Kelly Price.

  I rested my head on his chest as we swayed to the music. I enjoyed the music, but the beat that filled my eyes with tears again was the beat of his heart. I was so in love with Samuel. I didn’t think I could feel this way about anyone. I knew my heart wa
s safe with him and his heart was safe with me.

  I’d forgotten about all the other guests in the room until my father and mother walked over after the song went off. Samuel stepped back, and my father and mother moved in to hug me.

  “Daddy, he asked me to be his wife,” I looked into the eyes of the first man I ever loved. His eyes were filled with unshed tears.

  “I know baby, he’s a very lucky man,” my father said while pulling me into his arms.

  “Mommy, look,” I held up my hand to show her my ring. I felt like a kid at show and tell.

  “It’s beautiful but not as beautiful as you. Congratulations, baby,” she hugged me.

  “Now you know why we were so concerned about your outfit, Grinch!” Kenzie said while wiping her eyes.

  “You knew?”

  “He told all of us! So we had to make sure you were right because you never would have forgiven us if you weren’t!” Keeva said.

  I lost count of all the hugs and congratulations I received for the rest of the party.

  “When do you want to get married?” Samuel asked.

  We had made it back to our house. The party was a success and was still going on when we left. We wanted to spend some time together so we wished everyone still at the part a good night.

  Samuel sat at the foot of the bed while I changed out of my clothes.

  “I guess we can set a date sometime after Ken and Travis’ wedding.”

  “We have to wait on them? Why?”

  “I don’t want to take any of Ken’s attention. She’s wanted to be a bride since we were little. She tried to marry every boy in the neighborhood. She wants a grand event, and I want to support that.”

  “You don’t want to have a big fairytale wedding?”

  “Nope. It’s impractical. We would spend all that money entertaining people when we could take that money and entertain ourselves. Do you want a big wedding?”

  “No, I just want you to be my wife.”

  “I want to be your wife! I can’t believe you surprised me like that! I had no idea!”

  “You had no idea that I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life?”


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